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Last active September 3, 2021 13:46
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  • Save lpsantil/1874befe382ab43cbd5d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save lpsantil/1874befe382ab43cbd5d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
; src/boot/boot.asm
; Bootloader to load kernel, switch to 32-bit protected mode and execute kernel
[BITS 16] ; 16-bit real mode
[ORG 0x7C00] ; Loaded into memory at 0x7C00
MOV [bootDrive], DL ; Store DL (boot drive number) in memory
MOV BP, 0x9000 ; Move Base Pointer in free memory space
MOV SP, BP ; Move Stack Pointer to base of stack
MOV BX, ADDR_KERNEL_OFFSET ; ES:BX = Address to load kernel into
MOV DH, 0x01 ; DH = Number of sectors to load
MOV DL, [bootDrive] ; DL = Drive number to load from
CALL disk_loadSectors ; Call disk load function
CLI ; Disable interrupts in preperation for protected mode
LGDT [gdt_descriptor] ; Load global descriptor table for protected mode
MOV EAX, CR0 ; Move CR0 to GP register
OR EAX, 0x1 ; Set first bit to switch to protected mode
MOV CR0, EAX ; Update CR0 from GP register to complete switch
JMP gdt_codeSeg:start32 ; Jump to start of 32-bit code
[BITS 32] ; 32-bit protected mode
start32: ; Jump target for start of protected mode code
MOV AX, gdt_dataSeg ; Update segments for protected mode as defined in GDT
MOV EBP, 0x90000 ; Set stack base at top of free space
MOV ESP, EBP ; Set stack pointer at base of stack
CALL ADDR_KERNEL_OFFSET ; Begin executing the kernel
; void disk_loadSectors ( char* addr , int disk , int num ) ;
; BX = [addr]
; DH = [num:disk]
; Load DH sectors from disk DL into address ES:BX
PUSHA ; Preserve register values in stack
PUSH DX ; Store [DH:DL], DH = number of sectors to load
MOV AH, 0x02 ; BIOS sector load
MOV AL, DH ; AL = DH = number of sectors to load
MOV CH, 0x00 ; CH = Cylinder = 0
MOV DH, 0x00 ; DH = Head = 0
MOV CL, 0x02 ; CL = Base Sector = 2
INT 0x13 ; BIOS interrupt
JC disk_loadSectorsFail ; Jump if error (carry flag)
POP DX ; Restore [DH:DL], DH = number of sectors to load
CMP DH, AL ; Compare number of actual loaded sectors
JNE disk_loadSectorsFail ; Jump if error (incorrect number of sectors)
POPA ; Restore register values
RET ; Return function call
; Report disk_loadSectors failure
MOV BX, disk_errorMsg ; BX = pointer to disk fail string
CALL msg_printStr ; Print string
JMP $ ; Hang
; void msg_printStr ( char *str ) ;
; BX = [str]
; Print string in real mode
PUSHA ; Preserve registers on stack
MOV SI, BX ; Move str to [SI]
; Loop through string printing characters
LODSB ; Load new byte from SI into AX
CMP AL, 0x00 ; Check null-termination character
JE msg_printStrEnd ; Terminate loop
INT 0x10 ; Otherwise call BIOS interrupt
JMP msg_printStr_loopChar ; Print another character
; End printstring function
POPA ; Restore registers from stack
RET ; Return from function
; Strings
disk_errorMsg db "Disk read error!",0
; Data
bootDrive db 0x00 ; Get byte to store boot drive number
ADDR_KERNEL_OFFSET EQU 0x1000 ; Define location for kernel in memory
; Global descriptor table for 32-bit protected mode
gdt_start: ; Start of global descriptor table
gdt_null: ; Null descriptor chunk
dd 0x00
dd 0x00
gdt_code: ; Code descriptor chunk
dw 0xFFFF
dw 0x0000
db 0x00
db 0x9A
db 0xCF
db 0x00
gdt_data: ; Data descriptor chunk
dw 0xFFFF
dw 0x0000
db 0x00
db 0x92
db 0xCF
db 0x00
gdt_end: ; Bottom of table
gdt_descriptor: ; Table descriptor
dw gdt_end - gdt_start - 1 ; Size of table
dd gdt_start ; Start point of table
gdt_codeSeg equ gdt_code - gdt_start ; Offset of code segment from start
gdt_dataSeg equ gdt_data - gdt_start ; Offset of data segment from start
; Tail
times 510-($-$$) db 0x00 ; Fill bootloader to 512-bytes
dw 0xAA55 ; Magic word signature
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jakiki6 commented Nov 21, 2019

AlesanderGuril: You can add something like this:
start32: ; Add your code after this
times 4096 - (start_sector - $) db 0
There, you can add your loader for your kernel. You can find a loader under .

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