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Last active January 23, 2024 17:09
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GNS3 lab course with Dell OS9, Juniper vMX and Ubuntu 22.04

GNS3 Lab Course with Dell OS9, Juniper vMX, and Ubuntu 22.04

This repository contains a lab course designed for GNS3, featuring Dell OS9, Juniper vMX, and Ubuntu 22.04.


To run this lab course, you will need a Virtual Machine with the following specifications:

  • 6 vCPUs
  • 12 GB RAM
  • 100 GB disk space

The recommended operating system for the VM is Ubuntu 22.04.


Follow these steps to set up the lab course:

# Update your package lists:
sudo apt update

# Install Git and Ansible:
sudo apt install -y git ansible

# Clone the Ansible repository:
git clone
cd ./linux-installer

# Run the Ansible playbooks:
ansible-playbook playbooks/initial.yaml
ansible-playbook playbooks/x-windows.yaml
ansible-playbook playbooks/gns3.yaml
ansible-playbook playbooks/zsh.yaml
ansible-playbook playbooks/nvm.yaml

User Creation

To create users for the lab, use the following script. This script creates users with a default password. Replace "john.doe" "jane.doe" with the usernames you want to create, and "DeF@u1tP@ssw0rd" with the default password you want to set.

users=("john.doe" "jane.doe")
for user in "${users[@]}"; do
    sudo useradd -m -s /bin/zsh "$user"
    echo "$user:$default_password" | sudo chpasswd

Images to import on GNS3

Check this link:!AowZkuiqCF1UnY8ffkbSpEhNxOn2Ww?e=zGcA3I

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