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Created October 4, 2016 18:35
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(memory 1 1)
(start $__wasm_start)
(type $rustfn-0-13 (func (param i32 i32) (result i32)))
(type $rustfn-0-25 (func))
(type $rustfn-0-27 (func (result i32)))
(type $rustfn-0-30 (func (result i32)))
(type $rustfn-0-33 (func (param i32 i32) (result i32)))
(type $__wasm_start (func))
(export "memory" (memory $0))
(export "_isize_as_Add_::add" (func $_isize_as_Add_::add))
(export "eh_personality" (func $eh_personality))
(export "eh_unwind_resume" (func $eh_personality))
(export "panic_fmt" (func $panic_fmt))
(export "rust_eh_register_frames" (func $eh_personality))
(export "rust_eh_unregister_frames" (func $eh_personality))
(export "real_main" (func $real_main))
(export "main" (func $main))
(func $_isize_as_Add_::add (type $rustfn-0-13) (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32)
(local $2 i32)
(local $3 i32)
(local $4 i64)
(set_local $2
(i32.const 0)
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local $3
(i32.const 0)
(i32.const 128)
(get_local $0)
(tee_local $4
(get_local $0)
(get_local $1)
( offset=4
(get_local $0)
(get_local $4)
(i64.const 32)
(set_local $0
(get_local $3)
(i32.const 0)
(get_local $2)
(get_local $0)
(func $eh_personality (type $rustfn-0-25)
(local $0 i32)
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local $0
(i32.const 0)
(get_local $0)
(func $panic_fmt (type $rustfn-0-27) (result i32)
(func $real_main (type $rustfn-0-30) (result i32)
(local $0 i32)
(local $1 i32)
(local $2 i64)
(set_local $1
(i32.const 0)
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local $0
(i32.const 0)
(i32.const 128)
(get_local $0)
(tee_local $2
(i64.const 3)
( offset=4
(get_local $0)
(get_local $2)
(i64.const 32)
(set_local $0
(get_local $0)
(i32.const 0)
(get_local $1)
(get_local $0)
(func $main (type $rustfn-0-33) (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32)
(local $2 i64)
(set_local $1
(i32.const 0)
(set_local $2
(call $real_main)
(i64.const 3)
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local $0
(i32.const 0)
(i32.const 128)
(get_local $0)
(get_local $2)
( offset=4
(get_local $0)
(get_local $2)
(i64.const 32)
(set_local $0
(get_local $0)
(i32.const 0)
(get_local $1)
(get_local $0)
(func $__wasm_start (type $__wasm_start)
(i32.const 0)
(i32.const 65535)
(call $main
(i32.const 0)
(i32.const 0)
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