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Created June 23, 2016 23:12
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(memory 0)
(type $rustfn-0-14 (func (param i32 i32) (result i32)))
(type $rustfn-0-28 (func (param i32 i32) (result i32)))
(type $rustfn-0-39 (func (param i32 i32) (result i32)))
(type $rustfn-0-42 (func (param i32) (result i32)))
(type $rustfn-0-44 (func (param i32 i32) (result i32)))
(export "main" $main)
(func $fibonacci_recursive (type $rustfn-0-42) (param $0 i32) (result i32)
(local $1 i32)
(local $2 i32)
(block $shape$1$break
(get_local $0)
(i32.const 0)
(set_local $1
(i32.const 2)
(get_local $0)
(i32.const 1)
(set_local $1
(i32.const 2)
(br $shape$1$break)
(set_local $2
(i32.const 0)
(get_local $1)
(i32.const 2)
(set_local $2
(i32.const 1)
(get_local $2)
(get_local $0)
(call $fibonacci_recursive
(get_local $0)
(i32.const 1)
(call $fibonacci_recursive
(get_local $0)
(i32.const 2)
(func $main (type $rustfn-0-44) (param $0 i32) (param $1 i32) (result i32)
(call $fibonacci_recursive
(get_local $0)
(assert_return (invoke "main" (i32.const 10) (i32.const 0)) (i32.const 55))
(assert_return (invoke "main" (i32.const 20) (i32.const 0)) (i32.const 6765))
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