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Created February 7, 2018 03:54
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23 Reading SICP - the pair and tree data structure and their common operations in functional programming
// ------ data structure: pair ------ //
// constructor for compound data structure: pair
function cons(a, b) {
var pair = []
pair[0] = a
pair[1] = b
return pair
// fetch the former element in a pair
function car(pair) {
return pair[0]
// fetch the latter element in a pair
function cdr(pair) {
return pair[1]
// ------ data structure: list ------ //
// init a list which is a linked list composed with pairs
function listInit(list) {
if (list.length == 0) {
return cons(null, null)
} else if (list.length == 1) {
return cons(list[0], null)
} else {
var argv1 = list.shift()
return cons(argv1, listInit(list))
// init a list with numerical literals as its elements between low and high value
function enumerateInterval(low, high) {
if (low > high) {
return null
} else {
return cons(low, enumerateInterval(low + 1, high))
// fetch the nth element in a list
function ref(list, n) {
if (n == 0) {
return car(list)
} else {
return ref(cdr(list), n - 1)
// determine if a list is null
function isNull(list) {
if (list == null) {
return true
} else if (!isPair(list)) {
return false
} else {
return car(list) == null
// if (!isPair(list)) {
// return false
// } else {
// return list == null || car(list) == null
// }
// get the length of a list
function length(list) {
if (isNull(list)) {
return 0
} else {
return 1 + length(cdr(list))
// print out every elements in a list to console
function print(list) {
var s = ''
function _print(l, str) {
if (!isNull(l)) {
str += car(l)
str += ' '
_print(cdr(l), str)
} else {
_print(list, s)
// append (concat) one list to another
function append(list1, list2) {
if (isNull(list1)) {
return list2
} else {
return cons(car(list1), append(cdr(list1), list2))
// map action: applying procedure to each element of the list and return a new list
function map(list, proc){
if (isNull(list)) {
return null
} else {
return cons(proc(car(list)), map(cdr(list), proc))
// filter action: applying predicate to each element of the list
// and return a new list containing elements that passes the test
function filter(list, pred) {
if (isNull(list)) {
return null
} else if (pred(car(list))) {
return cons(car(list), filter(cdr(list), pred))
} else {
return filter(cdr(list), pred)
// remove the specified element in a list
function remove(list, item) {
return filter(list, (i) => i != item)
// accumulate action: applying one operation iteratively, each time using the next element in the list
function accumulate(list, op, initial) {
if (isNull(list)) {
return initial
} else {
var a = car(list)
var b = accumulate(cdr(list), op, initial)
return op(a, b)
// some tests
var l1 = listInit([1, 2, 3, 4 ,5])
var l2 = listInit([6, 7, 8, 9, 10])
var l3 = append(l1, l2)
var l3 = cons(0, l3)
var l4 = map(l3, (x) => 2 * x)
var l5 = filter(l4, (x) => x % 3 == 0)
// ------ data structure: tree ------ //
// determine if the argument is a pair data structure
function isPair(n) {
return Array.isArray(n)
// count the length of leaf nodes in the tree
function countLeaves(tree) {
if (isNull(tree)) {
return 0
} else if (!isPair(tree)) {
return 1
} else {
return countLeaves(car(tree)) + countLeaves(cdr(tree))
// flatten the tree into a list
function flatten(tree) {
if (isNull(tree)) {
return null
} else if (!isPair(tree)) {
return listInit([tree])
} else {
var a = flatten(car(tree))
var b = flatten(cdr(tree))
var result = append(a, b)
return result
// map operation on a tree
function mapTree(tree, proc) {
if (isNull(tree)) {
return null
} else if (!isPair(tree)) {
return proc(tree)
} else {
var a = mapTree(car(tree), proc)
var b = mapTree(cdr(tree), proc)
return cons(a, b)
// filter a tree by examing all of its leaf nodes
// this is done by a combination of flatten and filter
function filterTree(tree, proc) {
return filter(flatten(tree), proc)
// like map, but will flat result when the proc produces hierarchical data
function flatMap(list, proc) {
return accumulate(map(list, proc), append, null)
// an example of flatMap with recursion: finding all permutations of a list
function permute(list) {
if (length(list) == 1){
return listInit([list])
} else {
var f = (head) => {
var tail = remove(list, head)
var permutations = permute(tail)
var results = map(permutations, (permutation) => {
return cons(head, permutation)
return results
return flatMap(list, f)
// some tests
var a = listInit([2, 3, 4])
var b = permute(a)
var c = flatten(b)
console.log(ref(b, 5))
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