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Created August 11, 2009 04:37
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(defn with-uri-rewrite
"Rewrites a request uri with the result of calling f with the
request's original uri. If f returns nil or the original uri no
rewrite occurs."
[handler f]
(fn [request]
(let [uri (:uri request)
rewrite (f uri)]
(if-not (or (nil? rewrite)
(= uri rewrite))
(handler (assoc request :uri rewrite))
(handler request)))))
(defn- remove-context
[uri context]
(if (.startsWith uri context)
(subs uri (count context))
(defn with-context
"Removes the context string from the beginning of the request uri
such that route matching occurs without it."
[handler context]
(with-uri-rewrite handler #(remove-context % context)))
(defn- uri-snip-slash
"Removes a trailing slash from all uris except \"/\"."
(if (and (> (.length uri) 1)
(.endsWith uri "/"))
(chop uri)
(defn without-trailing-slash
(with-uri-rewrite handler uri-snip-slash))
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