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Created December 21, 2010 21:54
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(ns bake.notify
(:use [bake.core :only [os-name]]
[cake :only [*config* *current-task*]]
[ :only [sh]]))
(def growl-format "growlnotify -s \"cake +task+\" -m \"+message+\"")
(def libnotify-format "notify-send \"cake +task+\" \"+message+\"")
(defn default-format []
(if (= "linux" (os-name))
(defn cmd-seq [cmd]
(if (= "windows" (os-name))
["cmd" "/c" cmd]
["bash" "-c" cmd]))
(defn escape-quotes [m]
(clojure.string/replace m "\"" "\\\\\\\""))
(defn notify [message]
(print message)
(when-not (= "true" (get *config* "notifications.disable"))
(let [cmd (or (get *config* "notifications.format")
cmd (clojure.string/replace cmd "+task+" (escape-quotes (str *current-task*)))
cmd (clojure.string/replace cmd "+message+" (escape-quotes (str message)))]
(try (apply sh (cmd-seq cmd))
(catch e)))))
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