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##### Usefull functions #####
.diag <- function(Triangle) {
# sympli returns the diagonal of the Triangle
unname(rev(diag(Triangle[nrow(Triangle):1, ])))
.DF <- function(Triangle) {
# Simply returns chain-ladder simples developpement factors.
n <- dim(Triangle)[1]
Triangle2 <- Triangle
Triangle2[ col(Triangle2) == n - row(Triangle2) + sum(![, n])) ] <- NA
return(unname(c(colSums(Triangle[, 2:n], na.rm = TRUE) / colSums(Triangle2[, 1:(n - 1)], na.rm = TRUE), 1)))
.ultimates <- function(Triangle, df = .DF(Triangle)) {
# simply returns chain-ladder ultimates.
.diag(Triangle) * cumprod(rev(df))
.ibnr <- function(Triangle, df = .DF(Triangle)) {
# simply returns the IBNR from classical chain-ladder model
.diag(Triangle) * (cumprod(rev(df)) - 1)
.DFIndiv <- function(Triangle) {
# Simply returns the Triangle of individual developpements factors.
unname((cbind(Triangle, NA) / cbind(NA, Triangle))[, 2:(dim(Triangle)[[1]] + 1)])
.sigma <- function(Triangle, df=.DF(Triangle), DFIndiv = .DFIndiv(Triangle)) {
# Returns Mack's estimate for the variances parameters sigma_j
# Returns a line vector, indexed by Triangle columns.
n <- dim(Triangle)[[1]]
ecart <- DFIndiv - matrix(df, nrow = n, ncol = n, byrow = TRUE)
rez <- Triangle * ecart^2
sigma <- colSums(rez, na.rm = TRUE) / ((n - 2):(-1))
# the last value is approximated by mack's sugestion :
sigma <- c(
sigma[1:(n - 2)],
sigma[n - 2]^2 / sigma[n - 3],
sigma[n - 2],
sigma[n - 3]
if (is.nan(sigma[n - 1])) {
sigma[n - 1] <- 0
# we return not sigma^2 but just sigma
.residuals <- function(Triangle, centered = FALSE, DF=.DF(Triangle), DFIndiv=.DFIndiv(Triangle), sigma=.sigma(Triangle)) {
# estimation of mack's residuals, based on England & Verral 2007
# returns a Triangle of same size as the input, but with NA on the diagonal (no residuals for the diagonal)
residus <- Triangle
n <- dim(Triangle)[1]
for (i in 1:n) {
for (j in 1:n) {
residus[i, j] <- sqrt((n - j) / (n - j - 1)) * sqrt(Triangle[i, j]) * (DFIndiv[i, j] - DF[j]) / sigma[j]
residus[is.nan(residus)] <- 0
if (centered) {
residus <- apply(residus, 2, function(x) {
return(x - mean(x, na.rm = TRUE))
.sampling <- function(Triangle, N=100, seuil = NA, zonnage=FALSE,morceaux=NULL) {
# Fonction qui bootstrap un Triangle de positions
# On fabrique une liste de Triangle de r?sidus bootstrapp?s :
n <- length(Triangle)
I <- dim(Triangle)[1]
# Gestion du seuil d'exclusion des residus :
Triangle2 <- Triangle
if (! {
Triangle2[Triangle[(!] > seuil] <- NA
if (zonnage) {
# Il faut alors zonner les residus
samples <- lapply(1:length(morceaux), function(i) {
prob <- ![, morceaux[[i]]])
positions <- matrix(1:n, nrow = I)
return(lapply(1:N, function(x) {
matrix(sample(positions[, morceaux[[i]]],
replace = TRUE,
prob = prob,
size = length(prob)
nrow = I
rez <- lapply(1:N, function(i) {
return(, lapply(samples, function(x) {
} else {
prob <- !
positions <- matrix(1:n, nrow = I)
rez <- sample(positions, replace = TRUE, prob = prob, size = N * n)
rez <- lapply(1:N, function(.x) {
matrix(rez[(n * (.x - 1) + 1):(n * .x)], nrow = I)
rez <- lapply(rez, function(x) {
x[] <- NA
.applysample <- function(sample, Triangle) {
# Fonction d'application de cet sampling :
nrow = dim(Triangle)
.DFPond <- function(DFIndiv, ponderation) {
n <- dim(ponderation)[1]
ponderation[col(ponderation) == n - row(ponderation) + 1] <- NA
rez <- colSums(ponderation * DFIndiv, na.rm = TRUE) / colSums(ponderation, na.rm = TRUE)
rez[n] <- 1
.newDFPond <- function(NyDFIndiv, DFIndiv, Triangle) {
n <- dim(Triangle)[1]
DFIndiv[col(DFIndiv) == n - row(DFIndiv) + 1] <- c(NyDFIndiv, 1)
rez <- colSums(Triangle * DFIndiv, na.rm = TRUE) / colSums(Triangle, na.rm = TRUE)
rez[n] <- 1
.formatOutput <- function(n, Triangle, diag, DF, sigma, residuals, DFBoot, Ultimates, IBNR, NyCum, NyInc, NyDF, NyUltimates, NyIBNR) {
# output formatting :
NyCum <-, lapply(NyCum, rev))
NyInc <-, lapply(NyInc, rev))
NyUltimates <-, lapply(NyUltimates, rev))
NyIBNR <-, lapply(NyIBNR, rev))
NyDF <-, NyDF)
DFBoot <-, DFBoot)
names(Ultimates) <- rownames(Triangle)
names(IBNR) <- rownames(Triangle)
names(diag) <- rownames(Triangle)
colnames(NyCum) <- rownames(Triangle)[2:(n)]
colnames(NyInc) <- rownames(Triangle)[2:(n)]
colnames(NyUltimates) <- rownames(Triangle)
colnames(NyIBNR) <- rownames(Triangle)
colnames(NyDF) <- colnames(Triangle)
colnames(DFBoot) <- colnames(Triangle)
result <- list(
Latest = rev(diag),
DF = DF,
sigma = sigma,
residuals = residuals,
DFBoot = DFBoot,
Ultimates = Ultimates,
NyCum = NyCum,
NyInc = NyInc,
NyDF = NyDF,
NyUltimates = NyUltimates,
class(result) <- c("BootMackChainLadder", class(result))
##### Boot Mack Chain Ladder #####
#' Boot Mack Chain Ladder model
#' This function implement a simple bootstrap of the residuals from the mack model with a one-year reserving risk point of view.
#' Cf "One-year reserve risk including a tail factor : closed formula and bootstrapp aproach, 2011"
#' @param Triangle A simple triangle from che Chain-ladder package.
#' @param B numeric. The number of bootstrap samples you want
#' @param distNy character. Distribution of next-year incremental payments. Either "normal" (default) or "residuals"
#' @param seuil numeric. Seuil for residuals exclusion. A value of NA (default) will prevent
#' @param zonnage logical. Do you want to zonne the residuals ?
#' @return A BootMackChainLadder object with a lot of information about the bootstrapping. You can plot it, print it, str it to extract information.
#' @export
#' @import magrittr
#' @examples
#' data(ABC)
#' BootMackChainLader(Triangle = ABC, B = 100, distNy = "residuals", seuil = 2)
BootMackChainLadder <- function(Triangle, B=100, distNy="normal", seuil=NA, zonnage=FALSE,morceaux = NULL ) {
if (!(distNy %in% c("normal", "residuals"))) {
stop("DistNy Parameter must be 'normal' (classical MW) or 'residuals'")
# Cf "One-year reserve risk including a tail factor : closed formula and bootstrapp aproach, 2011"
# First step : Mack model.
n <- dim(Triangle)[1]
diag <- rev(.diag(Triangle))
DF <- .DF(Triangle)
DFIndiv <- .DFIndiv(Triangle)
sigma <- .sigma(Triangle, DF, DFIndiv)
residuals <- .residuals(Triangle, centered = TRUE, DF, DFIndiv, sigma)
Ultimates <- .ultimates(Triangle, DF)
IBNR <- .ibnr(Triangle, DF)
# Step 2 : Resampling residuals.
samples <- .sampling(residuals, B, seuil = seuil, zonnage = zonnage,morceaux=morceaux)
sampledResiduals <- lapply(samples, .applysample, residuals)
# Step3 : Calculation of booted estimators
DFIndivBoot <- lapply(sampledResiduals, function(.x) {
t(t(.x * sqrt(t(c(sigma^2, 0) / t(Triangle)))) + DF)
DFBoot <- lapply(DFIndivBoot, .DFPond, Triangle) # ponderated by the original triangle !
# Step 5 : Simulation of NY payments by a standard normal OR by the residuals... taking into acount process error
if (distNy == "normal") {
NyCum <- lapply(DFBoot, function(.x) {
rnorm(n = n - 1, mean = (diag * .x)[1:(n - 1)], sd = sqrt((diag * c(sigma^2, 0))[1:(n - 1)]))
if (distNy == "residuals") {
# To simulate the same thing with residuals assuming they are all i.i.d between developpements years, we could do :
if (! { # FIrst, let's discard non-selected residuals.
residuals[residuals[(!] > seuil] <- NA
if (!zonnage) {
samples <- sample(residuals[!], size = (n - 1) * B, replace = TRUE)
samples <- lapply(1:B, function(.x) {
samples[((n - 1) * (.x - 1) + 1):((n - 1) * .x)]
NyCum <- mapply(function(.y, .x) {
(.y * sqrt((diag * c(sigma^2, 0))[1:(n - 1)])) + (diag * .x)[1:(n - 1)]
}, samples, DFBoot, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
} else {
# If zonnig of residuals is needed, the following zonning will be implemented :
samples <- list()
samples <- lapply(1:length(morceaux), function(i) {
x <- sample(residuals[, morceaux[[i]]][![, morceaux[[i]]])], size = length(morceaux[[i]]) * B, replace = TRUE)
x <- lapply(1:B, function(.x) {
x[(length(morceaux[[i]]) * (.x - 1) + 1):(length(morceaux[[i]]) * .x)]
samples2 <- lapply(1:B, function(i) {
plop <- samples[[1]][[i]]
for (j in 2:length(morceaux)) {
plop <- c(plop, samples[[j]][[i]])
NyCum <- mapply(function(.y, .x) {
(.y * sqrt((diag * c(sigma^2, 0))[1:(n - 1)])) + (diag * .x)[1:(n - 1)]
}, samples2, DFBoot, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
# NyCum is list of B vectors of size n-1, containing the next year cumulative payments, from origin n to 1 ( decreasing order)
# Step 6 : Calculation of Ny estimators
NyInc <- lapply(NyCum, function(.x) {
.x - diag[1:(n - 1)]
}) # Coresponding incremnts
NyDFIndiv <- lapply(NyCum, function(.x) {
.x / diag[1:(n - 1)]
}) # Coresponding individual DF's
NyDF <- lapply(NyDFIndiv, .newDFPond, DFIndiv, Triangle) # coredponing DF
NyUltimates <- mapply(function(.x, .y) {
c(.x * rev(cumprod(rev(.y[2:n]))), Triangle[1, n])
NyIBNR <- lapply(NyUltimates, function(.x) {
.x - diag
rez <- .formatOutput(n, Triangle, diag, DF, sigma, residuals, DFBoot, Ultimates, IBNR, NyCum, NyInc, NyDF, NyUltimates, NyIBNR)
#' mean.BootMackChainLadder
#' Calculate mean statiscics from the bootstraped mack model
#' @param x A BootMackChainLadder Object
#' @return Three data.frames containing data per origin year ("ByOrigin"), by developpement year ("ByDev) and globaly ("Totals)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(ABC)
#' BMCL <- BootMackChainLader(Triangle = ABC, B = 100, distNy = "residuals", seuil = 2)
#' mean(BMCL)
mean.BootMackChainLadder <- function(x, ...) {
# the purpose of this function is to return means of everything BMCL returned.
ByOrigin <- data.frame(
Latest = x$Latest,
Ultimates = x$Ultimates,
NyCum = c(x$Ultimates[1], colMeans(x$NyCum)),
NyInc = c(0, colMeans(x$NyInc)),
NyUltimates = colMeans(x$NyUltimates),
NyIBNR = colMeans(x$NyIBNR)
row.names(ByOrigin) <- rev(row.names(ByOrigin))
ByDev <- data.frame(
DFBoot = colMeans(x$DFBoot),
NyDF = colMeans(x$NyDF)
Totals <- colSums(ByOrigin)
return(list(ByOrigin = ByOrigin, ByDev = ByDev, Totals = Totals))
#' CDR.BootMackChainLadder
#' Calculate the one-year Claim developpement results from the bootstrapped mack model.
#' @param BMCL A BootMackChainLadder Object
#' @return A data.Frame with one-year results from the bootstrap.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(ABC)
#' BMCL <- BootMackChainLader(Triangle = ABC, B = 100, distNy = "residuals", seuil = 2)
CDR.BootMackChainLadder <- function(BMCL) {
Totals <- data.frame(IBNR = sum(BMCL$IBNR), `CDR(1)S.E.` = sd(rowSums(BMCL$NyIBNR)))
row.names(Totals) <- "Totals"
names(Totals) <- c("IBNR", "CDR(1)S.E.")
rbind(setNames(data.frame(IBNR = BMCL$IBNR, `CDR(1)S.E.` = apply(BMCL$NyIBNR, 2, sd)), names(Totals)), Totals)
#' summary.BootMackChainLadder
#' Give summary statistics about the bootstrap.
#' @param object A BootMackChainLadder Object
#' @return NULL
#' @export
#' @details
#' The function only print information about the model.
#' @examples
#' data(ABC)
#' BMCL <- BootMackChainLader(Triangle = ABC, B = 100, distNy = "residuals", seuil = 2)
#' summary(BMCL)
summary.BootMackChainLadder <- function(object, ...) {
mean <- mean(object)
cat("This is a BootMackChainLadder model \n\n")
cat("Detailed results by Origin years : \n")
print(format(mean$ByOrigin, format = "i", nsmall = 0, big.mark = ","))
# print(mean$ByDev)
cat("\n Totals across origin years : \n")
print(format(t(mean$Totals), format = "i", nsmall = 0, big.mark = ","))
#' print.BootMackChainLadder
#' @param BMCL
#' @return the BMCL object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(ABC)
#' BMCL <- BootMackChainLader(Triangle = ABC, B = 100, distNy = "residuals", seuil = 2)
#' print(BMCL)
print.BootMackChainLadder <- function(x, ...) {
##### Tests #####
# test :
MCL <- MackChainLadder(ABC,est.sigma="Mack")
BMCL1 <- BootMackChainLadder(ABC,B=10000,distNy = "normal")
BMCL2 <- BootMackChainLadder(ABC,B=10000,distNy = "residuals")
BMCL3 <- BootMackChainLadder(ABC,B=10000,distNy = "residuals",zonnage = TRUE,morceaux = list(1:2,3:5,6:10))
# r?sum? :
# cdr :
# the convergence is neat :)
# lets try on other triangles :
MCL <- MackChainLadder(MW2008,est.sigma="Mack")
BMCL1 <- BootMackChainLadder(MW2008,B=10000,distNy = "normal")
BMCL2 <- BootMackChainLadder(MW2008,B=10000,distNy = "residuals")
BMCL3 <- BootMackChainLadder(MW2008,B=10000,distNy = "residuals",zonnage = TRUE,morceaux = list(1:3,4:8))
# r?sum? :
# cdr :
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