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from base_handler import *
class StateToAlarmHandler(BaseHandler):
def initialize(self):
self.log(f"StateToAlarmHandler Handler")
self.on_entering = {
AT_HOME: [],
AWAY: [self. activate_alarm_away, self.turn_off_all_lights],
SLEEP: [self.activate_alarm_sleep, self.turn_off_all_lights],
HOLIDAY: [self. activate_alarm_away, self.turn_off_all_lights]
self.listen_state(self.on_alarm_state_change, ALARMO_CONTROL_PANEL)
def turn_off_all_lights(self,old_state):
self.log("Turning off all lights!")
[(self.call_service("light/turn_off", **{"entity_id": x}), self.log(x)) for x in self.get_state("light")]
def activate_alarm_sleep(self,old_state):
ret = self.call_service("alarmo/arm", **{"entity_id": ALARMO_CONTROL_PANEL, "mode": "night"})
if ret is not None and len(ret) < 1 or ret[0]["state"] != "arming":
return False
def activate_alarm_away(self,old_state):
ret = self.call_service("alarmo/arm", **{"entity_id": ALARMO_CONTROL_PANEL, "mode": "away"})
if ret is not None and len(ret) < 1 or ret[0]["state"] != "arming":
return False
def on_alarm_state_change(self, entity, attribute, old, new, kwargs):
if new == 'disarmed':
def on_house_mode_changed(self, entity, attribute, old, new, kwargs):
for x in self.on_entering.get(new):
self.log("OLD STATE : %s" % old)
ret = x(old)
if ret is not None and (not ret):
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