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Created May 14, 2019 11:26
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Quick and dirty solar system dynamics
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import norm as l2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class PlanetarySim():
# Masses e24 scale
DATA = (
('SUN', 1.98847e6),
('MERCURY', 0.330),
('VENUS', 4.87),
('EARTH', 5.97),
('MOON', 0.073),
('MARS', 0.642),
('JUPYTER', 1898),
('SATURN', 568),
('URANUS', 86.8),
('NEPTUNE', 102),
('PLUTO', 0.014)
G = 39
def __init__(self):
# Convert to solar masses
solar_mass = self.DATA[0][1]
self.nplanets = len(self.DATA)
self.m = np.empty(self.nplanets)
for i, (name, m) in enumerate(self.DATA):
self.m[i] = m / solar_mass
def step(self, s, v, f, dt):
nplanets = self.nplanets
# Estimate the forces
f_new = np.zeros((nplanets, 3))
for i in range(nplanets):
for j in range(nplanets):
if i == j:
r = s[j] - s[i]
nr = l2(r)
f_new[i, :] += self.G * self.m[j] * r / nr * nr * nr
f = f_new if f is None else f
# Integration step
s += v * dt + f * dt * dt / 2
v += (f + f_new) * dt / 2
return s, v, f_new
def sim(self, ntot, dt=0.001):
nplanets = self.nplanets
s = np.zeros((nplanets, 3))
v = np.zeros((nplanets, 3))
s[:, 0] = np.linspace(0, -1, nplanets, endpoint=True)
v[:, 1] = -np.linspace(0, 5, nplanets, endpoint=True)
orbit = np.empty((nplanets, ntot, 3))
f = None
for n in range(ntot):
s, v, f = self.step(s, v, f, dt)
orbit[:, n, :] = s
return orbit
def main():
p = PlanetarySim()
orbit = p.sim(1000)
for pi in orbit:
plt.plot(pi[:, 0], pi[:, 1])
plt.ylim(-2, 2)
plt.xlim(-2, 2)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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