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Created June 10, 2013 12:40
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RubyMotion 2.1 Changes
= RubyMotion 2.1 =
* Improved the `rake simulator' (iOS) and `rake run' (OSX) tasks to honor the
`args' environment variable, which can be used to provide command-line
arguments that will be passed to the app executable when launching.
(ex. rake simulator args=" 1").
* [iOS] Improved `rake archive' to generate a `manifest.plist' file that can
be used for Ad-Hoc distribution. Added the `app.manifest_assets' Rakefile
variable which can be set to an array of hashes describing the assets to be
included in the file. The default is an empty array, and no file is then
generated. (ex. app.manifest_assets << { :kind => 'software-package',
:url => '' }).
* [iOS] Fixed `rake simulator' to show a warning message in case the user is
running tmux without `reattach-to-user-namespace', which is necessary.
* [iOS] Fixed compilation issues with 6.0 SDK.
* [OSX] Fixed a bug in `rake debug=1' where the debugger would not properly
start in case the application name includes a space character.
* [OSX] Added `rake ctags' task to generate `tags' file.
* [OSX] Added `rake static' task to create a static .a archive file.
* [OSX] Added `rake build' task as a shortcut for both `build:development'
and `build:release'.
* [OSX] Fixed `rake archive' to honor the content of the `app.entitlements'
project variable when code-signing the binary.
* [OSX] Added the `app.embedded_frameworks' Rakefile variable that can
include paths to 3rd-party frameworks that should be copied in the app
bundle's 'Frameworks' directory (ex. app.embedded_frameworks +=
['~/src/MyFramework.framework']). The build system will also fix the
install name of the executable. The default value is an empty array.
* [OSX] Fixed `rake archive:distribution' to properly codesign the app
executable twice, necessary for App Store submissions.
* [OSX] Fixed the Info.plist file generation to include the minimum OS
requirement key, necessary for App Store submissions.
* Fixed a bug in `Dispatch.once' where it would sometimes not yield the block.
* Fixed the require statement in the `gem' template Rakefile. Thanks to
Devon Blandin for the patch (pull request #88).
* Fixed the `iOS' template warning message to print the right library path.
Thanks to Tom Milewski for the patch (pull request #86).
* Fixed a bug in `app.files_dependencies' where it would not allow a path
containing "../" (ex. app.files_dependencies 'foo.rb' => '../bar.rb').
Thanks to Jeremy Ruppel for the patch (pull request #90).
* Fixed a bug in `app.vendor_project' to properly set the
CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR variable for non-standard Xcode projects. Thanks to
Jack Chen for the patch (pull request #94).
* Fixed `app.vendor_project' with Xcode projects to rebuild the project in
case a file changed. Thanks for Jack Chen for the idea and initial work.
* Fixed a bug where the .gitignore file would not be generated anymore when
creating a new project.
* Added the .gitignore file into the `gem' template.
* Added the BasicObject#__id__ method for CRuby compatibility.
* Fixed a bug in `undef' and Module#remove_method where it would raise an
'undefined method' error if the method was called before being removing.
* Fixed a memory bug where an object would be prematurely released if an
#initXXX method was called right from within #initialize.
* Fixed a bug in #respond_to? where WeakRef objects would not be properly
* Fixed a bug in detecting file dependencies where it will not detect file
dependencies if the files contain nested constants.
(See the `/Library/RubyMotion/NEWS' file for all changes.)
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