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Created July 2, 2014 16:03
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= RubyMotion 2.30 =
* The iOS 8.0 and OS X 10.10 versions of the runtime have been recompiled
with Xcode 6 Beta 2.
* Added the `device_name' parameter in order to select iOS 8 simulater device.
You can use "iPhone 4s", "iPhone 5", "iPhone 5s", "iPad 2" ,"iPad Retina",
"iPad Air", "Resizable iPhone" and "Resizable iPad" for device name.
(Ex rake device_name="Resizable iPhone")
* Improved the compiler to optimize the app executable size, by removing
unnecessary internal Objective-C stubs. Apps should be 10-30% lighter,
depending on how much native calls they use.
* Added the BigDecimal#{to_i, to_int, to_f, to_s, coerce, +@, -@, modulo, quo,
power, floor, ceil, round} methods.
* Added the Kernel#BigDecimal method.
* Improved String interpolation performance. ~10% faster.
* Improved the NoMethodError exception message to include the full
Objective-C selector. Also, #method_missing will now receive the full
Objective-C selector as the method name.
* Fixed a bug where spec helpers nested in sub-directories were being
considered spec files instead of helpers. Thanks to Ignacio Piantanida for
the patch.
* Fixed a bug where a crash due to an assertion would be happening when using
#layout on a MIDIPacketList object on iOS 8.
* Fixed a bug where a crash would happen when calling a Objective-C method
supposed to return a block, but instead returning nil.
* Fixed a bug where a crash would happen when a Symbol object was used with
the NSCoding interface methods.
* Fixed a bug where shortcut selectors would not work when the method name
was begining or ending with a number.
* Fixed a bug where the `scrollViewWillEndDragging:withVelocity:
targetContentOffset:' delegate method would not be defined properly.
* Fixed a bug where a crash would happen when a Struct object was used with
the NSCoding interface methods.
* Fixed a bug where the `NSJSONSerialization' interface would return a
BigDecimal object if the `0.0' value was stored in the original JSON data.
* Fixed a bug where dynamically-defined methods would not be removed properly.
* Fixed a bug where typedef parameters would cause a "not precompiled" error.
* [OSX] Fixed the runtime to recognize `NSTaggedPointerString' objects that
were introduced in Yosemite.
* [OSX] Fixed a bug with the `NSManagedObjectModel#entitiesByName' method of
the CoreData framework where it would return an NSDictionary that was not
expected on 10.9.
* [OSX] Fixed a bug where the default value for `app.deployment_target' was
wrong and would cause a build error on an old version of OS X.
* [OSX] Fixed a bug where a "not precompiled" error would happen when
specifying an older version OS X version for `app.deployment_target' when
building on Yosemite.
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