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Last active December 6, 2015 03:42
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phone 的go解析
package main
import (
func check(e error) {
if e != nil {
type PhoneRecord struct {
Phone string
Province string
City string
Zipcode string
Areacode string
Phonetype byte
func (p *PhoneRecord) Humanphonetype() string {
switch int(p.Phonetype) {
case 1:
return "移动"
case 2:
return "联通"
case 3:
return "电信"
case 4:
return "电信虚拟运营商"
case 5:
return "联通虚拟运营商"
case 6:
return "移动虚拟运营商"
return "未知运营商"
func (p *PhoneRecord) Formatresult(b []byte) {
s := []byte{'|'}
attr_arr := bytes.Split(b, s)
p.Province = string(attr_arr[0])
p.City = string(attr_arr[1])
p.Zipcode = string(attr_arr[2])
p.Areacode = string(attr_arr[3])
func (p *PhoneRecord) Humanphoneinfo() {
fmt.Println("手机号码:", p.Phone)
fmt.Println("城市:", p.Province, p.City)
fmt.Println("邮编:", p.Zipcode)
fmt.Println("区号:", p.Areacode)
fmt.Println("卡类型:", p.Humanphonetype())
func (p *PhoneRecord) Find() {
phone, err := strconv.Atoi(p.Phone[0:7])
buf, err := ioutil.ReadFile("/tmp/phone.dat")
// version := string(buf[0:4])
first_index_offset := int(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(buf[4:8]))
// fmt.Println("version:", version, "first_index_offset", first_index_offset)
recode_length := 9
phone_record_count := (len(buf) - first_index_offset) / recode_length
// fmt.Println("记录条数:", phone_record_count)
left := 0
right := phone_record_count
var middle, cur_offset, cur_phone int
for left <= right {
middle = (left + right) / 2
cur_offset = first_index_offset + middle*recode_length
if cur_offset > len(buf) {
cur_phone = int(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(buf[cur_offset : cur_offset+4]))
if cur_phone > phone {
right = middle - 1
} else if cur_phone < phone {
left = middle + 1
} else {
record_offset := int(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(buf[cur_offset+4 : cur_offset+8]))
m := []byte{0}
end_offset := record_offset + bytes.Index(buf[record_offset:], m)
p.Phonetype = buf[cur_offset+8]
func main() {
p := PhoneRecord{}
p.Phone = "18688888888"
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