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Created May 4, 2020 15:18
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Error Control Coding - Lecture 3: Hamming codes
module F2 where
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Function
-- The finite field F2
data F2 = Zero | One
deriving Eq
instance Num F2 where
(+) = add
(*) = mul
abs a = a
signum a = case a of
Zero -> 0
One -> 1
fromInteger a = tryFromInteger a & Data.Maybe.fromJust
negate a = a
instance Show F2 where
show a = show (F2.toInteger a)
tryFromInteger :: Integer -> Maybe F2
tryFromInteger 0 = Just Zero
tryFromInteger 1 = Just One
tryFromInteger _ = Nothing
fromBool :: Bool -> F2
fromBool False = Zero
fromBool True = One
toInteger :: F2 -> Int
toInteger Zero = 0
toInteger One = 1
toBool :: F2 -> Bool
toBool Zero = False
toBool One = True
fromIntegerVec :: [Integer] -> Maybe [F2]
fromIntegerVec [] = Just []
fromIntegerVec (h:t) =
fromIntegerVec t >>= \f2_t -> (\f2_h -> f2_h : f2_t) <$> tryFromInteger h
toIntegerVec :: [F2] -> [Int]
toIntegerVec [] = []
toIntegerVec (h:t) =
F2.toInteger h : toIntegerVec t
add :: F2 -> F2 -> F2
add Zero Zero = Zero
add Zero One = One
add One Zero = One
add One One = Zero
mul :: F2 -> F2 -> F2
mul One One = One
mul _ _ = Zero
innerprod :: [F2] -> [F2] -> F2
innerprod [] [] = Zero
innerprod (vh:vt) (wh:wt) =
add (mul vh wh) (innerprod vt wt)
vecAdd :: [F2] -> [F2] -> [F2]
vecAdd [] [] = []
vecAdd (vh:vt) (wh:wt) =
(vh + wh) : (vecAdd vt wt)
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import System.Random
import Text.Printf
import Debug.Trace
import Data.Function
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Bits ((.|.), shift)
import F2 (F2(Zero, One), vecAdd, innerprod, toBool, tryFromInteger)
n :: Integer
n = 7
h0 :: [F2]
h0 = [Zero, Zero, Zero, One, One, One, One]
h1 :: [F2]
h1 = [Zero, One, One, Zero, Zero, One, One]
h2 :: [F2]
h2 = [One, Zero, One, Zero, One, Zero, One]
generateErrorVec :: Integer -> Integer -> [F2.F2]
generateErrorVec 0 _ = []
generateErrorVec len 0 =
F2.One : generateErrorVec (len - 1) (-1)
generateErrorVec len pos =
F2.Zero : generateErrorVec (len - 1) (pos - 1)
randTransportVec :: Int -> IO [F2]
randTransportVec 0 =
pure []
randTransportVec len = do
val <- randomRIO (0, 1)
let head = fromJust $ F2.tryFromInteger val
tail <- randTransportVec $ len - 1
return $ head : tail
(.:) :: (c -> d) -> (a -> b -> c) -> (a -> b -> d)
(f2 .: f1) a b =
f2 (f1 a b)
askQuery :: [F2] -> [F2] -> Bool
askQuery = F2.toBool .: F2.innerprod
askQueries :: [[F2]] -> [F2] -> [Bool]
askQueries queries target =
map (\query -> askQuery query target) queries
syndrome :: [F2] -> [Bool]
syndrome =
askQueries [h0, h1, h2]
_binListToInteger :: [Bool] -> (Int, Integer)
_binListToInteger [] = (0, 0)
_binListToInteger (h:t) =
(depth, t_int) = _binListToInteger t
val = if h == True then 1 else 0
depth + 1,
(shift val depth) .|. t_int
binListToInteger :: [Bool] -> Integer
binListToInteger = snd . _binListToInteger
generateTransmitDecode :: IO ()
generateTransmitDecode = do
let txVec = [One, Zero, Zero, One, One, Zero, Zero]
printf "Transport vec: %s\n" $ show txVec
errorPos <- randomRIO (0, n)
printf "Error position: %d\n" $ errorPos
let errorVec = generateErrorVec n errorPos
let rxVec = F2.vecAdd txVec errorVec
printf "Received vec: %s\n" $ show rxVec
let detectedErrorPos = (binListToInteger $ syndrome rxVec) - 1
if detectedErrorPos == -1 then
putStrLn "No error detected"
printf "Detected error position: %d\n" detectedErrorPos
let correctionVec = generateErrorVec n $ detectedErrorPos
let decodeVec = F2.vecAdd rxVec correctionVec
printf "Decoded vec: %s\n" $ show decodeVec
_possibleVecs :: Integer -> Integer -> [[F2]]
_possibleVecs len 1 = [[Zero], [One]]
_possibleVecs len depth =
next = _possibleVecs len (depth - 1)
(map (\t -> Zero : t) next) ++ (map (\t -> One : t) next)
possibleVecs :: Integer -> [[F2]]
possibleVecs len =
_possibleVecs len len
bruteforceKernel :: IO ()
bruteforceKernel = do
printf "Generating and bruteforcing %d possible vectors\n" (2^n :: Integer)
let vecs = possibleVecs n
putStrLn "Checking if the vectors are codewords (syndrome is zero / in the nullspace)"
let filtered = filter ((==) [False, False, False] . syndrome) vecs
printf "Available codewords (%d):\n%s\n" (length filtered) (show filtered)
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "-- Generate, transmit, detect and decode"
putStrLn ""
putStrLn "-- Calculate available codewords (bruteforce kernel of parity check matrix)"
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