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Created December 16, 2014 19:59
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playing with clojure
(ns learn.ui
(:require [seesaw.core :as ui])
(:use seesaw.font)
(:require [clj-http.client :as http])
(def my-frame (ui/frame :title "awesome"))
(-> my-frame ui/pack! ui/show!)
(def lbl (ui/label "I'm another label"))
(ui/config! my-frame :content lbl)
(defn display [content]
(ui/config! my-frame :content content)
(display lbl)
(ui/config! lbl :background :pink :foreground :red)
(ui/config! lbl :font "Monaco")
(ui/config! lbl :font (font :name :monospaced
:style #{:bold :italic}
:size 18
(def b (ui/button :text "click Me"))
(ui/alert "I am an alert")
(display b)
(ui/listen b :action (fn [e] (ui/alert e "Thanks!")))
(ui/listen b :mouse-entered #(ui/config! % :foreground :blue)
:mouse-exited #(ui/config! % :foreground :red))
(def lb (ui/listbox :model (-> 'seesaw.core ns-publics keys sort)))
(display lb)
(display (ui/scrollable lb))
(ui/selection lb)
(type *1)
(ui/selection lb {:multi? true})
(ui/selection! lb 'all-frames)
(ui/listen lb :selection (fn[e] (println "Selection is:" (ui/selection e ))))
(def field (display (ui/text "This is a text field")))
(ui/text field)
(ui/text! field "A new fucking value")
(ui/config! field :font "Ubuntu Mono 18" :background "cyan")
(def area (ui/text :multi-line? true :font "Monaco 20"
:text "This
(display area)
(print (http/get ""))
(ui/text! area (:body (http/get "")))
(display (ui/scrollable area))
(ui/scroll! area :to :top)
(ui/scroll! area :to :bottom)
(ui/scroll! area :to [:line 50])
(def split (ui/left-right-split (ui/scrollable lb) (ui/scrollable area)
:divider-location 1/3))
(display split)
(defn doc-str [s]
(-> (symbol "seesaw.core" (name s)) resolve meta :doc))
(ui/listen lb :selection
(fn [e]
(when-let [s (ui/selection e)]
(-> area
(ui/text! (doc-str s))
(ui/scroll! :to :top)))))
(def rbs (for [i [:source :doc]]
(ui/radio :id i :class :type :text (name i))))
(display (ui/border-panel
:north (ui/horizontal-panel :items rbs)
:center split
:vgap 5 :hgap 5 :border 5))
(ui/select my-frame [:JRadioButton])
(ui/select my-frame [:.type])
(ui/select my-frame [:#source])
(def group (ui/button-group))
(ui/config! (ui/select my-frame [:.type]) :group group)
(ui/selection group)
(-> group ui/selection ui/id-of)
(-> group ui/selection ui/id-of)
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