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Created December 16, 2014 20:18
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playing with clojure
(ns learn.core
(:require [clojure.core.async :refer [chan sliding-buffer go go-loop
timeout >! <!]])
(:require [clojure.core.reducers :as r])
(:require [clj-http.client :as http])
(:require [org.httpkit.client :as httpkit])
(:require [ :as io])
(:require [net.cgrand.enlive-html :as html])
(:use [ :only [sh]])
(:require [clojure.string :as str])
(:require [ :as trace])
(:require [clojure.edn :as edn])
(:require [clojure.repl :refer [find-doc doc source]])
(:require [ :as json])
(:require [clojure.core.logic :as logic])
(:require [ :as cli])
(:require [clj-mmap :as mmap])
(:require [iota :as iota])
(:require [taoensso.nippy :as nippy])
(:use [slingshot.slingshot :only [try+ throw+]])
(:import java.lang.Runtime)
(:import [ PushbackReader StringReader RandomAccessFile StringWriter])
(:import [ Socket])
(:import [jline.console ConsoleReader])
(str/split (:out (sh "ls")) #"\n")
;;String manipulation str
(str/capitalize "this is quite unproper thing to do")
(str/lower-case "COLUMN_HEADER_ONE")
(str/upper-case "Dépêchez-vous, l'ordinateur!")
;; managing whitespaces
(str/trim " \t Bacon ipsum dolar sit.\n ")
(str/replace "Who\t\n\n\n\r\t all this \f whitespace here?" #"\s+" " ")
(str/triml " Colum header \t")
(str/trimr "\t\t\t\t\tSecond Level bullet. \n")
(def lines ["#! /bin/bash \n "
"du -a ./ | sort -n -r -r \n"])
(str lines)
(apply str lines)
(str "asdfasd" " " "Doe...." )
(def first-name "John")
(def last-name "Doe")
(def age 42)
(apply str "A" "B" "C")
(str "a" "b" "c")
(def header "first_name,last_name,employee_number\n")
(def rows ["luke,vanderhart,1" "ryan,neufeld,2"])
(apply str header ( interpose "\n" rows))
(def food-items ["milk" "butter" "flour" "eggs"])
(str/join "," food-items)
(str/join (vec (range 4)))
;; String as seqs
(seq "Hello, World!, Emacs rocks and So does Clojure")
(frequencies (str/lower-case "An adult all about Pussies"))
(defn yelling?
"is every letter capitalized?"
(every? #(or (not (Character/isLetter %))
(Character/isUpperCase %))
(yelling? "LOUD noises!")
(yelling? "LOUD, VERY LOUDF")
;; you don't have to space Clojure
( apply str [\H \e \l \l \o \, \space \w \o \r \l\d\!])
;;integer string intera manipulation
(int \a)
(int \b)
(int \c)
(char 97)
(def codes [115 101 99 114 101 116 32 109 101 115 115 97 103 101 115])
( apply str (map char codes))
;; actually this is pretty , pretty cool
(map char (range 0x0410 0x042F))
(def me {:first-name "Ryan" :favorate-language "Clojure"})
;;you access map values either way
(str "My name is " (:first-name me) ", and I like to program in " (me :favorate-language))
(apply str (interpose " " [ 1 2.000 (/ 3 1) (/ 4 9)]))
;; string formatting
(defn filename
"generate sortable filename"
[name i]
(format "%03d-%s" i name)
(filename "kickass" 1 )
;; string width control
(defn tableify [row]
(apply format "%-20s | %-20s | %-20s" row))
(def header ["first name" , "Last Name", "Employee ID"])
(def employees [["Ray" "Neufeld", 2]
["Luke","Vanderhart" ,1]])
(print header)
(->> (concat [header] employees)
(map tableify)
(mapv println))
(str first-name ", " last-name "- age:" age)
;; applying str for seqs
( apply str "C3P0, R2D2:" [\W \h \y \v \h \f \ \P \n \r \f \n \e])
(re-find #"\d+" "Mine is 7 inch")
;;debugging with a macro
(defmacro dbg[x] `(let [x# ~x] (println "debug:" '~x "=" x#) x#))
(print (+ (* 3 4) (dbg (* 8 9))))
(defn ^:dynamic fib[n] (if (< n 2) n (+ (fib ( - n 1 )) (fib (- n 2)))))
;;trace out coude execution, but you have to mark function as ^:dynamic
(trace/dotrace [fib] (fib 3))
;; http related testing
;;(print (:status (http/get "")))
;(:status (http/get ""))
;; ( -> ( http/get "")
;; :headers
;; (get "server")
;; )
;;regular expressions
;; re-find matches portions of string
(re-find #"\w+" "this is quite awesome....")
;; re-matches is a full string/regex match
(re-matches #"\w+" "my-param")
;; extracting simple words from a sentences
(re-seq #"\w+" "Don't go gentle into that good night")
(re-seq #"\d{3}-\d{4}" "my phone number is 455-4543")
(defn match-mentions
(re-seq #"(#|@)(\w+)" tweet)
(match-mentions "@asadf #asdfasdf fuck yeah")
;; string replace
(def about-me "My favourate color is green")
(str/replace about-me "green" "red")
;; linkify comment
(defn linkify-comment
[repo comment]
(str/replace comment #"#(\d+)"
(str "[#$1](" repo "/issues/$1)"))
(linkify-comment "next/big-thing" "As soon as we fix #42 and #1337 we
should be set to release ")
(str/split "Header1, Header2, Header3 " #",")
(str/split "Spaces Newlines\n\n" #"\s+")
(def data-delimiters #"[ : -]")
(str/split (str (java.util.Date.)) data-delimiters)
;; keyword , name etc
(name :wonderful)
(keyword (name :wonderful))
(name :user/valid?)
(namespace :user/valid?)
(.substring (str :user/valid?) 2)
(def shopping-area "bakery")
(keyword shopping-area "bagels")
(symbol shopping-area)
;; 'will turn arithmetic operation to big style
(*' 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999)
;; math ops
(/ 1 3)
(type (/ 1 3 ))
(+ (/ 1 3) 0.3)
(+ (/ 1 3 ) 3)
(rationalize 0.3)
(+ (/ 1 3 ) (rationalize 0.3))
(Integer/parseInt "234")
(Double/parseDouble "2.234")
(bigdec "3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197")
(bigint "2345234564562346346723973245978239048502456723452345")
(int 2.0001)
(int 2.999999999)
(Math/round 2.9999999)
(Math/round 3.013452345)
(Math/round 3.499999)
(Math/round (+ 2.496 0.5))
(Math/floor 2.9999)
(with-precision 3 (/ 7M 9))
(with-precision 1 :rounding FLOOR (/ 7M 9))
(with-precision 3 (/ (bigdec 1 ) 3))
;; fuzzy equals
(defn fuzzy= [tolerance x y ]
(let [diff (Math/abs (- x y))]
(< diff tolerance)))
(fuzzy= 0.01 10 10.0001)
(def equals-within-ten? (partial fuzzy= 10))
(equals-within-ten? 109 100)
(defn sin-plus [ a b ]
(+ (* (Math/sin a) (Math/cos b))
(* (Math/sin b) (Math/cos a))))
(sin-plus 0.1 0.3)
(Integer/toString 34 2)
(Integer/toString 234345 16)
(defn to-base [n radix]
(Integer/toString radix n))
(def two-base
(partial to-base 2 ))
(two-base 23345)
(defn mean
(let [sum (apply + coll)
count (count coll)]
(if (pos? count)
(/ sum count)
(mean [])
(def fs-flags [:owner-read :owner-write
:group-read :group-write
:global-read :global-write])
(def bitmap (zipmap fs-flags
(map (partial bit-shift-left 1) (range))))
(print bitmap)
(defn permissions-int [& flags]
(reduce bit-or 0 (map bitmap flags)))
(def owner-only (permissions-int :owner-read :owner-write))
(Integer/toBinaryString owner-only)
(def read-only ( permissions-int :owner-read :group-read :global-read))
(Integer/toBinaryString read-only)
(defn able-to? [permissions flag]
(not= 0 (bit-and permissions (bitmap flag))))
(able-to? read-only :global-read)
(able-to? read-only :global-write)
;; random numbers
(rand-int 10)
(rand-nth [ 1 3 4])
(rand-nth '(:a :b :c))
(rand-nth (seq #{:heads :tails}))
(shuffle (range 10))
;; date
(defn now []
;; write files
(defn save [uri file]
(with-open [in (io/input-stream uri)
out (io/output-stream file)]
(io/copy in out)
(print "copying " file " don")))
;; keywords to filter
(def ml-keywords ["machine learning" "artificial intelligence" "deep learning" "gaussian" ])
(def math-keywords ["regression" "statistics" ])
(def traning-keywords ["lynda" "pluralsight" "ttc" ])
(def universities-keywords ["stanford" "mit" ])
;; file operations
(defn readgzfile [file]
(with-open [ in (
(io/input-stream file))
rdr (io/reader in)]
(print "reading stuff")
(doseq [line (line-seq rdr)
w ml-keywords]
(if (re-find (re-pattern (str "(?ix)" w)) line )
( println line)))))
;(save "" "/tmp/hourly.txt.gz")
;(readgzfile "/tmp/hourly.txt.gz")
(defn remote-server-receive-date []
(-> (str (java.util.Date.))
;;read date from server.fucking awesome and i like it very much..
(edn/read (remote-server-receive-date))
;; date compare
(defn now [] (java.util.Date.))
(def one-second-ago (now))
(Thread/sleep 1000)
(compare (now) one-second-ago)
(compare one-second-ago one-second-ago)
;;generating dates and data
(def daily-from-epoch
(let [start-date (java.util.GregorianCalendar. 1970 0 0 0 0)]
(fn []
(.add start-date java.util.Calendar/DAY_OF_YEAR 1)
(.clone start-date)))))
(take 2 daily-from-epoch)
(def end-of-feb (take 2 (drop 57 daily-from-epoch)))
(println end-of-feb)
(map class end-of-feb)
(defn daily-from-year [& [start-year]]
(let [start-date (java.util.GregorianCalendar. (or start-year 1970)
0 0 0 0 )]
(fn []
(.add start-date java.util.Calendar/DAY_OF_YEAR 1)
(.clone start-date)))))
(take 3 ( daily-from-year 1999))
(take 2 (daily-from-year))
;;set related stuff, actually this is fun
(time (dotimes [_ 100] (set (vec (range 1e5)))))
(time (dotimes [_ 100] (into #{} (vec (range 1e5)))))
(into (sorted-set) (range 100))
(into (sorted-set) (shuffle (range 2000)))
(into (sorted-set) "awesome ,I love clojure so much,and I can't live without")
(def alphabet-str (str/upper-case (apply str (map char (range (int \a) (+ 1 (int \z)))))))
(def alphabet (into (sorted-set) alphabet-str))
(last alphabet)
(sorted-set-by > 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 )
(conj #{ :a :b :c} :d)
(conj #{:a :b :c} :d :e)
(def my-set #{:red :white :blue})
(contains? my-set :blue)
(get my-set :azure :i-am-not-spaniard)
(my-set :blue)
(take 10 (filter #{ 1 3 4} (take 1000 (repeatedly #(rand-int 10) ))))
(clojure.set/union #{:white :black} #{:red :black})
(clojure.set/intersection #{:white :black } #{:red :black} #{:black :awesome})
(clojure.set/difference #{:red :white :blue :yellow} #{:red} #{:white})
(clojure.set/subset? #{:blue :white } #{:blue :white :red})
(clojure.set/subset? #{:blue :white} #{:zuere :zoe})
;; map manipulation
{1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10}
(array-map [1 2 ] [ 3 4])
(sorted-map [ 1 2 ] [ 3 4])
(hash-map [ 34 5 ] [ 345 24])
(get {:name "Kvothe" :class "Bard" } :name)
(get {:name "awesome" :class "something"} :dick)
(get {:name :something} :else :ahha)
(:name {:name :aasdfasd})
(:name {:names :asdfsad} :ahadfasdasd)
(def characters (hash-map (vec alphabet) (vec alphabet)))
(hash-map 21 34 4 5 )
(def beans {:blue 10 :red 3 :green 1})
(select-keys beans [:blue])
(vals beans)
(reduce + (vals beans))
((juxt :blue :red) beans)
((juxt :a :b) beans)
;; map sequencing..
(def mymap {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3})
(seq mymap)
(conj mymap [ :e 30])
(into {} [[ 1 3] [ 3 4]])
(zipmap [1 3 4 ] [:a :b :c])
;; entry
(def entry (first {:a 1 :b 2}))
(class entry)
(key entry)
(val entry)
(source doc)
(find-doc #"defmacro")
(doc +)
(doc +')
;; Polymorphic Behavior
;; (defn area
;; "calculate the area of a shape"
;; [shape]
;; (let [height (:height shape) base (:base shape)]
;; (condp = (:type shape)
;; :triangle (* height base (/ 1 2))
;; :rectangle (* height base)
;; )))
;; (area {:type :triangle :base 2 :height 4})
;; (area {:type :rectangle :base 20 :height 10})
;; real polymorph
(defmulti area
"calculate the area of a shape"
(defmethod area :rectangle [shape]
(* (:length shape) (:width shape)))
(defmethod area :circle [shape]
(* (. Math PI) (:radius shape) (:radius shape)))
(area {:type :rectangle :length 2 :width 4})
(area {:type :circle :radius 3})
(defprotocol Shape
(area [s])
(perimeter [s]))
(defrecord Rectangle [length width]
(area [this] (* length width))
(perimeter [this] (+ (* 2 length)
(* 2 width))))
(->Rectangle 2 4 )
(area (->Rectangle 2 4))
(perimeter (->Rectangle 2 4 ))
;;polymorphism with better lives
(defmulti convert
"convert one type to another"
(fn [request thing]
[(:input-format request ) (:output-format request)]))
(defmethod convert [:edn-string :clojure]
[_ str]
(edn/read-string str))
(defmethod convert [:clojure :json]
[_ thing]
( thing))
(:foo (convert {:input-format :edn-string
:output-format :clojure}
"{:foo :barr}"))
(convert {:input-format :clojure
:output-format :json}
{:foo [:bar :baz]})
(let [b 2
h 3]
(reify Shape
(area [this] (* b h))
(perimeter [this] (* 2 ( + b h))))))
;; extend existing stuff of Clojure
(defprotocol Person
(first-name [person])
(last-name [person]))
(extend-type String
(first-name [s] (first (str/split s #" ")))
(last-name [s] (second (str/split s #" "))))
(first-name "john")
(last-name "john smith")
;; core async stuff , quite fascinating.
(defn database-consumer
"accept messages and persist them to a database"
(let [in (chan (sliding-buffer 64))]
(go-loop [ data (<! in)]
(when data
(println (format "database consumer received data %s" data))
(recur (<! in))))
(defn sse-consumer
"accept messages and pass them to web browsers via sse"
(let [in (chan (sliding-buffer 64))]
(go-loop [data (<! in)]
(when data
(println (format "sse-consumer received data %s" data))
(recur (<! in))))
(defn messages
(range 4))
(defn producer
[& channels]
(doseq [msg (messages)
out channels]
(<! (timeout 100))
(>! out msg))))
(producer (database-consumer) (sse-consumer))
;;fibo, not so efficient but quiet good for the eye.
(def fibo (lazy-cat [ 0 1]
(map +' fibo ( rest fibo))))
(take 10 fibo)
(take 20 fibo)
(take 40 fibo)
(take 50 fibo)
(take 51 fibo )
(take 60 fibo)
(take 80 fibo)
(take 90 fibo )
(take 100 fibo)
(take 120 fibo)
(take 200 fibo )
(take 500 fibo)
;; this is kinda awesome...
(reduce + (take-while (partial >= 4000000)
(filter odd? fibo)))
;; this is too
(defn fibo2 [n]
(->> [ 1 1]
(iterate (fn [[a b]] [b (+ a b) ] ))
(map first)
(take n)))
;;let's learn more about transducers
(defn mean-reducer [memo x]
(-> memo
(update-in [:sum]+ x)
(update-in [:count] inc)))
(reduce mean-reducer {:sum 0 :count 0} (range 10))
(defn increment-transducer [f1]
(fn [result input]
(f1 result
(inc input))))
;; add functions, this is kinda awesome.CSP rocks..
(reduce (increment-transducer mean-reducer )
{:sum 0 :count 0}
(range 10))
;; after upgrading everything works perfectly.
(reduce ((map inc) mean-reducer)
{:sum 0 :count 0}
(range 10 ))
;;a version without transducers
(->> (range 10 )
(map inc)
(reduce mean-reducer
{:sum 0 :count 0}))
;;sequence to retrun a new transduced sequence
(sequence (map inc) (range 10))
;;(transduce (map inc ) mean-reducer {:sum 0 :count 0} (range 10))
;;(int [] (map inc) ( range 10 ))
(defn -main
[& args]
;; work around dangerous default behaviour in clojure
(println args)
(let [[opts args banner] (cli/cli args
["-h" "--help" "Print this help"
:default false :flag true])]
(println opts)
(println args)
(println banner)
(alter-var-root #'*read-eval* (constantly false)))
(def movie-graph
;;top level stuff
[:a1 :type :FilmStudio]
[:a1 :name "Enterprise"]
[:a1 :FilmCollection :a2]
;; collection
[:a2 :type :FilmCollection]
[:a2 :Film :a3]
[:a2 :Film :a6]
[:a3 :type :Film]
[:a3 :name "Memento"]
[:a3 :cast :a4]
[:a4 :type :FilmCast]
[:a4 :director :a5]
[:a5 :type :Person]
[:a5 :name "Christopher Nolan"]
[:a6 :type :Film]
[:a6 :name "The Usual Suspects"]
[:a6 :cast :a7]
[:a7 :type :FilmCast]
[:a7 :director :a8]
[:a8 :type :Person]
[:a8 :name "Bryan Singer"]
(defn directors-at
[graph studio-name]
(logic/run* [director-name]
(logic/fresh [studio film-coll film cast director]
;; studio related stuff
(logic/membero [studio :name studio-name] graph)
(logic/membero [studio :type :FilmStudio] graph)
(logic/membero [studio :FilmCollection film-coll] graph)
(logic/membero [film-coll :type :FilmCollection] graph)
(logic/membero [film-coll :Film film] graph)
(logic/membero [film :type :Film] graph)
(logic/membero [film :cast cast] graph)
(logic/membero [cast :type :FilmCast] graph)
(logic/membero [cast :director director] graph)
(logic/membero [director :type :Person] graph)
(logic/membero [director :name director-name] graph)
;; this is logic matching related stuff
(directors-at movie-graph "Enterprise")
(logic/run 1 [q]
(logic/== 1 q))
(logic/run 1 [q]
(logic/== q 1))
(logic/run 1 [q]
(logic/== [ 1 2 3]
[ 1 2 q]))
(logic/run 1 [q]
(logic/== ["foo" "bar" "baz"]
[q "bar" "baz"]))
(logic/run 1 [q]
(logic/== 1 q)
(logic/== 2 q))
(logic/run 1 [q]
(logic/fresh [ x y z]
(logic/== x 1)
(logic/== y 2)
(logic/== z 3)
(logic/== q [x y z])))
(logic/run 1 [q]
(logic/membero q [1]))
(logic/run 1 [q]
(logic/membero 1 q))
;; end of logic , this is quite amazing.
(println "Normally text are printed to STDOUT")
(print "a")
(print "b"))
(binding [*out* *err*]
(println "haha"))
;;read console input
(defn show-keystroke []
(print "Enter anything:")
(let [cr (jline.console.ConsoleReader. )
keyint (.readCharacter cr)]
(println (format "Got %d ('%c')!") keyint (char keyint))
(->> "resources/people.edn"
(map :language))
;; you need to the directory right
(io/file "src/resources/people.edn")
(io/file "src/resources/"))
;; clojure does not know ~ epxression in file path. keep that in mind.
(io/copy "测试"
(io/file "/tmp/clj.txt")
:encoding "UTF-8")
;;delete file,throws exception if file does not exist.
(io/delete-file "/tmp/clj.txt")
;; delete file silently
(io/delete-file "/tmp/clj.txt" true)
;; do it with try catch.
(io/delete-file "/tmp/clj.txt")
(catch Exception e (str "exception:" (.getMessage e))))
;;reading file content
(with-open [file (mmap/get-mmap "/tmp/clj.txt")]
(let [n-bytes 10
file-size (.size file)
first-n-bytes (mmap/get-bytes file 0 1)
;; last-n-bytes (mmap/get-bytes file (- file-size n-bytes) n-bytes)
(println file-size)
[(String. first-n-bytes "UTF-8")]
;; put something into this file...
;; (with-open [file (mmap/get-mmap "/tmp/clj.txt")]
;; (let [bytes-to-write (.getBytes "This is quite awesome" "UTF-8")]
;; (mmap/put-bytes file bytes-to-write 0)))
;; there is some issue with this code
;; (with-open [file (mmap/get-mmap "/tmp/clj.txt")]
;; (println (.size file))
;; (let [bytes-to-write (.getBytes "This is the best")]
;; (mmap/put-bytes file bytes-to-write 0)))
(def my-file "/tmp/clj.txt")
(spit my-file "مەن")
(slurp my-file)
(slurp my-file :encoding "UTF-8")
(spit my-file "even more stuff\n" :append true)
;;read file by lines
(with-open [r (io/reader my-file )]
(doseq [line (line-seq r)]
(println line)
(def my-temp-file ( "empire" ".txt"))
(with-open [file (io/writer my-temp-file)]
(binding [*out* file]
(dotimes [n 10]
(println n "awesome\n"))))
(slurp my-temp-file)
(.getAbsolutePath my-temp-file)
(.deleteOnExit my-temp-file)
;(.delete my-temp-file)
(doto (RandomAccessFile. "/tmp/longfile" "rw")
(.seek (* 1024 1024 1024))
(.writeInt 1024)
(.length (io/file "/tmp/longfile"))
;; read random access file and read the fucking number
(let [raf (RandomAccessFile. "/tmp/longfile" "r")
_ (.seek raf (* 1024 1024 1024))
result (.readInt raf)]
(.close raf)
;; multi processor handling
(defn pmap-file
[processing-fn input-file output-file]
(with-open [ r (io/reader input-file)
w (io/writer output-file)]
(let [lines (line-seq r)]
(map #(.write w %)
(pmap processing-fn lines))))))
(def acc (atom 0))
(defn- example-row-fn
(str (swap! acc inc) ":" row-string ))
(time (pmap-file example-row-fn "/work/Ch2Uy.txt" "/tmp/output.txt"))
;;goodness of pmap
(defn long-running-job [n]
(Thread/sleep 3000) ; wait for 3 seconds
(+ n 10))
(time (dorun ( map long-running-job (range 4))))
(time (dorun (pmap long-running-job (range 4))))
;; reducers
(def my-seq (vec (range 1e7)))
(take 10 my-seq)
(time (reduce + (map inc my-seq)))
(time (reduce + (r/map inc my-seq)))
(time (r/fold + (r/map inc my-seq )))
(source r/fold)
(doc r/coll-fold)
(spit "data.clj" (pr-str [:a :b :c]))
(read-string (slurp "data.clj"))
;;write data structure to a file
(with-open [ w (io/writer "data.clj")]
(binding [*out* w]
(pr (range 1e6))))
;;read a data structure from a file
(def variable-from-file (with-open
[r ( (io/reader "data.clj"))]
(binding [*read-eval* false]
(read r))))
;; read from a file
(defn- read-one
(print (read r))
(catch java.lang.RuntimeException e
(if (re-find #"EOF" (.getMessage e))
(throw e)b))))
;; read all of it till EOF
(defn read-seq-from-file
(with-open [r ( (io/reader path))]
(binding [*read-eval* false]
(doall (take-while #(not= ::EOF %) (repeatedly #(read-one r)))))))
;;C-c C-b interrupts evaluation.
(read-seq-from-file "data.clj")
(defn load-config
(edn/read-string (slurp filename)))
(load-config "data.clj")
(defn deep-merge
[& values]
(if (every? map? values)
(apply merge-with deep-merge values)
(last values)))
(json/write-str [{"name" "stefan" "age" 32}])
;; loading a page
(slurp "")
(:status (http/get ""))
;;get cookies
(-> (http/get "")
(def bing-resutl (http/get ""))
;;async get
(def bing-response (httpkit/get ""))
;;(print "orelly is" (.isReachable ( "") 5000))
;;(print "baidu is" (.isReachable ( "") 10000))
(defn send-request
"send request to port 80"
[host port path]
(with-open [sock (Socket. host port)
w (io/writer sock)
r (io/reader sock)
response (StringWriter.)]
(.append w (str "GET " path "\n"))
(.flush w)
(io/copy r response)
(print (str response))))
(send-request "" 80 "/")
(realized? (range 100))
(realized? (doall (range 100)))
(realized? (range 1e8))
(def v [42 "foo" 99.2 [5 12]])
(.get v 2)
(nth v 2)
(let [x (nth v 0)
y (nth v 1)
z (nth v 2)]
(+ x z))
;; destructuring
(def my-vector [:a :b :c :d])
(def my-nested-vector [:a :b :c :d [:x :y :z]])
(let [[a b c d] my-vector]
(println a b c d ))
(let [[a _ _ d [ x y z ]] my-nested-vector]
(print a d x y z))
(let [[a b c] my-vector]
(print a b c)
(let [[ a b & the-rest ] my-vector]
(print a b the-rest))
(let [[ a b c d e f g] my-vector]
(print a b c d e f g)
(def my-hashmap {:a "A" :b "B" :c "C" :d "D"})
(def my-nested-hashmap {:a "A" :b "B" :c "C" :d "D" :q {:x "X" :y "Y" :z "Z"}})
(let [{a :a d :d} my-hashmap]
(print a d))
(let [{a :a b :b {x :x y :y} :q} my-nested-hashmap]
(print a b x y))
;;when there is nothing to find
(let [{a :a b :b not-found :not-found} my-hashmap]
(println a b not-found))
;; when there is no such key , you can set default by :or command
(let [{a :a not-found :not-found :or {not-found ":)"}} my-hashmap]
(println a not-found))
;; destructuring
(let [{a :a b :b :as all } my-nested-hashmap]
(println a b all))
(let [{:keys [a d]} my-nested-hashmap]
(println a d ))
(let [{:keys [a b ] ,{:keys [x y]} :q :as all dest :dest :or {dest "fuck you " }} my-nested-hashmap]
(println a b x y all dest))
(let [{:keys [ a b not-found] :or {not-found ":D"}} my-hashmap]
(println a b not-found))
(let [{:strs [a d]} {"a" "A" "d" "D"} ]
(println a d))
(let [{:syms [a d]} {'a "A" 'd "DDDDDD"} ]
(println a d))
(let [{:keys [a b]} '(:a "A" :b "BBBBBB")]
(println a b ))
(defn embedded-rep
(print (str (ns-name *ns*) ">>>> "))
(let [expr (read)
value (eval expr)]
(when (not= :quit value )
(println value)
(= "boot" (str "bo" "ot"))
(= nil nil)
(= false nil)
(reduce max (repeatedly 10 rand))
(apply max (repeatedly 10 rand))
;; reducing with works like a charm
(fn [m v]
(assoc m v (* v v ))
(into [] (range 10)))
;; very useful thing to do
((complement pos?) 5)
((complement string?) "asdfasdf")
((complement string?) :hello)
(take 10 (repeatedly #(rand-int 10)))
;;awesome part
(take 3 (repeatedly (fn [] (Thread/sleep 1000)
(apply hash-map [:a 5 :b 6])
(def args [2 -2 10 ])
(apply * 0.5 3 args)
(#(filter string? %) ["a" 5 "b" 6])
(#(filter % [:a "a" "b" :b 6 7 ]) string?)
(string? :a)
(type :a)
(#(map * %1 %2) [ 1 2 3 ] [ 4 5 6] )
;; this does not work with only using map
(#(apply map * %&) [ 1 2 3] [ 4 5 6])
;; this is kinda awesome
((partial map *) [ 1 2 3] [4 5 6] [7 8 9])
(def negated-sum-str (comp str - +))
(negated-sum-str 10 12 3.4)
(def camel->keyword (comp keyword
(partial interpose \-)
(partial map str/lower-case)
#(str/split % #"(?<=[a-z])(?=[A-Z])")))
(camel->keyword "CamelCase")
(defn camel-keyword-fun
(->> (str/split s #"(?<=[a-z])(?=[A-Z])")
(map str/lower-case)
(interpose \-)
(camel-keyword-fun "halaMadridYiNadaMas")
'(a b :name 12.5)
{Math/PI "~3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197"
[:composite "key"] 42
nil "nothing"}
(def my-vec [ 1 2 3])
(conj my-vec 4)
(conj my-vec 4 5 )
(seq my-vec)
(def m {:a 5 :b 6})
(conj m [:c 7])
(seq m)
(def s #{1 2 3})
(conj s 10)
(conj s 3 4)
(seq s)
(def lst '(1 2 3))
(conj lst 0)
(conj lst 0 -1)
(into my-vec [ 4 5 ])
(into m [[:c 7 ] [:d 8]])
(into #{ 1 2}(vec (range 0 19)))
(into [1] {:a 1 :b 2})
(conj '(1 2 3) 4)
(into '(1 2 3) [:a :b :c])
(defn swap-pairs
(into (empty sequential )
(take-nth 2 (drop 1 sequential))
(take-nth 2 sequential))))
(println (swap-pairs ( range 10)))
(println (swap-pairs (vec (range 10)))))
(source conj)
(source conj)
;;cons will add item to the head ,wheather list or vec
(cons 4 [ 1 2])
(cons 4 '(1 2))
;; conj result varies by coll properties
(conj [ 1 2 ] 4 )
(conj '(1 2) 4)
(log->file "Hello World!")
(defn multi-logger
[& logger-fns]
#(doseq [f logger-fns]
(f %)))
(def log (multi-logger
(print-logger *out*)
(file-logger "msg.log")))
(log "Hello Again")
(defn timestamped-logger
#(logger (format "[%1$tY-%1$tm-%1$te %1$tH:%1$tM:%1$tS] %2$s"
(java.util.Date.) %)))
(def log-timestamped (timestamped-logger
(print-logger *out*)
(file-logger "msg.log"))))
(log-timestamped "adios, mi amor")
(count [ -1 0 1])
(defn prime?
(== 1 n) false
(== 2 n) true
(even? n) false
:else (->> (range 3 (inc (Math/sqrt n) )2)
(filter #(zero? (rem n %)))
(prime? 31)
(time (prime? 1125899906842679 ))
;; this thing is quite awesome
(source memoize)
(let [m-prime? (memoize prime?)]
(time (prime? 1125899906842679 ))
(time (prime? 1125899906842679 ))
(repeatedly 10 ( partial rand-int 10))
(repeatedly 10 ( partial (memoize rand-int) 10))
(defn map-map
[f m]
(into (empty m)
(for [[k v] m]
[k (f v)]
(map-map inc (hash-map :z 5 :c 6 :m 8))
(count {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3})
(count '(1 2 3))
(seq "Clojure")
(source seq)
(map str "Clojure")
(map str (seq "Clojure"))
(set "Programming")
(first "Clojure")
(rest "Clojure")
(next "Clojure")
(rest [1])
(next [1])
(rest nil)
(next nil)
(def xx (vec (range 10)))
;;they could be the same, in the sense that next could be nill, but the rest will be empty list all the time
(= (next xx)
(seq (rest xx)))
(doseq [x (range 3 )]
(println x))
(let [ r ( range 10 )
rst (rest r)]
(prn (map str rst))
(prn (map #(+ 100 % ) r ))
(prn (conj r -1 ) (conj rst 42))
(let [s (range 1e6)
(time (count s)))
(let [s (apply list (range 1e6))]
(time (count s)))
(cons 0 ( range 1 5 2))
(cons :a [:b :c :d])
(cons 0 ( cons 1 ( cons 3 ( range 4 10))))
(time (lazy-seq [ 1 2 3 4 5]))
(time (seq [ 1 2 3 4 5 ]))
(defn random-ints
(println "realizing random number")
(cons (rand-int limit)
(random-ints limit))))
(def rands (take 10 ( random-ints 50)))
(source iterate)
(apply str (reverse "fuck"))
(reverse (vec (range 10)))
(set "aeiouy")
(apply str (remove (set "aeiou") "vowel are useless ! or maybe not "))
(split-with neg? (range -5 5 ))
(let [[t d] (split-with #(< % 12) (range 1e8))]
[(count d) (count t)]
(def m {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3})
(get m :b)
(get m :d)
(get m :d "not-found")
(assoc m :d 4)
(dissoc m :b)
(assoc m
:x 4
:y 5
:z 6)
(def v [1 2 3])
(get v 1)
(get v 10)
(get v 10 "fc....")
(assoc v
1 4
0 -12
2 :p)
(assoc v 3 10)
(get #{ 1 2 3 } 2)
(get #{ 1 2 3 4 } 10)
(get #{ 1 3 3445 } "not-found")
(when (get #{1 2 3 } 2)
(println "it contains `2`''"))
(contains? [1 2 3] 0)
(contains? [ 1 2 3] 3)
(contains? {:a 5 :b 6} :a)
(contains? #{ 1 2 3} 1)
(get "Clojure" 3)
(into-array [ 1 2 3])
(doc into-array)
(get {:ethel nil} :lucy)
(get {:ethel nil} :ethel)
(find {:ethel nil} :asdfasd)
(find {:a 6 } :a)
(if-let [ e ( find {:a 5 :b 6} :a) ]
(format "found %s => %s" (key e) (val e))
"not found")
(if-let [[k v] (find {:a 5 :b 10} :a)]
(format "found %s => %s " k v)
"not found"
(nth [ :a :b :c] 2)
(get [:a :b :c ] 2)
(nth [ :a :b :c] 10)
(nth [:a :b :c ] -1)
(get [:a :b :c] -1)
(nth [:a :b :c] -1 :not-found)
(get [:a :b :c ] -1 :not-found)
(get 42 0)
(nth 42 0)
(conj '() 1)
(conj '(2 1) 3)
(peek '(3 2 1))
(pop '(3 2 1))
(pop '(1))
(conj [] 1)
(conj [1 2 ] 3)
(peek [ 1 3 4])
(get #{ 1 2 3} 2)
(get #{ 345 2345 234 } 100 :not-found-agein)
;; disjoining stuff from set
(disj #{ 1 2 3} 4 5 3)
(def sm (sorted-map :z 5 :x 9 :y 0 :b 2 :a 3 :c 4))
(keys sm)
(vals sm)
(rseq sm)
(subseq sm <= :c)
(subseq sm > :b <= :y)
(compare 2 2 )
(compare "ab" "abc")
(compare "2" "2")
(compare [:a :b :c] [:b :c :d])
(sort < (repeatedly 10 #(rand-int 100)))
(map-indexed vector "Clojure")
((comparator <) 1 4)
(sorted-map-by compare :z 5 :x 9 :y 0)
(sorted-map-by (comp - compare) :z 5 :x 9 :y 0)
(defn magnitude
(-> x
(magnitude 1000)
(defn compare-magnitude
[a b]
(neg? (- (magnitude a) (magnitude b ))))
(neg? (- (magnitude 10) (magnitude 10)))
(source comparator)
(source cond)
((comparator compare-magnitude) 10 1000)
((comparator compare-magnitude) 100 10)
((comparator compare-magnitude) 77 77)
(sorted-set-by compare-magnitude 10 1000 500)
(conj *1 100000)
(conj #{10 500 1000} 600)
(contains? *1 1239)
(defn compare-magnitude
[a b]
(let [diff (- (magnitude a) (magnitude b))]
(if (zero? diff)
(compare a b)
(sorted-set-by compare-magnitude 10 1000 50)
(conj *1 600)
(disj *1 750)
(sorted-set-by compare-magnitude 10 1000 500 670 1239)
(def ss *1)
(subseq ss > 500)
(map :name [{:age 21 :name "David"}
{:gender :f :name "Suzanne"}
{:name "Sara" :location "NYC"}])
(some #{ 1 3 7 }[ 0 2 4 5 6])
(some #{ 1 3 7 }( take-nth 1 (range 10)))
(filter :age [{:age 21 :name "David"}
(remove #{ 5 7 } (cons false (range 10)))
(remove (partial contains? #{5 7 false} )(cons false (range 10)))
'(1 2 3)
(list 1 2 (+ 1 2))
(vector 1 2 3)
(vec (range 5 ))
(defn euclidian-division
[x y]
[(quot x y) (rem x y)])
(euclidian-division 42 8)
(def point-3d [ 42 26 -7])
(print point-3d)
(def travel-legs [["LYS" "FRA"] ["FRA" "PHL"] ["PHL" "RDU"]])
(print travel-legs)
#{1 2 3}
(hash-set :a :b :c :d)
(set [ 1 6 1 8 3 7 7 ])
(apply str (remove (set "aeiou") "vowels are useless"))
;; writing
(defn numeric? [s] (every? (set "0123456789") s))
(numeric? "123")
(numeric? "42b")
{:a 5 :b 6}
(def playlist
{:title "Elephant" :artist "The White Stripes" :year 2003}])
(map :title playlist)
(defn summarize [{:keys [title artist year]}]
(str title " / " artist " / " year))
(map summarize playlist)
(def version1 {:name "Chas" :info {:age 31}})
(def version2 (update-in version1 [:info :age] + 3))
(print version2)
(def x (transient []))
(def y (conj! x 1))
(count y )
(count x)
(doc transient)
(defn naive-into
[coll source]
(reduce conj coll source))
(into #{} (range 5))
(time (do (into #{} (range 1e6)) nil))
(time (do (naive-into #{} (range 1e6))nil))
(into #{} (range 5))
(= (into #{} (range 500))
(naive-into #{} (range 500)))
(defn faster-into
[coll source]
(persistent! (reduce conj! (transient coll) source)))
(time (do (faster-into #{} (range 1e6)) nil))
(defn transient-capable?
(instance? clojure.lang.IEditableCollection coll))
(def v [1 2])
(def tv (transient v))
(transient-capable? v)
(transient-capable? tv)
(conj v 3)
(get tv 0)
(get v 0)
(persistent! tv)
(doc persistent!)
(nth (transient [ 1 3 ]) 1)
(get (transient {:a 1 :b 2}) :a)
((transient [ 1 2 ]) 1)
(let [ tm (transient {})]
(doseq [x (range 100)]
(assoc! tm x 0))
(persistent! tm))
(let [ t (transient {})]
@(future (get t :a)))
(persistent! (transient [(transient {})]))
;; this is kinda interesting.
(= (transient [ 1 2 ]) (transient [ 1 2]))
(def a ^{:created (System/currentTimeMillis)}
[1 2 3])
(:created (meta a))
(meta ^:private [ 1 2 3])
(meta ^:private ^:dynamic [1 2 3])
(print a)
(def b (with-meta a (assoc (meta a)
:modified (System/currentTimeMillis))))
(meta b)
(meta a)
(print a b )
(def b (vary-meta a assoc :modified (System/currentTimeMillis)))
(doc vary-meta)
(= a b)
(= ^{:a 5} 'any-value
^{:b 5} 'any-value)
(meta (conj a 500))
(defn empty-board
[w h]
(vec (repeat w (vec (repeat h nil)))))
(defn populate
[board living-cells]
(reduce (fn [board coordinates]
(assoc-in board coordinates :on))
(empty-board 10 10)
(def glider (populate (empty-board 6 6 ) #{[2 0] [2 1] [2 2 ] [1 2] [0 1]}))
(defn neighbours
[[x y]]
(for [dx [-1 0 1] dy [ -1 0 1] :when (not= 0 dx dy)]
[(+ dx x) (+ dy y)]))
(defn count-neighbours
[board loc]
(count (filter #(get-in board %) (neighbours loc))))
(def d (delay (println "running....")))
(deref d)
(def a-fn (fn []
(println "Running")
(defn get-document
{:url ""
:title "The Mozilla Manifesto"
:mime "text/html"
:content (delay (slurp ""))}
(def d (get-document "some-fucking-id"))
(realized? (:content d))
(deref (:content d))
(print d)
(def long-calculation (future (apply + (range 1e8))))
(deref long-calculation)
@(future (Thread/sleep 5000) :done!)
(deref (future (Thread/sleep 5000) :done!) 1000 :impatient!)
(defn get-document
:url ""
:title "The"
:mime "text/html"
:content (future (slurp ""))})
(def p (promise))
(realized? p)
(deliver p 42)
(realized? p)
(def a (promise))
(def b (promise))
(def c (promise))
(deliver c (+ @a @b))
(println "develivery completed"))
(deliver a 15)
(deliver b 34)
(def a (promise))
(def b (promise))
(future (deliver a @b))
(future (deliver b @a))
(realized? a )
(realized? b)
(deliver a 234)
(deref a)
(deref b)
(realized? a)
(realized? b)
(defn call-service
[arg1 arg2 callback-fn]
(println "args:" arg1 arg2)
(future (callback-fn (+ arg1 arg2) (- arg1 arg2))))
(defn sync-fn
(fn [& args]
(let [result (promise)]
(apply async-fn (conj (vec args) #(deliver result %&)))
((sync-fn call-service ) 8 7)
(defn phone-numbers
(re-seq #"(\d{3})[\.-]?(\d{3})[\.-](\d{4})" string))
(phone-numbers "sunil:234.234.3244, Betty:343.423.3318")
(def files (repeat 100
(apply str
( concat (repeat 100000 \space ) "sunil:617.555.3333"
(time (dorun (map phone-numbers files)))
(time (dorun (map phone-numbers files)))
;; this is quicker , you need to know this.
(time (->> files
(partition-all 250)
(pmap (fn [chunk] (doall (map phone-numbers chunk))))
(apply concat)
@(atom 12)
@(agent {:c 13})
(map deref [(agent {:c 42}) (atom 12) (ref "") (var +)])
(defmacro futures
[n & exprs]
(vec (for [_ (range n)
expr exprs]
`(future ~expr)
(defmacro wait-futures
[& args]
`(doseq [f# (futures ~@args)]
(def sarah (atom {:name "Sarah" :age 23 :wear-glasses? false}))
(swap! sarah update-in [:age] + 3)
(print sarah)
(swap! sarah (comp #(update-in % [:age ] inc)
#(assoc % :wear-glasses? true) ))
(print sarah)
(def xs (atom #{1 2 3}))
(wait-futures 1 (swap! xs (fn [v]
(Thread/sleep 50)
(println "trying 4")
(conj v 4)
(def x (atom 2000))
(swap! x #(Thread/sleep %))
(compare-and-set! xs :wrong "new value")
(compare-and-set! xs @xs "new value")
(def xs (atom #{ 1 2}))
(compare-and-set! xs #{1 2} "new value")
(deref xs)
(reset! xs :y)
;; watch an variable for any changes
(defn echo-watch
[key identity old new]
(println key old "=>" new))
(def sarah (atom {:name "sarah" :age 25}))
(add-watch sarah :echo echo-watch)
(swap! sarah update-in [:age ] inc)
(add-watch sarah :echo2 echo-watch)
(swap! sarah update-in [:age] inc)
(remove-watch sarah :echo2)
(swap! sarah update-in [:age] inc)
(reset! sarah @sarah)
(def history (atom ()))
(defn log-list
[dest-atom key source old new]
(when (not= old new)
(swap! dest-atom conj new)))
(def n (atom 1 :validator pos?))
(swap! n + 500)
(swap! n - 1000)
(set-validator! sarah :age)
(swap! sarah dissoc :age)
(set-validator! sarah #(or (:age %)
(throw (IllegalStateException.
"People must have `:age`s!''"))))
(swap! sarah dissoc :age)
;; merging stuff after creating. this is just way to fucking cool
(defn character
[name & {:as opts}]
(ref (merge {:name name :items #{} :health 500}
(def smaug (character "Smaug" :health 500 :strength 400 :items (set (range 500))))
(def bilbo (character "Bilbo" :health 100 :strength 100))
(def gandalf (character "Gandalf" :health 75 :mana 750))
;; move your assses
(defn loot
[from to ]
(when-let [item (first (:items @from))]
(alter to update-in [:items] conj item)
(alter from update-in [:items] disj item))))
(wait-futures 1
(while (loot smaug bilbo))
(while (loot smaug gandalf)))
(map (comp count :items deref)[bilbo gandalf])
(filter (:items @bilbo) (:items @gandalf))
(source http/get)
(http/get "")
(defn gcd [a b]
(if (zero? b)
(gcd b (mod a b))))
(gcd 10 5)
(gcd 200 24)
(defmacro runtime-gcd [a b]
(list 'gcd a b))
(macroexpand '(runtime-gcd 10 5))
(defmacro runtime-gcd-quote [ a b] `(gcd ~a ~b))
(defn runtime-gcd-fun [a b] (list 'gcd a b))
(list 'gcd 12 8)
(runtime-gcd-fun 12 8)
;; macros are quite powerful.
(runtime-gcd-quote 12 8)
(defmacro runtime-gcd [a b] (list 'gcd a b))
(defmacro my-print [arg ]
(println ~arg)
(my-print (* 23 34))
(def a 8)
`~(quote a)
(type a)
(type 'a)
(type '~a)
(type `~a)
(type `~'a)
(defmacro awesome-printer [arg]
(println "compile time printer" arg
) (list println "runtime printer" arg))
(defmacro dions [arg]
(list 'println "Runtime: " arg)
(println "compile time:" arg))
(dions "fuck")
(defmacro assert-equals [actual expected]
(= expected actual))
(assert-equals (inc 6 ) 7)
(eval 7)
(awesome-printer (+ 345 345))
(awesome-printer (* 23 34))
(defmacro assert-equals [arg1 arg2]
(list '= arg1 arg2))
(macroexpand '(assert-equals (inc 7) 8))
(defmacro foreach [[ sym coll] & body]
`(loop [coll# ~coll]
(when-let [[~sym & xs#] (seq coll#)]
(recur xs#)
(foreach [x [1 2 3]]
(println x))
;;my own version of foreach. kinda suck , I still can't get part of it.
(defmacro my-foreach [[sym coll] & body]
`(loop [coll# ~coll]
(when-let [[~'sym & xs#] (seq coll#)]
(recur xs#))))
(my-foreach [x [1 2 3]] (println x))
(macroexpand-1 '(my-foreach [x [ 1 2 3]]
(println x)))
(def message "good job!")
(defmacro with-mischief
[& stuff-to-do]
(concat (list 'let['message ""]))
(defmacro report [to-try]
`(if ~to-try
(println (quote ~to-try) "was successful" ~to-try)
(println (quote ~to-try) "was not succcessful" ~to-try)))
(macroexpand '(report (do (Thread/sleep 1000) (println "doing it now") (+ 1 1))))
(defmacro report
`(let [result# ~to-try]
(if result#
(println (quote ~to-try) "was successful" result#)
(println (quote ~to-try) "was not" result#))))
(macroexpand '(report (do (println "ahhaasdfasd"))))
(defrecord Person [first-name last-name])
(defrecord SanePerson [^String first-name ^String last-name])
(defprotocol Greeet
(say-hello [this]))
(defrecord GreekPerson [first-name last-name]
(say-hello [this] (println "Hello my name is " first-name)))
(defn area
(condp = (:type shape)
:triangle (* (:base shape) (:height shape) (/ 1 2))
:rectangle (* (:length shape)(:width shape))
(area {:type :triangle :base 2 :height 4})
(area {:type :rectangle :length 2 :width 4})
(defmulti area
(defmethod area :rectangle [shape]
(* (:length shape)(:width shape)))
(defmethod area :cirlce [shape]
(* (. Math PI) (:radius shape)(:radius shape)))
(area {:type :cirlce :radius 1})
(defprotocol Shape
(area [s] "calculate the area of a shape")
(perimeter [s] "calculate the perimeter of a shape"))
(defrecord Rectangle [length width]
(area [this] (* length width))
(perimeter [this](+ (* 2 length)
(* 2 width))))
(->Rectangle 2 4)
(area (->Rectangle 2 4))
(perimeter (->Rectangle 2 4))
(import '
(def cnn (URL. ""))
(.getHost cnn)
(slurp cnn)
(Double/parseDouble "3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197")
(type (let [alist (java.util.ArrayList.)]
(.add alist 1)
(let [llist (java.util.LinkedList.)]
(.add llist 1)
(doto (java.util.ArrayList.)
(.add 1)
(.add 2)
(.add 3)
(dir clojure.string)
(dir clojure.core)
(ns-aliases *ns*)
(ns-aliases *ns*)
(ns-publics *ns*)
(def x 0)
(identical? 5/4 (+ 3/4 1/2))
(use 'clojure.test)
(is (= 5 ( + 4 3)) " i am good at math")
(is(re-find #"foo" "foobar"))
(println "awesome")
(quote (+ 1 1 ))
(reverse '(+ 1 1 ))
;; creating frozen data
(def frozen-stress-data (nippy/freeze nippy/stress-data))
(nippy/thaw frozen-stress-data)
(def ^:dynamic *base-url* "")
(def ^:dynamic *rosetta-clojure-code* "")
(def ^:dynamic *rosetta-base-url* "")
(def ^:dynamic *algo-detail* "")
(defn fetch-url [url]
(html/html-resource ( url)))
(fetch-url *base-url*)
(def clojure-algos (:body (http/get *rosetta-clojure-code*)))
(print clojure-algos)
(def all-algorithms (map :attrs (html/select (html/html-resource (html/html-snippet clojure-algos)) [:div#mw-pages :li :a])))
(apply str (concat *rosetta-base-url* (first (map :href all-algorithms))))
(def algo-urls (doseq [line (map :href all-algorithms)]
(println (apply str (concat *rosetta-base-url* line)))))
(def clojure-pres (html/select (html/html-resource (html/html-snippet (:body (http/get *algo-detail*)))) [:pre.clojure]))
(print clojure-pres)
(print (html/text (first clojure-pres)))
(print "awesome")
(defn hn-headlines []
(map html/text (html/select (fetch-url *base-url*) [:td.title :a])))
(defn hn-points []
(map html/text (html/select (fetch-url *base-url*) [:td.subtext html/first-child] )))
(defn print-headlines-and-points []
(doseq [line (map #(str %1 %2) (hn-headlines) (hn-points))]
(println line)
(def ^:dynamic coursera-url "")
(def ^:dynamic my-email "")
(def ^:dynamic my-password "asdfasdf123")
(def ^:dynamic clojure-cheatseet "")
(def ^:dynamic lds-url "")
(def clojure-names (html/select (html/html-resource (html/html-snippet (:body (http/get clojure-cheatseet)))) [:div#WikiContent :a]))
(def linear-dynamic-systems (html/select (html/html-resource (html/html-snippet (:body (http/get lds-url)))) [:td :a]))
(def pdf-url (get-in (first linear-dynamic-systems) [:attrs :href]))
(str "/tmp/" (last (.split pdf-url "/")))
(def pdf-sources [
(defn get-page-as-res [url selector]
(html/select (html/html-resource ( url )) selector))
(defn get-page-res-links [url]
(map #(get-in % [:attrs :href]) (get-page-as-res url [:td :a]) ))
(defn download-file [url dir]
(let [my-file (last (.split url "/"))]
(if-not (.exists (io/as-file (str dir my-file)))
(with-open [ in (io/input-stream url)
out (io/output-stream (str dir my-file))]
(io/copy in out)
(println my-file " has been downloaded.")
(catch Exception e (str "caught exception:" (.getMessage e))))
(print my-file "is already there"))))
;; You have to dorun mapped futures, cause map returns lazy sequences and they wont be evaluated until you force them
(doseq [link pdf-sources]
(dorun (map #(future (download-file % "/work/weekly readings/LinearDynamicSystems/")) (get-page-res-links link))))
(map #(first (:content %)) clojure-names)
(map #(get-in % [:attrs :href] ) clojure-names )
(def clj-essense (map (fn [m]
{:name (first
(:content m)
:url (get-in m [:attrs :href])
}) clojure-names))
(print (map :name clj-essense))
(second clj-essense)
(defn print-doc [url]
(map :content
(html/select ( -> (http/get url)
[:section :div :pre])))
(defn print-doc2 [url]
(first (:content (first (html/select (html/html-resource ( url) )
[:section :div.docstring :pre]
(defn print-example [url ]
(html/select (html/html-resource ( url)) [:div.var-examples]))
(html/html-resource ( ""))
(map (fn [m]
{:name (:name m) :doc (print-doc2 (:url m))}) clj-essense)
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