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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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Update to latest npm on Windows
@echo off
:: Update npm on Windows.
:: Instructions: download this .bat file (location shouldn't matter, but make sure
:: it saves with the .bat extension) and run as administrator.
:: This is essentially solution #3 of,
:: just simplified by complicating things with a batch file :)
:: This approach requires re-running this script for each npm upgrade, but it keeps the
:: PATH variables as intended, whereas solution #1 requires either moving the nodejs entry
:: from the system PATH to the user PATH or adding a user-specific AppData file path
:: to the system PATH, neither of which seem ideal.
:: Ensure running as administrator for editing Program Files
net session >nul 2>&1
if not %errorLevel% == 0 (
echo Administrative permissions required to modify files in nodejs install directory.
:: Caret is escape character -
echo Re-run file as Administrator ^(right-click, 'Run as administrator'^).
goto Exit
:: get location of npm being used (should be same as nodejs install location, likely C:\Program Files\nodejs or similar);
:: break with goto so we get the first line
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('where npm.cmd') do set NpmPath=%%i && goto Found
if "%NpmPath%" == "" (
echo npm.cmd not found.
goto Exit
:: Substring of file path to get just the directory (includes trailing space)
set NpmDir=%NpmPath:~0,-8%
:: Navigate to the npm install directory (should be same as nodejs)
cd %NpmDir%
:: Rename "npm" shell script so npm doesn't use it as the package source
if exist "npm" (
ren npm npm.bak
:: Install npm as a local module
echo Upgrading npm in %NpmDir%...
call npm i npm
echo npm upgrade was unsuccessful.
) else (
echo npm upgrade successful.
:: Fix renamed shell script
if exist "npm.bak" (
ren npm.bak npm
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