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Created February 20, 2012 13:01
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Version information for Mathematica system functions
{"AbelianGroup" -> {"8"}, "AbortKernels" -> {"7"}, "Abort" -> {"2"},
"AbortProtect" -> {"2"}, "Abs" -> {"1"},
"AbsoluteCurrentValue" -> {"6"}, "AbsoluteDashing" -> {{"2", "6"}},
"AbsoluteFileName" -> {"7"}, "AbsoluteOptions" -> {"4"},
"AbsolutePointSize" -> {{"2", "6"}},
"AbsoluteThickness" -> {{"2", "6"}}, "AbsoluteTime" -> {{"2", "6"}},
"AbsoluteTiming" -> {"5"}, "AccountingForm" -> {"2"},
"Accumulate" -> {{"6", "7"}}, "AccuracyGoal" -> {{"1", "5"}},
"Accuracy" -> {{"1", "5"}}, "ActionMenu" -> {{"6", "8"}},
"Active" -> {"3"}, "ActiveStyle" -> {"7"}, "AcyclicGraphQ" -> {"8"},
"AddOnHelpPath" -> {"4.0"}, "AddTo" -> {"1"},
"AdjacencyGraph" -> {"8"}, "AdjacencyMatrix" -> {"8"},
"AdjustmentBox" -> {"3"}, "AffineTransform" -> {"6"},
"AiryAi" -> {"1"}, "AiryAiPrime" -> {"2"}, "AiryAiZero" -> {"6"},
"AiryBi" -> {"2"}, "AiryBiPrime" -> {"2"}, "AiryBiZero" -> {"6"},
"AlgebraicIntegerQ" -> {"6"}, "AlgebraicNumberDenominator" -> {"6"},
"AlgebraicNumber" -> {"6"}, "AlgebraicNumberNorm" -> {"6"},
"AlgebraicNumberPolynomial" -> {"6"},
"AlgebraicNumberTrace" -> {"6"}, "AlgebraicRules" -> {"1"},
"Algebraics" -> {"4"}, "AlgebraicUnitQ" -> {"6"}, "Alias" -> {"1"},
"Alignment" -> {"6"}, "AlignmentPoint" -> {"6"},
"All" -> {{"1", "4"}}, "AllowGroupClose" -> {"8"},
"AllowInlineCells" -> {"4.0"}, "AllowReverseGroupClose" -> {"8"},
"AllowScriptLevelChange" -> {"4.1"}, "AlphaChannel" -> {"8"},
"AlternatingGroup" -> {"8"}, "AlternativeHypothesis" -> {"8"},
"Alternatives" -> {"2"}, "AmbientLight" -> {"1"},
"AnchoredSearch" -> {"2"}, "AndersonDarlingTest" -> {"8"},
"And" -> {{"1", "3"}}, "AngerJ" -> {"7"}, "AngleBracket" -> {"6"},
"Animate" -> {"6"}, "AnimationCycleOffset" -> {"4.0"},
"AnimationCycleRepetitions" -> {"4.0"},
"AnimationDirection" -> {{"3", "6"}},
"AnimationDisplayTime" -> {"3"}, "AnimationRate" -> {"6"},
"AnimationRepetitions" -> {"6"}, "AnimationRunning" -> {"6"},
"Animator" -> {"6"}, "Annotation" -> {"6"}, "AnnuityDue" -> {"8"},
"Annuity" -> {"8"}, "Antialiasing" -> {{"6", "7"}},
"Apart" -> {{"1", "6"}}, "ApartSquareFree" -> {"6"},
"AppearanceElements" -> {"6"}, "Appearance" -> {"6"},
"AppellF1" -> {"4"}, "Append" -> {{"1", "5"}},
"AppendTo" -> {{"1", "5"}}, "Apply" -> {{"1", "5"}},
"ArcCosh" -> {"1"}, "ArcCos" -> {"1"}, "ArcCoth" -> {"1"},
"ArcCot" -> {"1"}, "ArcCsch" -> {"1"}, "ArcCsc" -> {"1"},
"ArcSech" -> {"1"}, "ArcSec" -> {"1"}, "ArcSinDistribution" -> {"8"},
"ArcSinh" -> {"1"}, "ArcSin" -> {"1"}, "ArcTanh" -> {"1"},
"ArcTan" -> {"1"}, "ArgMax" -> {"7"}, "ArgMin" -> {"7"},
"Arg" -> {{"1", "6"}}, "ArithmeticGeometricMean" -> {"1"},
"ArrayComponents" -> {"8"}, "ArrayDepth" -> {{"5", "5"}},
"ArrayFlatten" -> {"6"}, "Array" -> {{"1", "4"}},
"ArrayPad" -> {"7"}, "ArrayPlot" -> {{"5.1", "6"}},
"ArrayQ" -> {"5"}, "ArrayRules" -> {"5"},
"Arrowheads" -> {{"6", "7"}}, "Arrow" -> {{"6", "8"}},
"AspectRatioFixed" -> {"3"}, "AspectRatio" -> {{"1", "6"}},
"Assert" -> {"8"}, "Assuming" -> {"5"},
"Assumptions" -> {{"3", "5"}}, "AstronomicalData" -> {{"6", "8"}},
"Asynchronous" -> {"8"}, "AtomQ" -> {{"1", "5"}},
"Attributes" -> {{"1", "3"}},
"AugmentedSymmetricPolynomial" -> {"8"}, "AutoAction" -> {"6"},
"AutoDelete" -> {"3.0"}, "AutoGeneratedPackage" -> {"4.0"},
"AutoIndent" -> {{"3", "4"}}, "AutoItalicWords" -> {"3"},
"AutoloadPath" -> {"4.0"}, "Automatic" -> {"1"},
"AutoMultiplicationSymbol" -> {"6"}, "AutoOpenNotebooks" -> {"5.1"},
"AutoOpenPalettes" -> {"4.0"}, "AutorunSequencing" -> {"6"},
"AutoScroll" -> {"3"}, "AutoSpacing" -> {"3"}, "AxesEdge" -> {"2"},
"AxesLabel" -> {{"1", "6"}}, "Axes" -> {"1"},
"AxesOrigin" -> {{"2", "7"}}, "AxesStyle" -> {{"2", "7"}},
"Axis" -> {"3"}, "BabyMonsterGroupB" -> {"8"},
"Background" -> {{"2", "6"}}, "Back" -> {"6"}, "Backslash" -> {"6"},
"Backward" -> {"6"}, "Band" -> {"6"},
"BarabasiAlbertGraphDistribution" -> {"8"},
"BarChart3D" -> {{"7", "8"}}, "BarChart" -> {{"7", "8"}},
"BarnesG" -> {"7"}, "BarOrigin" -> {"7"}, "BarSpacing" -> {"7"},
"BaseForm" -> {"1"}, "Baseline" -> {"3"},
"BaselinePosition" -> {"6"}, "BaseStyle" -> {{"6", "7"}},
"BatesDistribution" -> {"8"}, "BattleLemarieWavelet" -> {"8"},
"Because" -> {"6"}, "BeckmannDistribution" -> {"8"}, "Beep" -> {"6"},
"BeginDialogPacket" -> {"3"}, "Begin" -> {"1"},
"BeginPackage" -> {"1"}, "BellB" -> {"6"}, "BellY" -> {"8"},
"BenfordDistribution" -> {"8"}, "BeniniDistribution" -> {"8"},
"BenktanderGibratDistribution" -> {"8"},
"BenktanderWeibullDistribution" -> {"8"}, "BernoulliB" -> {"1"},
"BernoulliDistribution" -> {"6"},
"BernoulliGraphDistribution" -> {"8"}, "BernsteinBasis" -> {"7"},
"BesselI" -> {{"1", "4"}}, "BesselJ" -> {{"1", "4"}},
"BesselJZero" -> {"6"}, "BesselK" -> {{"1", "4"}},
"BesselY" -> {{"1", "4"}}, "BesselYZero" -> {"6"},
"BetaBinomialDistribution" -> {"6"}, "BetaDistribution" -> {"6"},
"Beta" -> {{"1", "3"}}, "BetaNegativeBinomialDistribution" -> {"6"},
"BetaPrimeDistribution" -> {"8"}, "BetaRegularized" -> {"2"},
"BetweennessCentrality" -> {"8"}, "BezierCurve" -> {"7"},
"BezierFunction" -> {"7"}, "BilateralFilter" -> {"8"},
"Binarize" -> {"7"}, "BinaryFormat" -> {"3"},
"BinaryImageQ" -> {"7"}, "BinaryReadList" -> {"5.1"},
"BinaryRead" -> {{"5.1", "6"}}, "BinaryWrite" -> {"5.1"},
"BinCounts" -> {"6"}, "BinLists" -> {"6"},
"BinomialDistribution" -> {"6"}, "Binomial" -> {"1"},
"BinormalDistribution" -> {"8"},
"BiorthogonalSplineWavelet" -> {"8"}, "BipartiteGraphQ" -> {"8"},
"BirnbaumSaundersDistribution" -> {"8"}, "BitAnd" -> {"4"},
"BitClear" -> {"6"}, "BitGet" -> {"6"}, "BitLength" -> {"6"},
"BitNot" -> {"4"}, "BitOr" -> {"4"}, "BitSet" -> {"6"},
"BitShiftLeft" -> {"6"}, "BitShiftRight" -> {"6"}, "BitXor" -> {"4"},
"Black" -> {"5.1"}, "Blank" -> {"1"}, "BlankNullSequence" -> {"1"},
"BlankSequence" -> {"1"}, "Blend" -> {"6"}, "Block" -> {"1"},
"BlockRandom" -> {"6"}, "Blue" -> {"5.1"}, "Blur" -> {"7"},
"BodePlot" -> {"8"}, "Bold" -> {"6"}, "Bookmarks" -> {"7"},
"BooleanConvert" -> {"7"}, "BooleanCountingFunction" -> {"7"},
"BooleanFunction" -> {"7"}, "BooleanGraph" -> {"8"},
"BooleanMaxterms" -> {"7"}, "BooleanMinimize" -> {"7"},
"BooleanMinterms" -> {"7"}, "Booleans" -> {"4"},
"BooleanTable" -> {"7"}, "BooleanVariables" -> {"7"},
"Boole" -> {{"5.1", "6"}}, "BorderDimensions" -> {"8"},
"BorelTannerDistribution" -> {"8"}, "BottomHatTransform" -> {"7"},
"Bottom" -> {"1"}, "BoundaryStyle" -> {"6"},
"BoxBaselineShift" -> {"4.0"}, "BoxData" -> {"8"}, "Boxed" -> {"1"},
"BoxFormFormatTypes" -> {"4.0"}, "BoxFrame" -> {"3.0"},
"BoxMargins" -> {"3.0"}, "BoxMatrix" -> {"7"}, "BoxRatios" -> {"1"},
"BoxStyle" -> {{"2", "7"}}, "BoxWhiskerChart" -> {"8"},
"BracketingBar" -> {"6"}, "BrayCurtisDistance" -> {"6"},
"BreadthFirstScan" -> {"8"}, "BreadthFirstSearch" -> {"8"},
"Break" -> {{"1", "3"}}, "BrownForsytheTest" -> {"8"},
"Brown" -> {"5.1"}, "BSplineBasis" -> {"7"}, "BSplineCurve" -> {"7"},
"BSplineFunction" -> {"7"}, "BSplineSurface" -> {"7"},
"BubbleChart3D" -> {{"7", "8"}}, "BubbleChart" -> {{"7", "8"}},
"BubbleScale" -> {"7"}, "BubbleSizes" -> {"7"},
"ButterflyGraph" -> {"8"}, "ButtonBar" -> {"7"},
"ButtonBox" -> {{"3", "6"}}, "ButtonBoxOptions" -> {"4.0"},
"ButtonData" -> {"3"}, "ButtonEvaluator" -> {"3"},
"ButtonExpandable" -> {"3"}, "ButtonFrame" -> {"3"},
"ButtonFunction" -> {"3"}, "ButtonMargins" -> {"3"},
"ButtonMinHeight" -> {"3"}, "Button" -> {{"6", "8"}},
"ButtonNotebook" -> {"3"}, "ButtonNote" -> {"3"},
"ButtonSource" -> {"3"}, "ButtonStyle" -> {"3"},
"ByteCount" -> {"1"}, "Byte" -> {"1"}, "ByteOrdering" -> {"5.2"},
"CallPacket" -> {"3"}, "CanberraDistance" -> {"6"},
"CancelButton" -> {"6"}, "Cancel" -> {{"1", "6"}},
"CandlestickChart" -> {"8"}, "CapForm" -> {"7"},
"CapitalDifferentialD" -> {"6"}, "Cap" -> {"6"},
"CarmichaelLambda" -> {"4"}, "Cases" -> {{"1", "5"}},
"Cashflow" -> {"8"}, "Casoratian" -> {"7"}, "Catalan" -> {"1"},
"CatalanNumber" -> {"6"}, "Catch" -> {{"1", "3"}},
"CauchyDistribution" -> {"6"}, "CayleyGraph" -> {"8"},
"CDF" -> {{"6", "8"}}, "CDFWavelet" -> {"8"},
"Ceiling" -> {{"1", "6"}}, "CellArray" -> {"1"},
"CellAutoOverwrite" -> {"3"}, "CellBaseline" -> {"3"},
"CellBracketOptions" -> {"4.0"}, "CellChangeTimes" -> {"6"},
"CellContext" -> {"6"}, "CellDingbat" -> {{"3", "6"}},
"CellDynamicExpression" -> {"8"}, "CellEditDuplicate" -> {"3"},
"CellEpilog" -> {"6"}, "CellEvaluationDuplicate" -> {"3"},
"CellEvaluationFunction" -> {"6"}, "CellEventActions" -> {"6"},
"CellFrameColor" -> {"4.0"}, "CellFrameLabelMargins" -> {"4.0"},
"CellFrameLabels" -> {"4.0"}, "CellFrameMargins" -> {"3"},
"CellFrame" -> {"3"}, "CellGroupData" -> {{"3", "6"}},
"CellGrouping" -> {"3"}, "CellGroupingRules" -> {"4.0"},
"CellGroup" -> {"6"}, "CellHorizontalScrolling" -> {"4.0"},
"CellLabelAutoDelete" -> {"3"}, "CellLabelMargins" -> {"4.0"},
"CellLabel" -> {"3"}, "CellLabelPositioning" -> {"4.0"},
"CellMargins" -> {"3"}, "Cell" -> {{"3", "6"}}, "CellOpen" -> {"3"},
"CellPrint" -> {{"3", "6"}}, "CellProlog" -> {"6"},
"CellSize" -> {"4.0"}, "CellTags" -> {"3"},
"CellularAutomaton" -> {{"4.2", "7"}},
"CensoredDistribution" -> {"8"}, "Censoring" -> {"8"},
"CenterDot" -> {"6"}, "Center" -> {"1"},
"CentralMomentGeneratingFunction" -> {"8"},
"CentralMoment" -> {{"6", "8"}}, "CForm" -> {"1"},
"ChampernowneNumber" -> {"7"}, "ChanVeseBinarize" -> {"8"},
"CharacterEncoding" -> {"3"}, "CharacterEncodingsPath" -> {"4.0"},
"CharacteristicFunction" -> {{"6", "8"}},
"CharacteristicPolynomial" -> {{"5", "6"}}, "Character" -> {"1"},
"CharacterRange" -> {"3"}, "Characters" -> {{"1", "3"}},
"ChartBaseStyle" -> {"7"}, "ChartElementFunction" -> {"7"},
"ChartElements" -> {"7"}, "ChartLabels" -> {"7"},
"ChartLayout" -> {"7"}, "ChartLegends" -> {"7"},
"ChartStyle" -> {"7"}, "ChebyshevDistance" -> {"6"},
"ChebyshevT" -> {"1"}, "ChebyshevU" -> {"1"}, "CheckAbort" -> {"2"},
"CheckboxBar" -> {{"6", "7"}}, "Checkbox" -> {"6"},
"Check" -> {{"1", "7"}}, "ChemicalData" -> {{"6", "7"}},
"ChessboardDistance" -> {"6"}, "ChiDistribution" -> {"6"},
"ChineseRemainder" -> {"6"}, "ChiSquareDistribution" -> {"6"},
"ChoiceButtons" -> {"7"}, "ChoiceDialog" -> {{"6", "7"}},
"CholeskyDecomposition" -> {"5"}, "Chop" -> {"1"},
"CircleDot" -> {"6"}, "CircleMinus" -> {"6"},
"Circle" -> {{"2", "6"}}, "CirclePlus" -> {"6"},
"CircleTimes" -> {"6"}, "CirculantGraph" -> {"8"},
"CityData" -> {"6"}, "ClearAll" -> {"1"}, "ClearAttributes" -> {"1"},
"Clear" -> {"1"}, "ClearSystemCache" -> {"6"},
"ClebschGordan" -> {"2"}, "ClickPane" -> {"6"},
"ClipFill" -> {{"1", "6"}}, "Clip" -> {"5.1"},
"ClippingStyle" -> {"6"}, "Clock" -> {"6"}, "CloseKernels" -> {"7"},
"Close" -> {"1"}, "ClosenessCentrality" -> {"8"},
"ClosingAutoSave" -> {"4.0"}, "Closing" -> {"7"},
"ClusteringComponents" -> {"8"}, "CMYKColor" -> {{"2", "6"}},
"C" -> {{"2", "5"}}, "CoefficientArrays" -> {"5"},
"CoefficientList" -> {{"1", "4.2"}}, "Coefficient" -> {{"1", "3"}},
"CoefficientRules" -> {"7"}, "CoifletWavelet" -> {"8"},
"Collect" -> {{"1", "6"}}, "Colon" -> {"6"},
"ColorCombine" -> {{"7", "8"}}, "ColorConvert" -> {{"7", "8"}},
"ColorDataFunction" -> {"6"}, "ColorData" -> {{"6", "8"}},
"ColorFunction" -> {{"2", "6"}},
"ColorFunctionScaling" -> {{"4", "6"}}, "Colorize" -> {"8"},
"ColorNegate" -> {"7"}, "ColorOutput" -> {{"2", "3"}},
"ColorQuantize" -> {"7"}, "ColorRules" -> {"5.1"},
"ColorSelectorSettings" -> {"4.0"}, "ColorSeparate" -> {{"7", "8"}},
"ColorSetter" -> {"6"}, "ColorSlider" -> {"6"},
"ColorSpace" -> {"7"}, "ColumnAlignments" -> {"3"},
"ColumnForm" -> {"1"}, "ColumnLines" -> {"3"}, "Column" -> {"6"},
"ColumnsEqual" -> {"3"}, "ColumnSpacings" -> {"3"},
"ColumnWidths" -> {{"3", "6"}},
"CommonDefaultFormatTypes" -> {"4.0"}, "CommonestFilter" -> {"7"},
"Commonest" -> {"6"}, "CompilationOptions" -> {"8"},
"CompilationTarget" -> {"8"}, "CompiledFunction" -> {{"2", "8"}},
"Compiled" -> {"2"}, "Compile" -> {{"2", "8"}},
"Complement" -> {{"1", "3"}}, "CompleteGraph" -> {"8"},
"CompleteGraphQ" -> {"8"}, "CompleteKaryTree" -> {"8"},
"Complexes" -> {"4"}, "ComplexExpand" -> {{"2", "6"}},
"ComplexInfinity" -> {"1"}, "ComplexityFunction" -> {"3"},
"Complex" -> {"1"}, "ComponentMeasurements" -> {"8"},
"ComposeList" -> {"2"}, "Compose" -> {"1"}, "ComposeSeries" -> {"3"},
"Composition" -> {"2"}, "CompoundExpression" -> {"1"},
"Compress" -> {"6"}, "ConditionalExpression" -> {"8"},
"Conditioned" -> {"8"}, "Condition" -> {"1"}, "Cone" -> {"7"},
"ConfidenceLevel" -> {"7"}, "ConfigurationPath" -> {"4.0"},
"Congruent" -> {"6"}, "Conjugate" -> {{"1", "5.1"}},
"ConjugateTranspose" -> {"5.1"}, "Conjunction" -> {"7"},
"ConnectedComponents" -> {"8"}, "ConnectedGraphQ" -> {"8"},
"ConoverTest" -> {"8"}, "ConstantArray" -> {{"6", "7"}},
"Constant" -> {"1"}, "Constants" -> {"1"}, "ConstrainedMax" -> {"2"},
"ConstrainedMin" -> {"2"}, "ContentPadding" -> {"8"},
"ContentSelectable" -> {"6"}, "ContentSize" -> {"7"},
"Context" -> {"1"}, "Contexts" -> {"2"},
"ContextToFileName" -> {"3"}, "ContinuedFractionK" -> {"7"},
"ContinuedFraction" -> {"4"}, "Continue" -> {{"1", "3"}},
"ContinuousAction" -> {"6"}, "ContinuousTimeModelQ" -> {"8"},
"ContinuousWaveletData" -> {"8"},
"ContinuousWaveletTransform" -> {"8"}, "ContourDetect" -> {"8"},
"ContourGraphics" -> {"1"}, "ContourLabels" -> {{"6", "7"}},
"ContourLevels" -> {"1"}, "ContourLines" -> {"2"},
"ContourPlot3D" -> {{"6", "8"}}, "ContourPlot" -> {{"1", "7"}},
"ContourShading" -> {{"2", "6"}}, "Contours" -> {{"2", "6"}},
"ContourSpacing" -> {"1"}, "ContourStyle" -> {{"2", "6"}},
"ContraharmonicMean" -> {"7"}, "ControlActive" -> {"6"},
"ControllabilityGramian" -> {"8"}, "ControllabilityMatrix" -> {"8"},
"ControllableDecomposition" -> {"8"}, "ControllableModelQ" -> {"8"},
"ControllerInformation" -> {"6"}, "ControllerLinking" -> {"6"},
"ControllerManipulate" -> {"6"}, "ControllerMethod" -> {"6"},
"ControllerPath" -> {"6"}, "ControllerState" -> {"6"},
"Control" -> {"7"}, "ControlPlacement" -> {{"6", "7"}},
"ControlsRendering" -> {"6"}, "ControlType" -> {"6"},
"Convergents" -> {"6"}, "ConversionOptions" -> {"4.0"},
"ConversionRules" -> {"3"}, "Convolve" -> {"7"},
"ConwayGroupCo1" -> {"8"}, "ConwayGroupCo2" -> {"8"},
"ConwayGroupCo3" -> {"8"}, "CoordinatesToolOptions" -> {"7"},
"CoprimeQ" -> {"6"}, "Coproduct" -> {"6"},
"CopulaDistribution" -> {"8"}, "Copyable" -> {"3"},
"CopyDirectory" -> {"2"}, "CopyFile" -> {"2"},
"CopyToClipboard" -> {"8"}, "CornerFilter" -> {"8"},
"CornerNeighbors" -> {"7"}, "CorrelationDistance" -> {"6"},
"Correlation" -> {{"6", "8"}}, "CoshIntegral" -> {"3"},
"Cosh" -> {"1"}, "CosineDistance" -> {"6"}, "CosIntegral" -> {"2"},
"Cos" -> {{"1", "4"}}, "Coth" -> {{"1", "3"}}, "Cot" -> {{"1", "3"}},
"CounterAssignments" -> {"4.0"}, "CounterFunction" -> {"4.0"},
"CounterIncrements" -> {"4.0"}, "CounterStyleMenuListing" -> {"4.0"},
"Count" -> {"1"}, "CountRoots" -> {"6"}, "CountryData" -> {"6"},
"CovarianceEstimatorFunction" -> {"7"}, "Covariance" -> {{"6", "8"}},
"CramerVonMisesTest" -> {"8"}, "CreateArchive" -> {"8"},
"CreateDialog" -> {"6"}, "CreateDirectory" -> {{"2", "6"}},
"CreateDocument" -> {"6"}, "CreateIntermediateDirectories" -> {"6"},
"CreatePalette" -> {"6"}, "CreateScheduledTask" -> {"8"},
"CreateWindow" -> {"6"}, "CriticalSection" -> {"7"},
"CrossingDetect" -> {"8"}, "CrossMatrix" -> {"7"}, "Cross" -> {"3"},
"Csch" -> {{"1", "3"}}, "Csc" -> {{"1", "3"}}, "Cubics" -> {"1"},
"Cuboid" -> {{"2", "6"}}, "CumulantGeneratingFunction" -> {"8"},
"Cumulant" -> {"8"}, "CupCap" -> {"6"}, "Cup" -> {"6"},
"CurrentImage" -> {"8"}, "CurrentValue" -> {"6"},
"CurvatureFlowFilter" -> {"8"}, "CurveClosed" -> {"8"},
"Cyan" -> {"5.1"}, "CycleGraph" -> {"8"}, "Cycles" -> {"8"},
"CyclicGroup" -> {"8"}, "Cyclotomic" -> {"1"},
"Cylinder" -> {{"6", "7"}}, "CylindricalDecomposition" -> {"5"},
"DagumDistribution" -> {"8"}, "DamerauLevenshteinDistance" -> {"7"},
"Darker" -> {{"6", "7"}}, "Dashed" -> {"6"},
"Dashing" -> {{"1", "6"}}, "DataDistribution" -> {"8"},
"DataRange" -> {"5.1"}, "DataReversed" -> {"6"},
"DateDifference" -> {"6"}, "DateFunction" -> {"6"},
"DateListLogPlot" -> {"7"}, "DateList" -> {"6"},
"DateListPlot" -> {"6"}, "Date" -> {"2"}, "DatePattern" -> {"6"},
"DatePlus" -> {"6"}, "DateString" -> {"6"},
"DateTicksFormat" -> {"6"}, "DaubechiesWavelet" -> {"8"},
"DavisDistribution" -> {"8"}, "DawsonF" -> {"7"},
"DeBruijnGraph" -> {"8"}, "Debug" -> {"1"},
"DeclarePackage" -> {"2"}, "Decompose" -> {"1"},
"Decrement" -> {"1"}, "DedekindEta" -> {"3"},
"DefaultAxesStyle" -> {"7"}, "DefaultBaseStyle" -> {"7"},
"DefaultBoxStyle" -> {"7"}, "DefaultButton" -> {"6"},
"DefaultColor" -> {"2"}, "DefaultDuplicateCellStyle" -> {"3"},
"DefaultDuration" -> {"6"}, "DefaultElement" -> {"6"},
"DefaultFaceGridsStyle" -> {"7"}, "DefaultFieldHintStyle" -> {"8"},
"DefaultFont" -> {"2"}, "DefaultFontProperties" -> {"4.0"},
"DefaultFormatType" -> {"4.0"}, "DefaultFrameStyle" -> {"7"},
"DefaultFrameTicksStyle" -> {"7"}, "DefaultGridLinesStyle" -> {"7"},
"DefaultInlineFormatType" -> {"4.0"}, "DefaultLabelStyle" -> {"7"},
"DefaultMenuStyle" -> {"8"}, "DefaultNaturalLanguage" -> {"4.0"},
"Default" -> {"1"}, "DefaultNewCellStyle" -> {"3"},
"DefaultNewInlineCellStyle" -> {"4.0"}, "DefaultNotebook" -> {"4.0"},
"DefaultOptions" -> {"6"}, "DefaultStyleDefinitions" -> {"4.0"},
"DefaultTicksStyle" -> {"7"}, "Defer" -> {"6"},
"Definition" -> {{"1", "3"}}, "DegreeCentrality" -> {"8"},
"DegreeGraphDistribution" -> {"8"}, "Degree" -> {{"1", "4"}},
"Deinitialization" -> {"6"}, "Deletable" -> {"3"},
"DeleteBorderComponents" -> {"8"}, "DeleteCases" -> {{"2", "4.1"}},
"DeleteContents" -> {"2"}, "DeleteDirectory" -> {"2"},
"DeleteDuplicates" -> {"7"}, "DeleteFile" -> {"2"},
"Delete" -> {{"2", "5"}}, "DeleteSmallComponents" -> {"8"},
"DeletionWarning" -> {"3.0"}, "DelimiterFlashTime" -> {"3"},
"DelimiterMatching" -> {"4.0"}, "Delimiter" -> {"6"}, "Del" -> {"6"},
"Denominator" -> {"1"}, "DensityGraphics" -> {{"1", "5"}},
"DensityHistogram" -> {"8"}, "DensityPlot" -> {{"1", "7"}},
"DependentVariables" -> {"5.0"}, "Deployed" -> {"6"},
"Deploy" -> {"6"}, "DepthFirstScan" -> {"8"},
"DepthFirstSearch" -> {"8"}, "Depth" -> {{"1", "5"}},
"DerivativeFilter" -> {"8"}, "Derivative" -> {{"1", "4"}},
"DesignMatrix" -> {"7"}, "Det" -> {"1"}, "DGaussianWavelet" -> {"8"},
"DiacriticalPositioning" -> {"4.0"},
"DiagonalMatrix" -> {{"1", "7"}}, "Diagonal" -> {"6"},
"DialogInput" -> {"6"}, "Dialog" -> {"2"}, "DialogNotebook" -> {"6"},
"DialogProlog" -> {"2"}, "DialogReturn" -> {"6"},
"DialogSymbols" -> {"2"}, "DiamondMatrix" -> {"7"},
"Diamond" -> {"6"}, "DiceDissimilarity" -> {"6"},
"DictionaryLookup" -> {{"6", "7"}}, "DifferenceDelta" -> {"7"},
"DifferenceRoot" -> {"7"}, "DifferenceRootReduce" -> {"7"},
"Differences" -> {"6"}, "DifferentialD" -> {"6"},
"DifferentialRoot" -> {"7"}, "DifferentialRootReduce" -> {"7"},
"DigitBlock" -> {"1"}, "DigitCharacter" -> {"5.1"},
"DigitCount" -> {"4"}, "DigitQ" -> {"2"}, "DihedralGroup" -> {"8"},
"Dilation" -> {"7"}, "Dimensions" -> {{"1", "5"}},
"DiracComb" -> {"7"}, "DiracDelta" -> {"4"}, "DirectedEdge" -> {"8"},
"DirectedEdges" -> {"6"}, "DirectedGraph" -> {"8"},
"DirectedGraphQ" -> {"8"}, "DirectedInfinity" -> {"1"},
"Direction" -> {{"2", "5"}}, "Directive" -> {"6"},
"DirectoryName" -> {{"3", "7"}}, "Directory" -> {"2"},
"DirectoryQ" -> {"7"}, "DirectoryStack" -> {"2"},
"DirichletCharacter" -> {"7"}, "DirichletConvolve" -> {"7"},
"DirichletDistribution" -> {"8"}, "DirichletL" -> {"7"},
"DirichletTransform" -> {"7"}, "DiscreteConvolve" -> {"7"},
"DiscreteDelta" -> {"4"}, "DiscreteIndicator" -> {"7"},
"DiscreteLQEstimatorGains" -> {"8"},
"DiscreteLQRegulatorGains" -> {"8"},
"DiscreteLyapunovSolve" -> {"8"}, "DiscretePlot3D" -> {"8"},
"DiscretePlot" -> {{"7", "8"}}, "DiscreteRatio" -> {"7"},
"DiscreteRiccatiSolve" -> {"8"}, "DiscreteShift" -> {"7"},
"DiscreteTimeModelOptions" -> {"8"}, "DiscreteTimeModelQ" -> {"8"},
"DiscreteUniformDistribution" -> {{"6", "8"}},
"DiscreteWaveletData" -> {"8"},
"DiscreteWaveletPacketTransform" -> {"8"},
"DiscreteWaveletTransform" -> {"8"}, "Discriminant" -> {"6"},
"Disjunction" -> {"7"}, "DiskMatrix" -> {"7"},
"Disk" -> {{"2", "6"}}, "Dispatch" -> {"2"},
"DispersionEstimatorFunction" -> {"7"}, "DisplayAllSteps" -> {"6"},
"DisplayEndPacket" -> {"3"}, "DisplayForm" -> {"3"},
"DisplayFunction" -> {{"1", "6"}}, "Display" -> {{"1", "4"}},
"DisplayPacket" -> {"3"}, "DisplayString" -> {"3"},
"DistanceFunction" -> {"6"}, "DistanceTransform" -> {{"7", "8"}},
"DistributedContexts" -> {"8"},
"DistributeDefinitions" -> {{"7", "8"}}, "Distributed" -> {"8"},
"Distribute" -> {"1"}, "DistributionChart" -> {"8"},
"DistributionFitTest" -> {"8"},
"DistributionParameterAssumptions" -> {"8"},
"DistributionParameterQ" -> {"8"}, "DivideBy" -> {"1"},
"Divide" -> {{"1", "3"}}, "Dividers" -> {"6"}, "Divisible" -> {"6"},
"DivisorSigma" -> {"1"}, "Divisors" -> {"1"}, "DivisorSum" -> {"7"},
"DMSList" -> {"7"}, "DMSString" -> {"7"}, "D" -> {{"1", "7"}},
"DockedCells" -> {"6"}, "DocumentNotebook" -> {"6"},
"Do" -> {{"1", "6"}}, "DotDashed" -> {"6"}, "DotEqual" -> {"6"},
"Dot" -> {{"1", "5"}}, "Dotted" -> {"6"},
"DoubleBracketingBar" -> {"6"}, "DoubleDownArrow" -> {"6"},
"DoubleLeftArrow" -> {"6"}, "DoubleLeftRightArrow" -> {"6"},
"DoubleLongLeftArrow" -> {"6"}, "DoubleLongLeftRightArrow" -> {"6"},
"DoubleLongRightArrow" -> {"6"}, "DoubleRightArrow" -> {"6"},
"DoubleUpArrow" -> {"6"}, "DoubleUpDownArrow" -> {"6"},
"DoubleVerticalBar" -> {"6"}, "DownArrowBar" -> {"6"},
"DownArrow" -> {"6"}, "DownArrowUpArrow" -> {"6"},
"DownLeftRightVector" -> {"6"}, "DownLeftTeeVector" -> {"6"},
"DownLeftVectorBar" -> {"6"}, "DownLeftVector" -> {"6"},
"DownRightTeeVector" -> {"6"}, "DownRightVectorBar" -> {"6"},
"DownRightVector" -> {"6"}, "DownTeeArrow" -> {"6"},
"DownValues" -> {{"2", "3"}}, "DragAndDrop" -> {"3"},
"Drop" -> {{"1", "4"}}, "DSolveConstants" -> {"2"},
"DSolve" -> {{"2", "5"}}, "Dt" -> {"1"}, "DualSystemsModel" -> {"8"},
"Dump" -> {"1"}, "DumpSave" -> {"3"},
"DynamicEvaluationTimeout" -> {"8"}, "DynamicModule" -> {{"6", "7"}},
"DynamicModuleValues" -> {"6"}, "Dynamic" -> {"6"},
"DynamicSetting" -> {"6"}, "DynamicWrapper" -> {"8"},
"EdgeAdd" -> {"8"}, "EdgeConnectivity" -> {"8"},
"EdgeCount" -> {"8"}, "EdgeCoverQ" -> {"8"}, "EdgeCut" -> {"8"},
"EdgeDelete" -> {"8"}, "EdgeDetect" -> {"8"},
"EdgeForm" -> {{"1", "7"}}, "EdgeIndex" -> {"8"},
"EdgeLabeling" -> {"6"}, "EdgeLabels" -> {"8"}, "EdgeList" -> {"8"},
"EdgeQ" -> {"8"}, "EdgeRenderingFunction" -> {"6"},
"EdgeRules" -> {"8"}, "EdgeShapeFunction" -> {"8"},
"EdgeStyle" -> {"8"}, "EdgeWeight" -> {"8"}, "Editable" -> {"3"},
"EditCellTagsSettings" -> {"4.0"}, "EditDistance" -> {"6"},
"EffectiveInterest" -> {"8"}, "Eigensystem" -> {{"1", "5"}},
"Eigenvalues" -> {{"1", "5"}}, "EigenvectorCentrality" -> {"8"},
"Eigenvectors" -> {{"1", "5"}}, "ElementData" -> {"6"},
"Element" -> {{"4", "5"}}, "Eliminate" -> {"1"},
"EllipticE" -> {{"1", "3"}}, "EllipticExp" -> {"1"},
"EllipticExpPrime" -> {"2"}, "EllipticF" -> {{"1", "3"}},
"EllipticK" -> {"1"}, "EllipticLog" -> {"1"},
"EllipticNomeQ" -> {"3"}, "EllipticPi" -> {"1"},
"EllipticTheta" -> {"1"}, "EllipticThetaPrime" -> {"3"},
"EmitSound" -> {"6"}, "EmpiricalDistribution" -> {"8"},
"EmptyGraphQ" -> {"8"}, "Enabled" -> {"6"}, "E" -> {{"1", "3"}},
"Encode" -> {"2"}, "EndDialogPacket" -> {"3"}, "End" -> {"1"},
"EndOfFile" -> {"1"}, "EndOfLine" -> {"5.1"},
"EndOfString" -> {"5.1"}, "EndPackage" -> {"1"},
"EngineeringForm" -> {"1"}, "EnterExpressionPacket" -> {"3"},
"EnterTextPacket" -> {"3"}, "EntropyFilter" -> {"7"},
"Entropy" -> {"7"}, "Environment" -> {"1"}, "Epilog" -> {"2"},
"Equal" -> {{"1", "6"}}, "EqualTilde" -> {"6"},
"Equilibrium" -> {"6"}, "Equivalent" -> {"7"}, "Erfc" -> {"2"},
"Erfi" -> {"3"}, "Erf" -> {"1"}, "ErlangDistribution" -> {"8"},
"Erosion" -> {"7"}, "ErrorBox" -> {"3"},
"ErrorBoxOptions" -> {"4.0"}, "EstimatedDistribution" -> {"8"},
"EstimatorGains" -> {"8"}, "EstimatorRegulator" -> {"8"},
"EuclideanDistance" -> {"6"}, "EulerE" -> {"1"},
"EulerGamma" -> {"1"}, "EulerianGraphQ" -> {"8"},
"EulerPhi" -> {"1"}, "Evaluatable" -> {"3"}, "Evaluate" -> {"2"},
"EvaluatePacket" -> {"3"}, "EvaluationCompletionAction" -> {"4.0"},
"EvaluationElements" -> {"8"}, "EvaluationMonitor" -> {{"5", "6"}},
"EvaluationNotebook" -> {"3"}, "EvaluationObject" -> {"7"},
"EvaluatorNames" -> {"4.0"}, "Evaluator" -> {"3"}, "EvenQ" -> {"1"},
"EventHandler" -> {"6"}, "EventLabels" -> {"8"},
"ExactNumberQ" -> {"4"}, "ExampleData" -> {"6"}, "Except" -> {"5.1"},
"ExcludedForms" -> {"3"}, "ExcludePods" -> {"8"},
"Exclusions" -> {{"6", "7"}}, "ExclusionsStyle" -> {"6"},
"Exists" -> {"5"}, "Exit" -> {"1"}, "ExpandAll" -> {{"1", "6"}},
"ExpandDenominator" -> {{"1", "6"}}, "ExpandFileName" -> {"7"},
"Expand" -> {{"1", "6"}}, "ExpandNumerator" -> {{"1", "6"}},
"Expectation" -> {"8"}, "ExpectedValue" -> {{"6", "7"}},
"ExpGammaDistribution" -> {"8"}, "ExpIntegralEi" -> {"1"},
"ExpIntegralE" -> {"1"}, "Exp" -> {"1"}, "ExponentFunction" -> {"2"},
"ExponentialDistribution" -> {"6"}, "ExponentialFamily" -> {"7"},
"ExponentialGeneratingFunction" -> {"7"},
"ExponentialMovingAverage" -> {"6"},
"ExponentialPowerDistribution" -> {"8"}, "Exponent" -> {{"1", "5"}},
"ExponentPosition" -> {"4.0"}, "ExponentStep" -> {"3"},
"ExportAutoReplacements" -> {"4.0"}, "Export" -> {{"4", "7"}},
"ExportString" -> {{"4", "6"}}, "ExpressionCell" -> {"6"},
"Expression" -> {"1"}, "ExpToTrig" -> {{"3", "6"}},
"ExtendedGCD" -> {{"1", "5"}}, "Extension" -> {{"3", "6"}},
"ExtentElementFunction" -> {"8"}, "ExtentMarkers" -> {"8"},
"ExtentSize" -> {"8"}, "ExternalDataCharacterEncoding" -> {"4.0"},
"ExtractArchive" -> {"8"}, "Extract" -> {{"3", "5"}},
"ExtremeValueDistribution" -> {"6"}, "FaceForm" -> {{"1", "6"}},
"FaceGrids" -> {"2"}, "FaceGridsStyle" -> {{"6", "7"}},
"FactorComplete" -> {"2"}, "Factorial2" -> {"1"},
"FactorialMomentGeneratingFunction" -> {"8"},
"FactorialMoment" -> {"8"}, "Factorial" -> {"1"},
"FactorialPower" -> {"7"}, "FactorInteger" -> {{"1", "6"}},
"FactorList" -> {{"1", "3"}}, "Factor" -> {{"1", "6"}},
"FactorSquareFreeList" -> {"1"}, "FactorSquareFree" -> {{"1", "6"}},
"FactorTermsList" -> {"1"}, "FactorTerms" -> {{"1", "6"}},
"False" -> {"1"}, "FeedbackType" -> {"8"},
"Fibonacci" -> {{"3", "4"}}, "FieldHint" -> {"8"},
"FieldHintStyle" -> {"8"}, "FieldMasked" -> {"8"},
"FieldSize" -> {"6"}, "FileBaseName" -> {"7"},
"FileByteCount" -> {"2"}, "FileDate" -> {{"2", "7"}},
"FileExistsQ" -> {"7"}, "FileExtension" -> {"7"},
"FileFormat" -> {"6"}, "FileHash" -> {{"6", "8"}},
"FileNameDepth" -> {"7"}, "FileNameDialogSettings" -> {"4.0"},
"FileNameDrop" -> {"7"}, "FileNameJoin" -> {"7"},
"FileNameSetter" -> {"6"}, "FileNames" -> {{"2", "6"}},
"FileNameSplit" -> {"7"}, "FileNameTake" -> {"7"},
"FilePrint" -> {"6"}, "FileType" -> {"2"}, "FilledCurve" -> {"8"},
"Filling" -> {"6"}, "FillingStyle" -> {"6"},
"FillingTransform" -> {"8"}, "FilterRules" -> {"6"},
"FinancialBond" -> {"8"}, "FinancialData" -> {"6"},
"FinancialDerivative" -> {"8"}, "FinancialIndicator" -> {"8"},
"FindArgMax" -> {"7"}, "FindArgMin" -> {"7"}, "FindClique" -> {"8"},
"FindClusters" -> {"6"}, "FindCurvePath" -> {"7"},
"FindDistributionParameters" -> {"8"}, "FindDivisions" -> {"7"},
"FindEdgeCover" -> {"8"}, "FindEulerianCycle" -> {"8"},
"FindFile" -> {"7"}, "FindFit" -> {{"5", "6"}},
"FindGeneratingFunction" -> {"7"}, "FindGeoLocation" -> {"7"},
"FindGeometricTransform" -> {"8"}, "FindGraphIsomorphism" -> {"8"},
"FindHamiltonianCycle" -> {"8"}, "FindIndependentEdgeSet" -> {"8"},
"FindIndependentVertexSet" -> {"8"}, "FindInstance" -> {"5"},
"FindIntegerNullVector" -> {"8"}, "FindLibrary" -> {"8"},
"FindLinearRecurrence" -> {"7"}, "FindList" -> {"2"},
"FindMaximumFlow" -> {"8"}, "FindMaximum" -> {{"5", "6"}},
"FindMaxValue" -> {"7"}, "FindMinimum" -> {{"1", "6"}},
"FindMinValue" -> {"7"}, "Find" -> {"2"}, "FindPermutation" -> {"8"},
"FindPostmanCycle" -> {"8"}, "FindRoot" -> {{"1", "5"}},
"FindSequenceFunction" -> {"7"}, "FindSettings" -> {"4.0"},
"FindShortestPath" -> {"8"}, "FindShortestPathSpanningTree" -> {"8"},
"FindShortestTour" -> {"6"}, "FindThreshold" -> {"8"},
"FindVertexCover" -> {"8"}, "FinishDynamic" -> {"6"},
"FiniteAbelianGroupCount" -> {"7"}, "FiniteGroupCount" -> {"7"},
"FiniteGroupData" -> {"7"}, "First" -> {"1"},
"FischerGroupFi22" -> {"8"}, "FischerGroupFi23" -> {"8"},
"FischerGroupFi24p" -> {"8"}, "FischerGroupFi24Prime" -> {"8"},
"FisherHypergeometricDistribution" -> {"8"},
"FisherRatioTest" -> {"8"}, "FisherZDistribution" -> {"8"},
"Fit" -> {"1"}, "FittedModel" -> {"7"}, "FixedPointList" -> {"2"},
"FixedPoint" -> {{"1", "3"}}, "Flat" -> {"1"}, "FlattenAt" -> {"2"},
"Flatten" -> {{"1", "6"}}, "FlipView" -> {"6"},
"Floor" -> {{"1", "6"}}, "FoldList" -> {"2"}, "Fold" -> {{"2", "3"}},
"FontColor" -> {"3"}, "FontFamily" -> {"3"}, "FontForm" -> {"1"},
"FontProperties" -> {"4.0"}, "FontSize" -> {{"3", "6"}},
"FontSlant" -> {{"3", "6"}}, "FontSubstitutions" -> {"3"},
"FontTracking" -> {"3"}, "FontVariations" -> {"3"},
"FontWeight" -> {{"3", "6"}}, "ForAll" -> {"5"},
"Format" -> {{"1", "5"}}, "FormatTypeAutoConvert" -> {"4.0"},
"FormatType" -> {{"1", "3"}}, "FormBox" -> {"3"},
"FormBoxOptions" -> {"4.0"}, "For" -> {"1"}, "FortranForm" -> {"1"},
"ForwardBackward" -> {"6"}, "Forward" -> {"6"},
"FourierCoefficient" -> {"7"}, "FourierCosCoefficient" -> {"7"},
"FourierCosSeries" -> {"7"}, "FourierCosTransform" -> {"4"},
"FourierDCT" -> {"6"}, "FourierDST" -> {"6"},
"Fourier" -> {{"1", "5"}}, "FourierParameters" -> {"4"},
"FourierSequenceTransform" -> {"7"}, "FourierSeries" -> {"7"},
"FourierSinCoefficient" -> {"7"}, "FourierSinSeries" -> {"7"},
"FourierSinTransform" -> {"4"}, "FourierTransform" -> {"4"},
"FourierTrigSeries" -> {"7"}, "FractionalPart" -> {"3"},
"FractionBox" -> {"3"}, "FractionBoxOptions" -> {"4.0"},
"FractionLine" -> {"3.0"}, "FrameBox" -> {{"3", "6"}},
"FrameBoxOptions" -> {"4.0"}, "Framed" -> {{"6", "8"}},
"FrameLabel" -> {{"2", "6"}}, "FrameMargins" -> {"6"},
"Frame" -> {{"2", "6"}}, "FrameStyle" -> {{"2", "7"}},
"FrameTicks" -> {{"2", "7"}}, "FrameTicksStyle" -> {{"6", "7"}},
"FRatioDistribution" -> {"6"}, "FrechetDistribution" -> {"8"},
"FreeQ" -> {"1"}, "FresnelC" -> {"3"}, "FresnelS" -> {"3"},
"FrobeniusNumber" -> {"6"}, "FrobeniusSolve" -> {"6"},
"FromASCII" -> {"1"}, "FromCharacterCode" -> {{"2", "4"}},
"FromCoefficientRules" -> {"7"}, "FromContinuedFraction" -> {"4"},
"FromDate" -> {"2"}, "FromDigits" -> {{"3", "6"}},
"FromDMS" -> {"7"}, "FrontEndDynamicExpression" -> {"8"},
"FrontEndEventActions" -> {"6"}, "FrontEndExecute" -> {"3"},
"FrontEndStackSize" -> {"4.0"}, "FrontEndTokenExecute" -> {"4.0"},
"FrontEndToken" -> {"3"}, "Front" -> {"6"},
"FullDefinition" -> {"1"}, "FullForm" -> {{"1", "5"}},
"FullGraphics" -> {"2"}, "Full" -> {"6"}, "FullOptions" -> {"2"},
"FullSimplify" -> {{"3", "6"}}, "FunctionExpand" -> {{"3", "7"}},
"FunctionInterpolation" -> {"3"}, "Function" -> {{"1", "7"}},
"FunctionSpace" -> {"7"}, "GaborWavelet" -> {"8"},
"GainMargins" -> {"8"}, "GainPhaseMargins" -> {"8"},
"GammaDistribution" -> {{"6", "8"}}, "Gamma" -> {"1"},
"GammaRegularized" -> {"2"}, "GapPenalty" -> {"7"},
"GatherBy" -> {"7"}, "Gather" -> {"7"},
"GaussianFilter" -> {{"7", "8"}}, "GaussianIntegers" -> {"2"},
"GaussianMatrix" -> {{"7", "8"}}, "GCD" -> {{"1", "4"}},
"GegenbauerC" -> {"1"}, "GeneralizedLinearModelFit" -> {"7"},
"General" -> {"1"}, "GenerateConditions" -> {{"3", "7"}},
"GeneratedCell" -> {"3"}, "GeneratedParameters" -> {"5"},
"GeneratingFunction" -> {"7"},
"GenericCylindricalDecomposition" -> {"6"}, "GenomeData" -> {"7"},
"GenomeLookup" -> {"7"}, "GeodesicDilation" -> {{"7", "8"}},
"GeodesicErosion" -> {{"7", "8"}}, "GeoDestination" -> {"7"},
"GeodesyData" -> {"7"}, "GeoDirection" -> {"7"},
"GeoDistance" -> {"7"}, "GeoGridPosition" -> {"7"},
"GeometricDistribution" -> {"6"}, "GeometricMeanFilter" -> {"7"},
"GeometricMean" -> {"6"}, "GeometricTransformation" -> {{"6", "8"}},
"GeoPositionENU" -> {"7"}, "GeoPosition" -> {"7"},
"GeoPositionXYZ" -> {"7"}, "GeoProjectionData" -> {{"7", "8"}},
"Get" -> {{"1", "4"}}, "Glaisher" -> {"4"}, "Glow" -> {"6"},
"GoldenRatio" -> {"1"}, "GompertzMakehamDistribution" -> {"8"},
"Goto" -> {{"1", "3"}}, "GradientFilter" -> {{"7", "8"}},
"Gradient" -> {"2.2"}, "GraphCenter" -> {"8"},
"GraphCircumference" -> {"8"}, "GraphComplement" -> {"8"},
"GraphData" -> {{"6", "8"}}, "GraphDiameter" -> {"8"},
"GraphDifference" -> {"8"}, "GraphDisjointUnion" -> {"8"},
"GraphDistanceMatrix" -> {"8"}, "GraphDistance" -> {"8"},
"GraphGirth" -> {"8"}, "GraphHighlight" -> {"8"},
"GraphHighlightStyle" -> {"8"}, "Graphics3D" -> {{"1", "8"}},
"GraphicsArray" -> {"2"}, "GraphicsColumn" -> {"6"},
"GraphicsComplex" -> {"6"}, "GraphicsGrid" -> {"6"},
"GraphicsGroup" -> {"6"}, "Graphics" -> {{"1", "8"}},
"GraphicsRow" -> {"6"}, "GraphicsSpacing" -> {"2"},
"GraphIntersection" -> {"8"}, "GraphLayout" -> {"8"},
"Graph" -> {"8"}, "GraphPeriphery" -> {"8"}, "GraphPlot3D" -> {"6"},
"GraphPlot" -> {"6"}, "GraphPower" -> {"8"}, "GraphQ" -> {"8"},
"GraphRadius" -> {"8"}, "GraphRoot" -> {"8"}, "GraphStyle" -> {"8"},
"GraphUnion" -> {"8"}, "GrayLevel" -> {{"1", "6"}},
"Gray" -> {"5.1"}, "GreaterEqualLess" -> {"6"},
"GreaterEqual" -> {{"1", "3"}}, "GreaterFullEqual" -> {"6"},
"GreaterGreater" -> {"6"}, "GreaterLess" -> {"6"},
"Greater" -> {{"1", "3"}}, "GreaterSlantEqual" -> {"6"},
"GreaterTilde" -> {"6"}, "Green" -> {"5.1"},
"GridBaseline" -> {{"3", "5"}}, "GridBox" -> {{"3", "6"}},
"GridCreationSettings" -> {"4.0"}, "GridDefaultElement" -> {"3"},
"GridFrameMargins" -> {"4.0"}, "GridFrame" -> {"3.0"},
"GridGraph" -> {"8"}, "GridLines" -> {"2"},
"GridLinesStyle" -> {{"6", "7"}}, "Grid" -> {"6"},
"GroebnerBasis" -> {{"2", "6"}}, "GroupActionBase" -> {"8"},
"GroupCentralizer" -> {"8"}, "GroupElementPosition" -> {"8"},
"GroupElementQ" -> {"8"}, "GroupElements" -> {"8"},
"GroupGenerators" -> {"8"}, "GroupMultiplicationTable" -> {"8"},
"GroupOrbits" -> {"8"}, "GroupOrder" -> {"8"},
"GroupPageBreakWithin" -> {"3"}, "GroupSetwiseStabilizer" -> {"8"},
"GroupStabilizerChain" -> {"8"}, "GroupStabilizer" -> {"8"},
"Gudermannian" -> {"7"}, "GumbelDistribution" -> {"6"},
"HaarWavelet" -> {"8"}, "HalfNormalDistribution" -> {"6"},
"HamiltonianGraphQ" -> {"8"}, "HammingDistance" -> {"6"},
"HankelH1" -> {"6"}, "HankelH2" -> {"6"}, "HankelMatrix" -> {"6"},
"HaradaNortonGroupHN" -> {"8"}, "HararyGraph" -> {"8"},
"HarmonicMeanFilter" -> {"7"}, "HarmonicMean" -> {"6"},
"HarmonicNumber" -> {"4"}, "Hash" -> {{"1", "8"}},
"Haversine" -> {"7"}, "HazardFunction" -> {"8"}, "Head" -> {"1"},
"Heads" -> {"2"}, "HeavisideLambda" -> {"7"}, "HeavisidePi" -> {"7"},
"HeavisideTheta" -> {"6"}, "HeldGroupHe" -> {"8"},
"HeldPart" -> {"2"}, "HelpBrowserSettings" -> {"4.0"},
"HermiteDecomposition" -> {"6"}, "HermiteH" -> {"1"},
"HermitianMatrixQ" -> {"6"}, "HessenbergDecomposition" -> {"5.1"},
"HexadecimalCharacter" -> {"7"}, "HiddenSurface" -> {"1"},
"HighlightGraph" -> {"8"}, "HigmanSimsGroupHS" -> {"8"},
"HilbertMatrix" -> {"6"}, "Histogram3D" -> {{"7", "8"}},
"HistogramDistribution" -> {"8"}, "HistogramList" -> {"8"},
"Histogram" -> {{"7", "8"}}, "HitMissTransform" -> {"7"},
"HITSCentrality" -> {"8"}, "HoldAllComplete" -> {"3"},
"HoldAll" -> {"1"}, "HoldComplete" -> {"3"}, "HoldFirst" -> {"1"},
"HoldForm" -> {"1"}, "Hold" -> {"1"}, "HoldPattern" -> {"3"},
"HoldRest" -> {"1"}, "HomeDirectory" -> {"2"}, "HornerForm" -> {"6"},
"HotellingTSquareDistribution" -> {"8"},
"HoytDistribution" -> {"8"}, "HTMLSave" -> {{"3", "5"}},
"Hue" -> {{"2", "6"}}, "HumpDownHump" -> {"6"}, "HumpEqual" -> {"6"},
"HurwitzLerchPhi" -> {"7"}, "HurwitzZeta" -> {"7"},
"HyperbolicDistribution" -> {"8"}, "HypercubeGraph" -> {"8"},
"Hyperfactorial" -> {"7"}, "Hypergeometric0F1" -> {"1"},
"Hypergeometric0F1Regularized" -> {"3"},
"Hypergeometric1F1" -> {"1"},
"Hypergeometric1F1Regularized" -> {"3"},
"Hypergeometric2F1" -> {{"1", "4"}},
"Hypergeometric2F1Regularized" -> {"3"},
"HypergeometricDistribution" -> {"6"},
"HypergeometricPFQ" -> {{"3", "4"}},
"HypergeometricPFQRegularized" -> {"3"}, "HypergeometricU" -> {"1"},
"Hyperlink" -> {{"6", "7"}}, "Hyphenation" -> {"4"},
"HypothesisTestData" -> {"8"}, "IdentityMatrix" -> {{"1", "7"}},
"Identity" -> {"1"}, "If" -> {"1"}, "IgnoreCase" -> {"2"},
"ImageAdd" -> {"7"}, "ImageAdjust" -> {{"7", "8"}},
"ImageAlign" -> {"8"}, "ImageApply" -> {{"7", "8"}},
"ImageAspectRatio" -> {"8"}, "ImageAssemble" -> {"7"},
"ImageCapture" -> {"8"}, "ImageChannels" -> {"7"},
"ImageClip" -> {"8"}, "ImageColorSpace" -> {"8"},
"ImageCompose" -> {"7"}, "ImageConvolve" -> {{"7", "8"}},
"ImageCooccurrence" -> {"8"}, "ImageCorrelate" -> {{"7", "8"}},
"ImageCorrespondingPoints" -> {"8"}, "ImageCrop" -> {"7"},
"ImageData" -> {{"7", "8"}}, "ImageDeconvolve" -> {"8"},
"ImageDifference" -> {"8"}, "ImageDimensions" -> {"7"},
"ImageEffect" -> {{"7", "8"}}, "ImageFilter" -> {"7"},
"ImageForestingComponents" -> {"8"},
"ImageForwardTransformation" -> {"8"},
"ImageHistogram" -> {{"7", "8"}}, "ImageKeypoints" -> {"8"},
"ImageLevels" -> {"8"}, "ImageLines" -> {"8"},
"ImageMargins" -> {{"3", "6"}}, "ImageMultiply" -> {"7"},
"Image" -> {{"7", "8"}}, "ImagePadding" -> {"6"},
"ImagePad" -> {"7"}, "ImagePartition" -> {"7"},
"ImagePerspectiveTransformation" -> {"8"}, "ImageQ" -> {"7"},
"ImageReflect" -> {"7"}, "ImageRegion" -> {"4.0"},
"ImageResize" -> {{"7", "8"}}, "ImageResolution" -> {"3"},
"ImageRotated" -> {"3"}, "ImageRotate" -> {{"7", "8"}},
"ImageScaled" -> {"6"}, "ImageSizeAction" -> {{"6", "7"}},
"ImageSizeMultipliers" -> {"6"}, "ImageSize" -> {{"3", "6"}},
"ImageSubtract" -> {"7"}, "ImageTake" -> {"7"},
"ImageTransformation" -> {"8"}, "ImageTrim" -> {"8"},
"ImageType" -> {{"7", "8"}}, "ImageValue" -> {"8"}, "Im" -> {"1"},
"Implies" -> {{"1", "3"}}, "ImportAutoReplacements" -> {"4.0"},
"Import" -> {{"4", "7"}}, "ImportString" -> {{"4", "6"}},
"I" -> {{"1", "4"}}, "IncidenceGraph" -> {"8"},
"IncidenceMatrix" -> {"8"}, "IncludeConstantBasis" -> {"7"},
"IncludeFileExtension" -> {"4.0"}, "IncludePods" -> {"8"},
"Increment" -> {"1"}, "IndependentEdgeSetQ" -> {"8"},
"IndependentVertexSetQ" -> {"8"}, "Indeterminate" -> {"1"},
"IndexGraph" -> {"8"}, "InexactNumberQ" -> {"4"},
"Infinity" -> {{"1", "3"}}, "Infix" -> {"1"}, "Information" -> {"1"},
"Inherited" -> {"6"}, "InitializationCellEvaluation" -> {"4.0"},
"InitializationCell" -> {"3"},
"InitializationCellWarning" -> {"4.0"},
"InitializationGroup" -> {"7"}, "Initialization" -> {"6"},
"In" -> {"1"}, "Inner" -> {"1"}, "Inpaint" -> {"8"},
"InputAliases" -> {"4"}, "InputAssumptions" -> {"8"},
"InputAutoReplacements" -> {"4"}, "InputField" -> {{"6", "8"}},
"InputForm" -> {{"1", "3"}}, "InputNamePacket" -> {"3"},
"Input" -> {{"1", "6"}}, "InputNotebook" -> {"3"},
"InputPacket" -> {"3"}, "InputStream" -> {"2"},
"InputString" -> {{"1", "6"}}, "InputStringPacket" -> {"3"},
"Insert" -> {"1"}, "InsertResults" -> {"8"}, "Inset" -> {{"6", "7"}},
"Install" -> {{"2", "3"}}, "InstallService" -> {"6"},
"InString" -> {"2"}, "IntegerDigits" -> {{"2", "5"}},
"IntegerExponent" -> {"4"}, "IntegerLength" -> {"6"},
"Integer" -> {"1"}, "IntegerPartitions" -> {{"6", "7"}},
"IntegerPart" -> {"3"}, "IntegerQ" -> {{"1", "4"}},
"Integers" -> {"4"}, "IntegerString" -> {"6"},
"Integrate" -> {{"1", "6"}}, "InteractiveTradingChart" -> {"8"},
"Interleaving" -> {"7"}, "InternallyBalancedDecomposition" -> {"8"},
"InterpolatingFunction" -> {{"2", "3"}},
"InterpolatingPolynomial" -> {{"2", "6"}},
"Interpolation" -> {{"2", "7"}},
"InterpolationOrder" -> {{"3", "6"}}, "InterpolationPoints" -> {"8"},
"InterpretationBox" -> {"3"}, "InterpretationBoxOptions" -> {"4.0"},
"Interpretation" -> {{"6", "7"}},
"InterquartileRange" -> {{"6", "7"}}, "Interrupt" -> {"2"},
"Intersection" -> {{"1", "3"}}, "IntervalIntersection" -> {"3"},
"IntervalMemberQ" -> {"3"}, "Interval" -> {"3"},
"IntervalUnion" -> {"3"}, "InverseBetaRegularized" -> {"3"},
"InverseCDF" -> {"6"}, "InverseChiSquareDistribution" -> {"7"},
"InverseContinuousWaveletTransform" -> {"8"},
"InverseDistanceTransform" -> {"8"}, "InverseEllipticNomeQ" -> {"3"},
"InverseErfc" -> {"3"}, "InverseErf" -> {"3"},
"InverseFourierCosTransform" -> {"4"},
"InverseFourier" -> {{"1", "4"}},
"InverseFourierSequenceTransform" -> {"7"},
"InverseFourierSinTransform" -> {"4"},
"InverseFourierTransform" -> {"4"}, "InverseFunction" -> {"2"},
"InverseFunctions" -> {"2"},
"InverseGammaDistribution" -> {{"7", "8"}},
"InverseGammaRegularized" -> {"3"},
"InverseGaussianDistribution" -> {{"6", "8"}},
"InverseGudermannian" -> {"7"}, "InverseHaversine" -> {"7"},
"InverseJacobiCD" -> {"1"}, "InverseJacobiCN" -> {"1"},
"InverseJacobiCS" -> {"1"}, "InverseJacobiDC" -> {"1"},
"InverseJacobiDN" -> {"1"}, "InverseJacobiDS" -> {"1"},
"InverseJacobiNC" -> {"1"}, "InverseJacobiND" -> {"1"},
"InverseJacobiNS" -> {"1"}, "InverseJacobiSC" -> {"1"},
"InverseJacobiSD" -> {"1"}, "InverseJacobiSN" -> {"1"},
"InverseLaplaceTransform" -> {"4"}, "Inverse" -> {{"1", "3"}},
"InversePermutation" -> {"8"}, "InverseRadon" -> {"8"},
"InverseSeries" -> {"1"}, "InverseSurvivalFunction" -> {"8"},
"InverseWaveletTransform" -> {"8"}, "InverseWeierstrassP" -> {"3"},
"InverseZTransform" -> {{"4", "7"}}, "Invisible" -> {"6"},
"IrreduciblePolynomialQ" -> {"7"}, "IsolatingInterval" -> {"6"},
"IsomorphicGraphQ" -> {"8"}, "IsotopeData" -> {"6"},
"Italic" -> {{"6", "6"}}, "ItemAspectRatio" -> {"6"},
"Item" -> {{"6", "8"}}, "ItemSize" -> {"6"}, "ItemStyle" -> {"6"},
"JaccardDissimilarity" -> {"6"}, "JacobiAmplitude" -> {"1"},
"JacobiCD" -> {"1"}, "JacobiCN" -> {"1"}, "JacobiCS" -> {"1"},
"JacobiDC" -> {"1"}, "JacobiDN" -> {"1"}, "JacobiDS" -> {"1"},
"JacobiNC" -> {"1"}, "JacobiND" -> {"1"}, "JacobiNS" -> {"1"},
"JacobiP" -> {"1"}, "JacobiSC" -> {"1"}, "JacobiSD" -> {"1"},
"JacobiSN" -> {"1"}, "JacobiSymbol" -> {"1"}, "JacobiZeta" -> {"2"},
"JankoGroupJ1" -> {"8"}, "JankoGroupJ2" -> {"8"},
"JankoGroupJ3" -> {"8"}, "JankoGroupJ4" -> {"8"},
"JarqueBeraALMTest" -> {"8"}, "JohnsonDistribution" -> {"8"},
"JoinedCurve" -> {"8"}, "Joined" -> {"6"}, "JoinForm" -> {"7"},
"Join" -> {{"1", "6"}}, "JordanDecomposition" -> {{"3", "8"}},
"JordanModelDecomposition" -> {"8"}, "KagiChart" -> {"8"},
"KalmanEstimator" -> {"8"}, "KarhunenLoeveDecomposition" -> {"8"},
"KaryTree" -> {"8"}, "KatzCentrality" -> {"8"},
"KConnectedComponents" -> $Failed, "KCoreComponents" -> {"8"},
"KDistribution" -> {"8"}, "KelvinBei" -> {"6"}, "KelvinBer" -> {"6"},
"KelvinKei" -> {"6"}, "KelvinKer" -> {"6"},
"KernelMixtureDistribution" -> {"8"}, "KernelObject" -> {"7"},
"Kernels" -> {"7"}, "Khinchin" -> {"4"}, "KirchhoffGraph" -> {"8"},
"KirchhoffMatrix" -> {"8"}, "KleinInvariantJ" -> {"3"},
"KnightTourGraph" -> {"8"}, "KnotData" -> {{"6", "7"}},
"KolmogorovSmirnovTest" -> {"8"}, "KroneckerDelta" -> {"4"},
"KroneckerProduct" -> {"6"}, "KroneckerSymbol" -> {"6"},
"KuiperTest" -> {"8"}, "KumaraswamyDistribution" -> {"8"},
"Kurtosis" -> {"6"}, "KuwaharaFilter" -> {"8"},
"Labeled" -> {{"6", "7"}}, "LabelingFunction" -> {"7"},
"Label" -> {"1"}, "LabelStyle" -> {{"6", "7"}}, "LaguerreL" -> {"1"},
"LandauDistribution" -> {"8"}, "LanguageCategory" -> {"4"},
"Language" -> {"3.0"}, "LaplaceDistribution" -> {"6"},
"LaplaceTransform" -> {"4"}, "LaplacianFilter" -> {"7"},
"LaplacianGaussianFilter" -> {{"7", "8"}}, "Large" -> {"6"},
"Larger" -> {"6"}, "Last" -> {"1"}, "LatitudeLongitude" -> {"7"},
"Latitude" -> {"7"}, "LatticeData" -> {"6"},
"LatticeReduce" -> {"1"}, "LaunchKernels" -> {"7"},
"LayeredGraphPlot" -> {"6"}, "LayerSizeFunction" -> {"6"},
"LCM" -> {{"1", "4"}}, "LeafCount" -> {"1"}, "LeastSquares" -> {"6"},
"LeftArrowBar" -> {"6"}, "LeftArrow" -> {"6"},
"LeftArrowRightArrow" -> {"6"}, "LeftDownTeeVector" -> {"6"},
"LeftDownVectorBar" -> {"6"}, "LeftDownVector" -> {"6"},
"Left" -> {"1"}, "LeftRightArrow" -> {"6"},
"LeftRightVector" -> {"6"}, "LeftTeeArrow" -> {"6"},
"LeftTeeVector" -> {"6"}, "LeftTriangleBar" -> {"6"},
"LeftTriangleEqual" -> {"6"}, "LeftTriangle" -> {"6"},
"LeftUpDownVector" -> {"6"}, "LeftUpTeeVector" -> {"6"},
"LeftUpVectorBar" -> {"6"}, "LeftUpVector" -> {"6"},
"LeftVectorBar" -> {"6"}, "LeftVector" -> {"6"},
"LegendAppearance" -> {"7"}, "Legended" -> {"7"},
"LegendreP" -> {{"1", "5"}}, "LegendreQ" -> {{"1", "3"}},
"LegendreType" -> {"1"}, "Length" -> {{"1", "5"}},
"LengthWhile" -> {{"6", "7"}}, "LerchPhi" -> {"1"},
"LessEqualGreater" -> {"6"}, "LessEqual" -> {{"1", "3"}},
"LessFullEqual" -> {"6"}, "LessGreater" -> {"6"},
"LessLess" -> {"6"}, "Less" -> {{"1", "3"}},
"LessSlantEqual" -> {"6"}, "LessTilde" -> {"6"},
"LetterCharacter" -> {"5.1"}, "LetterQ" -> {{"2", "3"}},
"Level" -> {"1"}, "LeveneTest" -> {"8"}, "LeviCivitaTensor" -> {"7"},
"LevyDistribution" -> {"7"}, "LibraryFunctionError" -> {"8"},
"LibraryFunctionInformation" -> {"8"},
"LibraryFunctionLoad" -> {"8"}, "LibraryFunction" -> {"8"},
"LibraryFunctionUnload" -> {"8"}, "LibraryLoad" -> {"8"},
"LibraryUnload" -> {"8"}, "LiftingFilterData" -> {"8"},
"LiftingWaveletTransform" -> {"8"}, "LightBlue" -> {"6"},
"LightBrown" -> {"6"}, "LightCyan" -> {"6"},
"Lighter" -> {{"6", "7"}}, "LightGray" -> {"6"},
"LightGreen" -> {"6"}, "LightingAngle" -> {"6"},
"Lighting" -> {{"1", "6"}}, "LightMagenta" -> {"6"},
"LightOrange" -> {"6"}, "LightPink" -> {"6"}, "LightPurple" -> {"6"},
"LightRed" -> {"6"}, "LightSources" -> {"1"},
"LightYellow" -> {"6"}, "Likelihood" -> {"8"},
"Limit" -> {{"1", "5"}}, "LimitsPositioning" -> {"3"},
"LimitsPositioningTokens" -> {"4.0"}, "LindleyDistribution" -> {"8"},
"LinearFractionalTransform" -> {"6"}, "LinearModelFit" -> {"7"},
"LinearOffsetFunction" -> {"7"}, "LinearProgramming" -> {{"2", "6"}},
"LinearRecurrence" -> {"7"}, "LinearSolveFunction" -> {"5"},
"LinearSolve" -> {{"1", "5"}}, "LinebreakAdjustments" -> {"4.0"},
"LineBreakChart" -> {"8"}, "LineBreakWithin" -> {"4.0"},
"LineGraph" -> {"8"}, "LineIndentMaxFraction" -> {"3"},
"LineIndent" -> {"3"}, "LineIntegralConvolutionPlot" -> {"7"},
"LineIntegralConvolutionScale" -> {"7"}, "Line" -> {{"1", "7"}},
"LineSpacing" -> {{"3", "6"}}, "LinkClose" -> {"3"},
"LinkConnect" -> {"3"}, "LinkCreate" -> {"3"},
"LinkFunction" -> {"7"}, "LinkInterrupt" -> {"3"},
"LinkLaunch" -> {"3"}, "LinkObject" -> {"3"}, "LinkOpen" -> {"2"},
"LinkPatterns" -> {"3"}, "LinkProtocol" -> {{"3", "5"}},
"LinkRead" -> {"3"}, "LinkReadyQ" -> {{"3", "6"}},
"Links" -> {{"3", "6"}}, "LinkWrite" -> {"3"},
"LiouvilleLambda" -> {"7"}, "Listable" -> {"1"},
"ListAnimate" -> {"6"}, "ListContourPlot3D" -> {{"6", "8"}},
"ListContourPlot" -> {{"1", "6"}}, "ListConvolve" -> {"4"},
"ListCorrelate" -> {"4"}, "ListCurvePathPlot" -> {"7"},
"ListDeconvolve" -> {"8"}, "ListDensityPlot" -> {{"1", "6"}},
"ListInterpolation" -> {{"3", "7"}},
"ListLineIntegralConvolutionPlot" -> {"7"}, "ListLinePlot" -> {"6"},
"ListLogLinearPlot" -> {"6"}, "ListLogLogPlot" -> {"6"},
"ListLogPlot" -> {"6"}, "List" -> {"1"}, "ListPlay" -> {{"2", "6"}},
"ListPlot3D" -> {{"1", "8"}}, "ListPlot" -> {{"1", "6"}},
"ListPointPlot3D" -> {"6"}, "ListPolarPlot" -> {{"6", "7"}},
"ListStreamDensityPlot" -> {"7"}, "ListStreamPlot" -> {"7"},
"ListSurfacePlot3D" -> {{"6", "8"}},
"ListVectorDensityPlot" -> {"7"}, "ListVectorPlot3D" -> {"7"},
"ListVectorPlot" -> {"7"}, "Literal" -> {"1"},
"LocalizeVariables" -> {"6"}, "LocationEquivalenceTest" -> {"8"},
"LocationTest" -> {"8"}, "LocatorAutoCreate" -> {"6"},
"Locator" -> {"6"}, "LocatorPane" -> {"6"}, "LocatorRegion" -> {"6"},
"Locked" -> {"1"}, "Log10" -> {"7"}, "Log2" -> {"7"},
"LogBarnesG" -> {"7"}, "LogGammaDistribution" -> {"8"},
"LogGamma" -> {"2"}, "LogicalExpand" -> {"1"},
"LogIntegral" -> {"1"}, "LogisticDistribution" -> {"6"},
"LogitModelFit" -> {"7"}, "LogLikelihood" -> {"8"},
"LogLinearPlot" -> {"6"}, "LogLogisticDistribution" -> {"8"},
"LogLogPlot" -> {"6"}, "Log" -> {"1"},
"LogNormalDistribution" -> {"6"}, "LogPlot" -> {"6"},
"LogSeriesDistribution" -> {"6"}, "LongestCommonSequence" -> {"7"},
"LongestCommonSubsequence" -> {"7"}, "LongestMatch" -> {},
"Longest" -> {"6"}, "Longitude" -> {"7"}, "LongLeftArrow" -> {"6"},
"LongLeftRightArrow" -> {"6"}, "LongRightArrow" -> {"6"},
"LoopFreeGraphQ" -> {"8"}, "LowerCaseQ" -> {{"2", "3"}},
"LowerLeftArrow" -> {"6"}, "LowerRightArrow" -> {"6"},
"LowerTriangularize" -> {"7"}, "LQEstimatorGains" -> {"8"},
"LQGRegulator" -> {"8"}, "LQOutputRegulatorGains" -> {"8"},
"LQRegulatorGains" -> {"8"}, "LUBackSubstitution" -> {"4"},
"LucasL" -> {{"6", "7"}}, "LUDecomposition" -> {"3"},
"LyapunovSolve" -> {"8"}, "LyonsGroupLy" -> {"8"},
"MachineNumberQ" -> {"2"}, "MachinePrecision" -> {"5"},
"Magenta" -> {"5.1"}, "Magnification" -> {{"3", "6"}},
"Magnify" -> {"6"}, "Majority" -> {"7"}, "MakeBoxes" -> {"3"},
"MakeExpression" -> {"3"}, "MangoldtLambda" -> {"7"},
"ManhattanDistance" -> {"6"}, "Manipulate" -> {{"6", "7"}},
"Manipulator" -> {"6"}, "MannWhitneyTest" -> {"8"},
"MantissaExponent" -> {{"2", "4"}}, "Manual" -> {"6"},
"MapAll" -> {"1"}, "MapAt" -> {"1"}, "MapIndexed" -> {"2"},
"Map" -> {{"1", "5"}}, "MapThread" -> {"2"}, "MarcumQ" -> {"8"},
"MardiaCombinedTest" -> {"8"}, "MardiaKurtosisTest" -> {"8"},
"MardiaSkewnessTest" -> {"8"}, "MarginalDistribution" -> {"8"},
"Masking" -> {"8"}, "MatchingDissimilarity" -> {"6"},
"MatchLocalNames" -> {"2"}, "MatchQ" -> {"1"},
"MathieuCharacteristicA" -> {"3"}, "MathieuCharacteristicB" -> {"3"},
"MathieuCharacteristicExponent" -> {"3"}, "MathieuC" -> {"3"},
"MathieuCPrime" -> {"3"}, "MathieuGroupM11" -> {"8"},
"MathieuGroupM12" -> {"8"}, "MathieuGroupM22" -> {"8"},
"MathieuGroupM23" -> {"8"}, "MathieuGroupM24" -> {"8"},
"MathieuS" -> {"3"}, "MathieuSPrime" -> {"3"},
"MathMLForm" -> {"4.1"}, "MatrixExp" -> {{"2", "6"}},
"MatrixForm" -> {{"1", "5"}}, "MatrixPlot" -> {"6"},
"MatrixPower" -> {{"2", "6"}}, "MatrixQ" -> {{"1", "5"}},
"MatrixRank" -> {{"5", "6"}}, "MaxDetect" -> {"8"},
"MaxExtraBandwidths" -> {"8"}, "MaxExtraConditions" -> {"8"},
"MaxFilter" -> {"7"}, "Maximize" -> {{"5", "6"}},
"MaxIterations" -> {"1"}, "MaxMemoryUsed" -> {"1"},
"MaxMixtureKernels" -> {"8"}, "Max" -> {{"1", "5"}},
"MaxPlotPoints" -> {"5.1"}, "MaxRecursion" -> {{"2", "6"}},
"MaxStableDistribution" -> {"8"}, "MaxStepFraction" -> {"4"},
"MaxStepSize" -> {"3"}, "MaxSteps" -> {"2"}, "MaxValue" -> {"7"},
"MaxwellDistribution" -> {{"6", "8"}}, "McLaughlinGroupMcL" -> {"8"},
"MeanDeviation" -> {"6"}, "MeanFilter" -> {"7"},
"Mean" -> {{"5", "6"}}, "MeanShiftFilter" -> {"8"},
"MeanShift" -> {"8"}, "MedianDeviation" -> {"6"},
"MedianFilter" -> {"7"}, "Median" -> {{"5", "7"}}, "Medium" -> {"6"},
"MeijerG" -> {"3"}, "MemberQ" -> {{"1", "4"}},
"MemoryConstrained" -> {{"1", "6"}}, "MemoryInUse" -> {{"1", "6"}},
"MenuCommandKey" -> {"6"}, "MenuPacket" -> {"3"},
"MenuSortingValue" -> {"8"}, "MenuStyle" -> {"8"},
"MenuView" -> {"6"}, "MeshFunctions" -> {"6"},
"Mesh" -> {{"1", "6"}}, "MeshRange" -> {"2"}, "MeshShading" -> {"6"},
"MeshStyle" -> {{"2", "6"}}, "MessageDialog" -> {{"6", "7"}},
"MessageList" -> {"2"}, "MessageName" -> {{"1", "4"}},
"Message" -> {"1"}, "MessagePacket" -> {"3"}, "Messages" -> {"1"},
"Method" -> {{"4", "6"}}, "MexicanHatWavelet" -> {"8"},
"MeyerWavelet" -> {"8"}, "MinDetect" -> {"8"}, "MinFilter" -> {"7"},
"MinimalPolynomial" -> {"6"}, "MinimalStateSpaceModel" -> {"8"},
"Minimize" -> {{"5", "6"}}, "Min" -> {{"1", "5"}},
"Minors" -> {{"1", "4"}}, "MinStableDistribution" -> {"8"},
"Minus" -> {"1"}, "MinusPlus" -> {"6"}, "MinValue" -> {"7"},
"Missing" -> {"6"}, "MixtureDistribution" -> {"8"}, "Modal" -> {"6"},
"Mod" -> {{"1", "4"}}, "ModularLambda" -> {"3"}, "Module" -> {"2"},
"Modulus" -> {"1"}, "MoebiusMu" -> {"1"}, "MomentConvert" -> {"8"},
"MomentEvaluate" -> {"8"}, "MomentGeneratingFunction" -> {"8"},
"Moment" -> {"8"}, "Monitor" -> {"6"}, "MonomialList" -> {"7"},
"MonsterGroupM" -> {"8"}, "MorletWavelet" -> {"8"},
"MorphologicalBinarize" -> {"8"},
"MorphologicalBranchPoints" -> {"8"},
"MorphologicalComponents" -> {{"7", "8"}},
"MorphologicalEulerNumber" -> {{"7", "8"}},
"MorphologicalGraph" -> {"8"},
"MorphologicalPerimeter" -> {{"7", "8"}},
"MorphologicalTransform" -> {"8"}, "Most" -> {"5"},
"MouseAnnotation" -> {"6"}, "MouseAppearance" -> {"8"},
"Mouseover" -> {"6"}, "MousePosition" -> {"6"},
"MovingAverage" -> {"6"}, "MovingMedian" -> {"6"},
"MoyalDistribution" -> {"8"}, "MultiedgeStyle" -> {"6"},
"MultilaunchWarning" -> {"4.0"}, "MultilineFunction" -> {"3.0"},
"MultinomialDistribution" -> {"8"}, "Multinomial" -> {"1"},
"MultinormalDistribution" -> {"8"}, "MultiplicativeOrder" -> {"4"},
"MultivariateHypergeometricDistribution" -> {"8"},
"MultivariatePoissonDistribution" -> {"8"},
"MultivariateTDistribution" -> {"8"},
"NakagamiDistribution" -> {"8"}, "NameQ" -> {"1"},
"Names" -> {{"1", "6"}}, "Nand" -> {"4.1"}, "NArgMax" -> {"7"},
"NArgMin" -> {"7"}, "NCache" -> {"6"}, "NDSolve" -> {{"2", "7"}},
"NearestFunction" -> {"6"}, "Nearest" -> {"6"},
"NeedlemanWunschSimilarity" -> {"7"}, "Needs" -> {"1"},
"NegativeBinomialDistribution" -> {"6"},
"NegativeMultinomialDistribution" -> {"8"}, "Negative" -> {"1"},
"NeighborhoodGraph" -> {"8"}, "NestedGreaterGreater" -> {"6"},
"NestedLessLess" -> {"6"}, "NestList" -> {"1"},
"Nest" -> {{"1", "3"}}, "NestWhileList" -> {"4"},
"NestWhile" -> {"4"}, "NevilleThetaC" -> {"3"},
"NevilleThetaD" -> {"3"}, "NevilleThetaN" -> {"3"},
"NevilleThetaS" -> {"3"}, "NExpectation" -> {"8"},
"NextPrime" -> {"6"}, "NHoldAll" -> {"3"}, "NHoldFirst" -> {"3"},
"NHoldRest" -> {"3"}, "NicholsGridLines" -> {"8"},
"NicholsPlot" -> {"8"}, "NIntegrate" -> {{"1", "8"}},
"NMaximize" -> {{"5", "6"}}, "NMaxValue" -> {"7"},
"NMinimize" -> {{"5", "6"}}, "NMinValue" -> {"7"},
"N" -> {{"1", "5"}}, "NominalVariables" -> {"7"},
"NoncentralBetaDistribution" -> {"8"},
"NoncentralChiSquareDistribution" -> {{"6", "8"}},
"NoncentralFRatioDistribution" -> {{"6", "8"}},
"NoncentralStudentTDistribution" -> {{"6", "8"}},
"NonCommutativeMultiply" -> {"1"}, "NonConstants" -> {"1"},
"None" -> {"1"}, "NonlinearModelFit" -> {"7"},
"NonNegative" -> {"1"}, "NonPositive" -> {"3"}, "NorlundB" -> {"6"},
"NormalDistribution" -> {"6"},
"NormalizedSquaredEuclideanDistance" -> {"8"}, "Normalize" -> {"6"},
"Normal" -> {{"1", "6"}}, "NormalsFunction" -> {"6"},
"NormFunction" -> {"5"}, "Norm" -> {"5"}, "Nor" -> {"4.1"},
"NotCongruent" -> {"6"}, "NotCupCap" -> {"6"},
"NotDoubleVerticalBar" -> {"6"}, "NotebookApply" -> {"3"},
"NotebookAutoSave" -> {"3"}, "NotebookBrowseDirectory" -> {"4.0"},
"NotebookClose" -> {{"3", "6"}},
"NotebookConvertSettings" -> {"4.0"}, "NotebookCreate" -> {"3"},
"NotebookDelete" -> {{"3", "6"}}, "NotebookDirectory" -> {"6"},
"NotebookDynamicExpression" -> {"8"}, "NotebookEvaluate" -> {"8"},
"NotebookEventActions" -> {"6"}, "NotebookFileName" -> {"7"},
"NotebookFind" -> {"3"}, "NotebookGet" -> {"3"},
"NotebookInformation" -> {"5"}, "NotebookLocate" -> {"3"},
"Notebook" -> {{"3", "6"}}, "NotebookObject" -> {{"3", "4"}},
"NotebookOpen" -> {{"3", "6"}}, "NotebookPath" -> {"3.0"},
"NotebookPrint" -> {{"3", "7"}}, "NotebookPut" -> {{"3", "6"}},
"NotebookRead" -> {"3"}, "NotebookSave" -> {{"3", "6"}},
"NotebookSelection" -> {"3"}, "NotebooksMenu" -> {"4.0"},
"Notebooks" -> {"3"}, "NotebookWrite" -> {"3"},
"NotElement" -> {"6"}, "NotEqualTilde" -> {"6"},
"NotExists" -> {"6"}, "NotGreaterEqual" -> {"6"},
"NotGreaterFullEqual" -> {"6"}, "NotGreaterGreater" -> {"6"},
"NotGreaterLess" -> {"6"}, "NotGreater" -> {"6"},
"NotGreaterSlantEqual" -> {"6"}, "NotGreaterTilde" -> {"6"},
"NotHumpDownHump" -> {"6"}, "NotHumpEqual" -> {"6"},
"NotLeftTriangleBar" -> {"6"}, "NotLeftTriangleEqual" -> {"6"},
"NotLeftTriangle" -> {"6"}, "NotLessEqual" -> {"6"},
"NotLessFullEqual" -> {"6"}, "NotLessGreater" -> {"6"},
"NotLessLess" -> {"6"}, "NotLess" -> {"6"},
"NotLessSlantEqual" -> {"6"}, "NotLessTilde" -> {"6"},
"Not" -> {{"1", "3"}}, "NotNestedGreaterGreater" -> {"6"},
"NotNestedLessLess" -> {"6"}, "NotPrecedesEqual" -> {"6"},
"NotPrecedes" -> {"6"}, "NotPrecedesSlantEqual" -> {"6"},
"NotPrecedesTilde" -> {"6"}, "NotReverseElement" -> {"6"},
"NotRightTriangleBar" -> {"6"}, "NotRightTriangleEqual" -> {"6"},
"NotRightTriangle" -> {"6"}, "NotSquareSubsetEqual" -> {"6"},
"NotSquareSubset" -> {"6"}, "NotSquareSupersetEqual" -> {"6"},
"NotSquareSuperset" -> {"6"}, "NotSubsetEqual" -> {"6"},
"NotSubset" -> {"6"}, "NotSucceedsEqual" -> {"6"},
"NotSucceeds" -> {"6"}, "NotSucceedsSlantEqual" -> {"6"},
"NotSucceedsTilde" -> {"6"}, "NotSupersetEqual" -> {"6"},
"NotSuperset" -> {"6"}, "NotTildeEqual" -> {"6"},
"NotTildeFullEqual" -> {"6"}, "NotTilde" -> {"6"},
"NotTildeTilde" -> {"6"}, "NotVerticalBar" -> {"6"},
"NProbability" -> {"8"}, "NProduct" -> {"1"},
"NRoots" -> {{"1", "6"}}, "NSolve" -> {{"2", "8"}},
"NSum" -> {{"1", "6"}}, "Null" -> {{"1", "6"}},
"NullRecords" -> {"2"}, "NullSpace" -> {{"1", "3"}},
"NullWords" -> {"2"}, "NumberFieldClassNumber" -> {"6"},
"NumberFieldDiscriminant" -> {"6"},
"NumberFieldFundamentalUnits" -> {"6"},
"NumberFieldIntegralBasis" -> {"6"},
"NumberFieldNormRepresentatives" -> {"6"},
"NumberFieldRegulator" -> {"6"}, "NumberFieldRootsOfUnity" -> {"6"},
"NumberFieldSignature" -> {"6"}, "NumberFormat" -> {"2"},
"NumberForm" -> {{"1", "3"}}, "NumberMarks" -> {"3"},
"NumberMultiplier" -> {"3"}, "Number" -> {"1"},
"NumberPadding" -> {"2"}, "NumberPoint" -> {"1"},
"NumberQ" -> {{"1", "3"}}, "NumberSeparator" -> {"1"},
"NumberSigns" -> {"2"}, "NumberString" -> {"5.1"},
"Numerator" -> {"1"}, "NumericFunction" -> {"3"},
"NumericQ" -> {"3"}, "NyquistGridLines" -> {"8"},
"NyquistPlot" -> {"8"}, "ObservabilityGramian" -> {"8"},
"ObservabilityMatrix" -> {"8"}, "ObservableDecomposition" -> {"8"},
"ObservableModelQ" -> {"8"}, "OddQ" -> {"1"}, "Off" -> {{"1", "7"}},
"Offset" -> {"3"}, "ONanGroupON" -> {"8"}, "O" -> {"1"},
"OneIdentity" -> {{"1", "5"}}, "On" -> {{"1", "8"}},
"Opacity" -> {"6"}, "OpenAppend" -> {{"1", "5.1"}},
"Opener" -> {"6"}, "OpenerView" -> {"6"}, "Opening" -> {"7"},
"OpenRead" -> {{"1", "6"}}, "OpenTemporary" -> {"1"},
"OpenWrite" -> {{"1", "7"}}, "Operate" -> {"1"},
"OperatingSystem" -> {"7"}, "Optional" -> {"1"},
"OptionInspectorSettings" -> {"4.0"}, "Options" -> {{"1", "3"}},
"OptionsPattern" -> {"6"}, "OptionValue" -> {"6"},
"Orange" -> {"5.1"}, "OrderDistribution" -> {"8"},
"OrderedQ" -> {"1"}, "Ordering" -> {"4.1"}, "Orderless" -> {"1"},
"Order" -> {"1"}, "Or" -> {{"1", "3"}}, "Orthogonalize" -> {"6"},
"Outer" -> {{"1", "5"}}, "Out" -> {"1"},
"OutputAutoOverwrite" -> {"4.0"},
"OutputControllabilityMatrix" -> {"8"},
"OutputControllableModelQ" -> {"8"}, "OutputForm" -> {{"1", "3"}},
"OutputNamePacket" -> {"3"}, "OutputResponse" -> {"8"},
"OutputSizeLimit" -> {"6"}, "OutputStream" -> {"2"},
"OverBar" -> {"6"}, "OverDot" -> {"6"}, "Overflow" -> {"1"},
"OverHat" -> {"6"}, "Overlaps" -> {"5.1"}, "Overlay" -> {"8"},
"OverscriptBox" -> {{"3", "6"}}, "OverscriptBoxOptions" -> {"4.0"},
"Overscript" -> {"3"}, "OverTilde" -> {"6"}, "OverVector" -> {"6"},
"OwenT" -> {"8"}, "OwnValues" -> {"2"}, "PackingMethod" -> {"6"},
"PaddedForm" -> {"2"}, "Padding" -> {"7"},
"PadeApproximant" -> {"6"}, "PadLeft" -> {{"4", "6"}},
"PadRight" -> {{"4", "6"}}, "PageBreakAbove" -> {"3"},
"PageBreakBelow" -> {"3"}, "PageBreakWithin" -> {"3"},
"PageFooterLines" -> {"4.0"}, "PageFooters" -> {"4.0"},
"PageHeaderLines" -> {"4.0"}, "PageHeaders" -> {"4.0"},
"PageRankCentrality" -> {"8"}, "PageWidth" -> {{"1", "5"}},
"PairedBarChart" -> {"8"}, "PairedHistogram" -> {"8"},
"PairedTTest" -> {"8"}, "PairedZTest" -> {"8"},
"PaletteNotebook" -> {"6"}, "PalettePath" -> {"4.0"},
"Paneled" -> {"6"}, "Panel" -> {{"6", "8"}}, "Pane" -> {{"6", "8"}},
"PaneSelector" -> {"6"}, "ParabolicCylinderD" -> {"6"},
"ParagraphIndent" -> {"3"}, "ParagraphSpacing" -> {"3"},
"ParallelArray" -> {{"7", "8"}}, "ParallelCombine" -> {{"7", "8"}},
"ParallelDo" -> {{"7", "8"}}, "ParallelEvaluate" -> {"7"},
"Parallelization" -> {"8"}, "Parallelize" -> {{"7", "8"}},
"ParallelMap" -> {{"7", "8"}}, "ParallelNeeds" -> {"7"},
"ParallelProduct" -> {{"7", "8"}}, "ParallelSubmit" -> {"7"},
"ParallelSum" -> {{"7", "8"}}, "ParallelTable" -> {{"7", "8"}},
"ParallelTry" -> {{"7", "8"}}, "ParameterEstimator" -> {"8"},
"ParameterMixtureDistribution" -> {"8"},
"ParametricPlot3D" -> {{"2", "8"}}, "ParametricPlot" -> {{"1", "8"}},
"ParentDirectory" -> {"2"}, "ParetoDistribution" -> {{"6", "8"}},
"ParticleData" -> {{"6", "7"}}, "Partition" -> {{"1", "5"}},
"PartitionsP" -> {"1"}, "PartitionsQ" -> {"1"},
"Part" -> {{"1", "6"}}, "PascalDistribution" -> {"8"},
"PassEventsDown" -> {"6"}, "PassEventsUp" -> {"6"},
"PasteBoxFormInlineCells" -> {"4.0"}, "PasteButton" -> {"6"},
"Paste" -> {"8"}, "PathGraph" -> {"8"}, "PathGraphQ" -> {"8"},
"Path" -> {"4"}, "Pattern" -> {"1"}, "PatternSequence" -> {"6"},
"PatternTest" -> {"1"}, "PauliMatrix" -> {"7"},
"PaulWavelet" -> {"8"}, "Pause" -> {{"2", "5"}},
"PDF" -> {{"6", "8"}}, "PearsonChiSquareTest" -> {"8"},
"PearsonDistribution" -> {"8"}, "PerformanceGoal" -> {"6"},
"PermutationCycles" -> {"8"}, "PermutationCyclesQ" -> {"8"},
"PermutationGroup" -> {"8"}, "PermutationLength" -> {"8"},
"PermutationList" -> {"8"}, "PermutationListQ" -> {"8"},
"PermutationMax" -> {"8"}, "PermutationMin" -> {"8"},
"PermutationOrder" -> {"8"}, "PermutationPower" -> {"8"},
"PermutationProduct" -> {"8"}, "PermutationReplace" -> {"8"},
"Permutations" -> {{"1", "6"}}, "PermutationSupport" -> {"8"},
"Permute" -> {"8"}, "PeronaMalikFilter" -> {"8"},
"PERTDistribution" -> {"8"}, "PetersenGraph" -> {"8"},
"PhaseMargins" -> {"8"}, "Pick" -> {"5.1"},
"PiecewiseExpand" -> {"5.1"}, "Piecewise" -> {"5.1"},
"PiecewiseUniformDistribution" -> {"8"}, "PieChart3D" -> {"7"},
"PieChart" -> {"7"}, "Pi" -> {{"1", "3"}}, "Pink" -> {"5.1"},
"PixelConstrained" -> {{"5.1", "6"}}, "PixelValue" -> {"8"},
"Placed" -> {"7"}, "Placeholder" -> {"7"},
"PlaceholderReplace" -> {"8"}, "Plain" -> {"6"},
"Play" -> {{"2", "6"}}, "PlayRange" -> {"2"},
"Plot3D" -> {{"1", "8"}}, "Plot3Matrix" -> {"1"},
"PlotDivision" -> {"1"}, "PlotJoined" -> {"1"}, "PlotLabel" -> {"1"},
"PlotLayout" -> {"8"}, "PlotMarkers" -> {"6"},
"Plot" -> {{"1", "6"}}, "PlotPoints" -> {{"1", "6"}},
"PlotRangeClipping" -> {"6"}, "PlotRange" -> {{"1", "6"}},
"PlotRangePadding" -> {"6"}, "PlotRegion" -> {"2"},
"PlotStyle" -> {{"1", "6"}}, "PlusMinus" -> {"6"},
"Plus" -> {{"1", "6"}}, "Pochhammer" -> {"1"}, "PodStates" -> {"8"},
"PodWidth" -> {"8"}, "PointFigureChart" -> {"8"},
"Point" -> {{"1", "7"}}, "PointSize" -> {{"1", "6"}},
"PoissonConsulDistribution" -> {"8"}, "PoissonDistribution" -> {"6"},
"PolarAxes" -> {"7"}, "PolarAxesOrigin" -> {"7"},
"PolarGridLines" -> {"7"}, "PolarPlot" -> {{"6", "7"}},
"PolarTicks" -> {"7"}, "PoleZeroMarkers" -> {"8"},
"PolyaAeppliDistribution" -> {"8"}, "PolyGamma" -> {{"1", "6"}},
"PolygonIntersections" -> {"2"}, "Polygon" -> {{"1", "6"}},
"PolyhedronData" -> {{"6", "8"}}, "PolyLog" -> {{"1", "4"}},
"PolynomialExtendedGCD" -> {"6"}, "PolynomialGCD" -> {{"2", "3"}},
"PolynomialLCM" -> {{"2", "3"}}, "PolynomialMod" -> {"2"},
"PolynomialQ" -> {"1"}, "PolynomialQuotient" -> {"1"},
"PolynomialQuotientRemainder" -> {"6"}, "PolynomialReduce" -> {"3"},
"PolynomialRemainder" -> {"1"}, "PopupMenu" -> {{"6", "8"}},
"PopupView" -> {{"6", "8"}}, "PopupWindow" -> {"6"},
"Position" -> {"1"}, "PositiveDefiniteMatrixQ" -> {"6"},
"Positive" -> {"1"}, "PossibleZeroQ" -> {"6"}, "Postfix" -> {"1"},
"PowerDistribution" -> {"8"}, "PowerExpand" -> {{"2", "6"}},
"PowerModList" -> {"6"}, "PowerMod" -> {"1"}, "Power" -> {"1"},
"PowersRepresentations" -> {"6"},
"PowerSymmetricPolynomial" -> {"8"}, "PrecedenceForm" -> {"1"},
"PrecedesEqual" -> {"6"}, "Precedes" -> {"6"},
"PrecedesSlantEqual" -> {"6"}, "PrecedesTilde" -> {"6"},
"PrecisionGoal" -> {{"2", "5"}}, "Precision" -> {{"1", "5"}},
"PreDecrement" -> {"1"}, "PreemptProtect" -> {"7"},
"PreferencesPath" -> {"4.0"}, "Prefix" -> {"1"},
"PreIncrement" -> {"1"}, "Prepend" -> {{"1", "5"}},
"PrependTo" -> {{"1", "5"}}, "PreserveImageOptions" -> {"6"},
"PriceGraphDistribution" -> {"8"}, "Prime" -> {"1"},
"PrimeNu" -> {"7"}, "PrimeOmega" -> {"7"}, "PrimePi" -> {"2"},
"PrimePowerQ" -> {"6"}, "PrimeQ" -> {{"1", "5"}}, "Primes" -> {"4"},
"PrimeZetaP" -> {"7"}, "PrimitiveRoot" -> {"6"},
"PrincipalComponents" -> {"8"}, "PrincipalValue" -> {"3"},
"PrintAction" -> {"4.0"}, "PrintingCopies" -> {"4.0"},
"PrintingOptions" -> {"4.0"}, "PrintingPageRange" -> {"4.0"},
"PrintingStartingPageNumber" -> {"4.0"},
"PrintingStyleEnvironment" -> {"3"}, "Print" -> {{"1", "6"}},
"PrintPrecision" -> {"3.0"}, "PrintTemporary" -> {"6"},
"PrivateEvaluationOptions" -> {"4.0"},
"PrivateFontOptions" -> {"3.0"}, "PrivateNotebookOptions" -> {"4.0"},
"PrivatePaths" -> {"4.0"}, "ProbabilityDistribution" -> {"8"},
"Probability" -> {"8"}, "ProbabilityPlot" -> {"8"},
"ProbabilityScalePlot" -> {"8"}, "ProbitModelFit" -> {"7"},
"ProductDistribution" -> {"8"}, "ProductLog" -> {"3"},
"Product" -> {{"1", "7"}}, "ProgressIndicator" -> {"6"},
"Projection" -> {"6"}, "Prolog" -> {"2"}, "Properties" -> {"8"},
"PropertyList" -> {"8"}, "Property" -> {"8"},
"PropertyValue" -> {"8"}, "Proportional" -> {"6"},
"Proportion" -> {"6"}, "Protected" -> {"1"}, "Protect" -> {"1"},
"ProteinData" -> {"7"}, "Pruning" -> {"8"},
"PseudoInverse" -> {{"1", "5"}}, "Purple" -> {"5.1"},
"PutAppend" -> {"1"}, "Put" -> {{"1", "6"}}, "QBinomial" -> {"7"},
"QFactorial" -> {"7"}, "QGamma" -> {"7"},
"QHypergeometricPFQ" -> {"7"}, "QPochhammer" -> {"7"},
"QPolyGamma" -> {"7"}, "QRDecomposition" -> {"2"},
"QuadraticIrrationalQ" -> {"6"}, "Quantile" -> {{"5", "6"}},
"QuantilePlot" -> {"8"}, "Quartics" -> {"1"},
"QuartileDeviation" -> {{"6", "7"}},
"QuartileSkewness" -> {{"6", "7"}}, "Quartiles" -> {{"6", "7"}},
"Quiet" -> {{"6", "7"}}, "Quit" -> {{"1", "5"}},
"Quotient" -> {{"1", "4"}}, "QuotientRemainder" -> {"6"},
"RadicalBox" -> {"3"}, "RadicalBoxOptions" -> {"4.0"},
"RadioButtonBar" -> {{"6", "7"}}, "RadioButton" -> {"6"},
"Radon" -> {"8"}, "RamanujanTauL" -> {"6"}, "RamanujanTau" -> {"6"},
"RamanujanTauTheta" -> {"6"}, "RamanujanTauZ" -> {"6"},
"RandomChoice" -> {"6"}, "RandomComplex" -> {"6"},
"RandomGraph" -> {"8"}, "RandomImage" -> {"8"},
"RandomInteger" -> {"6"}, "Random" -> {"1"},
"RandomPermutation" -> {"8"}, "RandomPrime" -> {"6"},
"RandomReal" -> {"6"}, "RandomSample" -> {"6"},
"RandomVariate" -> {"8"}, "RangeFilter" -> {"8"}, "Range" -> {"1"},
"RankedMax" -> {"8"}, "RankedMin" -> {"8"},
"RasterArray" -> {{"2", "3"}}, "Rasterize" -> {{"6", "7"}},
"Raster" -> {{"2", "8"}}, "RasterSize" -> {"6"},
"Rationalize" -> {{"1", "4"}}, "Rational" -> {"1"},
"Rationals" -> {"4"}, "Ratios" -> {"7"}, "RawBoxes" -> {"6"},
"RawData" -> {"8"}, "Raw" -> {"1"}, "RayleighDistribution" -> {"6"},
"ReadList" -> {{"1", "2"}}, "Read" -> {{"1", "3"}},
"ReadProtected" -> {"1"}, "RealBlockDiagonalForm" -> {"7"},
"RealDigits" -> {{"2", "6"}}, "RealExponent" -> {"6"},
"Real" -> {{"1", "3"}}, "Reals" -> {"4"}, "Reap" -> {"5"},
"RecordLists" -> {"2"}, "Record" -> {"2"},
"RecordSeparators" -> {{"2", "6"}}, "RectangleChart3D" -> {"7"},
"RectangleChart" -> {"7"}, "Rectangle" -> {{"1", "7"}},
"RecurrenceTable" -> {"7"}, "Red" -> {"5.1"},
"Reduce" -> {{"1", "5"}}, "ReferenceLineStyle" -> {"8"},
"Refine" -> {"5"}, "ReflectionMatrix" -> {"6"},
"ReflectionTransform" -> {"6"}, "Refresh" -> {"6"},
"RefreshRate" -> {"6"}, "RegionBinarize" -> {"8"},
"RegionFunction" -> {"6"}, "RegionPlot3D" -> {{"6", "8"}},
"RegionPlot" -> {{"6", "8"}}, "RegularExpression" -> {"5.1"},
"Regularization" -> {"7"}, "ReleaseHold" -> {{"2", "3"}},
"Release" -> {"1"}, "ReliefImage" -> {"8"}, "ReliefPlot" -> {"6"},
"RemoveAlphaChannel" -> {"8"}, "Remove" -> {"1"},
"RemoveProperty" -> {"8"}, "RemoveScheduledTask" -> {"8"},
"RenameDirectory" -> {"2"}, "RenameFile" -> {"2"}, "Re" -> {"1"},
"RenderAll" -> {"1"}, "RenkoChart" -> {"8"},
"Repeated" -> {{"1", "6"}}, "RepeatedNull" -> {"1"},
"ReplaceAll" -> {"1"}, "ReplaceHeldPart" -> {"2"},
"ReplaceList" -> {"3"}, "Replace" -> {{"1", "4"}},
"ReplacePart" -> {{"2", "6"}}, "ReplaceRepeated" -> {"1"},
"Resampling" -> {"8"}, "Rescale" -> {"5.1"},
"RescalingTransform" -> {"6"}, "ResetDirectory" -> {"2"},
"ResetMedium" -> {"1"}, "ResetScheduledTask" -> {"8"},
"Residue" -> {"2"}, "Resolve" -> {"5"}, "Rest" -> {"1"},
"Resultant" -> {"1"}, "ResumePacket" -> {"3"},
"ReturnExpressionPacket" -> {"3"}, "Return" -> {{"1", "3"}},
"ReturnPacket" -> {"3"}, "ReturnTextPacket" -> {"3"},
"ReverseBiorthogonalSplineWavelet" -> {"8"},
"ReverseElement" -> {"6"}, "ReverseEquilibrium" -> {"6"},
"ReverseGraph" -> {"8"}, "Reverse" -> {{"1", "6"}},
"ReverseUpEquilibrium" -> {"6"}, "RevolutionAxis" -> {"7"},
"RevolutionPlot3D" -> {{"6", "8"}}, "RGBColor" -> {{"1", "6"}},
"RiccatiSolve" -> {"8"}, "RiceDistribution" -> {"8"},
"RidgeFilter" -> {"8"}, "RiemannR" -> {"7"},
"RiemannSiegelTheta" -> {"2"}, "RiemannSiegelZ" -> {"2"},
"Riffle" -> {"6"}, "RightArrowBar" -> {"6"},
"RightArrowLeftArrow" -> {"6"}, "RightArrow" -> {"6"},
"RightCosetRepresentative" -> {"8"}, "RightDownTeeVector" -> {"6"},
"RightDownVectorBar" -> {"6"}, "RightDownVector" -> {"6"},
"Right" -> {"1"}, "RightTeeArrow" -> {"6"},
"RightTeeVector" -> {"6"}, "RightTriangleBar" -> {"6"},
"RightTriangleEqual" -> {"6"}, "RightTriangle" -> {"6"},
"RightUpDownVector" -> {"6"}, "RightUpTeeVector" -> {"6"},
"RightUpVectorBar" -> {"6"}, "RightUpVector" -> {"6"},
"RightVectorBar" -> {"6"}, "RightVector" -> {"6"},
"RogersTanimotoDissimilarity" -> {"6"},
"RootApproximant" -> {{"6", "7"}}, "RootIntervals" -> {"6"},
"RootLocusPlot" -> {"8"}, "RootMeanSquare" -> {"6"},
"Root" -> {{"3", "7"}}, "RootOfUnityQ" -> {"6"},
"RootReduce" -> {{"3", "6"}}, "Roots" -> {"1"}, "RootSum" -> {"3"},
"RotateLabel" -> {"2"}, "RotateLeft" -> {{"1", "5"}},
"Rotate" -> {{"6", "7"}}, "RotateRight" -> {"1"},
"RotationAction" -> {"6"}, "RotationMatrix" -> {"6"},
"RotationTransform" -> {"6"}, "RoundingRadius" -> {"7"},
"Round" -> {{"1", "6"}}, "RowAlignments" -> {"3"},
"RowBox" -> {{"3", "6"}}, "RowLines" -> {"3"},
"RowMinHeight" -> {"3"}, "Row" -> {{"6", "7"}},
"RowReduce" -> {{"1", "3"}}, "RowsEqual" -> {"3"},
"RowSpacings" -> {"3"}, "RSolve" -> {{"5", "7"}},
"RudvalisGroupRu" -> {"8"}, "RuleDelayed" -> {{"1", "3"}},
"Rule" -> {{"1", "3"}}, "RulerUnits" -> {"4.0"}, "Run" -> {"1"},
"RunScheduledTask" -> {"8"}, "RunThrough" -> {"1"},
"RuntimeAttributes" -> {"8"}, "RuntimeOptions" -> {"8"},
"RussellRaoDissimilarity" -> {"6"}, "SameQ" -> {"1"},
"SameTest" -> {"2"}, "SampleDepth" -> {"2"},
"SampledSoundFunction" -> {"2"}, "SampledSoundList" -> {"2"},
"SampleRate" -> {"2"}, "SamplingPeriod" -> {"8"},
"SatisfiabilityCount" -> {"7"}, "SatisfiabilityInstances" -> {"7"},
"SatisfiableQ" -> {"7"}, "Saveable" -> {"5.0"},
"SaveAutoDelete" -> {"4.0"}, "SaveDefinitions" -> {"6"},
"Save" -> {{"1", "3"}}, "SawtoothWave" -> {"7"},
"Scaled" -> {{"1", "7"}}, "Scale" -> {{"6", "7"}},
"ScalingFunctions" -> {"8"}, "ScalingMatrix" -> {"6"},
"ScalingTransform" -> {"6"}, "Scan" -> {{"1", "5"}},
"ScheduledTaskObject" -> {"8"}, "ScheduledTasks" -> {"8"},
"SchurDecomposition" -> {{"2", "7"}}, "ScientificForm" -> {"1"},
"ScreenRectangle" -> {"4.0"}, "ScreenStyleEnvironment" -> {"3"},
"ScriptBaselineShifts" -> {"3"}, "ScriptLevel" -> {"4.0"},
"ScriptMinSize" -> {"3"}, "ScriptSizeMultipliers" -> {"3"},
"Scrollbars" -> {"7"}, "ScrollingOptions" -> {"4.0"},
"ScrollPosition" -> {"7"}, "SechDistribution" -> {"8"},
"Sech" -> {{"1", "3"}}, "Sec" -> {{"1", "3"}},
"SectorChart3D" -> {"7"}, "SectorChart" -> {"7"},
"SectorOrigin" -> {"7"}, "SectorSpacing" -> {"7"},
"SeedRandom" -> {{"1", "6"}}, "Selectable" -> {"3"},
"SelectComponents" -> {"8"}, "SelectedNotebook" -> {"3"},
"SelectionAnimate" -> {"3"}, "SelectionCreateCell" -> {"3"},
"SelectionEvaluateCreateCell" -> {"3"}, "SelectionEvaluate" -> {"3"},
"SelectionMove" -> {{"3", "6"}}, "Select" -> {{"1", "5"}},
"SelfLoopStyle" -> {"6"}, "SemialgebraicComponentInstances" -> {"6"},
"SendMail" -> {"7"}, "SequenceAlignment" -> {"7"},
"SequenceForm" -> {"1"}, "SequenceHold" -> {"3"},
"Sequence" -> {"3"}, "SeriesCoefficient" -> {{"3", "7"}},
"SeriesData" -> {"1"}, "Series" -> {{"1", "3"}},
"SessionTime" -> {"2"}, "SetAccuracy" -> {"2"},
"SetAlphaChannel" -> {"8"}, "SetAttributes" -> {"1"},
"SetDelayed" -> {"1"}, "SetDirectory" -> {{"2", "7"}},
"SetFileDate" -> {{"2", "7"}}, "Set" -> {"1"},
"SetOptions" -> {{"1", "3"}}, "SetPrecision" -> {{"2", "5"}},
"SetProperty" -> {"8"}, "SetSelectedNotebook" -> {"3"},
"SetSharedFunction" -> {"7"}, "SetSharedVariable" -> {"7"},
"SetStreamPosition" -> {"2"}, "SetSystemOptions" -> {"6"},
"SetterBar" -> {"6"}, "Setter" -> {"6"}, "Setting" -> {"6"},
"Shading" -> {"1"}, "Shallow" -> {{"2", "3"}},
"ShannonWavelet" -> {"8"}, "ShapiroWilkTest" -> {"8"},
"Share" -> {"1"}, "Sharpen" -> {"7"}, "ShearingMatrix" -> {"6"},
"ShearingTransform" -> {"6"}, "ShortDownArrow" -> {"6"},
"ShortestMatch" -> {}, "Shortest" -> {"6"},
"ShortestPathFunction" -> {"8"}, "ShortLeftArrow" -> {"6"},
"Short" -> {{"1", "3"}}, "ShortRightArrow" -> {"6"},
"ShortUpArrow" -> {"6"}, "ShowAutoStyles" -> {"4"},
"ShowCellBracket" -> {{"3", "7"}}, "ShowCellLabel" -> {"3"},
"ShowCellTags" -> {"3"}, "ShowClosedCellArea" -> {"4.0"},
"ShowContents" -> {"4.0"}, "ShowCursorTracker" -> {"4"},
"ShowGroupOpener" -> {"6"}, "Show" -> {{"1", "6"}},
"ShowPageBreaks" -> {"3"}, "ShowSelection" -> {{"4", "6"}},
"ShowShortBoxForm" -> {"4.0"}, "ShowSpecialCharacters" -> {"3"},
"ShowStringCharacters" -> {"3"}, "ShrinkingDelay" -> {"6"},
"SiegelTheta" -> {"6"}, "SiegelTukeyTest" -> {"8"},
"Signature" -> {"1"}, "SignedRankTest" -> {"8"},
"SignificanceLevel" -> {"8"}, "Sign" -> {{"1", "3"}},
"SignPadding" -> {"2"}, "SignTest" -> {"8"},
"SimilarityRules" -> {"7"}, "SimpleGraph" -> {"8"},
"SimpleGraphQ" -> {"8"}, "Simplify" -> {{"1", "5"}}, "Sinc" -> {"6"},
"SinghMaddalaDistribution" -> {"8"}, "SingleLetterItalics" -> {"3"},
"SingularValueDecomposition" -> {{"5", "6"}},
"SingularValueList" -> {{"5", "6"}}, "SingularValuePlot" -> {"8"},
"SingularValues" -> {"1"}, "SinhIntegral" -> {"3"}, "Sinh" -> {"1"},
"SinIntegral" -> {"2"}, "Sin" -> {{"1", "4"}}, "SixJSymbol" -> {"2"},
"Skeleton" -> {{"1", "3"}}, "SkeletonTransform" -> {"8"},
"SkellamDistribution" -> {"8"}, "Skewness" -> {"6"},
"SkewNormalDistribution" -> {"8"}, "Skip" -> {"2"},
"Slider2D" -> {"6"}, "Slider" -> {"6"}, "SlideView" -> {"6"},
"Slot" -> {"1"}, "SlotSequence" -> {"1"}, "SmallCircle" -> {"6"},
"Smaller" -> {"6"}, "Small" -> {"6"},
"SmithWatermanSimilarity" -> {"7"},
"SmoothDensityHistogram" -> {"8"}, "SmoothHistogram3D" -> {"8"},
"SmoothHistogram" -> {"8"}, "SmoothKernelDistribution" -> {"8"},
"SokalSneathDissimilarity" -> {"6"}, "SolveAlways" -> {"1"},
"Solve" -> {{"1", "8"}}, "SortBy" -> {{"6", "7"}}, "Sort" -> {"1"},
"Sound" -> {{"2", "6"}}, "SoundNote" -> {"6"},
"SoundVolume" -> {"6.0"}, "Sow" -> {"5"}, "Spacer" -> {"6"},
"Spacings" -> {"6"}, "SpanAdjustments" -> {"3.0"},
"SpanCharacterRounding" -> {"3.0"}, "SpanFromAbove" -> {"6"},
"SpanFromBoth" -> {"6"}, "SpanFromLeft" -> {"6"},
"SpanLineThickness" -> {"4.0"}, "SpanMaxSize" -> {"3.0"},
"SpanMinSize" -> {"3.0"}, "Span" -> {"6"},
"SpanSymmetric" -> {"3.0"}, "SparseArray" -> {{"5", "6"}},
"Speak" -> {{"7", "8"}}, "Specularity" -> {"6"},
"SpellingCorrection" -> {"2"}, "SpellingDictionaries" -> {"4.0"},
"SpellingDictionariesPath" -> {"4.0"}, "SpellingOptions" -> {"4.0"},
"Sphere" -> {{"6", "7"}}, "SphericalBesselJ" -> {"6"},
"SphericalBesselY" -> {"6"}, "SphericalHankelH1" -> {"6"},
"SphericalHankelH2" -> {"6"}, "SphericalHarmonicY" -> {"1"},
"SphericalPlot3D" -> {{"6", "8"}}, "SphericalRegion" -> {"2"},
"SpheroidalEigenvalue" -> {"6"}, "SpheroidalJoiningFactor" -> {"6"},
"SpheroidalPS" -> {"6"}, "SpheroidalPSPrime" -> {"6"},
"SpheroidalQS" -> {"6"}, "SpheroidalQSPrime" -> {"6"},
"SpheroidalRadialFactor" -> {"6"}, "SpheroidalS1" -> {"6"},
"SpheroidalS1Prime" -> {"6"}, "SpheroidalS2" -> {"6"},
"SpheroidalS2Prime" -> {"6"}, "Splice" -> {"1"},
"SplineClosed" -> {"7"}, "SplineDegree" -> {"7"},
"SplineKnots" -> {"7"}, "SplineWeights" -> {"7"}, "SplitBy" -> {"7"},
"Split" -> {"3"}, "SpokenString" -> {{"7", "8"}},
"SqrtBox" -> {"3"}, "Sqrt" -> {{"1", "3"}},
"SquaredEuclideanDistance" -> {"6"}, "SquareFreeQ" -> {"6"},
"SquareIntersection" -> {"6"}, "Square" -> {"6"},
"SquaresR" -> {"6"}, "SquareSubsetEqual" -> {"6"},
"SquareSubset" -> {"6"}, "SquareSupersetEqual" -> {"6"},
"SquareSuperset" -> {"6"}, "SquareUnion" -> {"6"},
"SquareWave" -> {"7"}, "StabilityMargins" -> {"8"},
"StabilityMarginsStyle" -> {"8"}, "StableDistribution" -> {"8"},
"StackBegin" -> {"2"}, "StackComplete" -> {"2"},
"StackInhibit" -> {"2"}, "Stack" -> {"2"},
"StandardDeviationFilter" -> {"7"},
"StandardDeviation" -> {{"5", "6"}}, "StandardForm" -> {{"3", "6"}},
"Standardize" -> {"7"}, "StarGraph" -> {"8"}, "Star" -> {"6"},
"StartingStepSize" -> {"4"}, "StartOfLine" -> {"5.1"},
"StartOfString" -> {"5.1"}, "StartProcess" -> {"1"},
"StartScheduledTask" -> {"8"}, "StartupSound" -> {"4.0"},
"StateFeedbackGains" -> {"8"}, "StateOutputEstimator" -> {"8"},
"StateResponse" -> {"8"}, "StateSpaceModel" -> {"8"},
"StateSpaceRealization" -> {"8"}, "StateSpaceTransform" -> {"8"},
"StationaryWaveletPacketTransform" -> {"8"},
"StationaryWaveletTransform" -> {"8"}, "StatusArea" -> {"6"},
"StepMonitor" -> {"5"}, "StieltjesGamma" -> {{"3", "7"}},
"StirlingS1" -> {"1"}, "StirlingS2" -> {"1"},
"StopScheduledTask" -> {"8"}, "StreamColorFunction" -> {"7"},
"StreamColorFunctionScaling" -> {"7"}, "StreamDensityPlot" -> {"7"},
"StreamPlot" -> {"7"}, "StreamPoints" -> {"7"},
"StreamPosition" -> {"2"}, "StreamScale" -> {"7"},
"Streams" -> {"2"}, "StreamStyle" -> {"7"}, "StringCases" -> {"5.1"},
"StringCount" -> {"5.1"}, "StringDrop" -> {{"2", "5.1"}},
"StringExpression" -> {{"5.1", "7"}}, "StringFormat" -> {"6"},
"StringForm" -> {{"1", "5"}}, "StringFreeQ" -> {"5.1"},
"StringInsert" -> {{"2", "5.1"}}, "StringJoin" -> {"1"},
"StringLength" -> {{"1", "5.1"}}, "StringMatchQ" -> {{"1", "5.1"}},
"String" -> {{"1", "3"}}, "StringPosition" -> {{"2", "5.1"}},
"StringQ" -> {"2"}, "StringReplaceList" -> {"5.1"},
"StringReplace" -> {{"2", "5.1"}}, "StringReplacePart" -> {"3"},
"StringReverse" -> {{"2", "5.1"}}, "StringSkeleton" -> {"1"},
"StringSplit" -> {"5.1"}, "StringTake" -> {{"2", "6"}},
"StringToStream" -> {"2"}, "StringTrim" -> {"7"},
"StructuredSelection" -> {"3"}, "StruveH" -> {"4"},
"StruveL" -> {"4"}, "Stub" -> {"2"},
"StudentTDistribution" -> {{"6", "7"}},
"StyleBoxAutoDelete" -> {"3.0"}, "StyleBox" -> {{"3", "6"}},
"StyleData" -> {"3"}, "StyleDefinitions" -> {"3"},
"StyleForm" -> {"3"}, "StyleMenuListing" -> {"4.0"},
"StyleNameDialogSettings" -> {"4.0"}, "Style" -> {"6"},
"StylePrint" -> {{"3", "5"}}, "StyleSheetPath" -> {"4.0"},
"Subfactorial" -> {"6"}, "Subgraph" -> {"8"}, "SubMinus" -> {"6"},
"SubPlus" -> {"6"}, "Subresultants" -> {"4"},
"SubscriptBox" -> {{"3", "6"}}, "SubscriptBoxOptions" -> {"4.0"},
"Subscripted" -> {"1"}, "Subscript" -> {"3"}, "SubsetEqual" -> {"6"},
"Subset" -> {"6"}, "Subsets" -> {"5.1"}, "SubStar" -> {"6"},
"SubsuperscriptBox" -> {{"3", "6"}},
"SubsuperscriptBoxOptions" -> {"4.0"}, "Subsuperscript" -> {"3"},
"SubtractFrom" -> {"1"}, "Subtract" -> {"1"},
"SucceedsEqual" -> {"6"}, "Succeeds" -> {"6"},
"SucceedsSlantEqual" -> {"6"}, "SucceedsTilde" -> {"6"},
"SuchThat" -> {"6"}, "SumConvergence" -> {{"7", "8"}},
"Sum" -> {{"1", "7"}}, "SuperDagger" -> {"6"}, "SuperMinus" -> {"6"},
"SuperPlus" -> {"6"}, "SuperscriptBox" -> {{"3", "6"}},
"SuperscriptBoxOptions" -> {"4.0"}, "Superscript" -> {"3"},
"SupersetEqual" -> {"6"}, "Superset" -> {"6"}, "SuperStar" -> {"6"},
"SurfaceColor" -> {"2"}, "SurfaceGraphics" -> {"1"},
"SurvivalDistribution" -> {"8"}, "SurvivalFunction" -> {"8"},
"SuspendPacket" -> {"3"}, "SuzukiDistribution" -> {"8"},
"SuzukiGroupSuz" -> {"8"}, "Switch" -> {"1"}, "SymbolName" -> {"3"},
"Symbol" -> {{"1", "3"}}, "SymletWavelet" -> {"8"},
"SymmetricGroup" -> {"8"}, "SymmetricMatrixQ" -> {"7"},
"SymmetricPolynomial" -> {"6"}, "SymmetricReduction" -> {"6"},
"SynchronousInitialization" -> {"6"}, "SynchronousUpdating" -> {"6"},
"SyntaxForm" -> {"3.0"}, "SyntaxInformation" -> {"6"},
"SyntaxLength" -> {"2"}, "SyntaxPacket" -> {"3"}, "SyntaxQ" -> {"2"},
"SystemDialogInput" -> {"6"}, "SystemHelpPath" -> {"4.0"},
"SystemInformation" -> {{"6", "7"}}, "SystemOpen" -> {"7"},
"SystemOptions" -> {"6"}, "SystemsModelDelete" -> {"8"},
"SystemsModelDimensions" -> {"8"}, "SystemsModelExtract" -> {"8"},
"SystemsModelFeedbackConnect" -> {"8"},
"SystemsModelLabels" -> {"8"}, "SystemsModelOrder" -> {"8"},
"SystemsModelParallelConnect" -> {"8"},
"SystemsModelSeriesConnect" -> {"8"},
"SystemsModelStateFeedbackConnect" -> {"8"}, "TabFilling" -> {"4.0"},
"TableAlignments" -> {"2"}, "TableDepth" -> {"2"},
"TableDirections" -> {"2"}, "TableForm" -> {"1"},
"TableHeadings" -> {"2"}, "Table" -> {{"1", "6"}},
"TableSpacing" -> {"2"}, "TabSpacings" -> {"4.0"},
"TabView" -> {{"6", "7"}}, "TagBox" -> {"3"},
"TaggingRules" -> {"4.0"}, "TagSetDelayed" -> {"1"},
"TagSet" -> {"1"}, "TagUnset" -> {"1"}, "Take" -> {{"1", "5"}},
"TakeWhile" -> {{"6", "7"}}, "Tally" -> {"6"},
"Tanh" -> {{"1", "3"}}, "Tan" -> {{"1", "4"}},
"TargetFunctions" -> {"3"}, "TautologyQ" -> {"7"},
"Temporary" -> {"2"}, "TensorRank" -> {"1"},
"TeXForm" -> {{"1", "5.1"}}, "TeXSave" -> {"3"},
"TextAlignment" -> {"3"}, "TextCell" -> {"6"},
"TextClipboardType" -> {"7"}, "TextData" -> {"8"},
"TextJustification" -> {{"3", "6"}}, "Text" -> {{"1", "7"}},
"TextPacket" -> {"3"}, "TextRecognize" -> {"8"},
"TextStyle" -> {"3"}, "TextureCoordinateFunction" -> {"8"},
"TextureCoordinateScaling" -> {"8"}, "Texture" -> {"8"},
"Therefore" -> {"6"}, "Thick" -> {"6"}, "Thickness" -> {{"1", "6"}},
"Thin" -> {"6"}, "Thinning" -> {"8"}, "ThompsonGroupTh" -> {"8"},
"Thread" -> {"1"}, "ThreeJSymbol" -> {"2"}, "Threshold" -> {"8.0"},
"Through" -> {"1"}, "Throw" -> {{"1", "3"}}, "Thumbnail" -> {"7"},
"Ticks" -> {"1"}, "TicksStyle" -> {{"6", "7"}},
"TildeEqual" -> {"6"}, "TildeFullEqual" -> {"6"}, "Tilde" -> {"6"},
"TildeTilde" -> {"6"}, "TimeConstrained" -> {{"1", "6"}},
"TimeConstraint" -> {"3"}, "TimesBy" -> {"1"},
"Times" -> {{"1", "3"}}, "TimeUsed" -> {"2"}, "TimeValue" -> {"8"},
"TimeZone" -> {{"2", "6"}}, "Timing" -> {"1"}, "Tiny" -> {"6"},
"TitsGroupT" -> {"8"}, "ToASCII" -> {"1"}, "ToBoxes" -> {"3"},
"ToCharacterCode" -> {{"2", "4"}}, "ToContinuousTimeModel" -> {"8"},
"ToDate" -> {"2"}, "ToDiscreteTimeModel" -> {"8"},
"ToeplitzMatrix" -> {"6"}, "ToExpression" -> {{"1", "5.1"}},
"ToFileName" -> {"3"}, "Together" -> {{"1", "6"}},
"TogglerBar" -> {"6"}, "Toggler" -> {"6"},
"ToHeldExpression" -> {"2"}, "TokenWords" -> {"2"},
"Tolerance" -> {"2"}, "ToLowerCase" -> {{"2", "3"}},
"ToNumberField" -> {"6"}, "TooltipDelay" -> {"7"},
"Tooltip" -> {{"6", "7"}}, "TopHatTransform" -> {"7"},
"Top" -> {"1"}, "TopologicalSort" -> {"8"},
"ToRadicals" -> {{"3", "6"}}, "ToRules" -> {"1"},
"ToString" -> {{"1", "3"}}, "Total" -> {{"5", "6"}},
"TotalVariationFilter" -> {"8"}, "TotalWidth" -> {"1"},
"ToUpperCase" -> {{"2", "3"}}, "TraceAbove" -> {"2"},
"TraceBackward" -> {"2"}, "TraceDepth" -> {"2"},
"TraceDialog" -> {"2"}, "TraceForward" -> {"2"}, "Trace" -> {"2"},
"TraceOff" -> {"2"}, "TraceOn" -> {"2"}, "TraceOriginal" -> {"2"},
"TracePrint" -> {"2"}, "TraceScan" -> {"2"},
"TrackedSymbols" -> {{"6", "7"}}, "TradingChart" -> {"8"},
"TraditionalForm" -> {{"3", "7"}},
"TraditionalFunctionNotation" -> {"4.0"},
"TransferFunctionCancel" -> {"8"}, "TransferFunctionExpand" -> {"8"},
"TransferFunctionFactor" -> {"8"}, "TransferFunctionModel" -> {"8"},
"TransferFunctionPoles" -> {"8"}, "TransferFunctionZeros" -> {"8"},
"TransformationFunction" -> {"6"},
"TransformationFunctions" -> {"4"}, "TransformationMatrix" -> {"6"},
"TransformedDistribution" -> {"8"}, "Translate" -> {{"6", "8"}},
"TranslationTransform" -> {"6"}, "Transparent" -> {"7"},
"Transpose" -> {{"1", "5.1"}}, "TreeForm" -> {{"1", "6"}},
"TreeGraph" -> {"8"}, "TreeGraphQ" -> {"8"}, "TreePlot" -> {"6"},
"TrendStyle" -> {"8"}, "TriangleWave" -> {"7"},
"TriangularDistribution" -> {"6"}, "TrigExpand" -> {{"3", "6"}},
"TrigFactorList" -> {"3"}, "TrigFactor" -> {{"3", "6"}},
"Trigger" -> {"6"}, "Trig" -> {"2"}, "TrigReduce" -> {{"3", "6"}},
"TrigToExp" -> {{"3", "6"}}, "TrimmedMean" -> {"6"},
"Tr" -> {{"4", "5"}}, "True" -> {"1"}, "TrueQ" -> {"1"},
"TruncatedDistribution" -> {"8"}, "TTest" -> {"8"},
"Tube" -> {{"7", "8"}}, "TukeyLambdaDistribution" -> {"8"},
"Tuples" -> {"5.1"}, "TuranGraph" -> {"8"}, "TuringMachine" -> {"6"},
"Uncompress" -> {{"6", "7"}}, "Undefined" -> {"8"},
"UnderBar" -> {"6"}, "Underflow" -> {"1"}, "Underlined" -> {"6"},
"UnderoverscriptBox" -> {{"3", "6"}},
"UnderoverscriptBoxOptions" -> {"4.0"}, "Underoverscript" -> {"3"},
"UnderscriptBox" -> {{"3", "6"}}, "UnderscriptBoxOptions" -> {"4.0"},
"Underscript" -> {{"6", "8"}}, "UndirectedEdge" -> {"8"},
"UndirectedGraph" -> {"8"}, "UndirectedGraphQ" -> {"8"},
"Unequal" -> {{"1", "3"}}, "Unevaluated" -> {"2"},
"UniformDistribution" -> {{"6", "8"}},
"UniformGraphDistribution" -> {"8"},
"UniformSumDistribution" -> {"8"}, "Uninstall" -> {{"2", "3"}},
"Union" -> {{"1", "3"}}, "UnionPlus" -> {"6"}, "Unique" -> {"1"},
"UnitBox" -> {"7"}, "Unitize" -> {"6"}, "UnitStep" -> {"4"},
"UnitTriangle" -> {"7"}, "UnitVector" -> {{"6", "7"}},
"Unprotect" -> {"1"}, "UnsameQ" -> {"2"},
"UnsavedVariables" -> {"8"}, "Unset" -> {"1"},
"UnsetShared" -> {"7"}, "UpArrowBar" -> {"6"},
"UpArrowDownArrow" -> {"6"}, "UpArrow" -> {"6"},
"UpdateInterval" -> {"6"}, "Update" -> {"1"}, "UpDownArrow" -> {"6"},
"UpEquilibrium" -> {"6"}, "UpperCaseQ" -> {{"2", "3"}},
"UpperLeftArrow" -> {"6"}, "UpperRightArrow" -> {"6"},
"UpperTriangularize" -> {"7"}, "UpSetDelayed" -> {"1"},
"UpSet" -> {"1"}, "UpTeeArrow" -> {"6"}, "UpValues" -> {{"2", "3"}},
"UsingFrontEnd" -> {"7"}, "ValidationLength" -> {"7"},
"ValueQ" -> {"1"}, "Variables" -> {"1"},
"VarianceEquivalenceTest" -> {"8"},
"VarianceEstimatorFunction" -> {"7"}, "Variance" -> {{"5", "6"}},
"VarianceTest" -> {"8"}, "VectorAngle" -> {"6"},
"VectorColorFunction" -> {"7"},
"VectorColorFunctionScaling" -> {"7"}, "VectorDensityPlot" -> {"7"},
"VectorPlot3D" -> {"7"}, "VectorPlot" -> {"7"},
"VectorPoints" -> {"7"}, "VectorQ" -> {{"1", "5"}},
"VectorScale" -> {"7"}, "VectorStyle" -> {"7"}, "Vee" -> {"6"},
"Verbatim" -> {"3"}, "VerifyAssumptions" -> {"8"},
"VerifyConvergence" -> {{"2", "7"}},
"VerifyTestAssumptions" -> {"8"}, "VertexAdd" -> {"8"},
"VertexColors" -> {"6"}, "VertexComponent" -> {"8"},
"VertexConnectivity" -> {"8"}, "VertexCoordinateRules" -> {"6"},
"VertexCoordinates" -> {"8"}, "VertexCount" -> {"8"},
"VertexCoverQ" -> {"8"}, "VertexCut" -> {"8"},
"VertexDegree" -> {"8"}, "VertexDelete" -> {"8"},
"VertexEccentricity" -> {"8"}, "VertexInComponent" -> {"8"},
"VertexInDegree" -> {"8"}, "VertexIndex" -> {"8"},
"VertexLabeling" -> {"6"}, "VertexLabels" -> {"8"},
"VertexList" -> {"8"}, "VertexNormals" -> {"6"},
"VertexOutComponent" -> {"8"}, "VertexOutDegree" -> {"8"},
"VertexQ" -> {"8"}, "VertexRenderingFunction" -> {"6"},
"VertexReplace" -> {"8"}, "VertexShapeFunction" -> {"8"},
"VertexShape" -> {"8"}, "VertexSize" -> {"8"},
"VertexStyle" -> {"8"}, "VertexTextureCoordinates" -> {"8"},
"VertexWeight" -> {"8"}, "VerticalBar" -> {"6"},
"VerticalSeparator" -> {"6"}, "VerticalSlider" -> {"6"},
"VerticalTilde" -> {"6"}, "ViewAngle" -> {"6"},
"ViewCenter" -> {{"2", "6"}}, "ViewMatrix" -> {{"6", "8"}},
"ViewPoint" -> {{"1", "7"}}, "ViewRange" -> {"6"},
"ViewVector" -> {"6"}, "ViewVertical" -> {{"2", "6"}},
"Visible" -> {"3"}, "VonMisesDistribution" -> {"8"},
"WaitAll" -> {"7"}, "WaitNext" -> {"7"},
"WakebyDistribution" -> {"8"},
"WalleniusHypergeometricDistribution" -> {"8"},
"WaringYuleDistribution" -> {"8"}, "WatershedComponents" -> {"8"},
"WatsonUSquareTest" -> {"8"},
"WattsStrogatzGraphDistribution" -> {"8"},
"WaveletBestBasis" -> {"8"}, "WaveletFilterCoefficients" -> {"8"},
"WaveletImagePlot" -> {"8"}, "WaveletListPlot" -> {"8"},
"WaveletMapIndexed" -> {"8"}, "WaveletMatrixPlot" -> {"8"},
"WaveletPhi" -> {"8"}, "WaveletPsi" -> {"8"},
"WaveletScale" -> {"8"}, "WaveletScalogram" -> {"8"},
"WaveletThreshold" -> {"8"}, "WeatherData" -> {"7"},
"WeberE" -> {"7"}, "Wedge" -> {"6"},
"WeibullDistribution" -> {{"6", "8"}},
"WeierstrassHalfPeriods" -> {"3"}, "WeierstrassInvariants" -> {"3"},
"WeierstrassP" -> {{"1", "3"}}, "WeierstrassPPrime" -> {{"1", "3"}},
"WeierstrassSigma" -> {"3"}, "WeierstrassZeta" -> {"3"},
"WeightedAdjacencyGraph" -> {"8"},
"WeightedAdjacencyMatrix" -> {"8"}, "WeightedGraphQ" -> {"8"},
"Weights" -> {"7"}, "WheelGraph" -> {"8"}, "Which" -> {"1"},
"While" -> {"1"}, "White" -> {"5.1"},
"WhitespaceCharacter" -> {"5.1"}, "Whitespace" -> {"5.1"},
"WhittakerM" -> {"6"}, "WhittakerW" -> {"6"},
"WienerFilter" -> {"8"}, "WignerD" -> {"8"},
"WignerSemicircleDistribution" -> {"8"},
"WindowClickSelect" -> {"3"}, "WindowElements" -> {"3"},
"WindowFloating" -> {"3"}, "WindowFrameElements" -> {"4.0"},
"WindowFrame" -> {"3"}, "WindowMargins" -> {"3"},
"WindowMovable" -> {"3"}, "WindowOpacity" -> {"6"},
"WindowSize" -> {{"3", "6"}}, "WindowStatusArea" -> {"6"},
"WindowTitle" -> {"3"}, "WindowToolbars" -> {"3"}, "With" -> {"2"},
"WolframAlpha" -> {"8"}, "WordBoundary" -> {"5.1"},
"WordCharacter" -> {"5.1"}, "WordData" -> {"6"}, "Word" -> {"2"},
"WordSearch" -> {"2"}, "WordSeparators" -> {"2"},
"WorkingPrecision" -> {{"1", "5"}}, "Write" -> {"1"},
"WriteString" -> {{"1", "5"}}, "Wronskian" -> {"7"},
"XMLElement" -> {"4.2"}, "XMLObject" -> {"4.2"}, "Xnor" -> {"7"},
"Xor" -> {{"1", "5"}}, "Yellow" -> {"5.1"},
"YuleDissimilarity" -> {"6"}, "ZernikeR" -> {"6"},
"ZeroTest" -> {"1"}, "ZeroWidthTimes" -> {"3.0"}, "Zeta" -> {"1"},
"ZetaZero" -> {"6"}, "ZipfDistribution" -> {{"6", "8"}},
"ZTest" -> {"8"}, "ZTransform" -> {{"4", "7"}}, "$Aborted" -> {"2"},
"$AssertFunction" -> {"8"}, "$Assumptions" -> {"5"},
"$BaseDirectory" -> {"5"}, "$BatchInput" -> {"2"},
"$BatchOutput" -> {"2"}, "$ByteOrdering" -> {"4"},
"$Canceled" -> {"6"}, "$CharacterEncoding" -> {{"3", "6"}},
"$CharacterEncodings" -> {"6"}, "$CommandLine" -> {"1"},
"$CompilationTarget" -> {"8"}, "$ConfiguredKernels" -> {"7"},
"$Context" -> {"1"}, "$ContextPath" -> {"1"},
"$ControlActiveSetting" -> {"6"}, "$CreationDate" -> {"2"},
"$CurrentLink" -> {"3"}, "$DateStringFormat" -> {"6"},
"$DefaultFont" -> {"2"}, "$DefaultImagingDevice" -> {"8"},
"$DisplayFunction" -> {{"1", "6"}}, "$Display" -> {"1"},
"$DistributedContexts" -> {"8"}, "$DynamicEvaluation" -> {"6"},
"$Echo" -> {"1"}, "$Epilog" -> {"1"}, "$ExportFormats" -> {"4"},
"$Failed" -> {"2"}, "$FormatType" -> {"3"}, "$FrontEnd" -> {"3"},
"$FrontEndSession" -> {"6"}, "$GeoLocation" -> {"7"},
"$HistoryLength" -> {"3"}, "$HomeDirectory" -> {"3"},
"$IgnoreEOF" -> {"1"}, "$ImagingDevices" -> {"8"},
"$ImportFormats" -> {"4"}, "$InitialDirectory" -> {{"3", "5"}},
"$InputFileName" -> {"8"}, "$Input" -> {"2"}, "$Inspector" -> {"2"},
"$InstallationDate" -> {"3"}, "$InstallationDirectory" -> {"5"},
"$IterationLimit" -> {"2"}, "$KernelCount" -> {"7"},
"$KernelID" -> {"7"}, "$Language" -> {"2"}, "$LibraryPath" -> {"8"},
"$LicenseExpirationDate" -> {"5"}, "$LicenseID" -> {"3"},
"$LicenseServer" -> {"3"}, "$Line" -> {"1"}, "$Linked" -> {"2"},
"$MachineAddresses" -> {"6"}, "$MachineDomain" -> {"3"},
"$MachineDomains" -> {"6"}, "$MachineEpsilon" -> {"2"},
"$MachineID" -> {"2"}, "$MachineName" -> {"2"},
"$MachinePrecision" -> {{"2", "5"}}, "$MachineType" -> {"2"},
"$MaxExtraPrecision" -> {"3"}, "$MaxMachineNumber" -> {"2"},
"$MaxNumber" -> {"3"}, "$MaxPiecewiseCases" -> {"5.1"},
"$MaxPrecision" -> {{"3", "5"}}, "$MaxRootDegree" -> {"3"},
"$MessageGroups" -> {"7"}, "$MessageList" -> {"2"},
"$MessagePrePrint" -> {"2"}, "$Messages" -> {"1"},
"$MinMachineNumber" -> {"2"}, "$MinNumber" -> {"3"},
"$MinPrecision" -> {{"3", "5"}}, "$ModuleNumber" -> {"2"},
"$NewMessage" -> {"2"}, "$NewSymbol" -> {"2"}, "$Notebooks" -> {"2"},
"$NumberMarks" -> {"3"}, "$OperatingSystem" -> {"2"},
"$Output" -> {"1"}, "$OutputSizeLimit" -> {"6"},
"$Packages" -> {"2"}, "$ParentLink" -> {"3"},
"$ParentProcessID" -> {"3"}, "$PathnameSeparator" -> {{"2", "7"}},
"$Path" -> {{"1", "6"}}, "$PerformanceGoal" -> {"6"},
"$Post" -> {"1"}, "$Pre" -> {"1"}, "$PrePrint" -> {"1"},
"$PreRead" -> {"2"}, "$ProcessID" -> {"3"},
"$ProcessorCount" -> {"7"}, "$ProcessorType" -> {"3"},
"$ProductInformation" -> {"4.2"}, "$RandomState" -> {"3"},
"$RecursionLimit" -> {"1"}, "$ReleaseNumber" -> {"2"},
"$RootDirectory" -> {"5"}, "$ScheduledTask" -> {"8"},
"$ScriptCommandLine" -> {"8"}, "$SessionID" -> {"2"},
"$SharedFunctions" -> {"7"}, "$SharedVariables" -> {"7"},
"$SoundDisplayFunction" -> {"2"}, "$SyntaxHandler" -> {"2"},
"$SystemCharacterEncoding" -> {"3"}, "$SystemID" -> {"3"},
"$System" -> {"1"}, "$SystemWordLength" -> {"6"},
"$TemporaryDirectory" -> {"7"}, "$TemporaryPrefix" -> {"1"},
"$TextStyle" -> {"3"}, "$TimedOut" -> {"7"}, "$TimeUnit" -> {"2"},
"$TimeZone" -> {"6"}, "$TopDirectory" -> {"3"}, "$Urgent" -> {"1"},
"$UserAddOnsDirectory" -> {"1"}, "$UserBaseDirectory" -> {"5"},
"$UserDocumentsDirectory" -> {"6"}, "$UserName" -> {"3"},
"$Version" -> {"1"}, "$VersionNumber" -> {"2"}, "$$Media" -> {"1"}}
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