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Created December 18, 2012 16:59
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Save lshifr/4329721 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
An object to manage project.m files for Github gist-based Mathematica projects
(* Mathematica Package *)
BeginPackage["GithubGistProjectInfo`", { "RuleTreeInfo`", "OO`", "OO`Methods`", "OO`Errors`"}]
(* Exported symbols added here with SymbolName::usage *)
Begin["`Private`"] (* Begin Private Context *)
join = Function[{dir, file}, FileNameJoin[{dir, file}]];
DeclareType[GithubGistProjectInfo ~ Extends ~ RuleTreeInfo][
OO`Methods`newProjectQ[] :=
$self@OO`Methods`get["url"] === $Failed
OO`Methods`urlValidQ[] :=
$self@OO`Methods`get["gistID"] =!= $Failed
OO`Methods`get["gistID"] :=
With[{ids =
"" ~~ (n : NumberString) :> n
First[ids] /; Length[ids] == 1
OO`Methods`get["gistID"] := $Failed
OO`Methods`get["description"] /; ! TrueQ[inPrinfoGet] :=
Block[{inPrinfoGet = True},
If[# === $Failed, Automatic, #] &[
OO`Methods`verifyContent[] /; And[
! $self@OO`Methods`newProjectQ[],
! $self@OO`Methods`urlValidQ[]
] :=
ThrowError[GithubGistProjectInfo, OO`Methods`verifyContent,
OO`Methods`verifyContent[] :=
With[{result = Quiet@ExportString[$content, "JSON"]},
$self /; result =!= $Failed && MatchQ[$content, {__Rule} | _Rule]
OO`Methods`verifyContent[___] :=
ThrowError[GithubGistProjectInfo, OO`Methods`verifyContent]
OO`Methods`new[finfo_?(TypeQ[FileInfo`FileInfo]), opts___?OptionQ] :=
changes =
"ProjectChanges" /. Flatten[{opts}] /. "ProjectChanges" -> {};
(* We need to refer to FileInfo methods via the long names,
since explicit dependency on FileInfo has not been added *)
End[] (* End Private Context *)
"name" -> "Leonid Shifrin",
"email" -> "",
"url" -> ""
"name" -> "GithubGistProjectInfo",
"mathematica_version" -> "8.0+",
"description" -> "An object to manage project.m files for Github gist-based Mathematica projects",
"url" -> ""
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