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Last active December 18, 2015 01:59
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Time Slider AngularJS Directive
'use strict';
.directive('timeSlider', ($window) ->
updateStartTime = (span, value) ->
# set start and end times
sd = new Date(value)
startDate = sd.toLocaleDateString()
startTime = sd.toLocaleTimeString()
span.innerHTML = startDate + ':' + startTime
updateEndTime = (span, value) ->
ed = new Date(value)
endDate = ed.toLocaleDateString()
endTime = ed.toLocaleTimeString()
span.innerHTML = endDate + ':' + endTime
updateCurrentTime = (span, value) ->
cd = new Date(value)
curDate = cd.toLocaleDateString()
curTime = cd.toLocaleTimeString()
span.innerHTML = curDate + ':' + curTime
template: "<div><span>Start Time: </span><span class='startTime'></span>" +
"<input type='range'></input><span>End Time:</span><span class='endTime'></span>" +
"<div style='position: absolute' class='curTime'><span></span></div>" +
restrict: 'E'
scope: {
min: '='
max: '='
callback: '='
link: (scope, element, attrs) ->
# Grab the range input element and spans to be updated
rangeInput = element.find('input')[0]
rangeInputElement = angular.element rangeInput
spans = element.find 'span'
curTimeDiv = element.find('div')[1]
rangeInputOffset = $(rangeInput).offset()
# configure range input with provided min, max, and step values
rangeInput.min = scope.min
rangeInput.max = scope.max
rangeInput.step = attrs.step
rangeInput.value = scope.min # initialize value of slider to min value
# initialize start and end time
updateStartTime spans[1], rangeInput.min
updateEndTime spans[3], rangeInput.max
# function to move the current time div as the slider changes
moveCurTimeDiv = (curValue) ->
curPercentage = (curValue - scope.min) / (scope.max - scope.min)
curValueLocation = (rangeInput.clientWidth * curPercentage) + rangeInputOffset.left
ctdElement = angular.element curTimeDiv
ctdElement.css 'left', curValueLocation - curTimeDiv.clientWidth + 'px'
ctdElement.css 'top', rangeInput.clientHeight - curTimeDiv.clientHeight + 'px'
# when range input changes update the current time span
rangeInputElement.bind 'change', (event) ->
curValue = parseInt
updateCurrentTime(spans[4], curValue)
moveCurTimeDiv curValue
#on mouse up call the callback bound to the scope
rangeInputElement.bind 'mouseup', (event) ->
scope.$apply -> this, parseInt(
scope.$watch 'min', (newValue, oldValue) ->
updateStartTime(spans[1], parseInt newValue)
rangeInput.min = scope.min # update slider when min value changes
rangeInput.value = scope.min # update slider value to be min
spans[4].innerHTML = ''
scope.$watch 'max', (newValue, oldValue) ->
updateEndTime(spans[3], parseInt newValue)
rangeInput.max = scope.max # update slider when max value changes
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lsiv568 commented Jun 4, 2013

This directive uses HTML 5 range input to create a slider for time values. Time is input as time since epoch and converted to Locale date/time strings. The current value of the slider moves with the slider.

Link to fiddle:

There is some "funnyness" in the fiddle with the positioning of the current time value - not the case in actual app.

NOTE: for this fiddle I have used the template string. In practice, I recommend using templateUrl

Any and all feedback welcome!

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I liked the slider. I am actually looking for a two way date slider. Do you have anything handy? Thank you in advance.

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