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Last active March 29, 2023 10:04
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YaST Installer Memory Consumption

YaST Installer Memory Consumption

Ruby 2.1+ allows tracing object allocations, see more details in this article.

I enabled it and dumped the Ruby memory usage data in a SLES12-SP2 Beta3 installation


  • Tested in a x86_64 VirtualBox VM
  • In a graphical (Qt) installation
  • The dump was created at the installation proposal when all data needed for installation were collected.
  • I just left the defaults without going into details, loading/displaying details could allocate some more objects
  • The registration has been skipped
  • The dump obviously contains the data only from the Ruby YaST part, it does not include the other parts (e.g. SCR agents, Perl modules) or external libraries (libzypp, Qt, X11,...)


  • File memory_dump.json.xz contains the collected memory data, run unxz memory_dump.json.xz to uncompress it before analyzing it.

  • File dump_collector.rb contains a simple Ruby script which reads a dump file in JSON format and prints the places which create the largest objects (in total).
    Just run ./dump_collector.rb memory_dump.json command.

Feel free to modify the script to collect a different statistics.

The Result

A quick scan found out that the place which consumes most memory is

/usr/share/YaST2/lib/installation/ssh_config_file.rb:45:STRING: count: 4, total size: 274056

which loads the SSH keys and configuration from the previous installation and needs about 270kB memory.

The question is we can optimize it better, the SSH keys actually need to be stored somewhere as the target partition will be reformatted...

The only optimization could be probably possible when the user selects to not copy the keys. In that case we could drop the loaded keys when the installation starts. But that's not the default so this improvement would actually help only in some cases...


You can collect a different statistics from the data, e.g. the place which creates the most objects, which methods, check the object "age" (the GC generation value), etc...

#! /usr/bin/env ruby
# This simple script collects some statistics from a JSON memory dump from
# a Ruby process.
# Usage: ./dump_collector.rb memory_dump.json
require "json"
exit 1 unless ARGV[0]
puts "Reading #{ARGV[0]}..."
counts =
sizes =
File.foreach(ARGV[0]) do |line|
data = JSON.parse(line)
if data["file"] && data["line"]
id = "#{data["file"]}:#{data["line"]}:#{data["type"]}"
counts[id] += 1
sizes[id] += data["memsize"].to_i
# print the locations which created objects bigger than 10000 bytes in total
sizes.sort_by{ |file, size| size }.reverse!.each do |pair|
file = pair.first
size = pair.last
puts "#{file}: count: #{counts[file]}, total size: #{size}" if size > 10000
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
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mvidner commented Mar 29, 2023

The key call is ObjectSpace.dump_all(output:'heap.json','w'))

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mvidner commented Mar 29, 2023

The trick is to read the docs of the stdlib ObjectSpace, not of the core ObjectSpace, duh :-/

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