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Created November 26, 2019 14:28
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# import core features
from threading import Thread, Lock
from queue import Queue
from time import sleep
from flask import Flask, render_template, Response, jsonify
import cv2
# import local modules
from vprocess import DetectionVideoStream
app = Flask(__name__)
detector = DetectionVideoStream()
def genVideo():
while True:
frame = detector.frame
(flag,encodedImage) = cv2.imencode(".jpg", frame)
if not flag:
yield(b'--frame\r\n' b'Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n\r\n' +
bytearray(encodedImage) + b'\r\n')
def root():
return jsonify({ "hello":"World" })
def stream():
print("Starting MJPEG Stream")
return Response(genVideo(),
mimetype = "multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=frame")
if __name__ == '__main__':"", port="8000", debug=True,
threaded=True, use_reloader=False)
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