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Created July 21, 2011 19:07
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Make Y.DataTable instantiable, and an extension point for feature extension classes
// Right now, Y.DataTable is only a namespace. But I want to be able to say new Y.DataTable({...});
// We can do it. We have the technology.
// Step 1. Capture all the properties of the Y.DataTable namespace
// Y.merge creates a shallow copy of an object, and since Y.DataTable is just a namespace object,
// this works like a champ. You could now say new Stuff.Base({...}) to create a DataTable.Base
// instance.
var Stuff = Y.merge(Y.DataTable);
// Step 2. Replace the Y.DataTable namespace with a working DataTable.Base subclass
// This class will be the target of DataTable feature class extensions, but for now, start
// from scratch. Note it's important that this be a DataTable.Base subclass rather than
// DataTable.Base itself because features will be mixed into it and we want to preserve
// the sanctity of DataTable.Base as the featureless base class for other DataTable flavors.
Y.DataTable = Y.Base.create('datatable', Y.DataTable.Base, []);
// Step 3. Add the formerly namespaced stuff back onto Y.DataTable
// Because Y.DataTable is now a class, there is potential for name collision between static
// features and namespaced functionality. I'm hopeful that this won't be an issue in practice.
Y.mix(Y.DataTable, Stuff);
// Step 3.5. Y.DataTable and Y.DataTable.Base should each be instantiable
var baseTable = new Y.DataTable.Base({ /* works like before */ });
var table = new Y.DataTable({ /* also works now, but here comes the magic... */ });
// Step 4. Add a Y.DataTable.Features namespace for mix-and-match class assembly from DataTable.Base
// This is to support creating a DataTable.Base subclass with specific features, in case the
// "community" Y.DataTable get's a conflicting/undesirable feature.
// Step 5. Create a DataTable feature as a class extension, and store
// the feature in the new namespace
YUI.add('gallery-datatable-awesomesauce', function (Y) {
function AwesomeSauce() {}
// Additional Y.DataTable.prototype properties, supplied by this feature
AwesomeSauce.prototype = {
howHot: function () {
return (this.get('hotness') > 50) ? "Hellz yeah!" : "Meh";
AwesomeSauce.ATTRS = {
hotness: {
value: 5,
validator: Y.Lang.isNumber
Y.DataTable.Features.AwesomeSauce = AwesomeSauce;
// Step 6. (optional) Mix the feature into Y.DataTable if it doesn't alter
// default behavior. In general, try to make extensions in a way such that
// feature related behavior is opt-in.
Y.Base.mix(Y.DataTable, [Y.DataTable.Features.AwesomeSauce]);
}, '0.1', { requires: ['datatable-base'] });
// Grand finale. By use()ing the feature extension, new Y.DataTable instances
// will support those features
YUI().use('gallery-datatable-awesomesauce', function (Y) {
var table = new Y.DataTable({
recordset: [ ... ],
columnset: [ ... ],
hotness: 100
table.howHot(); // Hellz yeah!
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