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Forked from tathamoddie/ClientTable.js
Created September 2, 2010 04:25
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//An Array of dataTables to to them from other controls
var dataTables = new Array ( );
function CreateDateTable ( controlID, headers, initialDataSource )
//Retrieve Table Properties to pass
//from the Parent Control to the rendered Table (DIV)
var renderedControl = document.getElementById ( controlID );
var tableCaption = renderedControl.getAttribute ( "_Caption" );
//Drag and Drop Columns
var tableDragColumns = renderedControl.getAttribute ( "_DraggableColumns" );
var isTableDragColumns = false;
if ( tableDragColumns )
isTableDragColumns = true;
//Set up the Pager
var showPager = new Boolean ( );
var tablePaginator = null;
var showPager = renderedControl.getAttribute ( "_ShowPager" );
if ( showPager )
var pagerTemplate = renderedControl.getAttribute ( "_PagerType" );
var pagerID = renderedControl.getAttribute ( "_PagerID" );
if ( pagerTemplate == "Full" )
pagerTemplate = "{FirstPageLink} {PreviousPageLink} {CurrentPageReport} {NextPageLink} {LastPageLink} {PageLinks}";
if ( pagerTemplate == "Report" )
pagerTemplate = "{PreviousPageLink} <strong>{CurrentPageReport}</strong> {NextPageLink}";
if ( pagerTemplate == "Picker" )
pagerTemplate = "{PageLinks} Show {RowsPerPageDropdown} per page";
var rowsPerPageOptions = Array.parse ( renderedControl.getAttribute ( "_RowsPerPageOptions" ).toString ( ) );
tablePaginator = new YAHOO.widget.Paginator (
rowsPerPage : renderedControl.getAttribute ( "_PageSize" ),
containers : pagerID,
template : pagerTemplate,
rowsPerPageOptions : rowsPerPageOptions
} );
//Check Polling
var enablePolling = renderedControl.getAttribute ( "_EnablePolling" );
var customGetData = renderedControl.getAttribute ( "_CustomRetrieveDataFunction" );
var pollingInterval = -1;
if ( enablePolling )
pollingInterval = parseInt ( renderedControl.getAttribute ( "_PollingInterval" ).toString ( ) );
//Check RowSelection
var enableSelectRow = renderedControl.getAttribute ( "_EnableSelected" );
var maxSelectableRows = 1;
var showHighlightRow = new String ( );
var rowSelectHandler = new String ( );
var selectedRowPK = new String ( );
if( enableSelectRow )
maxSelectableRows = parseInt ( renderedControl.getAttribute ( "_MaxSelectableItems" ).toString ( ) );
rowSelectHandler = renderedControl.getAttribute ( "_CustomRowSelectionListener" );
showHighlightRow = renderedControl.getAttribute ( "_HighlightRow" );
selectedRowPK = renderedControl.getAttribute ( "_SelectRowPrimaryKey" );
//End Setting the Properties
//Create the DataSource, DataTable and Setting up the Polling
/***** NEW *****/
var RetrieveData = function ( req, dSource, callback )
function onSuccess ( result ) {
dSource.handleResponse(req, result, callback);
function onFailure () {
alert("Ruh Roh, Shaggy!");
// or pass initialDataSource as the second arg?
dSource.handleResponse(req, [], callback);
// Don't use eval
window[customGetData]( dataTable, onSuccess, onFailure );
var dataSource = new YAHOO.util.DataSource ( RetrieveData );
dataSource.makeConnection : function(oRequest, oCallback, oCaller) {
var tId = YAHOO.util.DataSource._nTransactionId++;
this.fireEvent("requestEvent", {tId:tId,request:oRequest,callback:oCallback,
// Pass the request in as a parameter and
// forward the return value to the handler callback.scope, oRequest, this, oCallback);
return tId;
/****** END ********/
dataSource.responseType = YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_JSARRAY;
dataSource.constructor = this;
var dataTable = new YAHOO.widget.DataTable ( controlID, headers, dataSource,
{ draggableColumns : isTableDragColumns, caption : tableCaption, paginator : tablePaginator} );
//Set Attributes for the Table
dataTable.renderedControl = renderedControl;
dataTable.controlID = controlID;
dataTable.selectedRowPK = selectedRowPK;
//Save the dataTable in an shared array to access it from other controls
dataTables [ controlID ] = dataTable;
dataTables.push ( dataTable );
// Set up polling
if ( enablePolling )
var callback = { success: dataTable.onDataReturnReplaceRows, failure: function() { }, scope: dataTable }
dataSource.setInterval ( pollingInterval, null, callback );
//Set up Row Highlighting
if ( showHighlightRow )
dataTable.subscribe( "rowMouseoverEvent", dataTable.onEventHighlightRow );
dataTable.subscribe( "rowMouseoutEvent", dataTable.onEventUnhighlightRow );
//Set up RowSelection
if ( enableSelectRow )
dataTable.set( "selectionMode", "standard" );
if ( rowSelectHandler )
dataTable.RowSelectionListener = eval ( rowSelectHandler );
dataTable.customOnRowClickEvent = function ( args )
var bCTRL = args.event.ctrlKey;
if ( args.event.button == 2 ) //Rigth click button
dataTable.unselectAllRows ( );
var selectedRows = dataTable.getSelectedRows ( );
if ( ( selectedRows.length >= maxSelectableRows ) || ( bCTRL == false ) )
if ( ( maxSelectableRows != 0 ) || ( bCTRL == false ) )//If maxSelectableRows == 0 means no Limit of rows to select
dataTable.unselectAllRows ( );
var rowIndex =;
if ( dataTable.isSelected ( rowIndex ) )
dataTable.unselectRow ( rowIndex );
dataTable.selectRow ( rowIndex );
if ( this.RowSelectionListener )
selectedRows = dataTable.getSelectedRows ( );
var selectedData = new Array ( );
for ( j = 0; j < selectedRows.length; j++ )
selectedData [ j ] = dataTable.getRecord ( selectedRows [ j ] )._oData;
this.RowSelectionListener( dataTable, selectedData );
dataTable.subscribe( "rowMousedownEvent", dataTable.customOnRowClickEvent );
// dataTable.subscribe( "rowClickEvent", dataTable.customOnRowClickEvent ); //this one doesn't hand
return { oDS: dataSource, oDT: dataTable };
function GetClientTableState ( dataTable )
var configs = [ ];
if ( dataTable )
//Get the SelectedRows
var selectedRowsPKs = [ ];
var rowPKName = dataTable.selectedRowPK;
if ( rowPKName)
var selectedRows = dataTable.getSelectedRows ( )
for ( j = 0; j < selectedRows.length; j++ ) {
if (dataTable.getRecord(selectedRows[j]) && dataTable.getRecord(selectedRows[j])._oData) {
selectedRowsPKs.push ( dataTable.getRecord ( selectedRows [ j ] )._oData [ rowPKName ] );
configs.push ( new ConfigEntry ( "selectedRows", selectedRowsPKs ) );
//Get the Sort Style
if ( dataTable._configs [ "sortedBy" ].getValue ( ) )
var sortedColumn = dataTable._configs [ "sortedBy" ].getValue ( );
configs.push ( new ConfigEntry ( "sortedBy", new SortEntry ( sortedColumn.column._nKeyIndex, sortedColumn.dir ) ) );
configs.push ( new ConfigEntry ( "sortedBy", null ) );
//Get the ColumnDefinition (Order and Width)
var columnsDef = new Array ( );
for ( i = 0; i < dataTable._oColumnSet.flat.length; i++ )
columnsDef.push ( new ColumDef ( dataTable._oColumnSet.flat [ i ].key, new ColumDef ( dataTable._oColumnSet.flat [ i ].width ) ) );
configs.push ( new ConfigEntry ( "columnsDefinition", columnsDef ) );
return configs;
function SetClientTableState ( dataTable, configs )
if ( ( dataTable ) && ( configs ) )
//Row Selection
var selectedRows = configs [ 0 ];
var pk = dataTable.selectedRowPK;
if ( ( selectedRows ) && ( selectedRows.value ) )
for ( i = 0; i < selectedRows.value.length; i++ )
for ( j = 0; j < dataTable._oRecordSet._records.length; j++ )
var row = dataTable.getRow ( j );
var record = dataTable.getRecord ( row );
if ( selectedRows.value [ i ] == record._oData [ pk ] )
dataTable.selectRow ( row );
var sortedBy = configs [ 1 ];
if ( ( sortedBy ) && ( sortedBy.value ) )
dataTable.sortColumn ( dataTable.getColumn ( sortedBy.value.index ), sortedBy.value.order );
//Rows: Order and Width
var columnsDef = configs [ 2 ];
if ( ( columnsDef ) && ( columnsDef.value ) )
for ( i = 0; i < columnsDef.value.length; i++ )
var indexFound = 0;
for ( j = 0; j < columnsDef.value.length; j++ )
if ( dataTable.getColumn ( j ).key == columnsDef.value [ i ].key )
indexFound = j;
var column = dataTable.getColumn ( indexFound );
if ( columnsDef.value [ i ].width.key )
dataTable.setColumnWidth ( column, columnsDef.value [ i ].width.key );
dataTable.reorderColumn ( dataTable.getColumn ( indexFound ), i );
function PersistClientTableState ( dataTable, configs, controlID )
function RecoverPersistedClientTableState ( dataTable, controlID )
function SortEntry ( iIndex, iOrder )
this.index = iIndex;
this.order = iOrder;
function ColumDef ( iKey, iWidth )
this.key = iKey;
this.width = iWidth;
function ConfigEntry ( iKey, iValue )
this.key = iKey;
this.value = iValue;
//Custom Format Parsers
var MarketRateCustomFormatter = function ( oCell, oRecord, oColumn, oData )
if ( oData == -2147483648 )
oCell.innerHTML = "At Market";
oCell.innerHTML = oData
var AtPriceCustomFormatter = function ( oCell, oRecord, oColumn, oData )
if ( oData == true )
oCell.innerHTML = "Yes";
oCell.innerHTML = "";
var ReplaceZeroCustomFormatter = function ( oCell, oRecord, oColumn, oData )
if ( oData == 0 )
oCell.innerHTML = "-";
oCell.innerHTML = oData;
var ReplaceMinValueCustomFormatter = function(oCell, oRecord, oColumn, oData) {
if ( oData == -2147483648 )
oCell.innerHTML = "-";
oCell.innerHTML = oData;
<script type="text/javascript">
var ctQuickQuote_GetData = function(dataTable, onSuccess, onFailed )
var secCode = 'default';
var token = 'JWpOz_JyuqA8u1js...GQS9ViVzlkymWwU8N0';
if (document.getElementById('ctl00_BodyPlaceHolder_OrderView1_ctl02_hfValidCode').value == 'true')
secCode = document.getElementById('ctl00_BodyPlaceHolder_OrderView1_ctl02_ucSecuritySearch_txtCode_field').value;
if (secCode == -1)
secCode = document.getElementById('ctl00_BodyPlaceHolder_OrderView1_ctl02_ucSecuritySearch_txtCode_field_field').innerHTML;
var modifiedOnSuccess = function(result) {
document.getElementById('ctl00_BodyPlaceHolder_OrderView1_ctl02_pnlQuickQuote').style.display = 'block';
if (typeof(result) !== 'undefined' && result != null) {
if (result.length > 4) {
var resultArray = result.slice(2, result.length-2).split(',');
for(var element in resultArray) {
if (resultArray[element].indexOf('SecurityTypeCode:') == 0) {
var subArray = resultArray[element].split(':');
if (document.getElementById('ctl00_BodyPlaceHolder_OrderView1_ctl02_hfSecurityTypeCode') != null && subArray[1].length > 0)
document.getElementById('ctl00_BodyPlaceHolder_OrderView1_ctl02_hfSecurityTypeCode').value = subArray[1].slice(1, subArray[1].length-1);
CompanyName.Systems.Webservices.QuickQuoteService.GetQuote ( token, secCode, modifiedOnSuccess, onFailed );
else {
document.getElementById('ctl00_BodyPlaceHolder_OrderView1_ctl02_pnlQuickQuote').style.display = 'none';
<div _Caption="" _EnablePolling="True" _PollingInterval="2000" _CustomRetrieveDataFunction="ctQuickQuote_GetData" id="ctQuickQuote">
<script type='text/javascript'>var ctQuickQuoteheaders = [{label:'Bid',key:'BidDisplay',field:'BidDisplay'},{label:'Ask',key:'AskDisplay',field:'AskDisplay'},{label:'Last',key:'LastDisplay',field:'LastDisplay'},{label:'Bid/Vol',key:'BidVolumeDisplay',field:'BidVolumeDisplay'},{label:'Ask/Vol',key:'AskVolumeDisplay',field:'AskVolumeDisplay'}];;
var ctQuickQuotesource = [{BidDisplay:'',AskDisplay:'',LastDisplay:'',BidVolumeDisplay:'',AskVolumeDisplay:''}];
YAHOO.util.Event.addListener ( window, 'load', CreateDateTable ( 'ctQuickQuote', ctQuickQuoteheaders, ctQuickQuotesource ) );
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