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Created September 4, 2013 18:13
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Adds a `Y.DOM.formToObject(identifier)` method.
Adds a `Y.DOM.formToObject(identifier)` method to extract the values from a
`<form>` element and return an object map of element name to value(s).
@module dom
@submodule dom-form-values
@since @SINCE@
var isArray = Y.Lang.isArray;
Return an object with form values from `<input>`s, `<select>`s, and
`<textarea>`s, keyed by field name. Fields with multiple values will have those
values in an array.
* Disabled fields will be ignored unless the _includeDisabled_ param is truthy.
* If no radio or checkbox is checked, the returned object will not contain a
reference to it.
* If no option is selected in a single select, the first option value will be
* if no option is selected in a multi-select, it will be omitted from the
returned object.
@method formToObject
@param {Element|Node|String} identifier The DOM element, Node, or selector for
the `<form>`
@param {Boolean} includeDisabled
@return {Object}
Y.DOM.formToObject = function (identifier, includeDisabled) {
var skipDisabled = !includeDisabled, // so I don't have to ! it in loop
form, fields, field, type, values, name, value,
selectedIndex, i, len, j, jlen;
if (identifier.nodeType) {
form = identifier;
} else if (identifier._node) {
form = identifier._node;
} else if (typeof identifier === 'string') {
if (/^#([\w\-]+)$/.test(identifier)) {
form = Y.config.doc.getElementById(RegExp.$1);
} else if (Y.Selector) {
form = Y.Selector.query(identifier, null, true);
function optionValue(opt) {
return (opt.attributes.value && opt.attributes.value.specified) ?
opt.value : opt.text;
if (form && form.elements) {
values = {};
fields = form.elements;
for (i = 0, len = fields.length; i < len; ++i) {
value = undefined; // reset for fields that may be skipped
field = fields[i];
name =;
if (!name || (skipDisabled && field.disabled)) {
type = (field.tagName || '').toLowerCase();
if (type === 'input' || type === 'textarea') {
switch ((field.type || '').toLowerCase()) {
case 'button':
case 'image':
case 'submit':
case 'reset':
case 'file': continue; // don't capture buttons or files
case 'radio':
case 'checkbox':
if (!field.checked) {
} // else fall through
default: value = field.value;
} else if (type === 'select') {
type = field.type;
if (field.type === 'select-multiple') {
j = field.selectedIndex;
if (j > -1) {
value = [];
for (jlen = field.options.length; j < jlen; ++j) {
if (field.options[j].selected) {
} else {
// For browsers that allow no selectedIndex or -1
// TODO: Is this right?
selectedIndex = Math.max(field.selectedIndex, 0);
value = optionValue(field.options[selectedIndex]);
if (value !== undefined) {
if (name in values) {
if (!isArray(values[name])) {
values[name] = [values[name]];
} else {
values[name] = value;
return values || null;
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