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Created April 10, 2014 01:48
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Initial sketches toward a 2d swarm-like alife system in Clojure/Quil
;; Initial sketches toward a 2d swarm-like alife system in Clojure/Quil
;; Lee Spector,, 20140409
(ns vp2d.core
(:use quil.core)
(def all-pods (atom []))
(def iteration (atom 0))
(def two-pi (* 2 Math/PI))
(def screen-size 750)
(def pod-size 20)
(defn random-pod []
{:id (gensym "pod-")
:position [(rand-int screen-size) (rand-int screen-size)]
:rotation (rand two-pi)
:velocity [(- (rand 2.0) 1.0) (- (rand 2.0) 1.0)]
:wander-constant 2.0
:world-center-constant 0.1
:center-constant 0.1
:velocity-constant 1.0
:spacing-constant 1.0
:max-velocity 10
:max-acceleration 2
:cruise-distance 2
:neighbors []
(defn add-random-pod []
(swap! all-pods
(defn setup []
(doall (repeatedly 1000 add-random-pod)))
(defn wrap-angle
(cond (< a 0.0) (- two-pi a)
(> a two-pi) (- a two-pi)
:else a))
(defn draw-pods []
(doseq [p @all-pods]
(let [[x y] (:position p)]
(translate x y)
(rotate (:rotation p))
;; outer membrane
(fill 128, 255, 0, 100)
(ellipse 0 0 pod-size pod-size)
;; nucleus
(fill 32, 64, 1, 196)
(ellipse 0 0 (/ pod-size 2) (/ pod-size 2))
;; heading, relative to 12 o'clock
(fill 255, 255, 0, 196)
(ellipse 0 (* pod-size -0.375) (* pod-size 0.25) (* pod-size 0.25))
(defn length [[x y]]
(sqrt (+ (* x x) (* y y))))
(defn nrm [xy]
(let [len (length xy)]
(if (zero? len)
(map #(/ % len) xy))))
(defn *v [& vecs-or-nums]
(apply map * (map #(if (number? %) [% %] %) vecs-or-nums)))
(defn +v [& vecs-or-nums]
(apply map + (map #(if (number? %) [% %] %) vecs-or-nums)))
(defn -v [& vecs-or-nums]
(apply map - (map #(if (number? %) [% %] %) vecs-or-nums)))
(defn sign [n] (if (neg? n) -1 1))
(defn wrap ;; to [-1 1]
(* (sign n) (mod (Math/abs n) 1)))
(defn pd [n d]
(if (zero? d) 0.0 (/ n d)))
(defn velocity->rotation
[[x y]]
(let [atan #(Math/atan %)
atan2 (fn [y x]
(cond (> x 0) (atan (/ y x))
(and (>= y 0) (< x 0)) (+ (atan (/ y x)) Math/PI)
(and (< y 0) (< x 0)) (- (atan (/ y x)) Math/PI)
(and (> y 0) (= x 0)) (/ Math/PI 2)
(and (< y 0) (= x 0)) (- (/ Math/PI 2))
:else 0)) ]
(atan2 x (- y))
(defn fly
(let [neighbors (:neighbors pod)
close-neighbors (filter #(< (length (map - (:position pod) (:position %)))
(:cruise-distance pod))
acceleration (*v (:max-acceleration pod)
(+v (*v (:world-center-constant pod)
(nrm (if (> (length (-v (:position pod) [500 500])) 10)
(-v [500 500] (:position pod))
[0 0])))
(*v (:center-constant pod)
(nrm (if (empty? neighbors)
[0 0]
(map -
(map #(/ % (count neighbors))
(apply +v (map :position neighbors)))
(:position pod)))))
(*v (:velocity-constant pod)
(nrm (if (empty? neighbors)
[0 0]
(map -
(map #(/ % (count neighbors))
(apply +v (map :velocity neighbors)))
(:velocity pod)))))
(*v (:spacing-constant pod)
(nrm (if (empty? close-neighbors)
[0 0]
(apply +v (map #(map -
(:position pod)
(:position %))
(*v (:wander-constant pod)
(nrm (repeatedly 2 #(- (* (rand) 2) 1)))))))
;_ (println "acceleration" acceleration)
velocity (let [new-velocity (map + (:velocity pod) acceleration)]
(if (> (length new-velocity) (:max-velocity pod))
(*v (:max-velocity pod) (nrm new-velocity))
position (map + (:position pod) velocity)]
(-> pod
(assoc :velocity velocity)
(assoc :position position)
(assoc :rotation (velocity->rotation (nrm velocity)))
(defn move-pods
(swap! all-pods
(fn [pods]
(doall (pmap fly pods)))))
(defn xy->gridxy
[xy alpha steps step-size]
(doall (map (fn [coord]
(max 0
(min (dec steps)
(int (/ (- coord alpha) step-size)))))
(defn make-world-grid
[pods alpha steps step-size]
(loop [grid (vec (repeat steps (vec (repeat steps []))))
remaining (map #(assoc % :neighbors nil) pods)]
(if (empty? remaining)
(recur (update-in grid
(xy->gridxy (:position (first remaining)) alpha steps step-size)
(first remaining))
(rest remaining)))))
(defn update-neighbors
(swap! all-pods
(fn [pods]
(let [alpha (apply min (map #(apply min (:position %)) pods))
omega (apply max (map #(apply max (:position %)) pods))
delta pod-size
steps (max 1 (int (/ (- omega alpha) delta)))
step-size (int (/ (- omega alpha) steps))
world-grid (make-world-grid pods alpha steps step-size)]
(doall (map (fn [p]
(let [[x y] (xy->gridxy (:position p) alpha steps step-size)
in-range (fn [c] (<= 0 c (dec steps)))
window (fn [c] (map #(+ c %) [-1 0 1]))]
(assoc p :neighbors
(filter #(< (length (map -
(:position p)
(:position %)))
(apply concat
(doall (for [xs (filter in-range (window x))
ys (filter in-range (window y))]
(get-in world-grid [xs ys]))))))))
(defn print-stats []
(println "avg neighbors" (float (/ (reduce + (map count (map :neighbors @all-pods)))
(count @all-pods)))))
(defn draw
(background 175 175 205)
(swap! iteration inc)
;(println @all-pods)
(defn -main [& args]
:title "vp2d"
:setup setup
:draw draw
:size [screen-size screen-size]
;:renderer :opengl #_:p3d
;:mouse-moved mouse-moved
;:on-close #(System/exit 0)
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