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Created January 17, 2012 19:42
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Clojure code for tree-based genetic programming with tags (see
;; Lee Spector ( 20120106-20120117
;; Clojure code for tree-based genetic programming with tags (see
;; REQUIRES Clojure 1.3 for the concurrency to work (set single-thread-mode to true otherwise)
(ns tag-regression
(:require [ :as zip]))
(def single-thread-mode false)
(def absolute-depth-limit 17)
(def population-size 1000)
(def trivial-geography-radius 500)
(def maximum-generations 50)
(def reproductive-tournament-size 7)
(def allow-tagging true)
(def tag-limit 1000)
(def execution-limit 1000)
(def penalty-for-exceeding-limit 10000000000000N)
(def int-erc-range [-10 10])
(def node-selection-method :koza) ;; should be :koza or :tournament
(def node-tournament-size 2)
;; 8x^3 + y^3 + 27
;(def target-data
; (for [x (range -10 11)
; y (range -10 11)]
; [{'x x 'y y}
; (+ (* 8 x x x)
; (* y y y)
; 27)]))
; ((xy)^4 + (xy)^2) + (16y^4 + 4y^2) + (81x^4 + 9x^2)
;(def target-data
; (for [x (range -10 11)
; y (range -10 11)]
; [{'x x 'y y}
; (+ (* (* x y) (* x y) (* x y) (* x y))
; (* (* x y) (* x y))
; (* 16 y y y y)
; (* 4 y y)
; (* 81 x x x x)
; (* 9 x x))]))
;; Tom's problem: (x+1)^5 with the only integer constant being 1
(def target-data
(for [x (range -10 11)]
[{'x x}
(* (inc x) (inc x) (inc x) (inc x) (inc x))]))
(def function-table
(if allow-tagging
(zipmap '(+' -' *' pd :tagged-erf :tag-erf )
'(2 2 2 2 0 1))
(zipmap '(+' -' *' pd noop0 noop1)
'(2 2 2 2 0 1))))
(def terminal-set
;'(x y :int-erc)
;'(x :int-erc)
'(x 1)
;;; stuff from eval_with_tagging.clj here
(def tagdo-semantics true)
(defn closest-association
"Returns the value for the closest match to the given tag in the given tag space, with
default-value returned if the tag-space is empty."
[tag tag-space default-value]
(if (empty? tag-space)
(loop [associations (conj (vec tag-space) (first tag-space))] ;; conj does wrap
(if (or (empty? (rest associations))
(<= tag (ffirst associations)))
(second (first associations))
(recur (rest associations))))))
(defn eval-with-tagging
"Returns the result of evaluating expression with the provided step-limit and
constants (which should be a map of symbols to values). The provided default-value
is returned both for tag references that occur before any values have been tagged
and for tagging operations (unless tagdo-semantics is true, in which case the
argument to the tagging operation is evaluated and its value is returned). If the
step-limit is exceeded then :limit-exceeded is returned. Tagging is accomplished
by means of an item in function position of the form {:tag n} where n is an integer,
and where the single argument paired with this 'function' is the item to be tagged.
Tag references look like zero-argument function calls but with a function of the
form {:tagged n} where n is an integer. In the context of boolean values the
evaluator supports an 'if' form that takes three arguments: a condition, an if-true
clause, and an if-false clause."
([expression step-limit constants default-value]
(first (eval-with-tagging expression (sorted-map) step-limit constants default-value)))
([expression tag-space step-limit constants default-value]
;; these calls return [value tag-space steps-remaining]
(if (<= step-limit 0)
[:limit-exceeded tag-space step-limit]
(let [step-limit (dec step-limit)]
(if (not (seq? expression))
[(get constants expression expression) tag-space step-limit]
(if (= 1 (count expression))
(if (map? (first expression))
(closest-association (:tagged (first expression)) tag-space default-value)
tag-space step-limit constants default-value)
[((resolve (first expression))) tag-space step-limit])
(if (map? (first expression))
(if tagdo-semantics
(eval-with-tagging (second expression)
(assoc tag-space (:tag (first expression)) (second expression))
(assoc tag-space (:tag (first expression)) (second expression))
(if (= 'if (first expression))
(let [condition-eval-result
(eval-with-tagging (second expression) tag-space step-limit constants default-value)]
(if (first condition-eval-result)
(eval-with-tagging (nth expression 2)
(nth condition-eval-result 1)
(nth condition-eval-result 2)
(eval-with-tagging (nth expression 3)
(nth condition-eval-result 1)
(nth condition-eval-result 2)
(let [arg-evaluation-results
(loop [remaining (rest expression)
ts tag-space
lim step-limit
results []]
(if (empty? remaining)
(if (<= lim 0)
(recur (rest remaining) ts lim (conj results [:limit-exceeded ts lim]))
(let [first-result (eval-with-tagging
(first remaining) ts lim constants default-value)]
(recur (rest remaining)
(nth first-result 1)
(nth first-result 2)
(conj results first-result))))))
vals (map first arg-evaluation-results)
ending-limit (nth (last arg-evaluation-results) 2)
ending-ts (nth (last arg-evaluation-results) 1)]
(if (<= ending-limit 0)
[:limit-exceeded ending-ts ending-limit]
[(apply (resolve (first expression)) vals) ending-ts ending-limit]))))))))))
;;; end of stuff from eval_with_tagging.clj
(defn expand-erc
(cond (= item :int-erc) (+ (first int-erc-range)
(rand-int (inc (- (second int-erc-range)
(first int-erc-range)))))
:else item))
(defn expand-erf
(cond (= item :tag-erf) {:tag (rand-int tag-limit)}
(= item :tagged-erf) {:tagged (rand-int tag-limit)}
:else item))
;; random code generator from the GP field guide p 14
(def function-set (keys function-table))
(def terminal-proportion (/ (count terminal-set)
(+ (count terminal-set) (count function-set))))
(defn random-code
[depth-limit method] ;; method should be :grow or :full
(if (or (= depth-limit 0)
(and (= method :grow)
(< (rand) terminal-proportion)))
(expand-erc (rand-nth terminal-set))
(let [f (expand-erf (rand-nth function-set))]
(cons f (repeatedly (if (map? f)
(if (:tag f) 1 0)
(get function-table f))
#(random-code (dec depth-limit) method))))))
(defn pd
"Protected biginteger division; returns 0 if the denominator is zero."
[num denom]
(if (zero? denom)
(bigint (quot num denom))))
(defn noop0 [] 0)
(defn noop1 [a] a)
(defn abs ;; works even for bigints
(if (< x 0) (- x) x))
(defn error
(reduce +' (map (fn [[bindings target]]
(let [result (eval-with-tagging individual execution-limit bindings 0)]
(if (= result :limit-exceeded)
(abs (-' result target)))))
(defn ramp-depth [] (rand-nth (range 2 6)))
;; We can now generate and evaluate random small programs, as with:
;; (let [i (random-code 3 :full)] (println (error i) "from individual" i))
(defn codesize [c]
(if (seq? c)
(count (flatten c))
(defn at-index
"Returns a subtree of tree indexed by point-index in a depth first traversal."
[tree point-index]
(let [index (mod (Math/abs point-index) (codesize tree))
zipper (zip/seq-zip tree)]
(loop [z zipper i index]
(if (zero? i)
(zip/node z)
(if (seq? (zip/node z))
(recur (zip/next (zip/next z)) (dec i))
(recur (zip/next z) (dec i)))))))
(defn insert-at-index
"Returns a copy of tree with the subtree formerly indexed by
point-index (in a depth-first traversal) replaced by new-subtree."
[tree point-index new-subtree]
(let [index (mod (Math/abs point-index) (codesize tree))
zipper (zip/seq-zip tree)]
(loop [z zipper i index]
(if (zero? i)
(zip/root (zip/replace z new-subtree))
(if (seq? (zip/node z))
(recur (zip/next (zip/next z)) (dec i))
(recur (zip/next z) (dec i)))))))
(defn annotate-points
"Returns a sequence of [index kind] pairs where kind is :internal or :leaf."
(let [limit (codesize tree)]
(loop [z (zip/seq-zip tree) index 0 results []]
(if (= index limit)
(if (seq? (zip/node z))
(recur (zip/next (zip/next z))
(inc index)
(conj results [index :internal]))
(recur (zip/next z)
(inc index)
(conj results [index :leaf])))))))
(defn select-node-90-10
"returns an index"
(let [annotated (annotate-points tree)
internals (map first (filter #(= (second %) :internal) annotated))
leaves (map first (filter #(= (second %) :leaf) annotated))]
(cond (empty? internals) (rand-nth leaves)
(empty? leaves) (rand-nth internals)
(< (rand) 0.9) (rand-nth internals)
:else (rand-nth leaves))))
(defn select-node-by-tournament
"returns an index"
(let [num-nodes (codesize tree)
tournament-set (repeatedly node-tournament-size #(rand-int num-nodes))]
(ffirst (sort #(> (first %1) (first %2))
(map #(vector % (codesize (at-index tree %))) tournament-set)))))
(defn select-node
(case node-selection-method
:tournament (select-node-by-tournament tree)
:koza (select-node-90-10 tree)
(defn depth
(if (not (seq? expression))
(let [subsequences (filter seq? expression)]
(if (empty? subsequences)
(inc (apply max (map depth subsequences)))))))
(defn mutate
(let [child (insert-at-index
(select-node i)
(random-code (ramp-depth) (if (< (rand) 0.5) :grow :full)))]
(if (> (depth child) absolute-depth-limit)
(defn crossover
[i j]
(let [child (insert-at-index
(select-node i)
(at-index j (select-node j)))]
(if (> (depth child) absolute-depth-limit)
(defn pmapall
"Like pmap but: 1) coll should be finite, 2) the returned sequence
will not be lazy, 3) calls to f may occur in any order, to maximize
multicore processor utilization, and 4) takes only one coll so far."
[f coll]
(if single-thread-mode
(map f coll)
(let [agents (map #(agent % :error-handler (fn [agnt except] (println except))) coll)]
(dorun (map #(send % f) agents))
(apply await agents)
(doall (map deref agents)))))
;; During evolution we'll maintain the population as a sequence of
;; [program error] pairs.
(defn pair-with-errors
"Returns a vector of [program error] pairs."
(println "Computing errors...")
(vec (pmapall #(vector % (error %)) programs)))
(defn select
"Returns the program of the best [program error] pair in a tournament
set with the specified size, location, and radius."
[prog-err-pairs tournament-size location radius]
(let [limit (count prog-err-pairs)
tournament-set (repeatedly
#(nth prog-err-pairs
(mod (+ location
(- (rand-int (inc (* radius 2)))
(first (first (sort #(< (second %1) (second %2)) (vec tournament-set))))))
;; Now we can evolve a solution by starting with a random population and
;; repeatedly evaluating, checking for a solution, and producing a new
;; population.
(defn evolve
(println "Starting evolution...")
(loop [generation 0
population (pair-with-errors (concat (repeatedly (/ popsize 2) #(random-code (ramp-depth) :grow))
(repeatedly (/ popsize 2) #(random-code (ramp-depth) :full))))]
(let [sorted (sort #(< (second %1) (second %2)) population)]
(println "Generation:" generation)
(println "Best error:" (second (first sorted)))
(println "Best program:" (first (first sorted)))
(println "Best program size:" (codesize (first (first sorted))))
(println "Best program depth:" (depth (first (first sorted))))
(println " Median error:" (second (nth sorted
(int (/ popsize 2)))))
(println " Average program size:"
(float (/ (reduce + (map codesize (map first population)))
(count population))))
(println " Average program depth:"
(float (/ (reduce + (map depth (map first population)))
(count population))))
(println " Tag call ratio:"
(float (/ (count (filter :tag (filter map? (flatten (map first population)))))
(count (flatten (map first population))))))
(println " Tagged call ratio:"
(float (/ (count (filter :tagged (filter map? (flatten (map first population)))))
(count (flatten (map first population))))))
(println " Unique error values in population:"
(count (distinct (map second population))))
(if (< (second (first sorted)) 0.1) ;; good enough to count as success
(println "Success:" (first (first sorted)))
(if (>= generation maximum-generations)
(println "Failure")
(inc generation)
(for [i (range popsize)]
(let [operator (rand)
tsize reproductive-tournament-size
radius trivial-geography-radius]
(cond (< operator 0.05) (mutate (select population tsize i radius))
(< operator 0.95) (crossover (select population tsize i radius)
(select population tsize i radius))
:else (select population tsize i radius)))))))))))
(defn -main
[& args]
(evolve population-size)
;(System/exit 0)
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