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Created April 6, 2012 15:39
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Genetic programming with lexicase selection for modal problems. (see
;; c) Lee Spector (, 2012
;; Clojure code for genetic programming with lexicase selection for modal problems.
;; See
;; Written to run with Clojure 1.3.
(ns lexicase.core
(:require [ :as zip]))
(def target-data
(map #(vector % (+ (* % %) % 1))
(range -15 15 1)))
#_(def target-data
(map #(vector % (if (< % 0)
(+ (* % %) % 1)
(* % 7)))
(range -15 15 1)))
#_(def target-data
(map #(vector % (if (< % -5)
(+ (* % %) % 1)
(if (< % 5)
(* % 7)
(- (* 3 % %) 3))))
(range -15 15 1)))
(def function-table (zipmap '(+ - * pd ifz ifneg ifpos)
'(2 2 2 2 3 3 3)))
(defn random-function
(rand-nth (keys function-table)))
(defn random-terminal
(rand-nth (list 'x (- (rand-int 10) 5))))
(defn random-code
(if (or (zero? depth)
(zero? (rand-int 2)))
(let [f (random-function)]
(cons f (repeatedly (get function-table f)
#(random-code (dec depth)))))))
(defn pd
"Protected division; returns 0 if the denominator is zero."
[num denom]
(if (zero? denom)
(/ num denom)))
(defn ifz [a b c] (if (zero? a) b c))
(defn ifneg [a b c] (if (neg? a) b c))
(defn ifpos [a b c] (if (pos? a) b c))
(defn errors
(let [value-function (eval (list 'fn '[x] individual))]
(map (fn [[x y]]
(float (- (value-function x) y))))
(defn codesize [c]
(if (seq? c)
(count (flatten c))
(defn at-index
"Returns a subtree of tree indexed by point-index in a depth first traversal."
[tree point-index]
(let [index (mod (Math/abs point-index) (codesize tree))
zipper (zip/seq-zip tree)]
(loop [z zipper i index]
(if (zero? i)
(zip/node z)
(if (seq? (zip/node z))
(recur (zip/next (zip/next z)) (dec i))
(recur (zip/next z) (dec i)))))))
(defn insert-at-index
"Returns a copy of tree with the subtree formerly indexed by
point-index (in a depth-first traversal) replaced by new-subtree."
[tree point-index new-subtree]
(let [index (mod (Math/abs point-index) (codesize tree))
zipper (zip/seq-zip tree)]
(loop [z zipper i index]
(if (zero? i)
(zip/root (zip/replace z new-subtree))
(if (seq? (zip/node z))
(recur (zip/next (zip/next z)) (dec i))
(recur (zip/next z) (dec i)))))))
(defn mutate
(insert-at-index i
(rand-int (codesize i))
(random-code 3)))
(defn crossover
[i j]
(insert-at-index i
(rand-int (codesize i))
(at-index j (rand-int (codesize j)))))
(def single-thread-mode (atom false))
(defn pmapall
"Like pmap but: 1) coll should be finite, 2) the returned sequence
will not be lazy, 3) calls to f may occur in any order, to maximize
multicore processor utilization, and 4) takes only one coll so far."
[f coll]
(if @single-thread-mode
(map f coll)
(let [agents (map #(agent % :error-handler (fn [agnt except] (println except))) coll)]
(dorun (map #(send % f) agents))
(apply await agents)
(doall (map deref agents)))))
(defn group-with-errors
"Returns a vector of [program total-error errors] vectors."
(vec (pmapall #(let [errs (errors %)] (vector % (reduce + errs) errs)) programs)))
;; standard tournaments
(defn select
"Returns the program of the best [program error errors] vector in a tournament
set with the specified size."
[prog-err-groups tournament-size]
(let [limit (count prog-err-groups)
tournament-set (repeatedly
#(nth prog-err-groups (rand-int limit)))]
(first (first (sort #(< (second %1) (second %2)) (vec tournament-set))))))
(defn third [v] (nth v 2))
;; global lexicase
#_(defn select
[prog-err-groups _tournament-size_]
(loop [survivors prog-err-groups
cases (shuffle (range (count (third (first prog-err-groups)))))]
(if (or (empty? cases)
(empty? (rest survivors)))
(first (first survivors))
(let [min-err-for-case (apply min (map #(nth % (first cases))
(map third survivors)))]
(recur (filter #(= (nth (third %) (first cases)) min-err-for-case)
(rest cases))))))
(defn evolve
(println "Starting evolution...")
(loop [generation 0
population (group-with-errors (repeatedly popsize #(random-code 5)))]
(let [sorted (sort #(< (second %1) (second %2)) population)]
(println "Generation:" generation)
(println "Best total error:" (second (first sorted)))
(println "Best errors by case:" (third (first sorted)))
(println "Best program:" (first (first sorted)))
(println " Median error:" (second (nth sorted
(int (/ popsize 2)))))
(println " Average program size:"
(float (/ (reduce + (map count (map flatten (map first population))))
(count population))))
(if (< (second (first sorted)) 0.1) ;; good enough to count as success
(println "Success:" (first (first sorted)))
(if (> generation 100)
(println "Failure.")
(inc generation)
(pmapall (fn [_]
(let [operator (rand)
tsize 7]
(cond (< operator 0.49) (mutate (select population tsize))
(< operator 0.98) (crossover (select population tsize)
(select population tsize))
:else (select population tsize))))
(range popsize)))))))))
(dotimes [_ 30] (evolve 1000))
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