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Created February 4, 2014 17:23
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Minimal example of how to play a melody using Clojure/Overtone/Leipzig
;; Minimal example of how to play a melody using Clojure/Overtone/Leipzig, based on code
;; at
;; by Lee Spector,, 20140204
;; Add the following to your dependencies in, and do "lein deps" if your environment requires it:
;; [leipzig "0.7.0"]
(ns notes.core
(:use [leipzig melody scale live]
(:require [ :as overtone]))
(defmethod play-note :default [{midi :pitch}] (piano midi))
(defn play-melody
[pitches durations]
(->> (phrase durations pitches)
(where :part (is :melody))
(where :time (bpm 60))
(where :pitch (comp C major))
;; C major scale
#_(play-melody [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7]
[1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1])
;; C chromatic scale
#_(play-melody [0 0.5 1 1.5 2 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 7]
[1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1])
(defn random-beats [n]
(if (or (<= n 1/8)
(zero? (rand-int 12)))
(concat (random-beats (/ n 2))
(random-beats (/ n 2)))))
;(random-beats 4)
;; here's a non-recursive version... uglier but safer:
(defn random-beats [n]
(loop [result []
remaining [n]]
(if (empty? remaining)
(let [first-thing (first remaining)]
(if (or (<= first-thing 1/8)
(zero? (rand-int 12)))
(recur (conj result first-thing)
(rest remaining))
(recur result
(concat [(/ first-thing 2) (/ first-thing 2)]
(rest remaining))))))))
;(random-beats 4)
(defn random-pitch []
(if (zero? (rand-int 8))
(- (rand-int 48) 24)))
; (random-pitch)
#_(play-melody (repeatedly random-pitch)
(random-beats 4))
#_(let [rhy1 (random-beats 2)
p1 (repeatedly (count rhy1) random-pitch)
rhy2 (random-beats 2)
p2 (repeatedly (count rhy2) random-pitch)
durations (concat rhy1 rhy1 rhy1 rhy1
rhy2 rhy2 rhy1 rhy1)
pitches (concat p1 p1 p2 p2
(reverse p1) (reverse p1) p2 p1)]
(println "durations:" durations)
(println "pitches:" pitches)
(play-melody pitches durations))
;; This will allow you to use a better sounding piano, but the first time you
;; do it it'll take a lot of time to download samples.
;(use 'overtone.inst.sampled-piano)
;(defmethod play-note :default [{midi :pitch}] (sampled-piano midi))
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jkdufair commented Nov 6, 2019

Thanks for this fun script. FYI, the nil "rests" were causing play-melody to end prematurely. I updated play-note as follows to get it to work (I'm using sampled-piano):

(defmethod play-note :default [{midi :pitch}]
	(when midi (sampled-piano midi)))

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