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Last active March 16, 2020 10:11
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-- | Mask an event. The first parameter is the "masking event" that masks when
-- input events are forwarded to output events. The behavior constructed by
-- `stepper False mE` defines the masking period: When True, events can pass,
-- otherwise they are accumulated internally and can not pass.
-- As soon as the masking event switches from True to False, all accumulated
-- events get triggered simultaneously.
-- mask ************* *******
-- *** ********* *******
-- eIn v1 v2 v3 v4 v5
-- eOut v1 v2 v4 v5
-- v3
:: forall t a m
. (Reflex t, MonadFix m, MonadHold t m)
=> Dynamic t Bool
-> Event t a
-> m (Event t [a])
gateGather maskDyn signalE = do
let f :: [a] -> These Bool a -> (Maybe [a], Maybe [a])
f xs (That x ) = (Just (x:xs), Nothing) -- save event to delay, simple case
f xs (These True x) = (Just (x:xs), Nothing) -- masked before and after, save event to delay
f xs (These False x) = (Just [], Just $ reverse (x:xs)) -- falling edge -> input is delayed by 0, i.e. passed through
f xs (This False ) = (Just [], Just $ reverse xs) -- falling edge -> buffer is served
f _ (This True ) = (Nothing, Nothing) -- no change
let throughE = gate (not <$> current maskDyn) $ (:[]) <$> signalE
let bufferedE = gate (current maskDyn) signalE
(_, delayedE) <- mapAccumMaybeB f [] $ align (updated maskDyn) bufferedE
return $ mergeWith const [throughE, delayedE]
-- | Similar to gateGather, but throwing away every event but the latest from the
-- internal accumulator. Semantically, it should hold that
-- `maskCalmE m e == calm . gateGather m e`.
-- This method is more efficient however, as the accumulator only holds a
-- single element, preventing the potential space leak.
-- mask ************* *******
-- *** **************** *****
-- eIn v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6
-- eOut v1 v3 v4 v5 v6
:: forall t a m
. (Reflex t, MonadFix m, MonadHold t m)
=> Dynamic t Bool
-> Event t a
-> m (Event t a)
maskCalmE maskDyn signalE = do
let f :: Maybe a -> These Bool a -> (Maybe (Maybe a), Maybe a)
f _ (That x ) = (Just (Just x), Nothing) -- save event to delay, simple case, potentially overwrite
f _ (These True x) = (Just (Just x), Nothing) -- masked before and after, save event to delay
f Nothing (These False x) = (Nothing, Just x) -- falling edge -> input is delayed by 0, i.e. passed through
f (Just _) (These False x) = (Just Nothing, Just x) -- falling edge -> input is delayed by 0, i.e. passed through
f (Just x) (This False ) = (Just Nothing, Just x) -- falling edge -> buffer is served
f _ (This _ ) = (Nothing, Nothing) -- no change
let (throughE, bufferedE) = fanOn (current maskDyn) signalE
(_, delayedE) <- mapAccumMaybeB f Nothing $ align (updated maskDyn) bufferedE
return $ mergeWith const [throughE, delayedE]
-- | Somewhat similar to `maskCalmE`, but separating the "when to retain" and
-- the "when to release" logic to prevent logic loops.
-- If the input behaviour is true ("masked"), input events set or replace
-- the buffer contents; otherwise it is passed through to the output.
-- If the release event fires, the buffer is released (fired as output, buffer
-- is cleared).
-- The coincidence of signal event and release event leads has non-trivial
-- semantics: If the mask is true, this function effectively swaps
-- (output is fired with value from buffer, buffer gets input). If mask is
-- false, there are two events designated as "output" in this frame, and this
-- function prefers to pass the input event through (buffer gets dropped).
-- mask ************* ***************
-- *** ************ ********
-- release . . . . . . .
-- signal v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8
-- output v1 v2 v4 v3 v5 v6 v8
-- ^ ^
-- swap input overrides
:: (Reflex t, MonadHold t m)
=> Behavior t Bool
-> Event t ()
-> Event t a
-> m (Event t a)
conditionalBuffer maskB releaseE signalE = do
let (throughE, bufferedE) = fanOn maskB signalE
bufferB <- hold Nothing
$ mergeWith const [Just <$> bufferedE, Nothing <$ releaseE]
let releasedE = attachWithMaybe const bufferB releaseE
pure $ mergeWith const [throughE, releasedE]
-- | splits input event according to predicate
-- > (eventsWhenFalse, eventWhenTrue) = fanOn pred inputE
fanBy :: Reflex t => (a -> Bool) -> Event t a -> (Event t a, Event t a)
fanBy f e = fanEither $ e <&> \x -> if f x then Right x else Left x
-- | splits input event according to the behavior.
-- > (eventsWhenFalse, eventWhenTrue) = fanOn boolBeh inputE
fanOn :: Reflex t => Behavior t Bool -> Event t a -> (Event t a, Event t a)
fanOn b e = fanEither $ attachWith (bool Left Right) b e
-- | Delays, but not by some constant time but instead triggered by the
-- occurences of a "trigger" event.
-- The current implementation uses a simple list and therefor has non-optimal
-- performance - a Deque would behave better.
-- trigger . . . . . . . .
-- signal v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6
-- output v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6
:: forall t a m
. (Reflex t, MonadHold t m, MonadFix m)
=> Event t ()
-> Event t a
-> m (Event t a)
triggerDelay trigger signal = do
let takeBack :: [a] -> ([a], Maybe a)
takeBack l = case reverse l of
[] -> ([], Nothing)
(x:xs) -> (reverse xs, Just x)
accB <- accumB (flip id) ([], Nothing)
$ mergeWith (.)
[ const (takeBack . fst) <$> trigger
, (\e (l, _) -> (e:l, Nothing)) <$> signal
return $ fmapMaybe snd $ tag accB trigger
-- | Execute an action asynchronously, but never running more than one
-- computation in parallel; dropping older computations that got queued
-- for this reason. I.e. ensures that:
-- > for each (t1, input_i1) <- inputEvent
-- > there exists (t2, output_i2) <- outputEvent with with t2>t1, i2>=i1
-- > where `output_i :: a` is the finished computation
-- > corresponding to `input_i :: IO a`.
-- and:
-- > for (t1, output_i1) and (t2, output_i2) holds that
-- > t2>t1 <=> i2>i1
:: forall t m a
. ( MonadFix m
, MonadHold t m
, TriggerEvent t m
, PerformEvent t m
, MonadIO (Performable m)
=> Event t (IO a)
-> m (Event t (), Event t a)
-- ^ "actually started" event, finished action event
executeAsync1Calm = executeAsync1CalmWith (void . forkIO)
-- | Same as 'executeAsync1CalmWith' but with a custom forking function
-- (parameterizing over `forkIO`).
:: forall t m a
. ( MonadFix m
, MonadHold t m
, TriggerEvent t m
, PerformEvent t m
, MonadIO (Performable m)
=> (IO () -> IO ())
-> Event t (IO a)
-> m (Event t (), Event t a)
-- ^ "actually started" event, finished action event
executeAsync1CalmWith forker e1 = mdo
blockB :: Behavior t Bool <- hold False
(mergeWith const [True <$ calc, False <$ resultE])
calc :: Event t (IO a) <- conditionalBuffer blockB (void resultE) e1
resultE <- performEventAsync $ calc <&> \m handler ->
liftIO $ forker $ m >>= handler
return (void calc, resultE)
-- | Simple "time-controlled gate".
-- This is a less permissive version of Reflex's `throttle`. Throttled events
-- are dropped completely, with no delayed fireing of the last throttled event.
-- Typical use-case is de-bouncing an input event containing small bursts of
-- occurences to a single occurence. 'throttle' does not work as it would
-- produce two occurences for each burst.
-- input . . . . . . . . .. . . ..
-- output . . . . .
-- <-----> (t/length of gate)
:: ( MonadHold t m
, MonadFix m
, TriggerEvent t m
, PerformEvent t m
, MonadIO (Performable m)
=> NominalDiffTime
-> Event t a
-> m (Event t a)
gateThrottle t inE = mdo
e <- delay t inE
let out = gate b inE
b <- hold True $ mergeWith const [False <$ out, True <$ e]
return out
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