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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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Name: experiments
Version: 0.1
Cabal-Version: >= 1.8
Build-Type: Simple
Executable experiments
Main-Is: Main.hs
ghc-options: -Wall -rtsopts -auto-all -caf-all -O2 -fno-warn-unused-imports
-- -ddump-ds
-- -fext-core -ddump-simpl -dsuppress-module-prefixes -dsuppress-uniques
hs-source-dirs: .
base >=3 && <5
{-# LANGUAGE Arrows, TemplateHaskell #-}
module Main where
import Prelude hiding (id, init, (.))
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Category
newtype RecArrow a b = RecArrow { runRecArrow :: (a -> (b, RecArrow a b)) }
instance Category RecArrow where
id = RecArrow $ \x -> (x, id) --let x = RecArrow (\y -> (y, x)) in x
f . g =
RecArrow $ \x ->
let (y, g') = runRecArrow g x
(z, f') = runRecArrow f y
in (z, f' . g')
instance Arrow RecArrow where
arr f = h
where h = RecArrow $ \x -> (f x, h)
first (RecArrow f) = RecArrow $ \ ~(x,y) ->
let (x', f') = f x
in ((x',y), first f')
f &&& g = RecArrow $ \x ->
let (y, f') = runRecArrow f x
(z, g') = runRecArrow g x
in ((y,z),f' &&& g')
f *** g = RecArrow $ \ ~(x,y) ->
let (x', f') = runRecArrow f x
(y', g') = runRecArrow g y
in ((x', y'), f' *** g')
instance ArrowLoop RecArrow where
loop f = RecArrow $ \x ->
((x', y), f') = runRecArrow f (x, y)
in (x', loop f')
init i = RecArrow $ \x -> (i, init x)
run :: RecArrow a b -> [a] -> [b]
run _ [] = []
run f (x:xs) =
let (y, f') = runRecArrow f x
in y : run f' xs
oscFixed :: ArrowInit a => Double -> a () Double
oscFixed freq =
let omh = 2 * pi * freq
d = sin omh
c = 2 * cos omh
sf = proc () -> do
let r = c * d2 - d1
d1 <- init 0 -< d2
d2 <- init d -< r
returnA -< r
in sf
oscFixed''' :: Double -> RecArrow () Double
oscFixed''' freq =
let omh = 2 * pi * freq
d = sin omh
c = 2 * cos omh
sf = loop $ proc ((), (d1, d2)) -> do
let r = c*d2-d1
d1 <- init 0 -< d2 --(undefined::Double) -- replacing d2 with undefined makes test2 terminate
d2 <- init d -< r
returnA -< (r, (d1, d2))
in sf
test1 = mapM_ print $ run (oscFixed''' 0.04) $ replicate 5 ()
test2 = mapM_ print $ run (oscFixed''' 0.04) $ replicate 1 ()
main :: IO ()
main = do
--mapM_ print $ run (oscFixed 0.04) $ replicate 5 ()
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