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Last active July 29, 2018 23:46
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  • Save lspitzner/fcd41eb5c3111a2bbd192a77b7697663 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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old-style new-style
install --only-dependencies part of new-build
install path-to-local-dir add a ./cabal.project file, add your local dependency, then use new-build (cabal.project syntax is described in the announcement)
install path-to-local-sdist does not exist yet
install remote-package-uri does not exist yet
install [--bindir=..] does not exist (yet)
configure new-configure
build (part of) new-build
clean does not exist yet; you have to remove ./dist-newstyle/ and ./cabal.project.local by hand, and potentially ./dist/ as well, i may have observed that it got touched by new-build (not sure, really). This needs to be done for each package referenced from the cabal.project as well.
run does not exist yet; you can new-build and ./dist-newstyle/build/PACKAGE-VERSION/build/EXECUTABLE/EXECUTABLE
repl new-repl
test does not exist yet; you can new-build --enable-tests and ./dist-newstyle/build/PACKAGE-VERSION/build/TEST/TEST
bench does not exist yet; see above.
haddock does not exist yet
freeze does not exist yet


new-configure FLAGS

  • (over)write ./cabal.project.local according to FLAGS

new-build [FLAGS] [TARGET..]

  • builds one or more components, including setting up/building local and non-local dependencies.

  • project setup is read from ./cabal.project. If only a foo.cabal package description is present, applies an implicit one-package setup.

  • configuration flags are read, in ascending priority, from

    1. $HOME/.cabal/config
    2. ./cabal.project
    3. ./cabal.project.local (see new-configure)
    4. FLAGS from the commandline (these will not be persisted in any way) note that ./cabal.config is not considered.

    • PACKAGEPATH is the path of a directory containing a .cabal file
    • PACKAGEFILEPATH is the path of a .cabal file
    • COMPONENTTYPE is "lib", "exe", "test" or "bench".
  • if no TARGETs are specified, acts like there is one TARGET "./", i.e. build the package in the current directory. Note that nothing will be built if there is no package in "./".

  • PACKAGE must be a packagename from the set of visible packages. Visible packages are: If present, those specified in cabal.project; Otherwise, all packages located at any */*.cabal, i.e. packages in the current directory or its direct children.

  • effects:

    1. install remote dependencies into the user-local "store" ($HOME/.cabal/store/) (as time of writing, uri dependencies are not supported; not sure where those would be put. just to clarify "remote".)
    2. build COMPONENTS and their local dependencies; by default all buildable cabal package components for all packages in the project setup, respecting configuration like --enable/disable-tests [TODO: clarify default]
    3. local dependencies are registered locally only.
    4. for all local dependencies, (re)building is omitted if no changes (to configuration, local package contents and used (remote) dependency (versions)) are detected.
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