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Created June 8, 2012 08:18
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;; Totally untested, but should give an idea.
(ns mn
(:use lstoll.utils) ;
(:require [clj-http.client :as http])) ;
(def test-concurrency 10)
(defn test-url
"Tests a URL, returning it's status code"
(:status (http/get url {:throw-exceptions false}))) ; Does a HTTP get, getting the results status
(defn test-urls
"Taks a seq of URLs. Returns a lazy seq of results {:url URL :status HTTP-STATUS}"
(pmap2 test-concurrency ; call to pmap2. Set concurrency to the saved var
(fn [u] {:url u :status (test-url u)}) ; Map function - call test-url, return with URL in map
urls-to-test)) ; Run this on the param
(defn broken-urls
"Prints broken URLS."
;; Force evaluation of a sequence. The binding vector is like let.
(doseq [err-url (filter #(>= (:status %) 500) ; filter for all 500+ status codes
(test-urls urls))] ; in the result of testing all the urls
(println (str "URL " (:url err-url) " is returning a status of " (:status err-url)))))
(broken-urls ["" ""])
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