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Created July 25, 2012 22:21
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Auth against github in noir app
;; [oauthentic "0.0.6"]
;; [clj-http "0.5.0"]
(ns octocloud.web.github-auth
(use lstoll.utils
[noir.core :only [defpage custom-handler pre-route]]
[noir.response :only [redirect]])
(require [clj-http.client :as http]
[noir.session :as s]
[clojure.string :as str]))
(defn github-api-json-get
"Makes a request to the github API with an oauth token"
[uri token]
(:body (http/get (str "" uri)
{:as :json
:accept :json
:oauth-token token})))
(defn member-of-group?
"Checks if the user is a member of the given 'group' on github (org|team)"
[username grouptype groupname token]
(let [target (str grouptype "s")]
(some #(= (:login %) username)
(github-api-json-get (str target "/" groupname "/members") token))
(catch slingshot.ExceptionInfo e
(let [statuscode (:status (:object (.getData e)))]
(if (or (>= statuscode 400)
(< statuscode 500))
(throw e)))))))
(defn member-of-groups?
"Checks if the user is a member of any of the passed in groups, by type"
[username grouptype groupnames token]
(some #{true}
(map #(member-of-group? username grouptype % token)
(defn github-error-handler
[req] (redirect "/"))
(defn login-handler
[req] (assoc (redirect "/") :session {:oauthentic-token (req :oauthentic-token)}))
(defn entry-in-env
"Checks if the give entry exists in a comma-separated environment variable"
[entry, var]
(some #{entry} (str/split (env var "") #",")))
(defn oauth-token-valid?
[username, token]
(github-api-json-get "user" token)
(catch slingshot.ExceptionInfo e
(let [statuscode (:status (:object (.getData e)))]
(if (or (>= statuscode 400)
(< statuscode 500))
(throw e))))))
(defn github-login-handler [req]
(let [ _ (prn req)
token (:access-token (:oauthentic-token req))
user (github-api-json-get "user" token)
login (:login user)]
(if (or (entry-in-env login "PERMITTED_USERS")
(member-of-groups? login "org" (str/split (env "PERMITTED_ORGS" "") #",") token)
;; (member-of-groups? login "team" (str/split (env "PERMITTED_TEAMS" "") #",") token)
(s/put! :user user)
(redirect "/" ))
(redirect "/auth/denied" )))) ; not permitted
;; TODO - Upstream
(defn monkeypatched-oauthentic-handler
"Handles x-forwarded-proto headers"
[login-handler error-handler service-params]
(fn [req]
(let [scheme (if (get (:headers req) "x-forwarded-proto")
(get (:headers req) "x-forwarded-proto")
(:scheme req))
port (if (= scheme "https")
443 ; Makes assumtions
(:server-port req))]
((oauthentic.ring/oauthentic-handler login-handler error-handler service-params)
(assoc req :scheme scheme
:server-port port)))))
(def github-auth-handler
{:authorization-url ""
:token-url ""
:client-id (env "OAUTH_CLIENT_ID")
:client-secret (env "OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET") }))
(defpage "/auth/logout" []
(s/remove! :user)
"<h1>Logged out</h1>"))
(defpage "/auth/denied" []
"<h1>Your account does not grant you access to this service</h1><img src=\"\">")
(custom-handler "/auth/github" {:as req} (github-auth-handler req))
(pre-route "/*" req
(if (and (= (get (:headers req) "x-forwarded-proto") "http")
(env "FORCE_SSL"))
(redirect (str "https://" (:server-name req) (:uri req)))
(let [uri (:uri req)]
(or (s/get :user)
(.startsWith uri "/auth")
(.startsWith uri "/css")
(.startsWith uri "/js")
(.startsWith uri "/img")
(.startsWith uri "/api"))
(redirect "/auth/github")))))
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