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Created November 7, 2011 11:47
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Task that aggregate resources from dependencies in SBT 0.11
import sbt._
import Keys._
object ProjectBuild extends Build {
// setup sub projects
// ...
lazy val warproj = Project("war-project", file("."), settings = buildSettings) dependsOn(subproj1, subproj2 /* ... */)
val buildSettings = {
// libraryDependencies += ...,
// other stuff,
// add task that aggregates resources from dependencies
val aggrRes= TaskKey[Seq[File]]("aggr-res", "show aggregate resources")
val aggrResTask = aggrRes in Compile <<= {
(thisProjectRef, buildStructure) flatMap aggrResources(resources in Compile)
def aggrResources[T](key: ScopedTask[Seq[T]])(proj: ProjectRef, struct: Load.BuildStructure) = {
val deps = collectDeps(, struct)
deps.flatMap(key in (_, Compile) get
def collectDeps(op: ResolvedProject => Seq[ProjectRef])(projRef: ProjectRef, struct: Load.BuildStructure): Seq[ProjectRef] = {
val deps = Project.getProject(projRef, struct).toSeq.flatMap(op)
deps.flatMap(ref => ref +: collectDeps(op)(ref, struct)).distinct
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