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Created September 2, 2018 14:53
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import random
month_map = {
'january': 1,
'february': 2,
'march': 3,
'april': 4,
'may': 5,
'june': 6,
'july': 7,
'august': 8,
'september': 9,
'october': 10,
'november': 11,
'december': 12
month_short = {
calendar_days = list(range(1, 32))
days_of_week = {
'monday': 0,
'tuesday': 1,
'wednesday': 2,
'thursday': 3,
'friday': 4,
'saturday': 5,
'sunday': 6
short_day_name = {
'mon': 'monday',
'tue': 'tuesday',
'wed': 'wednesday',
'thu': 'thursday',
'fri': 'friday',
'sat': 'saturday',
'sun': 'sunday'
day_subscripts = {
'1': 'st',
'2': 'nd',
'3': 'rd''
def title_case(string):
return string[0].upper() + string[1:]
def zero_padding(number):
return '0{}'.format(number) if number < 10 else str(number)
def date_subscript(number):
return 'th'\
if int(number) > 10 and int(number) < 20 \
else day_subscripts.get(str(number)[-1], 'th')
def random_date_generator():
random_year = random.randint(2018, 2020)
delimiters = [' ']
month_reps = list(month_map.keys()) + list(month_short.keys())
random_month_string = random.choice(month_reps)
if random.random() > 0.5:
random_month = random_month_string if random.random() > 0.5 else title_case(random_month_string)
random_month = str(month_map.get(random_month_string, 1))
delimiters.extend(['-', '/'])
random_day = random.choice(calendar_days)
random_day = zero_padding(random_day) if random.random() > 0.5 else str(random_day)
random_day_subscript = date_subscript(random_day) if random.random() > 0.5 else ''
random_delimiter = random.choice(delimiters)
return '{random_day}{random_day_subscript}{delimiter}{random_month}{delimiter}{random_year}'.format(
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