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Created July 30, 2015 02:40
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# coding: utf-8
# Controller class for sleep analyzer
import ui, console,datetime
class ViewController():
def __init__(self):
view = ui.load_view('FitbitSleepAnalyzerView')
# Save off the address of the text area sonwe can poulate it with text
# from other class methods and handlers.
self.textView = view['textView']
self.datePicker = view['datepicker']
#self.dateSelected =,7, 1) # prime date before selected
self.dateSelected = view['datepicker'].date
ownerKey = '66febeae096fe9442d10dd3e92d54de2'
ownerSecret = 'b8b002ddf50dd3525f57b9a350051b97'
resourceOwnerKey = '20eb22828f652f729002ba0f855d07f3'
resourceOwnerSecret = '48eaa2e1e11ea551d1e3579c3274cccd'
import datetime
import console
#from FitbitSleepAnalyzerController import *
#from FitbitSleepAnalyzerImpl import *
#date =,7, 23) # Change date here or set up a parameter.
date = self.dateSelected
# for debug or trace
#todo how to place fitbit logo imafes onto app.
#view.imageView.Image = 'test.jpg
# reduce duplication of getting and using client do it once per session.
def buttonTapped(self, sender):
elif == 'deviceButton':
def handleDatePicked(self, sender):
self.dateSelected =
def performDeviceInfoTask(self):
# todo get the auth client in the init of the controller to reduce duping.
ownerKey = '66febeae096fe9442d10dd3e92d54de2'
ownerSecret = 'b8b002ddf50dd3525f57b9a350051b97'
resourceOwnerKey = '20eb22828f652f729002ba0f855d07f3'
resourceOwnerSecret = '48eaa2e1e11ea551d1e3579c3274cccd'
import datetime
import console
#import FitbitSleepAnalyzer
#from FitbitSleepAnalyzerImpl import *
self.dateSelected =
fitbitimpl = FitbitSleepAnalyzer(ownerKey,ownerSecret,resourceOwnerKey,resourceOwnerSecret)
curDeviceInfoList = fitbitimpl.getCurrentDeviceInfo()
length = len(curDeviceInfoList)
if length==1 or length > 0:
myDevice = curDeviceInfoList[0]
batteryLevel = myDevice['battery']
lastSyncTime = myDevice['lastSyncTime']
macAddress = myDevice['mac']
deviceType = myDevice['type']
deviceId = myDevice['id']
deviceVersion = myDevice['deviceVersion']
strList = []
strList.append('Battery level: ' + batteryLevel + '\n')
strList.append('Last sync time: ' + lastSyncTime + '\n')
strList.append('MAC Address: ' + macAddress + '\n')
strList.append('Device Type: ' + deviceType + '\n')
strList.append('Device Id: ' + deviceId + '\n')
strList.append('Device Version: ' + deviceVersion)
deviceInfo = ''.join(strList)
self.textView.text = deviceInfo
def performAnalysisTask(self):
ownerKey = '66febeae096fe9442d10dd3e92d54de2'
ownerSecret = 'b8b002ddf50dd3525f57b9a350051b97'
resourceOwnerKey = '20eb22828f652f729002ba0f855d07f3'
resourceOwnerSecret = '48eaa2e1e11ea551d1e3579c3274cccd'
import datetime
import console
#import FitbitSleepAnalyzer
#from FitbitSleepAnalyzerImpl import *
#date =,7, 23) # Change date here or set up a parameter.
self.dateSelected =
fitbitimpl = FitbitSleepAnalyzer(ownerKey,ownerSecret,resourceOwnerKey,resourceOwnerSecret)
#fitbitimpl.printAllSleepData(date) temp delete
# with this instance we can pull out all important data
date = self.dateSelected
# This is the crucial call to get the data
sleepDataDict = fitbitimpl.getSleepDataDictionary(date)
# shows how to get any of the important data from sleepDataDict
message = 'Total Time In Bed: '+ str(sleepDataDict['timeInBed'])
strList = []
The 'sleep' is a dictionary with these 17 keys:
strList.append('Date of Sleep: ' + str(sleepDataDict['dateOfSleep']) + '\n')
strList.append('Log Id: ' + str(sleepDataDict['logId']) + '\n')
strList.append('Start Time: ' + str(sleepDataDict['startTime']) + '\n')
strList.append('Total Time In Bed: '+ str(sleepDataDict['timeInBed']) + ' minutes\n')
strList.append('Minutes to Fall Asleep: ' + str(sleepDataDict['minutesToFallAsleep']) + ' minutes\n')
strList.append('Total Minutes Awake: ' + str(sleepDataDict['minutesAwake']) + ' minutes\n')
strList.append('Total Time in Bed: ' + str(sleepDataDict['timeInBed']) + ' minutes\n')
strList.append('Total Minutes Asleep: ' + str(sleepDataDict['minutesAsleep']) + ' minutes\n')
strList.append('Restless Duration: ' + str(sleepDataDict['restlessDuration']) + ' minutes\n')
strList.append('Restless Count: ' + str(sleepDataDict['restlessCount']) + '\n')
strList.append('Awake Count: ' + str(sleepDataDict['awakeCount']) + '\n')
sleepInfo = ''.join(strList)
self.textView.text = sleepInfo
#These totals are significant for some purpose, just not sure yet.
sleepValuesTotal = fitbitimpl.getSleepMinuteValuesTotals(date)
print 'Current Sleep Value Totals = '+ str(sleepValuesTotal)
totalMinutesInBed = sleepValuesTotal[1] + sleepValuesTotal[2] + sleepValuesTotal[3]
print 'Totals of 1, 2 and 3 = ' + str(totalMinutesInBed)
#print 'Value 1 Total = ' + str(getSleepMinuteValuesTotals())
view = ViewController()
''' (class)
This module is meant to utilize all of the capability of the exposed python sleep api to analyze sleep patterns perhaps above and beyond what fitbit itself does.
These are my current 4 keys:
consumer: "66febeae096fe9442d10dd3e92d54de2"
consumer secret: "b8b002ddf50dd3525f57b9a350051b97"
reource owner: resource_owner_key='20eb22828f652f729002ba0f855d07f3'
resource owner secret: resource_owner_secret='48eaa2e1e11ea551d1e3579c3274cccd')
There is only one single sleep-related call made from an authorized client and that function signature is get_sleep(Datetime dt). This function returns a conglomerate data type of embedded lists and dictionaries.
If sleepUnitsDict is the main dictionary returned it has two keys, 'sleep' and 'summary'. sleepUnitsDict['sleep'] returns a list of one element which contains a number of dictionaries.
The 'sleep' is a dictionary with these 17 keys:
Each key has a single value except 'minuteData' which is a dictionary of time values presumably used by other calculations. The 'summary'is another dictionary with these 3 keys:
Therefore once you get the two parts of returned value you can get at the data directly by using these keys.
sleepUnitsDict = authd_client.get_sleep(datetime)
sleepList = sleepUnitsDict['sleep']
summaryDict = sleepUnitsDict['summary']
x = sleepList[0]
dataitem = x['one of the sleep keys']
dataitem = summaryDict['one of the 3 summary keys']
class FitbitSleepAnalyzer:
def __init__(self,ownerKey,ownerSecret,resourceOwnerKey,resourceOwnerSecret):
import fitbit
self.ownerKey = ownerKey
self.ownerSecret = ownerSecret
self.resourceOwnerKey = resourceOwnerKey
self.resourceOwnerSecret =resourceOwnerSecret
self.value1 = 0
self.value2 = 0
self.value3 = 0
# Class variable which should be visible to other methods
self.authd_client = fitbit.Fitbit(ownerKey,ownerSecret,resource_owner_key=resourceOwnerKey,resource_owner_secret=resourceOwnerSecret)
# todo add check for bad dates or no data for a given day and decide how to best handle the situation gracefully. May need to do this in a called method or, make the connection here in the init. Yes get the auth client here and save it as class variable like the others here. Then in each method check if client is null or not usable, if so get it again.
def printCurrentDeviceInfo(self):
import fitbit
authd_client = self.authd_client
#authd_client = fitbit.Fitbit(ownerKey,ownerSecret,resource_owner_key=resourceOwnerKey,resource_owner_secret=resourceOwnerSecret)
devicesList = authd_client.get_devices()
print 'Number of devices:', len(devicesList)
myDevice = devicesList[0] # I personally have only one device currently.
print 'Device Info'
print '==========='
# more useful means to populate data fields is to reference by name.
batteryLevel = myDevice['battery']
print 'Battery level:',batteryLevel
lastSyncTime = myDevice['lastSyncTime']
print 'Last sync time:',lastSyncTime
macAddress = myDevice['mac']
print 'MAC Address:', macAddress
deviceType = myDevice['type']
print 'Device Type:',deviceType
deviceId = myDevice['id']
print 'Device Id:', deviceId
deviceVersion = myDevice['deviceVersion']
print 'Device Version: ', deviceVersion
# looping useful in case where you don't assume any keys
# or you want to process all keys-values
for key in myDevice:
print key + ': ' + myDevice[key]
def getCurrentDeviceInfo(self):
# Returns potentially multiple devices, let caller determine
return self.authd_client.get_devices()
# Returns the sleep portion of result for a given datetime
def sleepData(self,datetime):
import fitbit
authd_client = self.authd_client
#authd_client = fitbit.Fitbit(ownerKey,ownerSecret,resource_owner_key=resourceOwnerKey,resource_owner_secret=resourceOwnerSecret)
sleepUnitsDict = authd_client.get_sleep(datetime)
sleepList = sleepUnitsDict['sleep']
sleepDict = sleepList[0] #there only is one item in this list, a dictionar
return sleepDict
# Prints out the name-value pairs fom the minuteData name in sleep data record as the raw data has it.
def getSleepDataDictionary(self, datetime):
import fitbit
authd_client = self.authd_client
sleepUnitsDict = authd_client.get_sleep(datetime)
sleepList = sleepUnitsDict['sleep']
#summaryDict = sleepUnitsDict['summary']
#todo check that sleepList is not null or empty which it will be if no data
# for that particular date.
sleepDataDict = sleepList[0] #only one item in this list which is a dictionary.
#if len(sleepList) == 0:
# print ' no data for that day'
# return
return sleepDataDict
def dumpMinuteDataList(self, datetime):
# minutesData is a list with integer indices
minutesData = self.getMinutesData(datetime)
for i in range(len(minutesData)):
print i, minutesData[i]
1. change to use authn client we got in init; check that its usable if not THEN try to get a fresh one. Do this in all methods that use client. Other error handling to add.
def dumpMinuteData(self, datetime):
# minutesData is a list with integer indices
minuteData = self.getMinuteData(datetime)
# I am currently unsure what the value that is associated with a dateTime
# represents. You see 1,2 or 3 for each minute. What's it mean?
From the summary dictionary the value 'totalTimeInBed' is derived from the totals of 1, 2 and 3. The value 'totalMinutes Asleep' is derived from the total of type 1, that is 1:454 in example below. So thats where they compute totals though stil unsure of distinctions between types 1, 2 and 3
1. totalTimeInBed: 759
2. totalMinutesAsleep: 454
3. totalSleepRecords: 1
Current Sleep Value Totals = {1: 454, 2: 203, 3: 102}
Totals of 1, 2 and 3 = 759.
You will notice that the following dictionary values correspond to types 1, 2 and 3 totaled independently and totaled all together. It is these values which have been returned in the (my) result object.
timeInBed: 759
minutesAsleep: 454
awakeDuration: 102
restlessDuration: 203
for i in range(len(minuteData)):
value = minuteData[i]['value']
if value == '1':
self.value1 = self.value1 + 1
elif value == '2':
self.value2 = self.value2 + 1
elif value == '3':
self.value3 = self.value3 + 1
print minuteData[i]['dateTime'], value
print 'Minute Value Totals for Given DateTime'
print '======================================'
print 'Value 1 Total = ' + str(self.value1)
print 'Value 2 Total = ' + str(self.value2)
print 'Value 3 Total = ' + str(self.value3)
# This method returns a dictionary of value to value totals
# over the entire sleep period. I am still figuring out what these
# values of 1,2 or 3 for each minute in all minutes covered.
def getSleepMinuteValuesTotals(self, datetime):
# minutesData is a list with integer indices
minuteData = self.getMinuteData(datetime)
# I am currently unsure what the value that is associated with a dateTime
# represents. You see 1,2 or 3 for each minute. What's it mean?
for i in range(len(minuteData)):
value = minuteData[i]['value']
if value == '1':
self.value1 = self.value1 + 1
elif value == '2':
self.value2 = self.value2 + 1
elif value == '3':
self.value3 = self.value3 + 1
valueTotalsDict ={1:self.value1, 2:self.value2, 3:self.value3}
return valueTotalsDict
def getMinuteData(self, datetime):
import fitbit
authd_client = self.authd_client
sleepUnitsDict = authd_client.get_sleep(datetime)
sleepList = sleepUnitsDict['sleep']
#If their is no sleep data for the slected date need to pop up warnimng
# dialog and prevent further operations.
if len(sleepList) == 0:
print 'Error: Selected date contains no sleep data.'
sleepDict = sleepList[0] # only is one item in this list.
return sleepDict['minuteData']
# Returns the summary part of result for a given datetime
def getSleepSummary(self, datetime):
import fitbit
authd_client = self.authd_client
#authd_client = fitbit.Fitbit(ownerKey,ownerSecret,resource_owner_key=resourceOwnerKey,resource_owner_secret=resourceOwnerSecret)
sleepDataDict = authd_client.get_sleep(datetime)
summaryDict = sleepDataDict['summary']
return summaryDict
# There are 3 summary keys and 17 sleep or 20 total keys to grab data
# from a results object returned.This method tests them by accessing them.
def printAllSleepKeyvalues(self, datetime): #todo better method name
import fitbit
authd_client = self.authd_client
sleepUnitsDict = authd_client.get_sleep(datetime)
sleepList = sleepUnitsDict['sleep']
summaryDict = sleepUnitsDict['summary']
print 'test summaryDict', summaryDict
print 'test sleepList', sleepList
#todo check that sleepList is not null or empty which it will be if no data
# for that particular date.
sleepDataDict = sleepList[0] #only one item in this list which is a dictionary.
print 'Sleep Names and Values by Direct Reference (17)'
print '==============================================='
print '1. logId: ' + str(sleepDataDict['logId'])
print '2. dateOfSleep: ' + sleepDataDict['dateOfSleep']
print '3. minutesToFallAsleep: ' + str(sleepDataDict['minutesToFallAsleep'])
print '4. awakeningsCount: ' + str(sleepDataDict['awakeningsCount'])
print '5. minutesAwake: ' + str(sleepDataDict['minutesAwake'])
print '6. timeInBed: ' + str(sleepDataDict['timeInBed'])
print '7. minutesAsleep: ' + str(sleepDataDict['minutesAsleep'])
print '8. awakeDuration: ' + str(sleepDataDict['awakeDuration'])
print '9. efficiency: ' + str(sleepDataDict['isMainSleep'])
print '10. isMainSleep: ' + str(sleepDataDict['logId'])
print '11. startTime: ' + sleepDataDict['startTime']
print '12. restlessCount: ' + str(sleepDataDict['restlessCount'])
print '13. duration: ' + str(sleepDataDict['duration'])
print '14. restlessDuration: ' + str(sleepDataDict['restlessDuration'])
print '15. minutesAfterWakeup: ' + str(sleepDataDict['minutesAfterWakeup'])
print '16. awakeCount: ' + str(sleepDataDict['awakeCount'])
print '17. minuteData: ' + str(sleepDataDict['minuteData'])
print 'Summary Names and Values by Direct Reference (3)'
print '================================================'
print '1. totalTimeInBed: ' + str(summaryDict['totalTimeInBed'])
print '2. totalMinutesAsleep: ' + str(summaryDict['totalMinutesAsleep'])
print '3. totalSleepRecords: ' + str(summaryDict['totalSleepRecords'])
Printing out 17. minuteData: ' + str(sleepDataDict['minuteData'])
prints all the raw minute to minute data for each and every minute from which all the calculations are taken from its just a lot of noisy dat so this method is same as previous except we dont print minute data. This then is the most useful method when you are printing to console or text field/area
print"". Returns a simple string of information to put on a gui.
def printAllSleepKeyvaluesNoMinuteData(self, datetime):
import fitbit
authd_client = self.authd_client
sleepUnitsDict = authd_client.get_sleep(datetime)
sleepList = sleepUnitsDict['sleep']
summaryDict = sleepUnitsDict['summary']
#todo check that sleepList is not null or empty which it will be if no data
# for that particular date.
sleepDataDict = sleepList[0] #only one item in this list which is a dictionary.
#if len(sleepList) == 0:
# print ' no data for that day'
# return
print 'Sleep Names and Values by Direct Reference (17)'
print '==============================================='
print '1. logId: ' + str(sleepDataDict['logId'])
print '2. dateOfSleep: ' + sleepDataDict['dateOfSleep']
print '3. minutesToFallAsleep: ' + str(sleepDataDict['minutesToFallAsleep'])
print '4. awakeningsCount: ' + str(sleepDataDict['awakeningsCount'])
print '5. minutesAwake: ' + str(sleepDataDict['minutesAwake'])
print '6. timeInBed: ' + str(sleepDataDict['timeInBed'])
print '7. minutesAsleep: ' + str(sleepDataDict['minutesAsleep'])
print '8. awakeDuration: ' + str(sleepDataDict['awakeDuration'])
print '9. efficiency: ' + str(sleepDataDict['isMainSleep'])
print '10. isMainSleep: ' + str(sleepDataDict['logId'])
print '11. startTime: ' + sleepDataDict['startTime']
print '12. restlessCount: ' + str(sleepDataDict['restlessCount'])
print '13. duration: ' + str(sleepDataDict['duration'])
print '14. restlessDuration: ' + str(sleepDataDict['restlessDuration'])
print '15. minutesAfterWakeup: ' + str(sleepDataDict['minutesAfterWakeup'])
print '16. awakeCount: ' + str(sleepDataDict['awakeCount'])
print '17. minuteData not shown'
print 'Summary Names and Values by Direct Reference (3)'
print '================================================'
print '1. totalTimeInBed: ' + str(summaryDict['totalTimeInBed'])
print '2. totalMinutesAsleep: ' + str(summaryDict['totalMinutesAsleep'])
print '3. totalSleepRecords: ' + str(summaryDict['totalSleepRecords'])
#''' syntax error in this block somewhere comment out to
return sleepDataDict
# Diagnostic simply prints to screen demonstrating api
def dumpSleepData(self,datetime):
import fitbit
authd_client = self.authd_client
#authd_client = fitbit.Fitbit(ownerKey,ownerSecret,resource_owner_key=resourceOwnerKey,resource_owner_secret=resourceOwnerSecret)
sleepUnitsDict = authd_client.get_sleep(datetime)
sleepList = sleepUnitsDict['sleep']
summaryDict = sleepUnitsDict['summary']
print 'sleepList length: ',len(sleepList)
print 'sleepList type:', type(sleepList)
print 'summaryDict length: ',len(summaryDict)
print 'summaryDict type ',type(summaryDict)
sleepDict = sleepList[0] #there only is one item in this list, a dictionary.
for key in sleepDict:
print key + ':' + str(sleepDict[key])
for key in summaryDict:
print key + ':' + str(summaryDict[key])
# Here we instantiate the class then invoke class methods
ownerKey = '66febeae096fe9442d10dd3e92d54de2'
ownerSecret = 'b8b002ddf50dd3525f57b9a350051b97'
resourceOwnerKey = '20eb22828f652f729002ba0f855d07f3'
resourceOwnerSecret = '48eaa2e1e11ea551d1e3579c3274cccd'
import datetime
import console
date =,7, 23) # Change date here or set up a parameter.
# instantiate class then invoke some void methods (no return types)
fitbitimpl = FitbitSleepAnalyzer(ownerKey,ownerSecret,resourceOwnerKey,resourceOwnerSecret)
#These totals are significant for some purpose, just not sure yet.
sleepValuesTotal = fitbitimpl.getSleepMinuteValuesTotals(date)
print 'Current Sleep Value Totals = '+ str(sleepValuesTotal)
totalMinutesInBed = sleepValuesTotal[1] + sleepValuesTotal[2] + sleepValuesTotal[3]
print 'Totals of 1, 2 and 3 = ' + str(totalMinutesInBed)
#print 'Value 1 Total = ' + str(getSleepMinuteValuesTotals())
''' (class)
This module is meant to utilize all of the capability of the exposed python sleep api to analyze sleep patterns perhaps above and beyond what fitbit itself does.
These are my current 4 keys:
consumer: "66febeae096fe9442d10dd3e92d54de2"
consumer secret: "b8b002ddf50dd3525f57b9a350051b97"
reource owner: resource_owner_key='20eb22828f652f729002ba0f855d07f3'
resource owner secret: resource_owner_secret='48eaa2e1e11ea551d1e3579c3274cccd')
There is only one single sleep-related call made from an authorized client and that function signature is get_sleep(Datetime dt). This function returns a conglomerate data type of embedded lists and dictionaries.
If sleepUnitsDict is the main dictionary returned it has two keys, 'sleep' and 'summary'. sleepUnitsDict['sleep'] returns a list of one element which contains a number of dictionaries.
The 'sleep' is a dictionary with these 17 keys:
Each key has a single value except 'minuteData' which is a dictionary of time values presumably used by other calculations. The 'summary'is another dictionary with these 3 keys:
Therefore once you get the two parts of returned value you can get at the data directly by using these keys.
sleepUnitsDict = authd_client.get_sleep(datetime)
sleepList = sleepUnitsDict['sleep']
summaryDict = sleepUnitsDict['summary']
x = sleepList[0]
dataitem = x['one of the sleep keys']
dataitem = summaryDict['one of the 3 summary keys']
class FitbitSleepAnalyzer:
def __init__(self,ownerKey,ownerSecret,resourceOwnerKey,resourceOwnerSecret):
import fitbit
self.ownerKey = ownerKey
self.ownerSecret = ownerSecret
self.resourceOwnerKey = resourceOwnerKey
self.resourceOwnerSecret =resourceOwnerSecret
self.value1 = 0
self.value2 = 0
self.value3 = 0
# Class variable which should be visible to other methods
self.authd_client = fitbit.Fitbit(ownerKey,ownerSecret,resource_owner_key=resourceOwnerKey,resource_owner_secret=resourceOwnerSecret)
# todo add check for bad dates or no data for a given day and decide how to best handle the situation gracefully. May need to do this in a called method or, make the connection here in the init. Yes get the auth client here and save it as class variable like the others here. Then in each method check if client is null or not usable, if so get it again.
def printCurrentDeviceInfo(self):
import fitbit
authd_client = fitbit.Fitbit(ownerKey,ownerSecret,resource_owner_key=resourceOwnerKey,resource_owner_secret=resourceOwnerSecret)
devicesList = authd_client.get_devices()
print 'Number of devices:', len(devicesList)
myDevice = devicesList[0] # I personally have only one device currently.
print 'Device Info'
print '==========='
# more useful means to populate data fields is to reference by name.
batteryLevel = myDevice['battery']
print 'Battery level:',batteryLevel
lastSyncTime = myDevice['lastSyncTime']
print 'Last sync time:',lastSyncTime
macAddress = myDevice['mac']
print 'MAC Address:', macAddress
deviceType = myDevice['type']
print 'Device Type:',deviceType
deviceId = myDevice['id']
print 'Device Id:', deviceId
deviceVersion = myDevice['deviceVersion']
print 'Device Version: ', deviceVersion
# looping useful in case where you don't assume any keys
# or you want to process all keys-values
for key in myDevice:
print key + ': ' + myDevice[key]
# Returns the sleep portion of result for a given datetime
def sleepData(self,datetime):
import fitbit
authd_client = fitbit.Fitbit(ownerKey,ownerSecret,resource_owner_key=resourceOwnerKey,resource_owner_secret=resourceOwnerSecret)
sleepUnitsDict = authd_client.get_sleep(datetime)
sleepList = sleepUnitsDict['sleep']
sleepDict = sleepList[0] #there only is one item in this list, a dictionar
return sleepDict
# Prints out the name-value pairs fom the minuteData name in sleep data record as the raw data has it.
def dumpMinuteDataList(self, datetime):
# minutesData is a list with integer indices
minutesData = self.getMinutesData(datetime)
for i in range(len(minutesData)):
print i, minutesData[i]
1. change to use authn client we got in init; check that its usable if not THEN try to get a fresh one. Do this in all methods that use client. Other error handling to add.
def dumpMinuteData(self, datetime):
# minutesData is a list with integer indices
minuteData = self.getMinuteData(datetime)
# I am currently unsure what the value that is associated with a dateTime
# represents. You see 1,2 or 3 for each minute. What's it mean?
From the summary dictionary the value 'totalTimeInBed' is derived from the totals of 1, 2 and 3. The value 'totalMinutes Asleep' is derived from the total of type 1, that is 1:454 in example below. So thats where they compute totals though stil unsure of distinctions between types 1, 2 and 3
1. totalTimeInBed: 759
2. totalMinutesAsleep: 454
3. totalSleepRecords: 1
Current Sleep Value Totals = {1: 454, 2: 203, 3: 102}
Totals of 1, 2 and 3 = 759.
You will notice that the following dictionary values correspond to types 1, 2 and 3 totaled independently and totaled all together. It is these values which have been returned in the (my) result object.
timeInBed: 759
minutesAsleep: 454
awakeDuration: 102
restlessDuration: 203
for i in range(len(minuteData)):
value = minuteData[i]['value']
if value == '1':
self.value1 = self.value1 + 1
elif value == '2':
self.value2 = self.value2 + 1
elif value == '3':
self.value3 = self.value3 + 1
print minuteData[i]['dateTime'], value
print 'Minute Value Totals for Given DateTime'
print '======================================'
print 'Value 1 Total = ' + str(self.value1)
print 'Value 2 Total = ' + str(self.value2)
print 'Value 3 Total = ' + str(self.value3)
# This method returns a dictionary of value to value totals
# over the entire sleep period. I am still figuring out what these
# values of 1,2 or 3 for each minute in all minutes covered.
def getSleepMinuteValuesTotals(self, datetime):
# minutesData is a list with integer indices
minuteData = self.getMinuteData(datetime)
# I am currently unsure what the value that is associated with a dateTime
# represents. You see 1,2 or 3 for each minute. What's it mean?
for i in range(len(minuteData)):
value = minuteData[i]['value']
if value == '1':
self.value1 = self.value1 + 1
elif value == '2':
self.value2 = self.value2 + 1
elif value == '3':
self.value3 = self.value3 + 1
valueTotalsDict ={1:self.value1, 2:self.value2, 3:self.value3}
return valueTotalsDict
def getMinuteData(self, datetime):
import fitbit
authd_client = fitbit.Fitbit(ownerKey,ownerSecret,resource_owner_key=resourceOwnerKey,resource_owner_secret=resourceOwnerSecret)
sleepUnitsDict = authd_client.get_sleep(datetime)
sleepList = sleepUnitsDict['sleep']
sleepDict = sleepList[0] # only is one item in this list.
return sleepDict['minuteData']
# Returns the summary part of result for a given datetime
def getSleepSummary(self, datetime):
import fitbit
authd_client = fitbit.Fitbit(ownerKey,ownerSecret,resource_owner_key=resourceOwnerKey,resource_owner_secret=resourceOwnerSecret)
sleepDataDict = authd_client.get_sleep(datetime)
summaryDict = sleepDataDict['summary']
return summaryDict
# There are 3 summary keys and 17 sleep or 20 total keys to grab data
# from a results object returned.This method tests them by accessing them.
def testAllSleepKeyvalues(self, datetime): #todo better method name
import fitbit
authd_client = fitbit.Fitbit(ownerKey,ownerSecret,resource_owner_key=resourceOwnerKey,resource_owner_secret=resourceOwnerSecret)
sleepUnitsDict = authd_client.get_sleep(datetime)
sleepList = sleepUnitsDict['sleep']
summaryDict = sleepUnitsDict['summary']
sleepDataDict = sleepList[0] #only one item in this list which is a dictionary.
print 'Sleep Names and Values by Direct Reference (17)'
print '==============================================='
print '1. logId: ' + str(sleepDataDict['logId'])
print '2. dateOfSleep: ' + sleepDataDict['dateOfSleep']
print '3. minutesToFallAsleep: ' + str(sleepDataDict['minutesToFallAsleep'])
print '4. awakeningsCount: ' + str(sleepDataDict['awakeningsCount'])
print '5. minutesAwake: ' + str(sleepDataDict['minutesAwake'])
print '6. timeInBed: ' + str(sleepDataDict['timeInBed'])
print '7. minutesAsleep: ' + str(sleepDataDict['minutesAsleep'])
print '8. awakeDuration: ' + str(sleepDataDict['awakeDuration'])
print '9. efficiency: ' + str(sleepDataDict['isMainSleep'])
print '10. isMainSleep: ' + str(sleepDataDict['logId'])
print '11. startTime: ' + sleepDataDict['startTime']
print '12. restlessCount: ' + str(sleepDataDict['restlessCount'])
print '13. duration: ' + str(sleepDataDict['duration'])
print '14. restlessDuration: ' + str(sleepDataDict['restlessDuration'])
print '15. minutesAfterWakeup: ' + str(sleepDataDict['minutesAfterWakeup'])
print '16. awakeCount: ' + str(sleepDataDict['awakeCount'])
print '17. minuteData: ' + str(sleepDataDict['minuteData'])
print 'Summary Names and Values by Direct Reference (3)'
print '================================================'
print '1. totalTimeInBed: ' + str(summaryDict['totalTimeInBed'])
print '2. totalMinutesAsleep: ' + str(summaryDict['totalMinutesAsleep'])
print '3. totalSleepRecords: ' + str(summaryDict['totalSleepRecords'])
# Diagnostic simply prints to screen demonstrating api
def dumpSleepData(self,datetime):
import fitbit
authd_client = fitbit.Fitbit(ownerKey,ownerSecret,resource_owner_key=resourceOwnerKey,resource_owner_secret=resourceOwnerSecret)
sleepUnitsDict = authd_client.get_sleep(datetime)
sleepList = sleepUnitsDict['sleep']
summaryDict = sleepUnitsDict['summary']
print 'sleepList length: ',len(sleepList)
print 'sleepList type:', type(sleepList)
print 'summaryDict length: ',len(summaryDict)
print 'summaryDict type ',type(summaryDict)
sleepDict = sleepList[0] #there only is one item in this list, a dictionary.
for key in sleepDict:
print key + ':' + str(sleepDict[key])
for key in summaryDict:
print key + ':' + str(summaryDict[key])
# Here we instantiate the class then invoke class methods
ownerKey = '66febeae096fe9442d10dd3e92d54de2'
ownerSecret = 'b8b002ddf50dd3525f57b9a350051b97'
resourceOwnerKey = '20eb22828f652f729002ba0f855d07f3'
resourceOwnerSecret = '48eaa2e1e11ea551d1e3579c3274cccd'
import datetime
import console
date =,7, 23) # Change date here or set up a parameter.
# instantiate class then invoke some void methods (no return types)
fitbitimpl = FitbitSleepAnalyzer(ownerKey,ownerSecret,resourceOwnerKey,resourceOwnerSecret)
#These totals are significant for some purpose, just not sure yet.
sleepValuesTotal = fitbitimpl.getSleepMinuteValuesTotals(date)
print 'Current Sleep Value Totals = '+ str(sleepValuesTotal)
totalMinutesInBed = sleepValuesTotal[1] + sleepValuesTotal[2] + sleepValuesTotal[3]
print 'Totals of 1, 2 and 3 = ' + str(totalMinutesInBed)
#print 'Value 1 Total = ' + str(getSleepMinuteValuesTotals())
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