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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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Save ltiao/9464922 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
% Structured General Purpose Assignment
% LaTeX Template
% This template has been downloaded from:
% Original author:
% Ted Pavlic (
% Note:
% The \lipsum[#] commands throughout this template generate dummy text
% to fill the template out. These commands should all be removed when
% writing assignment content.
\usepackage{fancyhdr} % Required for custom headers
\usepackage{lastpage} % Required to determine the last page for the footer
\usepackage{extramarks} % Required for headers and footers
\usepackage{graphicx} % Required to insert images
\usepackage{lipsum} % Used for inserting dummy 'Lorem ipsum' text into the template
% Margins
\linespread{1.1} % Line spacing
% Set up the header and footer
\lhead{\hmwkAuthorName \ (\hmwkStudentID)} % Top left header
%\chead{\hmwkClass\ (\hmwkClassInstructor\ \hmwkClassTime): \hmwkTitle} % Top center header
\chead{\hmwkClass: \hmwkTitle} % Top center header
\rhead{\firstxmark} % Top right header
\lfoot{\lastxmark} % Bottom left footer
\cfoot{} % Bottom center footer
\rfoot{Page\ \thepage\ of\ \pageref{LastPage}} % Bottom right footer
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\setlength\parindent{0pt} % Removes all indentation from paragraphs
% Skip this unless you know what you're doing
% Header and footer for when a page split occurs within a problem environment
\nobreak\extramarks{#1}{#1 continued on next page\ldots}\nobreak
\nobreak\extramarks{#1 (continued)}{#1 continued on next page\ldots}\nobreak
% Header and footer for when a page split occurs between problem environments
\nobreak\extramarks{#1 (continued)}{#1 continued on next page\ldots}\nobreak
\setcounter{secnumdepth}{0} % Removes default section numbers
\newcounter{homeworkProblemCounter} % Creates a counter to keep track of the number of problems
\newenvironment{homeworkProblem}[1][Problem \arabic{homeworkProblemCounter}]{ % Makes a new environment called homeworkProblem which takes 1 argument (custom name) but the default is "Problem #"
\stepcounter{homeworkProblemCounter} % Increase counter for number of problems
\renewcommand{\homeworkProblemName}{#1} % Assign \homeworkProblemName the name of the problem
\section{\homeworkProblemName} % Make a section in the document with the custom problem count
\enterProblemHeader{\homeworkProblemName} % Header and footer within the environment
\exitProblemHeader{\homeworkProblemName} % Header and footer after the environment
\newcommand{\problemAnswer}[1]{ % Defines the problem answer command with the content as the only argument
\noindent\framebox[\columnwidth][c]{\begin{minipage}{0.98\columnwidth}#1\end{minipage}} % Makes the box around the problem answer and puts the content inside
\newenvironment{homeworkSection}[1]{ % New environment for sections within homework problems, takes 1 argument - the name of the section
\renewcommand{\homeworkSectionName}{#1} % Assign \homeworkSectionName to the name of the section from the environment argument
\subsection{\homeworkSectionName} % Make a subsection with the custom name of the subsection
\enterProblemHeader{\homeworkProblemName\ [\homeworkSectionName]} % Header and footer within the environment
\enterProblemHeader{\homeworkProblemName} % Header and footer after the environment
\newcommand{\hmwkTitle}{Homework\ 1} % Assignment title
\newcommand{\hmwkDueDate}{Thursday,\ March\ 13,\ 2014} % Due date
\newcommand{\hmwkClass}{COMP4141} % Course/class
\newcommand{\hmwkClassTime}{2:00pm} % Class/lecture time
\newcommand{\hmwkClassInstructor}{Ron van der Meyden} % Teacher/lecturer
\newcommand{\hmwkAuthorName}{Chi-Chun Louis Tiao} % Your name
\newcommand{\hmwkStudentID}{3390558} % Your Student ID
\textmd{\textbf{\hmwkClass:\ \hmwkTitle}}\\
\normalsize\vspace{0.1in}\small{Due\ on\ \hmwkDueDate}\\
\vspace{0.1in}\large{\textit{\hmwkClassInstructor\ \hmwkClassTime}}
\author{\textbf{\hmwkAuthorName} \\ Student ID: \hmwkStudentID}
\date{} % Insert date here if you want it to appear below your name
%\setcounter{tocdepth}{1} % Uncomment this line if you don't want subsections listed in the ToC
% To have just one problem per page, simply put a \clearpage after each problem
\begin{homeworkProblem}[Exercise \arabic{homeworkProblemCounter}]
In the lectures it was mentioned that many functions are defined recursively
on the structure of strings.
\begin{homeworkSection}{1)} % Section within problem
Give the recursive definition of a function $\mathtt{rev}: \Sigma^{*} \to \Sigma^{*}$,
which takes an arbitrary string as input and returns the reversed string.
For example, $\mathtt{rev}(string) = gnirts$ and $\mathtt{rev}(racecar) = racecar$.
\vspace{10pt} % Question
\problemAnswer{ % Answer
Here is my important proof
\begin{homeworkSection}{2)} % Section within problem
Prove by induction that, for all $u \in \Sigma^{*}, |\mathtt{rev}(u)| = |u|$.
\vspace{10pt} % Question
\problemAnswer{ % Answer
\begin{homeworkProblem}[Exercise \#\arabic{homeworkProblemCounter}] % Custom section title
\lipsum[3] % Question
\begin{homeworkSection}{(a)} % Section within problem
\lipsum[4]\vspace{10pt} % Question
\problemAnswer{ % Answer
\begin{homeworkSection}{(b)} % Section within problem
\problemAnswer{ % Answer
\begin{homeworkProblem}[Prob. \Roman{homeworkProblemCounter}] % Roman numerals
\begin{homeworkSection}{\homeworkProblemName:~(a)} % Using the problem name elsewhere
\problemAnswer{ % Answer
\lipsum[8]\vspace{10pt} % Question
\problemAnswer{ % Answer
\begin{homeworkProblem}[Prob. \Roman{homeworkProblemCounter}] % Roman numerals
\problemAnswer{ % Answer
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