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Created April 22, 2024 15:08
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midnight sun 2024 qualifier crypto challenge on dragonfly sidechannels
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Code from
import time
import hashlib
import hmac
import secrets
import logging
from collections import namedtuple
import socket
import struct
import random
import os
import signal
logger = logging.getLogger('dragonfly')
Point = namedtuple("Point", "x y")
# The point at infinity (origin for the group law).
O = 'Origin'
def lsb(x):
binary = bin(x).lstrip('0b')
return binary[0]
def legendre(a, p):
return pow(a, (p - 1) // 2, p)
def tonelli_shanks(n, p):
assert legendre(n, p) == 1, "not a square (mod p)"
q = p - 1
s = 0
while q % 2 == 0:
q //= 2
s += 1
if s == 1:
return pow(n, (p + 1) // 4, p)
for z in range(2, p):
if p - 1 == legendre(z, p):
c = pow(z, q, p)
r = pow(n, (q + 1) // 2, p)
t = pow(n, q, p)
m = s
t2 = 0
while (t - 1) % p != 0:
t2 = (t * t) % p
for i in range(1, m):
if (t2 - 1) % p == 0:
t2 = (t2 * t2) % p
b = pow(c, 1 << (m - i - 1), p)
r = (r * b) % p
c = (b * b) % p
t = (t * c) % p
m = i
return r
def hmac_sha256(key, msg):
h =, msg=msg, digestmod=hashlib.sha256)
return h.digest()
class Curve():
Mathematical operations on a Elliptic Curve.
A lot of code taken from:
def __init__(self, a, b, p):
self.a = a
self.b = b
self.p = p
self.defense_masks = []
self.dN = 100
for i in range(self.dN):
self.defense_masks += [secrets.randbelow(self.p-1) + 1]
def curve_equation(self, x):
We currently use the elliptic curve
NIST P-384
return (pow(x, 3) + (self.a * x) + self.b) % self.p
def secure_curve_equation(self, x):
Do not leak hamming weights to power analysis
idx = secrets.randbelow(self.dN)
defense = self.defense_masks + []
defense[idx] = x
for i in range(self.dN):
tmp = defense[idx]
defense[i] = self.curve_equation(defense[idx])
return defense[idx]
def is_quadratic_residue(self, x):
Computes Legendre Symbol.
return pow(x, (self.p-1) // 2, self.p) == 1
def secure_is_quadratic_residue(self, x):
Do not leak hamming weights to power analysis
idx = secrets.randbelow(self.dN)
defense = self.defense_masks + []
defense[idx] = x
for i in range(self.dN):
defense[i] = self.is_quadratic_residue(defense[i])
return defense[idx]
def valid(self, P):
Determine whether we have a valid representation of a point
on our curve. We assume that the x and y coordinates
are always reduced modulo p, so that we can compare
two points for equality with a simple ==.
if P == O:
return True
return (
(P.y**2 - (P.x**3 + self.a*P.x + self.b)) % self.p == 0 and
0 <= P.x < self.p and 0 <= P.y < self.p)
def inv_mod_p(self, x):
Compute an inverse for x modulo p, assuming that x
is not divisible by p.
if x % self.p == 0:
raise ZeroDivisionError("Impossible inverse")
return pow(x, self.p-2, self.p)
def ec_inv(self, P):
Inverse of the point P on the elliptic curve y^2 = x^3 + ax + b.
if P == O:
return P
return Point(P.x, (-P.y) % self.p)
def ec_add(self, P, Q):
Sum of the points P and Q on the elliptic curve y^2 = x^3 + ax + b.
if not (self.valid(P) and self.valid(Q)):
raise ValueError("Invalid inputs")
# Deal with the special cases where either P, Q, or P + Q is
# the origin.
if P == O:
result = Q
elif Q == O:
result = P
elif Q == self.ec_inv(P):
result = O
# Cases not involving the origin.
if P == Q:
dydx = (3 * P.x**2 + self.a) * self.inv_mod_p(2 * P.y)
dydx = (Q.y - P.y) * self.inv_mod_p(Q.x - P.x)
x = (dydx**2 - P.x - Q.x) % self.p
y = (dydx * (P.x - x) - P.y) % self.p
result = Point(x, y)
# The above computations *should* have given us another point
# on the curve.
assert self.valid(result)
return result
def double_add_algorithm(self, scalar, P):
Double-and-Add Algorithm for Point Multiplication
Input: A scalar in the range 0-p and a point on the elliptic curve P
assert self.valid(P)
b = bin(scalar).lstrip('0b')
T = P
for i in b[1:]:
T = self.ec_add(T, T)
if i == '1':
T = self.ec_add(T, P)
assert self.valid(T)
return T
class Peer:
Take a ECC curve from here:
Example: NIST P-384
y^2 = x^3-3x+27580193559959705877849011840389048093056905856361568521428707301988689241309860865136260764883745107765439761230575
modulo p = 2^384 - 2^128 - 2^96 + 2^32 - 1
2000 NIST; also in SEC 2 and NSA Suite B
See here:
Curve-ID: brainpoolP256r1
p =
A =
B =
x =
y =
q =
h = 1
def __init__(self, password, mac_address, name): = name
self.password = password
self.mac_address = mac_address
# Try out Curve-ID: brainpoolP256t1
self.p = int('A9FB57DBA1EEA9BC3E660A909D838D726E3BF623D52620282013481D1F6E5377', 16)
self.a = int('7D5A0975FC2C3057EEF67530417AFFE7FB8055C126DC5C6CE94A4B44F330B5D9', 16)
self.b = int('26DC5C6CE94A4B44F330B5D9BBD77CBF958416295CF7E1CE6BCCDC18FF8C07B6', 16)
self.q = int('A9FB57DBA1EEA9BC3E660A909D838D718C397AA3B561A6F7901E0E82974856A7', 16)
self.curve = Curve(self.a, self.b, self.p)
def initiate(self, other_mac, k=40):
See algorithm in
in section 3.2.1
self.other_mac = other_mac
found = 0
num_valid_points = 0
counter = 1
n = self.p.bit_length()
# Find x
while counter <= k:
base = self.compute_hashed_password(counter)
temp = self.key_derivation_function(n, base, b'Dragonfly Hunting And Pecking')
if temp >= self.p:
counter = counter + 1
seed = temp
val = self.curve.secure_curve_equation(seed)
if self.curve.secure_is_quadratic_residue(val):
if num_valid_points < 5:
x = seed
save = base
found = 1
num_valid_points += 1
logger.debug('Got point after {} iterations'.format(counter))
counter = counter + 1
if found == 0:
logger.error('No valid point found after {} iterations'.format(k))
return False
elif found == 1:
y = tonelli_shanks(self.curve.curve_equation(x), self.p)
PE = Point(x, y)
# check valid point
assert self.curve.curve_equation(x) == pow(y, 2, self.p)
self.PE = PE
assert self.curve.valid(self.PE)
return True
def commit_exchange(self):
self.private = secrets.randbelow(self.p-1) + 1
self.mask = secrets.randbelow(self.p-1) + 1
self.scalar = (self.private + self.mask) % self.q
if self.scalar < 2:
raise ValueError('Scalar is {}, regenerating...'.format(self.scalar))
P = self.curve.double_add_algorithm(self.mask, self.PE)
self.element = self.curve.ec_inv(P)
assert self.curve.valid(self.element)
return self.scalar, self.element
def compute_shared_secret(self, peer_element, peer_scalar, peer_mac):
self.peer_element = peer_element
self.peer_scalar = peer_scalar
self.peer_mac = peer_mac
assert self.curve.valid(self.peer_element)
# If both the peer-scalar and Peer-Element are
# valid, they are used with the Password Element to derive a shared
# secret, ss:
Z = self.curve.double_add_algorithm(self.peer_scalar, self.PE)
ZZ = self.curve.ec_add(self.peer_element, Z)
K = self.curve.double_add_algorithm(self.private, ZZ)
self.k = K[0]
own_message = '{}{}{}{}{}{}'.format(self.k , self.scalar , self.peer_scalar , self.element[0] , self.peer_element[0] , self.mac_address).encode()
H = hashlib.sha256()
self.token = H.hexdigest()
return self.token
def confirm_exchange(self, peer_token):
peer_message = '{}{}{}{}{}{}'.format(self.k , self.peer_scalar , self.scalar , self.peer_element[0] , self.element[0] , self.peer_mac).encode()
H = hashlib.sha256()
self.peer_token_computed = H.hexdigest()
#print('[{}] Computed Token from Peer={}'.format(, self.peer_token_computed))
#print('[{}] Received Token from Peer={}'.format(, peer_token))
if peer_token != self.peer_token_computed:
return False
# Pairwise Master Key” (PMK)
# compute PMK = H(k | scal(AP1) + scal(AP2) mod q)
pmk_message = '{}{}'.format(self.k, (self.scalar + self.peer_scalar) % self.q).encode()
H = hashlib.sha256()
self.PMK = H.hexdigest()'[{}] Pairwise Master Key(PMK)={}'.format(, self.PMK))
return True
def key_derivation_function(self, n, base, seed):
B.5.1 Per-Message Secret Number Generation Using Extra Random Bits
Key derivation function from Section B.5.1 of [FIPS186-4]
The key derivation function, KDF, is used to produce a
bitstream whose length is equal to the length of the prime from the
group's domain parameter set plus the constant sixty-four (64) to
derive a temporary value, and the temporary value is modularly
reduced to produce a seed.
combined_seed = '{}{}'.format(base, seed).encode()
# base and seed concatenated are the input to the RGB
# Obtain a string of N+64 returned_bits from an RBG with a security strength of
# requested_security_strength or more.
randbits = random.getrandbits(n)
binary_repr = format(randbits, '0{}b'.format(n))
assert len(binary_repr) == n
# Convert returned_bits to the non-negative integer c (see Appendix C.2.1).
C = 0
for i in range(n):
if int(binary_repr[i]) == 1:
C += pow(2, n-i)
#k = (C % (n - 1)) + 1
k = C
return k
def compute_hashed_password(self, counter):
maxm = max(self.mac_address, self.other_mac)
minm = min(self.mac_address, self.other_mac)
message = '{}{}{}{}'.format(maxm, minm, self.password, counter).encode()
logger.debug('Message to hash is: {}'.format(message))
H = hashlib.sha256()
digest = H.digest()
return digest
def receive_sta_mac(conn):
data = conn.recv(1024).decode().strip()
return data
def receive_sta_token(conn):
data = conn.recv(1024).decode().strip()
return data
def receive_sta_scalar_element(conn, p):
data = conn.recv(1024).decode().strip()
if data.count(",") != 2:
return 0, 0
scalar_sta, element_sta_x, element_sta_y = data.split(',')
if int(scalar_sta) < 2 or int(element_sta_x) < 2 or int(element_sta_y) < 2:
return 0, 0
if int(scalar_sta) >= p -1 or int(element_sta_x) >= p - 1 or int(element_sta_y) >= p - 1:
return 0, 0
scalar_sta = int(scalar_sta)
element_sta = Point(int(element_sta_x), int(element_sta_y))
return scalar_sta, element_sta
def send_sta(conn, message):
def sae_state_machine(conn, real_psk, ap_mac):
state = 0
mac2 = ap_mac
max_retries = 0
ap = Peer(real_psk, mac2, 'AP')
scalar_sta, element_sta = None, None
mac1 = None
sta_token = None
while True:
if state == 0:
send_sta(conn, "I am MAC %s, what is your MAC? " % ap_mac)
mac1 = receive_sta_mac(conn)
state = 1
elif state == 1:'Starting hunting and pecking to derive PE...\n')
scalar_ap, element_ap = None, None
scalar_ap, element_ap = ap.commit_exchange()
send_sta(conn, ','.join(map(str, [scalar_ap, element_ap.x, element_ap.y])) + '\n')
state = 2
elif state == 2:'Computing shared secret...\n')
scalar_sta, element_sta = receive_sta_scalar_element(conn, ap.p)
if scalar_sta == 0:
#reset state
state = 0
ap_token = ap.compute_shared_secret(element_sta, scalar_sta, mac1)
state = 3
elif state == 3:'Confirm Exchange...\n')
send_sta(conn, "Token? ")
sta_token = receive_sta_token(conn)
if ap.confirm_exchange(sta_token) == True:
send_sta(conn, d+"\n")
send_sta(conn, "FLAG WAS SENT\n")
send_sta(conn, "you didnt solve...\n")
if max_retries >= 2:
send_sta(conn, "[!] HACKING FAIL DETECTED [!]\n")
max_retries += 1
def gen_password():
passwords = open("rockyou-75.txt","rb").readlines()
return secrets.choice(passwords).decode().strip()
def main():
host = ''
port = 2561
max_clients = 20
with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s:
s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
s.bind((host, port))
client_count = 0
while True:
conn, addr = s.accept()
pid = os.fork()
if pid == 0:
# Child process
s.close() # Close the listening socket in the child process
signal.alarm(300) # Set the connection time limit to 300 seconds
print(f"Connected by {addr}")
real_psk = gen_password()
ap_mac = '01:02:03:0a:0b:0c'
sae_state_machine(conn, real_psk, ap_mac)
os.waitpid(-1, os.WNOHANG)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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