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Last active June 28, 2022 08:00
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[typescript/utils] A functions with currency and number formatting - useful for financial app
import numeral from 'numeral'
import {isClientDevMode} from "./Env";
type NumberFormatOption = {
// whether to show +/- sign before formatter number
sign?: boolean
separator?: string
// trim non-meaningful zero character
zero_trim?: boolean
// no round: Eg: in case of decimal = 2 ==> 0.129 will not be rounded to 0.13
no_round?: boolean
export function currency(num: number, decimal = 0): string {
return format(num, decimal, {
zero_trim: true,
export function format(num: number, decimal = 0, option?: NumberFormatOption): string {
// format with thousand separator
let format = '0,0';
if (decimal > 0) {
// 0,0.00
format += '.'.padEnd(decimal + 1, '0')
// add an additional 0 then trim it to ignore rounding
if (option?.no_round) {
format += '000000';
let s = numeral(num).format(format);
if (option) {
if (option?.no_round && decimal > 0) {
// remove last rounded character
s = s.substring(0, s.length - 6)
if (option.zero_trim) {
s = s.replace(/0+$/, '')
if(s.charAt(s.length-1) == '.') {
s = s.replace('.', '');
if (option.separator) {
s = s.replace(/,/g, option.separator)
// remove redundant 0 character
if (option.sign && num > 0) {
s = '+' + s
return s
export function fomatNumber (value: number) : string {
return value.toFixed(2).replace(/\d(?=(\d{3})+\.)/g, "$&,");
if (isClientDevMode) {
const test_cases: {
input: {
num?: number,
decimal?: number,
option?: NumberFormatOption,
expected: string,
msg: string,
}[] = [
msg: 'Can format regular case',
input: {
num: 12345678.12600,
decimal: 2,
expected: '12,345,678.13',
msg: 'Can show sign and separator',
input: {
num: 12345678.12999,
decimal: 3,
option: {sign: true, separator: '_'},
expected: '+12_345_678.130',
msg: 'Can show sign with negative number',
input: {
num: -12345678.12999,
decimal: 3,
option: {sign: true, separator: '_'},
expected: '-12_345_678.130',
msg: 'No round up',
input: {
num: 12345678.12999,
decimal: 3,
option: {sign: true, separator: '_', no_round: true},
expected: '+12_345_678.129',
msg: 'Can not trim meaningful 0',
input: {
num: 12345678000.000129,
decimal: 5,
option: {zero_trim: true},
expected: '12,345,678,000.00013',
msg: 'Can not trim meaningful 0',
input: {
num: 12345678000.00012312,
decimal: 2,
option: {zero_trim: true},
expected: '12,345,678,000',
// @ts-ignore
window.tmp__Number_format_test = function test() {
for (let i = 0, c = test_cases.length; i < c; i++) {
const test_case = test_cases[i];
let actual;
try {
// @ts-ignore
actual = format(...Object.values(test_case.input))
} catch (e) {
if (actual === test_case.expected) {
// pass'%cPASS: ', 'color: green', {
} else {
// fail
console.error('%cFAILED: ', 'color: red', {
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