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Last active February 17, 2018 15:35
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use std::slice::Iter;
use std::ops::{Add, Mul, Neg};
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::rc::Rc;
/// Our string type is copy-on-write string refs
type Str<'a> = Cow<'a, str>;
/// Marker trait for the values
trait Value: Clone + Debug {}
impl Value for f64 {}
impl<'a> Value for Str<'a> {}
/// A column is reference counted vector of one of supported
/// types - it erases the type for its consumers
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
enum Column<'a> {
/// Convert vectors to columns - erases the concrete type
/// implement `std::convert::From` to get `std::convert::Into` for free
impl<'a> From<Vec<f64>> for Column<'a> {
fn from(vec: Vec<f64>) -> Self {
impl<'a> From<Vec<Str<'a>>> for Column<'a> {
fn from(vec: Vec<Str<'a>>) -> Self {
/// Recovers the elements type through iterators and slices
trait ColumnIter<'a>: Value + 'a {
fn as_slice<'b>(col: &'b Column<'a>) -> &'b [Self];
fn iter<'b>(col: &'b Column<'a>) -> Iter<'b, Self> {
impl<'a> ColumnIter<'a> for f64 {
fn as_slice<'b>(col: &'b Column<'a>) -> &'b [f64] {
if let Column::F64(ref vec) = *col {
} else {
panic!("Improper cast of {:?} to [f64]", col)
impl<'a> ColumnIter<'a> for Str<'a> {
fn as_slice<'b>(col: &'b Column<'a>) -> &'b [Str<'a>] {
if let Column::STR(ref vec) = *col {
} else {
panic!("Improper cast of {:?} to [Str]", col)
/// `ColumnType` is the type of the elements if the columns.
/// It composes all column traits and is used as a type bound
/// to bring all the dependencies at once
trait ColumnType<'a>: Value + 'a {
fn to_column(Vec<Self>) -> Column<'a>;
fn iter<'b>(&'b Column<'a>) -> Iter<'b, Self>;
fn as_slice<'b>(&'b Column<'a>) -> &'b [Self];
/// Implement `ColumnType` for each type that implements
/// `ColumnIter<Self>` and `From<Vec<Self>>` for `Column`
impl<'a, T> ColumnType<'a> for T
T: ColumnIter<'a> + Value + 'a,
Column<'a>: From<Vec<T>>,
fn to_column(vec: Vec<T>) -> Column<'a> {
fn iter<'b>(col: &'b Column<'a>) -> Iter<'b, T> {
fn as_slice<'b>(col: &'b Column<'a>) -> &'b [T] {
impl<'a> Column<'a> {
/// Construct a column from a vector
pub fn from<T: ColumnType<'a>>(vec: Vec<T>) -> Column<'a> {
/// column.iter()
pub fn iter<T: ColumnType<'a>>(&self) -> Iter<T> {
/// column.as_slice()
pub fn as_slice<T: ColumnType<'a>>(&self) -> &[T] {
/// The `Frame` holds `Column`-s
struct Frame<'a> {
columns: Vec<Column<'a>>,
rows: usize,
/// Expr is just a boxed `&Frame -> Column` function
type Expr<'a> = Box<Fn(&Frame<'a>) -> Column<'a> + 'a>;
/// Select a `Column`
fn col<'a>(col_id: usize) -> Expr<'a> {
Box::new(move |frame: &Frame<'a>| -> Column<'a> { frame.columns[col_id].clone() })
/// Literals
fn val<'a, T: ColumnType<'a>>(value: T) -> Expr<'a> {
Box::new(move |frame: &Frame| Column::from(vec![value.clone(); frame.rows]))
/// Unary operator consturctor
/// takes an expression and a function over the elements of the
/// expression results and creates a new expression
/// Expr<Arg> -> (Arg -> Res) -> Expr<Res>
fn expr1<'a, Arg, Res, F>(arg: Expr<'a>, f: F) -> Expr<'a>
Arg: ColumnType<'a>,
Res: ColumnType<'a>,
F: Fn(&Arg) -> Res + 'a,
Box::new(move |frame: &Frame<'a>| -> Column<'a> {
/// Binary operator consturctor
/// takes two expressions and a function over the elements (left,right)
/// of the expressions results and creates a new expression
/// Expr<Left> -> Expr<Right> -> (Left -> Right -> Result) -> Expr<Result>
fn expr2<'a, Left, Right, Res, F>(left: Expr<'a>, right: Expr<'a>, f: F) -> Expr<'a>
Left: ColumnType<'a>,
Right: ColumnType<'a>,
Res: ColumnType<'a>,
F: Fn(&Left, &Right) -> Res + 'a,
Box::new(move |frame: &Frame<'a>| -> Column<'a> {
Iterator::zip(left(frame).iter(), right(frame).iter())
.map(|(l, r)| f(l, r))
/// Some example unary operators
/// numeric negation
fn neg<'a, T>(arg: Expr<'a>) -> Expr<'a>
T: ColumnType<'a>,
for<'x> &'x T: Neg<Output = T>,
expr1(arg, move |num: &T| -num)
/// string length
fn length<'a>(arg: Expr<'a>) -> Expr<'a> {
expr1(arg, move |in_str: &Str<'a>| -> f64 { in_str.len() as f64 })
/// uppercase a string (unicode aware)
fn upper<'a>(arg: Expr<'a>) -> Expr<'a> {
expr1(arg, move |in_str: &Str<'a>| -> Str<'a> {
in_str.chars().flat_map(|c| c.to_uppercase()).collect()
/// Some example binary operators
/// numeric addition
fn add<'a, T>(left: Expr<'a>, right: Expr<'a>) -> Expr<'a>
T: ColumnType<'a>,
for<'x> &'x T: Add<Output = T>,
expr2(left, right, move |l: &T, r: &T| l + r)
/// numeric multiplication
fn mul<'a, T>(left: Expr<'a>, right: Expr<'a>) -> Expr<'a>
T: ColumnType<'a>,
for<'x> &'x T: Mul<Output = T>,
expr2(left, right, move |l: &T, r: &T| l * r)
fn main() {
// Example frame
let num_col = Column::from(vec![1.0, 2.0, 3.0]);
let str_col = Column::from(
vec!["foo", "bar", "baz"]
.map(|&str| Cow::from(str))
let frame = Frame {
columns: vec![num_col.clone(), num_col, str_col],
rows: 3,
// Projection params
let select: Vec<Expr> = vec![
// a
// -a
// upper(c)
// c
// length(c)
// a + b
add::<f64>(col(0), col(1)),
// a * c
mul::<f64>(col(0), col(1)),
// a * 3
mul::<f64>(col(0), val(3.0)),
// (a*b) + (a+b)
add::<f64>(mul::<f64>(col(0), col(1)), add::<f64>(col(0), col(1))),
// Execute the projection
let mut result = Frame {
columns: vec![],
rows: 3,
for _ in 1..1000000 {
result = Frame {
columns: vec![],
rows: 3,
select.iter().for_each(|expr| {
// Print the result and also the input - it should not be touched
println!("Input: {:?}", frame);
println!("Output: {:?}", result);
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