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Last active October 30, 2024 10:46
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Download all visible telegram stickers images
// How to download telegram sticker images
1. Go to Telegram Web;
2. Open console (F12);
3. Paste the code below in the console and press Enter;
4. Open your stickers menu and make sure you see the sticker pack you want to download (so Telegram will load it).
5. At the console paste and run "downloadStickers()" any time you want to download a pack.
6. [Convert .webm to another format](;
7. Happy hacking.
If you close the tab or refresh it, you should do step 3 again.
// Main function
function downloadStickers() {
// Find all sticker sets
const sets = querySelectorAll('.composer_stickerset_wrap')
// We need it's title to prompt users
.map(set => {
const $title = querySelector('.composer_stickerset_title', set);
return {
key: $title.attributes['data-stickerset'].value,
title: $title.innerText,
node: set,
// Those without key aren't packs. "Frequently used" for example.
.filter(({key}) => key !== '');
// Ask which pack the user want to download
const selectedSet = prompt(
// Join them into a list of keys-titles
.map(({title}, i) => `[${i}]: ${title}`)
// Find all images
querySelectorAll('img', sets[+selectedSet].node)
// Only care about it's URL
.map(i => i.attributes.src.value)
// Filter those with `sticker` in the URL
// .filter(i => /sticker/.test(i)))
// Download all
// DOM query helpers
// These two do 90% of what you need JQuery for
const querySelector = (query, el = window.document) =>
const querySelectorAll = (query, el = window.document) =>
// Trigger a download
function download(image) {
// Create a dummy element
var a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = image;
// `download` attribute means that clicks trigger download = "";
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it doesn't work for me
i just copy whole codes
in telegram web i went to console
then send one of the sticker to my self and then click on it to open
and i paste the code and enter

but i see " undefined " down there

please help me

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@Ehsan123456789 you need to execute the function after define them.

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To friends who would like to download stickers,
this bot can resolve high resolution images XD

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EXL commented Feb 17, 2018

@rikakomoe, thank you!

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Great work, thanks ^^

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Great bot! Thanks a lot OP! I am looking for this for a while now to download some telegram stickers packs :)

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@rikakomoe that bot works great!! is there something by which i can download entire packs? whos project is that bot?

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very thanks 👍

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@rikakomoe @ishanSrt It's mine and it's open source.

I finally have some time to update the code. Now you may try with send this bot a sticker link (something like ) after /newpack
Or send individual sticker to get a PNG without /newpack

Both are new added features.

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Shesh93 commented Nov 13, 2018

It works for me

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this bot is very good

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lubien commented Jun 4, 2019

Surprised to see there where people over here as GitHub doesn't notify at all about comments on gists.

Bot is the way to go :)

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To friends who would like to download stickers, this bot can resolve high resolution images XD

The bot does not work, I create another instance

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@rikakomoe @ishanSrt It's mine and it's open source.

I finally have some time to update the code. Now you may try with send this bot a sticker link (something like ) after /newpack Or send individual sticker to get a PNG without /newpack

Both are new added features.

hi, thanks for making the bot! Anyways, is there any chance you can bump the queue limit? I'm trying to download a sticker set with 120+ stickers and it wont let me split the set without manually inputting each sticker. Thanks in advance!

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@rikakomoe @ishanSrt It's mine and it's open source.
I finally have some time to update the code. Now you may try with send this bot a sticker link (something like ) after /newpack Or send individual sticker to get a PNG without /newpack
Both are new added features.

hi, thanks for making the bot! Anyways, is there any chance you can bump the queue limit? I'm trying to download a sticker set with 120+ stickers and it wont let me split the set without manually inputting each sticker. Thanks in advance!

The limit was introduced when I found Telegram limits the file size to 50MB for bots. With that being said, since it will automatically split file to work around this I have lifted the value to 200.

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