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Luca luca-aurelia

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# Here's our Application Reflex for reference:
class ApplicationReflex < StimulusReflex::Reflex
luca-aurelia / stimulus_reflex_error.rb
Created August 21, 2020 20:17
Stimulus Reflex Error
StimulusReflex::Channel#receive({"target"=>"HsApplications#toggle_shortlist", "args"=>[], "url"=>"", "attrs"=>{"class"=>"shortlist-│·····················
off toggle-shortlist", "data-application-id"=>"145068", "data-placement"=>"bottom", "data-reflex"=>"click->HsApplications#toggle_shortlist", "data-toggle"=>"tooltip", "href"=>"#", "title"=>"Remove this applicant f│·····················
rom the shortlist", "data-controller"=>"stimulus-reflex", "data-action"=>"click->stimulus-reflex#__perform", "checked"=>false, "selected"=>false, "tag_name"=>"A"}, "dataset"=>{"data-application-id"=>"145068", "dat│·····················
a-placement"=>"bottom", "data-reflex"=>"click->HsApplications#toggle_shortlist", "data-toggle"=>"tooltip", "data-controller"=>"stimulus-reflex", "data-action"=>"click->stimulus-reflex#__perform"}, "selectors"=>[],│·····················
"reflexId"=>"e179bf83-7c26-45a1-8bb7-788ba229768e", "permanent_attribute_name"=
luca-aurelia / awesome open source
Last active June 7, 2018 21:00
Awesome open source projects



The HTML5 Creation Engine: Create beautiful digital content with the fastest, most flexible 2D WebGL renderer.


The Swiss Army Knife of Vector Graphics Scripting


luca-aurelia /
Created February 10, 2016 17:29
A to-do list for setting up a new pairing server
  • create the pair user
  • install git if not present
  • install wemux
    • set the pair user as the only wemux host in the wemux config file
  • add public ssh keys of users to .ssh/authorized_keys file
  • use visudo to add the pair user to the sudoers list. configure it so pair doesn't require a password to use sudo
  • install dotfiles
    • install vim plugins
  • install silver searcher
  • install mosh
# This is a small program that compares two different
# pay-out scenarios offered to the indie funk
# band Partial Cinema.
# Given ticket sales numbers, compare the pay-out
# and return-on-investment (dollars received per ticket sold)
# for the two different scenarios.
# tickets - an array of the form [integer, integer, integer]
# where each integer represents the number of tickets