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Created July 9, 2013 13:52
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Save luca-m/5957513 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
.Xresources for urxvt, clipboard CTRL+SHIFT+(C|V|X), CTRL+Arrow for word cursor movement
!! cd /usr/lib/urxvt/perl; git clone .
!! Perl extensions
URxvt.perl-ext-common: default,clipboard,matcher,keyboard-select
!! URLs
URxvt.keysym.C-U: perl:url-select:select_next
URxvt.url-launcher: /usr/bin/firefox -new-tab
URxvt.underlineURLs: True
URxvt.matcher.button: 1
!! Copy-Paste
URxvt.clipboard.autocopy: true
URxvt.keysym.M-Escape: perl:keyboard-select:activate
URxvt.keysym.C-C: perl:clipboard:copy
URxvt.keysym.C-V: perl:clipboard:paste
URxvt.keysym.M-C-v: perl:clipboard:paste_escaped
URxvt.copyCommand: xsel -ib
URxvt.pasteCommand: xsel -ob
!! Misc
URxvt.scrollstyle: rxvt
URxvt.scrollBar: false
!! Cursor word movement
URxvt*altSendsEscape: true
URxvt.keysym.Control-Up: \033[1;5A
URxvt.keysym.Control-Down: \033[1;5B
URxvt.keysym.Control-Left: \033[1;5D
URxvt.keysym.Control-Right: \033[1;5C
!! in .zshrc add this:
!! export WORDCHARS='*?_-.[]~=/&;!#$%^(){}<>'
!! bindkey ';5D' backward-word
!! bindkey ';5C' forward-word
!! Style and Colours
!! URxvt*font: xft:DejaVu Sans Mono Book-9
URxvt*foreground: white
URxvt*background: black
*color0: #2E3436
*color1: #a40000
*color2: #4E9A06
*color3: #C4A000
*color4: #3465A4
*color5: #75507B
*color6: #ce5c00
*color7: #babdb9
*color8: #555753
*color9: #EF2929
*color10: #8AE234
*color11: #FCE94F
*color12: #729FCF
*color13: #AD7FA8
*color14: #fcaf3e
*color15: #EEEEEC
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