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Created October 21, 2024 14:34
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Geppetto IDA-Pro script without dependencies and with gpt-4o
import functools
import json
import idaapi
import ida_hexrays
import ida_kernwin
import idc
import os
import re
import textwrap
import threading
import requests
# =============================================================================
# Setup the context menu and hotkey in IDA
# =============================================================================
class GepettoPlugin(idaapi.plugin_t):
flags = 0
explain_action_name = "gepetto:explain_function"
explain_menu_path = "Edit/Gepetto/Explain function"
rename_action_name = "gepetto:rename_function"
rename_menu_path = "Edit/Gepetto/Rename variables"
wanted_name = 'Gepetto'
wanted_hotkey = ''
comment = "Uses gpt-4 to enrich the decompiler's output"
help = "See usage instructions on GitHub"
menu = None
def init(self):
# Check whether the decompiler is available
if not ida_hexrays.init_hexrays_plugin():
return idaapi.PLUGIN_SKIP
# Function explaining action
explain_action = idaapi.action_desc_t(self.explain_action_name,
'Explain function',
'Use gpt-4 to explain the currently selected function',
idaapi.attach_action_to_menu(self.explain_menu_path, self.explain_action_name, idaapi.SETMENU_APP)
# Variable renaming action
rename_action = idaapi.action_desc_t(self.rename_action_name,
'Rename variables',
"Use gpt-4 to rename this function's variables",
idaapi.attach_action_to_menu(self.rename_menu_path, self.rename_action_name, idaapi.SETMENU_APP)
# Register context menu actions = ContextMenuHooks()
return idaapi.PLUGIN_KEEP
def run(self, arg):
def term(self):
idaapi.detach_action_from_menu(self.explain_menu_path, self.explain_action_name)
idaapi.detach_action_from_menu(self.rename_menu_path, self.rename_action_name)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class ContextMenuHooks(idaapi.UI_Hooks):
def finish_populating_widget_popup(self, form, popup):
# Add actions to the context menu of the Pseudocode view
if idaapi.get_widget_type(form) == idaapi.BWN_PSEUDOCODE:
idaapi.attach_action_to_popup(form, popup, GepettoPlugin.explain_action_name, "Gepetto/")
idaapi.attach_action_to_popup(form, popup, GepettoPlugin.rename_action_name, "Gepetto/")
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def comment_callback(address, view, response):
Callback that sets a comment at the given address.
:param address: The address of the function to comment
:param view: A handle to the decompiler window
:param response: The comment to add
# Add newlines at the end of each sentence.
response = "\n".join(textwrap.wrap(response, 80, replace_whitespace=False))
# Add the response as a comment in IDA.
idc.set_func_cmt(address, response, 0)
# Refresh the window so the comment is displayed properly
if view:
print("Query to model finished!")
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class ExplainHandler(idaapi.action_handler_t):
This handler is tasked with querying the model for an explanation of the
given function. Once the reply is received, it is added as a function
def __init__(self):
def activate(self, ctx):
decompiler_output = ida_hexrays.decompile(idaapi.get_screen_ea())
v = ida_hexrays.get_widget_vdui(ctx.widget)
query_model_async("Can you explain what the following C function does and suggest a better name for it?\n"
+ str(decompiler_output),
functools.partial(comment_callback, address=idaapi.get_screen_ea(), view=v))
return 1
# This action is always available.
def update(self, ctx):
return idaapi.AST_ENABLE_ALWAYS
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def rename_callback(address, view, response):
Callback that extracts a JSON array of old names and new names from the
response and sets them in the pseudocode.
:param address: The address of the function to work on
:param view: A handle to the decompiler window
:param response: The response from the model
j ="\{[^}]*?\}", response)
if not j:
print(f"Cannot extract valid JSON from the response. Asking the model to fix it...")
query_model_async("The JSON document provided in this response is invalid. Can you fix it?\n" + response,
functools.partial(rename_callback, address=idaapi.get_screen_ea(), view=view))
names = json.loads(
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
print(f"The JSON document returned is invalid. Asking the model to fix it...")
query_model_async("Please fix the following JSON document:\n" +,
functools.partial(rename_callback, address=idaapi.get_screen_ea(), view=view))
# The rename function needs the start address of the function
function_addr = idaapi.get_func(address).start_ea
replaced = []
for n in names:
if ida_hexrays.rename_lvar(function_addr, n, names[n]):
# Update possible names left in the function comment
comment = idc.get_func_cmt(address, 0)
if comment and len(replaced) > 0:
for n in replaced:
comment = re.sub(r'\b%s\b' % n, names[n], comment)
idc.set_func_cmt(address, comment, 0)
# Refresh the window to show the new names
if view:
print(f"Query finished! {len(replaced)} variable(s) renamed.")
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class RenameHandler(idaapi.action_handler_t):
This handler requests new variable names from the model and updates the
decompiler's output.
def __init__(self):
def activate(self, ctx):
decompiler_output = ida_hexrays.decompile(idaapi.get_screen_ea())
v = ida_hexrays.get_widget_vdui(ctx.widget)
query_model_async("Analyze the following C function:\n" + str(decompiler_output) +
"\nSuggest better variable names, reply with a JSON array where keys are the original names"
"and values are the proposed names. Do not explain anything, only print the JSON "
functools.partial(rename_callback, address=idaapi.get_screen_ea(), view=v))
return 1
# This action is always available.
def update(self, ctx):
return idaapi.AST_ENABLE_ALWAYS
# =============================================================================
# Model interaction
# =============================================================================
def query_model(query, cb, max_tokens=6500):
Function which sends a query to the model API and calls a callback when the response is available.
Blocks until the response is received.
:param query: The request to send to the model API.
:param cb: The function to which the response will be passed.
api_key = OPENAI_API_KEY # os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY") # Assume API key is stored as environment variable
if not api_key:
print("Error: API key not found.")
headers = {
"Authorization": f"Bearer {api_key}",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
data = {
"model": OPENAI_MODEL, # Replace with the model you want to use
"messages": [
#{"role": "system", "content": "You are a reverse engineer."}, # System role message
{"role": "user", "content": query} # User's query
#"prompt": query,
"max_tokens": max_tokens,
"temperature": 0.6,
"top_p": 1,
"frequency_penalty": 1,
"presence_penalty": 1,
response =
"", # Adjust this to your API endpoint
if response.status_code == 200:
response_json = response.json()
result = response_json['choices'][0]['message']['content'] # Correct extraction # Extract the completion text
ida_kernwin.execute_sync(functools.partial(cb, response=result), ida_kernwin.MFF_WRITE)
print(f"API request failed with status code {response.status_code}: {response.text}")
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
print(f"Error during the API request: {e}")
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def query_model_async(query, cb):
Function which sends a query to the model API asynchronously.
:param query: The request to send to the model API.
:param cb: The function to which the response will be passed.
print("Request sent to model API asynchronously...")
t = threading.Thread(target=query_model, args=[query, cb])
# =============================================================================
# Main
# =============================================================================
return GepettoPlugin()
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