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Created September 28, 2022 09:00
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Mac version of docker switch
# Swaps local docker instances
# (I recommend making an alias to call the script)
# Directory names will need changing for your needs!
function start () {
# Change to the chosen directory
cd ~/PhpstormProjects/$1
# Start the chosen containers
docker compose up -d
function stop () {
# Change to the chosen directory
cd ~/PhpstormProjects/$1
# Start the Hub containers
docker compose down
function eval () {
# If chosen is already running
if grep -q $2 <<< $docker; then
echo --- $3 already running
# If first other option is running
elif grep -q $5 <<< $docker; then
echo --- Stopping $6
stop $4
# If second other option is running
elif grep -q $7 <<< $docker; then
echo --- Stopping $9
stop $8
echo --- Starting $3
start $1
# Assign the output of docker ps to a variable
docker=`docker ps`
case $1 in
eval hub intranet2 Hub winchester winchester Winchester mcc mcc MyCompleteCoach
eval winchester winchester Winchester hub intranet2 Hub mcc mcc MyCompleteCoach
eval mcc mcc MyCompleteCoach hub intranet2 Hub winchester winchester Winchester
if grep -q 'Up' <<< $docker; then
# If Hub is running
if grep -q 'intranet2' <<< $docker; then
echo --- Hub found, stopping
stop hub
# If Winchester is running
if grep -q 'winchester' <<< $docker; then
echo --- Winchester found, stopping
stop winchester
# If MyCompleteCoach is running
if grep -q 'mcc' <<< $docker; then
echo --- MyCompleteCoach found, stopping
stop mcc
echo --- Nothing to stop. Enter \"hub\", \"win\" or \"mcc\" to start
echo --- Enter \"hub\", \"win\", \"mcc\" or \"stop\"
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