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Last active February 5, 2021 22:07
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Shell script to purge Rundeck execution history (extended from @unicolet's script
# keep last few executions for each job
# db connection params
cd /var/lib/rundeck/logs/rundeck
JOBS=`find . -maxdepth 3 -path "*/job/*" -type d`
for j in $JOBS ; do
echo "Processing job $j"
ids=`find $j -iname "*.rdlog" | sed -e "s/.*\/\([0-9]*\)\.rdlog/\1/" | sort -n -r`
declare -a JOBIDS=($ids)
if [ ${#JOBIDS[@]} -gt $KEEP ]; then
for job in ${JOBIDS[@]:$KEEP};do
echo " * Deleting job: $job"
echo " rm -rf $j/logs/$job.*"
rm -rf $j/logs/$job.*
workflowid=`mysql -h $HOST -P $PORT -u$USERNAME -p$PASSWORD -s -N -e "select workflow_id from execution where id=$job" $DB`
workflowstepids=`mysql -h $HOST -P $PORT -u$USERNAME -p$PASSWORD -s -N -e "select workflow_step_id from workflow_workflow_step where workflow_commands_id=$workflowid" $DB`
declare -a WSIDS=($workflowstepids)
for workflowstepid in $WSIDS ; do
echo " mysql -h $HOST -P $PORT -u$USERNAME -p$PASSWORD -e 'delete from workflow_workflow_step where workflow_step_id=$workflowstepid' $DB"
mysql -h $HOST -P $PORT -u$USERNAME -p$PASSWORD -e "delete from workflow_workflow_step where workflow_step_id=$workflowstepid" $DB
echo " mysql -h $HOST -P $PORT -u$USERNAME -p$PASSWORD -e 'delete from workflow_step where id=$workflowstepid' $DB"
mysql -h $HOST -P $PORT -u$USERNAME -p$PASSWORD -e "delete from workflow_step where id=$workflowstepid" $DB
echo " mysql -h $HOST -P $PORT -u$USERNAME -p$PASSWORD -e 'delete from execution where id=$job' $DB"
mysql -h $HOST -P $PORT -u$USERNAME -p$PASSWORD -e "delete from execution where id=$job" $DB
echo " mysql -h $HOST -P $PORT -u$USERNAME -p$PASSWORD -e 'delete from base_report where jc_exec_id=$job' $DB"
mysql -h $HOST -P $PORT -u$USERNAME -p$PASSWORD -e "delete from base_report where jc_exec_id=$job" $DB
echo " mysql -h $HOST -P $PORT -u$USERNAME -p$PASSWORD -e 'delete from workflow where id=$workflowid' $DB"
mysql -h $HOST -P $PORT -u$USERNAME -p$PASSWORD -e "delete from workflow where id=$workflowid" $DB
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In addition to deleting log files, executions and base_reports, this script deletes workflow and workflow steps generated by an execution.
I have also moved db connection params as variables to avoid repetition.
Finally in my case I needed it to use mysql instead of psql.

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Hello Luca,

Thanks for the script it really helps me, when i am using the same script it shows deleting jobs but it is keep on executing same steps it's not going to further.

echo " * Deleting job: $job"

         rm -rf $j/logs/$job.*

Deleting job: 3104429
14:48:45 | | | rm -rf ./XYZ/job/81476133-1da6-40fc-7d3c-abf2caedd1f9/logs/3104429.*

Later it is failing with below timeout error after 2hr

15:29:20 | | | Result: 2147483647

15:29:21 | | | Failed: NonZeroResultCode: Result code was 2147483647
| ANY04210451 [console] |
15:29:21 | | | Cancellation while running step [1]

could you please help me what causes this issue. is this caused due to any permission issue ??

Thanks In Advance.

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