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Created January 12, 2015 13:07
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An example playbook to install MySQL and configure the MySQL root password on Centos 6.x .
- hosts: all # Replace this with your database's host/group
mysql_password: xxxxxxxx # Replace this with your root mysql password
epel_repo: epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
sudo: yes
# The EPEL repository is required to install Python pip
- name: Download EPEL-repo rpm for CentOS 6.x
get_url: dest=/tmp/{{ epel_repo }}
url={{ ansible_architecture }}/{{ epel_repo }}
- name: Install EPEL-repo rpm
yum: pkg=/tmp/{{ epel_repo }} state=installed
- name: Ensure Python pip is at the latest version
yum: pkg=python-pip state=latest
- name: Ensure MySQL server is at the latest version
yum: pkg=mysql-server state=latest
- name: Start mysqld, if not running
service: name=mysqld state=started
- name: Ensure MySQL-Python is at the latest version
yum: pkg=MySQL-python state=latest
- name: Install ConfigParser Python package
pip: name=configparser
# This step is required to run the template module
- name: Ensure libselinux-python is at the latest version
yum: pkg=libselinux-python state=latest
- name: Set the root user for MYSQL
mysql_user: name=root password={{ mysql_password }}
- name: Copy the ".my.cnf" file
template: src=my.cnf.j2 dest=~/.my.cnf mode=0600
password={{ mysql_password }}
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