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Last active December 21, 2015 10:29
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Google+ Domains API with Service Accounts (Quick Start Tutorial in Python on App Engine)

Google+ Domains API - Quick Start


Google+ Domains API are meant to interact with your G+ accounts in the domain. With these APIs you can manage circles, read and write posts, shares, and comments etc.. more informations here

This tutorial is for creating an application that uses the Domains API, running on Google App Engine with python.

create GAE (Google App Engine) app

Create a new app in GAE as usual, but when you have to specify the access to the app, select Restricted to the following Google Apps domain specifying your domain.

setup API access

Only after having created the GAE app, go to the api console and select you GAE app from the dropdown menu on the left.

Activate the Google+ Domains API and the other APIs that you need under services.

In API Access create the secrets, selecting Service Account. Download and store with care the private key.

authorize service account

From the domain console, authorize your new service account going under security > advanced settings > Manage third party OAuth Client access and add your client ID (you can find it in the API console, Client ID not email) and the scopes that you need.

A few useful scopes for G+ Domains are:

important: at the moment (August 2013) the scope plus.login is not supported and should not be used.

convert you certificate

You have downloaded a .p12 certificate (PKCS12 key), which must be converted to a PEM key in order to work on GAE with python. Use these commands (should work on both OSX and Linux):

>> openssl pkcs12 -passin pass:notasecret -in privatekey.p12 -nocerts -passout pass:notasecret -out key.pem

>> openssl pkcs8 -nocrypt -in key.pem -passin pass:notasecret -topk8 -out privatekey.pem

>> rm key.pem

Check that your new .pem key starts with a line similar to -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----, after which the key begins. If at the beginning of the file you find bag attributes or similar, remove that part (should not happen with the commands provided).

create the service in python on GAE

follow the following script to build the G+ Domains service with python on GAE. Before running your application, remember to update you app.yaml file to include the pycrypto library:

- name: pycrypto
  version: "2.6"

and check that you're using python 2.7:

runtime: python27

this is an example file to create the G+ Domains service:

import json
import httplib2
import sys
import os

from apiclient.discovery import build
from oauth2client.client import SignedJwtAssertionCredentials


def create_plus_service(user_email):

    """ read credentials from file """
    key =

    """ authorize http object with delegation (as if you were user_email) """
    http = httplib2.Http()
    credentials = SignedJwtAssertionCredentials(SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL, key, scope=[
    ], sub=user_email)
    http = credentials.authorize(http)

    """ build and return authorized service """
    service = build("plus", "v1domains", http=http)
    return service
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